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DIY Felt Heart Wreath For Valentine's Day

February 12, 2025

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Whip up a bright and cheerful felt heart wreath for Valentine's Day with this quick, easy and inexpnsive DIY.

It's a darling decor accessory anyone can make in under 30 minutes.

Felt Conversation Heart Wreath

February is traditionally a month about hearts, flowers and the color red.

All which is right up my alley.

Especially that red part.

However, when I saw these pastel colored, felt conversation hearts, my dedication to red went right out the window.

Felt Conversation Hearts on a table
*Pastel Felt Hearts/ Red/Pink/White Felt Hearts*

Oh sure, there were a lot of crimson and pinks peppered into the pack, but I fell hard for those pops of turquoise.

And immediately knew they'd look great on wreath.

Of course, before I got around to making one, I did take a little detour and featured them in my DIY Valentine lamp.

It was super cute, and for a few days it really did light up my house.

But now those hearts are lighting up my cottage in a totally different kind of way.

How To Make Felt Heart Wreath

It's a whimsical addition to your February decor and one you can whip up in minutes.


The Step By Step Instructions:

The steps are super easy, especially if you eliminate my first step...

...which was mapping out my wreath to make sure I had enough hearts to make it all the way around my wreath form.

Green Foam Wreath Form on a table

You see, I'm trying to use up what I have on hand, when possible, and this green, foam, floral ring has been in my stash for ages.

It looked like the right size, so I gave it a shot.

Pinning a felt heart to a foam floral wreath

I began by pinning the largest hearts to the foam, in four opposite sides from one another.

To make a felt heart wreath I started by pinning the largest hearts to the green foam wreath ring

Then I filled in the rest of the spaces with smaller hearts, paying attention to the colors and styles for variety.

The original plan was to make sure everyone fit nicely, then start all over. 


My design looked so good, I wanted to keep it exactly as it was, so that's what added a little more time. Had I known I had enough hearts on hand to cover the entire form, I would've started here:

Covering Wreath Form With Ribbon using hot glue

Gluing ribbon around the foam wreath base, to make it look pretty.

I was still able to do that, it just took a little longer, because even with a photo of my design to guide me, I was unpinning hearts, wrapping and gluing ribbon and then repinning my hearts.

All the way around.

Wrapping Wreath Form with red heart ribbon

I will say that with my new fingers protectors, for the first time in years, I didn't burn one finger with the hot glue.

Or stab myself with a pin.

Rainbow Colored Finger Protectors For Crafting, Gluing and Sewing

Amazing. If you've never tried them, I highly recommend you do. Game changer.

Ok, so where'd I leave off? Oh yeah, gluing the ribbon. Once that was done, I started hot gluing the hearts in place.

That job was much easier. I just unpinned them, added the glue, pressed down and moved on.

Using Pins During Wreath Making

For some of the larger hearts, I did pop a pin in them to secure them while they were drying. Just to be safe.

Again, I consulted my photo and worked my way around the wreath until every last heart was glued in place.

Then I added a bow on the front.

Wired Bow On Valentine Wreath

A little ribbon loop on the back. 

And hung my happy wreath up.

Close Up of Be Mine Fabric Heart Wreath displayed on a shelf with roses

For Valentine's Day.

With hearts, flowers.

Lots of red.

Colorful Conversation Heart Wreath DIY displayed with flowers and a ceramic rooster

And a little bit of blue.



Here are a few more Valentine crafts and treats:

Happy Valentine's Day, Friends!
Kim Signature

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  1. That is as adorable as you are! Love it-what a fun project. xo Diana

    1. You are the sweetest!! Thank you so much, Diana. You just made my morning!! 💕

  2. That is such a sweet felt wreath. I love that bow. I didn't decorate this year for valentines. I usually do but winter slump is still with me. I love seeing all of your pretties.

    1. Thanks Betsy! I love that ribbon. It was a Dollar Store find. They have great ribbon for $1.25. I hear you about that winter slump. I was right there with you until I found those little felt hearts. They really jump started my crafty engine! 😉 Happy Valentine’s Day!

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you so much!! I may keep this one up until Easter! ☺️

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks Jen! It's definitely a bright pop of color with all this snow on the ground.

  5. I love it. :-) I was excited to see what you created when you shared with me you did something fun with the felt hearts.
    Happy Valentine's Day!

    1. Happy Valentine's Day! This one definitely tugs at my heart a little, Carla. I'm glad you like it, too.

  6. So darling! - Briana from Texas

  7. Replies
    1. Thank you, Joanne! I had fun making this one.

  8. Kim this is one of the cutest things you have ever made. I love this. Those little finger protectors are great too. Super cute. Hugs. Kris

    1. Thanks Kris! It really is so sweet in person, too. My girls are fighting over it...I may just have to make a few more! Haha! xo

  9. I think this is the cutest wreath I've ever seen! I loved the hearts in the jar, and love them even more here! I like the finger protectors too!

    1. That's some compliment, Mari!! What a kind thing to say. I have to say, it came out really well...and super easy to do. Your girls could make this one their own. 🥰

  10. How sweet - in red (and pink) with a little touch of blue! Happy Valentine's Day, Kim!

    1. I knew you like that blue, Ann! 😉 Happy Valentine's Day!!

  11. I'm going to show this to my mama because this is something she would love to make! Heck, it's inspiring me to be on the lookout for things I can make one with to have for next Valentine's Day! So super cute!

  12. This is so adorable - I love it! You're right about the pops of turquoise. I need to get over to Michael's soon - its been a minute!

  13. Kim, you made the cutest looking wreath and perfect for Valentine's day. Have a happy Valentine's day and I hope you are spoiled!

  14. Kim,
    So sweet!! I have a lot of felt so I am thinking that i could even make my own hearts...I need to make a Crafts To Do List to remember all these great ideas!!! I hope you are enjoying your week!!
    Debbie-Dabble Blog
