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It's A Valentine DIY

February 14, 2025

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Grab a styrofoam heart and a floral napkin to create a beautiful decor accessory for Valentine's Day, weddings, bridal showers.

It's a crafty, inexpensive, quick and easy DIY.

Floral  Styrofoam  Valentine Heart DIY

Happy Valentine's Day, Friends!

Today, in honor of the holiday, I have a valentine for you!

A crafty treat.

That's part heart and part flowers.

And truly darling.

Of course, when my daughter saw it, she said it's very pretty, but it would be better if it were filled with chocolate.

Alas, it is not.

This confection is for the eyes only.

And stuffed with styrofoam. Ick.

Floral Styrofoam Heart from Dollar Tree

It's another fun find, that's been buried in my craft stash for far too long.

I honestly had no idea what to do with it when I brought it home from Dollar Tree, so into the cabinet it went.

Then last week I walked by my rose covered decoupage candles, remembered that stash of napkins and knew they'd make a magical pair.

Apparently, around here, when in doubt, decoupage is the answer.

Decoupage Styrofoam Heart DIY using rose patterned napkins

How To Decoupage A Styrofoam Heart

The process was super simple, but fair warning, it was a messy one. Thank goodness I had an entire pack of plastic gloves on hand.

They definitely helped!

Supplies for this craft:

Mod Podge and Dixie Belle Satin Sealer

*Mod Podge works great, but I really like the Dixie Belle Satin Sealer for decoupage. It's thinner, less tacky, which is great when you're working with delicate materials like napkins.

Plus, it doesn't smell at all.

The Step By Step:

When using napkins for decoupage the first step is always separating the layers.

Easy enough, just grab a corner and pull them apart. Just make sure you get them all. 

Separating Floral Napkin Layers For Decoupage

Next, I used a brush to add the decoupage medium to the styrofoam.

Adding decoupage to a Styrofoam Heart with a brush

Like I said, it was a messy process, because I had to hold the tacky heart in my hands.

That's where the gloves came into play.

Holding a decoupaged heart in hands with a gloves

Once the entire heart was well coated, I put on a fresh pair of dry gloves and placed the napkin on the heart.

And smoothed it out with my fingers.

Placing a floral napkin on a styrofoam heart for decoupage and smoothing it out

Since the heart had curves, I did need to use a scissor so the napkin would lay flat. A few strategically placed snips did the trick.

Cutting Napkins for decoupage with scissors to fit around curves

Then I used my fingers to gently mold the napkin to fit the shape of the heart.

Decoupage On Round Surfaces

Of course, one napkin didn't cover the entire styrofoam heart. So had to match the floral pattern when adding the second one. 

Matching Napkin Patterns On A Decoupage Heart

Then I sealed the top of the napkin with more decoupage.

Adding decoupage Over floral Napkin with a brush

And lastly, I used a hairdryer to help it dry quickly while I continuously ran my gloved fingers over the surface to make sure no bubbles or wrinkles popped up.

Using a hair dryer to dry the decoupage napkin on styrofoam heart


A lovely addition to my February home.

Tucked into a floral arrangement, used to create a Valentine topiary.

Or just sitting on a plate.

Rose Covered Decoupage Styrofoam Heart DIY

Looking almost as sweet as if it were filled with chocolate.


But certainly better for my waistline.


Here are a few more Valentine crafts and treats:

Happy Valentine's Day, Friends!
Kim Signature

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  1. Replies
    1. Thank you and Happy Valentine's Day!! ❤️

  2. What a sweet idea (and non-fattening type of sweet). I love how it turned out.
    Have a wonderful Valentine's Day, Kim. xo Diana

    1. Thanks Diana!! I hope you are having a lovely hearts and flower filled Valentine’s Day…and chocolate, too of course! I bet those pups are giving you lots of love!! Xo

  3. Happy Valentine's Day, Kim!! This is so pretty. I've seen those hearts, but never knew what they were for. This is a great idea. Chocolate is good to though. ;)

  4. Happy Valentine's Day! Thanks so much! And yes...chocolate is very, very good, too!!

  5. This is another cutie. Happy Valentine's Day. Big hugs Kris

  6. It's so pretty! I like the idea of using it for a bridal shower too.
    By the way, I went to the Michaels that's about 1/2 hour from us. No cute little hearts... Bummer!

    1. Oh no...that is a bummer! I wish I'd shared earlier, I could've sent you a bunch of them from here. Maybe next year!

  7. Such a pretty heart! Wouldn't a glass dish or a basket look lovely with several of these hearts set inside? I'll be saving this idea for next year. Thank you!

    1. Thank you so much, Kathy! I suddenly feel like I’d like a big bowl full of them around here, as well. I’ll be collecting more styrofoam hearts, that’s for sure. Thanks for the visit and I hope to see you in comments again soon. Happy Weekend!!

  8. Such a pretty heart! Wouldn't a glass dish or a basket look lovely with several of these hearts set inside? I'll be saving this idea for next year. Thank you!

  9. This turned out beautifully...and I am impressed with your 'heart-matching' skills! That did not even look easy!! I have no doubt your beautiful heart upped the 'romantic' quota of your home! Happy Valentine's Day!

    1. Thank you so much, Kristine! Matching was actually easier than it looks. A big, distinct pattern really helped...and yes, the more hearts around here, the better!

  10. Happy Valentine's Day my friend. I love it, well done.

    1. I hope it was a lovely Valentine's Day, Carla. Thank you for the kind compliment! 💕

  11. Thanks for sharing this cute craft and I hope you had a nice Valentine's day!

  12. Oh, that's pretty! Sometimes paper napkins are like art in themselves! I like finding them at Home Goods. (:

    1. They really are...I actually just picked up a few more!

  13. Oh wow this idea is so pretty
    Thank you

  14. Now how pretty is that??!! It’s perfect for a heart loving girl like me for any time of the year ♥️

    1. I agree, Kitty, hearts are like angels, they can stay out all year long. And thank you!!

  15. Kim,
    Yet another charming craft!! Thanks so much for sharing your talents....I think I am all caught up now....It is snowing here...snow showers predicted all day...This has been our coldest Winter in a decade...8 1/2 degrees below where we have been for 10 years...Not thrilled with my heating bills.... I hope yo enjoy your weekend!!
    Debbie-Dabble Blog

    1. Here's wishing for warmer days, Debbie!! I hope they show up soon and thanks for all the comments!! Clearly, I'm a little behind, too!!

  16. Lovely.
    I hope you had a lovely Valentines Day.

    This week has just flown by, wishing you a good weekend ahead.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan! Same to you...and yes, I feel like the entire month flew by!!

  17. How absolutely charming! Who knew they made Styrofoam hearts? Well, I sure didn’t, but I love that they do. This is such a great project in which to use those beautiful napkins. Honestly, there are so many gorgeous napkins out there, and I never know what to do with them. I’m going to have to start thinking about decoupage. I did it back in the 70s, but I don’t think I’ve done it since. Wonderful tutorial here

    1. Thank you, Pattie! I have so many napkins that I need to cut down...but like you said, they are gorgeous, so I just keep buying more. I hope you have a lovely weekend, I do so appreciate the comment!!
