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How One Swap Can Change A Room

July 25, 2024

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When it comes to decorating, I've always been pretty confident about my skills.

Oh, I've never had any aspirations to do it professionally and I've never had a desire to decorate for others.

In fact, I regularly turn down requests.

How Carpet Can Change A Room


Because when I say I'm confident, I mean that I know what I like.

What will make me happy.

And how to make that happen as I put a room together.


Except in my family room. For some reason that room gave me pause for over a year.

In fact, a few months ago, I shared my decorating frustration.

After a long search and with high hopes for a charming space, I'd replaced my floral sofa with a checked one and put the roses on the wall behind it.

It should've been dreamy.

Instead, it made me cringe.

I loved the elements on their own, but something was off.

So I turned to you for help.

Asking Readers For Help

And boy did I get a lot of opinions.

Everything from don't change a thing, it's perfect, to tear it down and start over.

Of course, many of the comments addressed things that either couldn't be changed, like the placement of the furniture - remember this is a cottage. The rooms are tiny and there are no other walls for that sofa.

Or things that I didn't want to change, since we've lived here for over 20 years - and we live here, I know how the room has to function - so a coffee table rather than an ottoman with a tray is a necessity for a guy who eats in there a lot. As is an end table that has outlets for all his electronics.

Cottage Style Checked Sofa and Floral Wallpaper

So while I'm usually a form over function girl, and so many of ideas were spot on, practicality must be a consideration. Besides, most of the comments focused on the wallpaper.

Again, the comments ran the gamut from cover it up, take it down, to the wallpaper is dreamy do not remove it. 

Truthfully, it all made my head spin.

Well, after a long time spent thinking about that wallpaper, I decided to keep it.

It's honestly gorgeous in person. The lighting in that room is tricky and the camera does not do the colors justice. From afar they read more orange than red.

Floral Wallpaper and Checked Sofa

Laying on that couch at night, however, up close and personal, staring at the red roses as they play off the couch, just makes me smile. So it's staying.

That meant I needed to change other things to better tie it into the room.

Now I always thought it was going to be with curtains and pillows or throws. All of which I've tried.

However, I ignored the rug completely, thinking I needed a neutral base to anchor the room.

I brushed off the suggestions from those of you who said, that rug needs to go and instead, I tried new curtains.

I was feeling very romantic after my bedroom chandelier update so I added frills.

Priscilla Curtains In Living Room

Unfortunately, while pretty, the Pricillia drapes didn't fit my style. They gave me little girl bedroom vibes instead, so they had to go.

Although, I did really like the white ruffles over the window seat for summer.

Well, not sure which direction to head in next, I sent a video of the room to my dear friend, Lisa.

She and I have been friends for more than 20 years and I knew she'd give it to me straight. Right away she said, you need a different rug.

Really? That rug again?

So I removed it and started to see the light. There was already a difference.

Choosing A Cottage Style Rug

She said, you need a pattern, something with red...which is something my friend Jane had also suggested and even sent me a few choices.

Still skeptical, I grabbed a red patterned runner I had on hand to mock up the room and I fell in love.

Planning A Cottage Style Living Room

I ordered the larger size and waited with bated breath.

When it arrived, in a smaller size than the old rug, to show more of the floor, I was instantly amazed.

They were right.

Adding A Patterned Rug To A Room

That one swap changed the entire room.

The pattern on the floor made all the difference. Suddenly my red pillows looked appropriate on the couch. It just tied everything together.

Now I know some of you probably still think the wallpaper needs to go. That the patterns compete with one another and there's too much going on in that small area.

And I get that. After all, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

But for me, it's now a darling room that makes me grin every time I pass by and catch a glimpse of that cottage style charmer.

Peeking Into The Sitting Room

Don't get me wrong, there are still a few things I'd like to change and add.

Paint to the bottom legs of that table. Find the perfect artwork for the other side of the sofa wall. A throw for the back of the couch.

And come fall, those green velvet valances will probably be hanging back up over the window seat.

They were not super popular, but I like the cozy feel they add to the room in the cold months.

Cottage Style Red and Green Sitting Room

I can't help it, right or wrong, I just adore them.

And when it comes to decorating, isn't that all that matters?


PS- I'd like to thank everyone who weighed in last time around. Each comment and thoughtful suggestion gave me something else to ponder. I was amazed by everyone's creative ideas and I appreciate each and every one! It meant the world to me that you took time out of your day to help a friend! ♡

Happy Decorating, Friends!
Kim Signature

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  1. You have perfected it now! Personally, I LOVE the wallpaper. I think it just shouts (or rather quietly suggests) COTTAGE. It's just right for the vibe you wanted to create in there....and the rug? Sigh....the perfect punctuation point to tie it all together. xo Diana

    1. Thanks Diana! I really do love that wallpaper. It's just gorgeous in person, I couldn't tear it my guy spent so much time putting it up. I didn't have the heart to cover it up. Who knew a rug could make such a big difference in the entire space. Live and learn! xoxo

  2. Score, the rug is a hit! I love it and enjoy mixing different patterns together. You have patterns with similar colors, and it works. Remember it's your home and have to love it. Sometimes we forget that. I know I do. This is a cozy cottage room.

    1. Thanks so much, Cindy! It’s a home run for me now and it feels great. My daughter used to laugh and say I know you don’t like that room, since you’re never fluffing and feathering in there. She wasn’t wrong. Thankfully, that’s all changed now.

  3. love the rug- totally needed white to tie it all together. and at the end of the day you're the one that has to live there! love the candle holder by the way. cheers!

    1. I agree, that light touch on the floor really did change the vibe, thank you! I'm glad you noticed the candle holder, too. My daughter talked me into that in a thrift shop recently. She really does have the best taste. Cheers to you!!

  4. Yes!! It looks lovely, but frankly I thought it looked lovely before. That rug is dreamy, I just picked one up for myself in blue. Thanks! Enjoy your character filled cottage room. - Samantha S.

    1. Thank you, Samantha!! I really love that rug. It's super soft and it has a rubber backing so it stays put. I bet the blue is dreamy.

  5. Now it's perfect! - Briana from Texas

    1. Thanks Briana! It really is perfect...for now!! 😉

  6. I think you could paint the mirror frame white!!! More cottage than brown.

    1. Thanks! That mirror actually used to be white and then I painted it brown when I put it in the bathroom so it would have some contrast. It just might need to come full circle again!!

    2. I like the brown, althought the white would look great too. Ihave a lot of white in my living room and I've added a few brown pieces for some contrast which I like. Looks good either way!

    3. Thanks Pat! I moved that brown rug to my daughter's room. It's a nice change in there...but if I ever want it back...hahaha!!

  7. When all is said and done, YOU are happy. I've always loved the wallpaper with the checked sofa and now that rug adds a new level of softness to the room. Enjoy it!

    1. Thanks Ann! Softness is the perfect way to describe it. ☺️

  8. It's so inviting and cosy now! That rug did wonders!

    1. Thanks Sara! It really is a cozy space.

  9. All heart eyes! looks great. and i disagree strongly with those who think the wallpaper and sofa don't work together. They are a perfect compliment together, the right scale, the right patterns. Pamela

    1. Thanks so much, Pamela! I have to say, in real life they absolutely complement each other. I appreciate you taking the time to share!!

  10. I think it was already pretty perfect but like you I like to make marginal and seasonal changes/improvement because, well now that I'm retired I spend a lot of time here and I finally have time to make some changes. I put up sage velvet curtains on my patio doors last winter (after years with ugly vertical or no blinds) and it really made a a difference. Then I've always wanted lace curtains so I bought some similar to yours from Amazon and replaced the velvet for the summer. I like to continually make tweaks, but now can finally make some slightly bigger changes. And coincidentally I just bought a smaller verson of that same rug to go in front of my reddish front door during the recent Amazon days. I do love it but am not sure if I'll keep it there since I'm in and out of that door to do work in the front yard and tend to track in dirt. But it looks so much better than the grey Ikea rug (I need a really flat rug in front of the door) that I may just leave it there and vacuum with my small handheld vacuum (which I love to clean up little messes) and wash it a lot! You have excellent taste!

    1. Hi Pat!! Wow, thanks so much for that very sweet comment!! I love hearing about all your decorating updates. You are a girl after my own heart. Little tweaks are the best. They're usually quick and inexpensive, but boy, do they make a difference. Sage velvet curtains sound dreamy for fall and I can't believe you have the same red rug!! Isn't it the best? So soft, but I get it, that white background had the potential to get dirty at the door. I hope you'll share more of your changes. It's inspiring!!

    2. Great minds think alike. I decided to leave the rug at the front door and concentrate on using my other little rug at the back when I'm too dirty! It's a pretty rose print with green background from Amazon also, but doesn't show the dirt. The red and cream looks so nice at the door, I'll just make sure to wash it and use it till it's too bad. Life is too short not use the stuff you like and nothing lasts forever. And since I got it on Amazon days not a huge monetary investment. I just may get another so I have backup. I did that with the sofa cover I get when I had my dogs. It's white quilted and washable and looks so good. I used the first one until it got holes. I'm on my second now and have another in reserve. I still need it because that's where I sit the most to watch TV, read, etc. and I'm a tad careless! Thanks for the kind words!

  11. Hi Kim, I think the room now feels all together with the rug too. It is perfect. The most important statement you wrote above says why it is so right no matter what anyone else says with an opinion or suggestion. The statement you made that the room makes you smile every time you walk by it. If you love it that is all that matters. Like you said you live there and our homes are our sanctuaries so if you love it and it makes you smile it is perfect. It is funny how just a small change like adding a rug can pull everything together. Bravo it looks so good. Hugs. Kris

  12. Yes! The rug makes a huge difference! Most of all, I so love your attitude. Reminds me of the adage, “Buy what you love to look at; buy what you love to live with; put it all together, and it will work because you love it all!” Amen!

    1. Amen is right!! I love that saying and thank you so much for the kind comments. Big smiles over here for sure!

  13. Wow, wow, wow! I can't believe what that does to the room. I love the rug, the couch, the wallpaper. It's perfect!

    1. Thanks Mari!! I have to say I love it now...well, at least for now! Fall is coming...hahaha!

  14. Kim,
    Thanks so much for stopping by!! I LOVE the room and everything in it!! I adore the wall paper, the sofa and the rug with the pillows...BUT what really matters, my friend is that you love it and it makes you happy and brings a smile! to your face!! Good for you!! Enjoy it and I am looking forward to see those green velvet valances again!!
    Debbie-Dabble Blog

    1. Thanks so much, Debbie! I have to say I do love the room now. It’s been a long time since I’ve needed or asked for advice about decorating. This one had me on the ropes. I’m glad I listened to everyone and now I absolutely do adore the space!!

  15. The rug really did finish the room off perfectly! Personally I would lose the flouncy curtain, it looks out of place, the plain one looks more in keeping with the room . The wallpaper is gorgeous and the couches are awesome. Well done :-)

    1. Thank you! I know...those curtains are vexing. Window dressings are usually my strong suit. I think you're right, plain is best. Thanks for taking the time to share that!!

  16. WOW! Who would have thought a simple runner could change everything? Amazing! I do love it! And yeah, the curtains would have been my only suggestion. I do love the valance style on your other window! I think it looks great!

    1. Thanks so much, Mandy! I'm so glad I had that runner on hand...there is no way I would've picked anything close to that randomly online. Meant to be I suppose!!

  17. Kim, I'm so happy that you took my suggestion and changed up the rug! HaHa! Now the room is perfection and charming, just like I like it and I'm glad you do too. Ah, green velvet for winter and Christmas. What could be more perfect? xxoJudy

    1. Judy, I reread your comment over and over again. I think you were the first to suggest a new rug. I just couldn't see it. Apparently, I needed it to be hammered into my head before I got it! Hahaha! Remind me of that next time I ask for advice!! Happy Weekend my friend!! xo

  18. Delightful! The new rug is great in that space!

    Deanna Rabe

    1. Thank you, Deanna!! Delightful...I love that word!!

  19. See said you needed a new rug to tie it altogether and now it look amazing,,

    1. Yes!! You were 100% right!! Thanks so much for the suggestion!!

  20. Kim the rug makes all the difference, it adds warmth and elegance to the room.

    1. Perfect Mary!! That's exactly what I was going for...and thanks!!

  21. I love it--the room makes me happy!

    1. Thanks so much!! It makes me happy, too!!

  22. Well done Kim. I love it, I love the way the colors play on each other. It is beautiful, cozy and home sweet home.

    1. Thanks so much, Carla! What a lovely comment. ❤️ This room had me on the ropes for far too long. I’m so grateful to everyone who helped me see my way to a beautiful room.

  23. Wow the rug made all the difference in the world! And I love the wallpaper and I would spend endless days in this room ❤️

    1. Christina, you are just too sweet!! Thanks so much for taking the time to say hello and let me know you like the changes. ❤️

  24. The rug is very pretty along with that gorgeous wallpaper. I love the curtains especially the valance at the one window. Such a cheery room.
    I was thinking the same thing in my living room with picture window of curtains and the single one with just a valance or Roman shade.
    We just ordered furniture for our lounge area downstairs. A change always is good. A refresh. We needed it badly.

  25. Perfect, and I may need that rug as well!!! :-) :-) :-) Blessings, J

    1. Thanks J!! This room was definitely a challenge. Of course it just needed more red!! What was I thinking? 😉
