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Countdown To Spring: It's March!

March 01, 2025

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Spring, spring, spring!

The countdown is on my friends, and the fact that it's now less than 20 days away is making me downright giddy.

As we welcome this first day of March, it's honestly all I can think about.

Spring Is Coming crocus flowers starting to bloom

Yes, yes, I'm aware that in my neck of the woods, it's been known to snow until April.

Ok, and rarely, there have even been a few random flakes spotted in May.

But, today, I'm ignoring those facts, opening my car windows and turning my attention to bunnies, daffodils, colorful outfits.

And of course, my beloved tulips.

I even went thrifting for the first time in months! It was glorious.

My daughter found the most darling sign, an ode to her sweet little hamster, Chester.

Rustic Dairy Farm Sign Chester Dairy

While I was completely mesmerized by all the beautiful decor, I was a good girl and didn't spend a dime.

I’ll definitely hit the thrift stores again, soon, but for now I really need to thin out my already overflowing collection of second hand finds.

And craft supplies.

You may have noticed that in February I wasn't great about the not buying thing, although I only spent about $5.00 to create:

Felt Conversation Heart Wreath

I'd say that's a win.

I did spend a little on decorating, but in real stores, not thrifts. I honestly hadn't been in a retail shop in a long time, during the past few years they just didn't have a lot of stock.

Well, that seems to have changed in a big way, and I found some lovely items to update a few rooms in the house.

Shabby Chic Crochet Table Runners on a table

I can't wait to show you how they look.

Here's a sneak peek of a few of them.

Dainty Floral Plates

See...bunnies...I told you I can't wait.

Oh and with bunnies on the horizon you just know that bathing suits are not too far behind. So I started exercising. Truth be told, I'm so out of shape, I needed a little help. I used to be a dancer and now I can barely touch my toes.

Chair yoga was a bust, but I was determined to try again.

I kept seeing an ad for a 10 minute a day yoga program for women over 50 and I finally decided to try it. It was only $27 and I have to tell you it's only been a week and it's been money well spent.

This isn't sponsored, that's not an affiliate link, but I wanted to share because I was impressed with comprehensive nature of the program. It comes with a plan for each day and it's a total no brainer.

Of course, I did eat ice cream cake for dinner last night....

Ice Cream Cake in a box on a table

So I'll keep you posted about that bathing suit thing. πŸ˜‰

In the meantime I’ll be ranting about decorating rules, sharing my ideas about how to create a charming reading nook.

Trying not to buy things at thrift stores.

And counting down to the day Mother Nature lets spring out to play.

For good!


What are you counting down to?

Happy March, Friends!!

Kim Signature

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  1. Hahaha chair yoga! I've been doing it too though not a paid program, just doing what I see them doing on the internet LOL I have been walking though, bought a walking pad so I can walk on days that are too cold, too hot, too sunny, too rainy..... you know! lol

    1. Oh...a walking pad! I have a treadmill that I don't use as much as I should because it's in the basement, but a walking pad sounds like an upstairs option! Maybe I need to try one of those.

  2. I, too, am a thrift store kind of girl. My current obsession is taking apart thrift store lamps to create candle stands for my collection of flameless candles (which were all purchased at a deep, deep discount). I rarely purchase home decor from real stores although I did purchase a lovely bonsai tree in a pretty white ceramic pot from Ross this week. It was worth the $15 I spent on it and looks lovely in the spot that I’d envisioned it going in. It was a happy and rare splurge.

    I’ve been considering trying the chair yoga thing myself as a way to ease into toning up. At 65, I’m still slender but everything sure could use some tightening up!

    1. Chair yoga was great, I just wasn't great at it! Now, I find myself needing help to get up from the floor and bend down without creaking and moaning! I would definitely look on YouTube because I know they have some great free videos...or you could try your local library. That's where I took my chair yoga classes. Also free!!

  3. I am so anxious for spring this year...moreso than some years. I think it is because of all John's health issues and my flare with this inflammatory thing. Spring- new beginnings and hope springing eternal.

    I have looked at chair yoga but right now couldn't do any of it. Better days ahead. Good luck with the bathing's a war I quit waging and no longer wear a bathing suit. Wouldn't want to be arrested for eye pollution of the general public. lol

    Have a wonderful weekend, Kim. xo Diana

    1. Diana, you are too funny!! I'm sure you would look gorgeous in anything you put on...but I get the bathing suit thing. I only put one on to swim in the privacy of my own pool last summer. This year my goal isn't about looking good in one, it's about being in good enough shape to get one on!! 😜

      I do hope you're feeling better very soon and spring tamps that inflammation you said, here's to hope!! xo

  4. I am going to start to walk now that the weather is getting somewhat better. Getting my girlfriend party together for tonight. I cannot wait. Wish you lived closer to come. Hugs. Kris

    1. Kris, I so wish I lived closer to you, too and I'm so honored to know that I would be on the girlfriend party list!! I just know it’s going to be great and you ladies are going to have the best time!! Enjoy!

  5. Oh my goodness, that bunny pillow is the sweetest. It's like a little stuffed animal and now I need to have one. Happy March!

    1. Happy March! Isn't it covered in the cutest fabric? I might have to go back for the yellow one, too.

  6. I am with you, ready for spring. I get the bathing suit thing. My bathing suits are usually tankinis.
    The bunny pillow is adorable. Happy March.

    1. Happy March, Linda! I’m really hoping that groundhog was wrong and I’m in a tankini sooner than later! πŸ₯°
