Bisque appliances are supposedly outdated and no longer readily available even in 2024.
My journey to replace a bisque refrigerator was eye opening to say the least.
And apparently a lot of people have the same tale.

I was balancing a $40 cake I had just picked up for my daughter's 18th birthday, while fumbling to answer the phone.
It was my husband.
He wanted to let me know that our refrigerator had just died and he was not happy. While the timing wasn't great, I didn't have a place to keep that pretty pink cake, I wasn't really that upset.
I was actually smiling.
You see, I had been waiting, with great anticipation, for this day for a long, long time.
When we added the kitchen, we did not get a built in refrigerator.
We had just bought the house, renovated every existing square inch, put on an extension and were planning on a pool the following spring.
To say the budget was tight would be an understatement.
Paying a premium for a counter depth refrigerator when space wasn't a consideration was a stretch and not being ones to take on debt, we (my husband) felt that it would be more prudent to go for a less expensive model.
Since I was gunning hard for that built in pool, I agreed.
And I have regretted it every day since.
Now in the grand scheme of things, I know, this is not a big deal, but we're talking design here people. It's my passion and I am a perfectionist when it comes to the details ~ well, some of them anyway.
This was one of them.

...but you know what? It wouldn't die.
The high end dishwasher we bought? Dead in five years.
The pricey convection stove? Also a goner around the six year mark.
The fridge that we paid less than a thousand bucks for, that I wanted to replace since the day the box arrived...going strong for over thirteen years.
Figures right?
Hence that smile in the Baskin Robbins parking lot. You would've thought it was my birthday.
Well, are you ready for the ironic part of the saga, when my fabulous fairytale turns into a horror story?
Bisque appliances are out of stye. Yup. They're passé. (Kind of like the top load washer I just bought...sense a theme?)
I knew that they weren't super popular, I mean it wasn't easy replacing the stove or dishwasher a few years ago, but my fridge hunt was downright frightful.
Bisque appliances are the subject of scorn and ridicule in interior design circles and appliance stores near and far.
They are terribly dated, old fashioned (and not in the good vintage sort of way) and apparently so am I.
AND everywhere I went to find one, I was told this.
Over and over again.
How fun.

Normally, I do not care about the opinion of others.
I love my kitchen and feel no need to to explain myself, but after two solid days of these conversations, it started to get to me.
At first I was sad, but then I got angry.
Honestly, who are these people making decisions at the top, telling me that I am wrong, that my choices are out of date and I really needed to get with the times? What times??
The "this is what we think you should have now" times? The "everybody wants stainless today" times? The "you have to get into the new millennium lady" times?
What about "classic" times?
I thought my decor was timeless.
I have a monochromatic kitchen with painted wood cabinets, glass doors, an oak plank floor, pine furniture, traditional cup pulls and bisque appliances.
Since when is beige trendy??
I am sure you can guess how my story ends. I literally had a handful of refrigerators to choose from, no one carried a model in the store, so I couldn't even see the finish.
Very few of them came with any bells and whistles and absolutely none of them came in my long awaited for counter depth.
The list narrowed even further when I mentioned that I wanted ice and water in the door and I did not want a big, black control panel on the front of my brand new (already outdated) appliance.
That left me with one lonely choice...a Whirlpool refrigerator...which by the way, was special order.
"Bisque is special order, ma'am."
Of course it is.
So as I speak to you, I have a cooler on the floor next to me with a gallon of milk, three yogurts and few blocks of cheese floating around inside. My replacement will not arrive until Wednesday.
I am not in love with it. It is not what I have been waiting for all of these years. It is essentially the exact same thing I have now.
Except it'll be cold inside.
Which I guess that is the most important consideration, and after five days of room temperature food and take out, I will be thrilled to have it.
Even if it is dreadfully out of style.
**The update is that now over four years later, in 2022, the fridge works well with some adjustments, so far, however finding bisque appliances is still a tall order.
Home Depot still only carries one bisque dishwasher and it's not on the floor.
And for those who have asked, we have a Whirlpool model that is still for sale.
As a matter of fact in June of 2020 our bisque dishwasher began leaking all over the floor. Since we knew our choices were limited we opted to fix it.
Thank goodness my husband is handy.
I've also learned that people are very eager to share their own bisque appliance tales.
Won't you share yours?
Here are a few fun facts I discovered in my bisque/ almond appliance hunt.
1. Paneled refrigerators are also out.
The wood rots after a while and most manufacturers do not offer that option any longer.
2. I am not alone.
There are tons of sites and boards online where people are complaining about the lack of bisque appliances available today. It may not be what the masses are buying, but there is still a market for the color.
3. There are a few companies that specialize in pastel and primary colored antique looking appliances.
Apparently, if things cost more, regardless of color and trend, they are always in style. If you're willing to pay up you can get a whole set, new fridge, stove and dishwasher, for the bargain price of $18,000.
But don't ask for it in bisque.
That's outdated, remember?
It only comes in ivory.

I'm sorry you couldn't get what you wanted. When we bought our new house, hubby and I went to Lowes and sort of did that eeny meeny miney mo thing. We didn't really care - until it was delivered. Then we discovered it was deeper than the planned spot for it. Sigh. We've lived with it for almost two years now and will continue until it dies.
ReplyDeleteI feel your pain! Those silly details really do matter, don't they? It's so hard to map it all out in the huge box stores. There are so many choices and the space there is so huge it's difficult to picture it in your actual space.
DeleteKim, I have felt your pain, as I searched the outlets and internet for a new dishwasher and microwave. I am currently searching for a bisque kitchen faucet. :( I try not to use the word hate but I strongly dislike white, stainless or black anything. There are no white walls in my house, all beige or another color. I don't like the idea of having to change my color scheme because someone says it's outdated.
DeleteOMG! I SO agree! I started out 35 years ago w/almond appliances and updated to bisque. I do NOT like stainless or black at all, and we JUST painted all the cabinetry off-white six months ago, so white will definitely not work. My four year old bisque Kenmore side-by-side quit cooling last weekend (grrrr). It was such a perfect match to our cabinets that one of our guests even asked if we had painted our fridge, too! So now I've been on the hunt once again. The only one I found is a Whirlpool, although I think it may be just a tad darker because it is biscuit instead of bisque. It is extremely aggravating that the industry is basically dictating to us the colors we put in our kitchens. I, too, have seen multiple complaints from hundreds of consumers trying to find bisque appliances. I am one very unhappy bisque lover. BTW I love your monochromatic kitchen!
DeleteIt's very, very frustrating and I feel your pain. I hold my breath every time one of our appliances makes a noise or a grumble, because I'm not sure I could find another one to match...and if I do, the features will be lacking. I also understand your color concerns. I had to take my cabinet door around with me to make sure the colors were right, because like yours, the colors were spot on. I do hope that you're able to find something that works for you and in the right tone. Keep us posted!!
DeleteI've had redone my kitchen in 1994 with Almond kitchenaid gas top glasscook top, kitchenaid top freezer one door right hinge with water and ice dispenser, kitchenaid dishwasher, whirlpool over stove microwave and a Profile GE elelctric convection inserted oven. Since that remodel I've had to replace the microwave twice. These were all top of the line and are still hoing strong. They blend in beautifully with our oak cabinets. Bisque is the new Almond and my only complaint is not with the color but they stopped making single door top freezer with water ice built into the door. They only do the double french style which is a design mistake. If your listening all brand manufacturers, start putting the ice water in the single doors again!!
DeleteOh gosh, I hope they are listening and they bring back full lines of almond/ bisque appliances with lots of design choices. Wouldn't that be wonderful? Our first bisque stove and dishwasher were Kitchenaid and they too were the top of the line. Unfortunately, our experience wasn't the same. They kicked pretty early on and it was disappointing. I'm glad you had a better experience. Here's hoping bisque and almond comes back strong!! Thanks for sharing your comments.
DeleteOh my goodness! That is quite a tale...I can't believe you've been waiting such a long, long time. It's ridiculous. I don't know why they can't just manufacture more options. I mean I understand these are difficult times, shortages, etc., however this isn't a new issue. There's no reason why they can't produce beige's seems like a super simple task and there's obvious a strong market for it. Here's hoping they're more available in the future. I also hope you get yours soon. Fingers crossed.
DeleteWe had to do a remodel last year, complete kitchen re-do, because of a burst pipe. I bucked all trends and stayed with white appliances. I am just not a stainless steel fan. At all. So I feel your pain. I think Bisque is beautiful, and I'm sorry you weren't able to get what you want. :(
ReplyDeleteWhite is a classic and thank you. I am sorry you had to redo your entire kitchen. Yikes. I am glad you were able to get what you liked!
DeleteSorry you had so much difficulty finding the right color :( I think your kitchen is beautiful and timeless! I had stainless appliances in a former home and they do show fingerprints which really ruined my love affair with them. This time around I have plain ole WHITE. I am quite satisfied with them too :)
ReplyDeleteStainless definitely has its place and I do like the sparkle it adds to a room, but the fingerprints I could do without and since I am not a big cook and love my design, I would rather those appliances just fade away!! ;)
DeleteI also love the almond/bisque appliances. I don't think it is out dated. I can't stand the stainless/black.
DeleteAs I started reading this I'm thinking Bisque is a brand...then the more I read I'm thinking it's a color? Which shows just how much I know about decor AND appliances! ;)
ReplyDeleteWe did a cosmetic remodel on our kitchen two years ago. It was really an extension of our screened porch project that grew into the kitchen. I painted all of my cabinets myself, had new lighting in stalled where there wasn't any (over the bars & the counters) & had a bead board back splash added. I absolutely love it! I kept my counter tops, old 1980's laminate but it's white & still in very good shape & not in our budget. The funny thing about the counters. I've had so many guests come in & run their hands across them oohing over how beautiful they are. Friends who saw it before see such a dramatic change that they think the counters are new as well.
we did not replace appliances. My dishwasher is black, the fridge is white, the stove is almond, the microwave (was white) is now black because I couldn't find a white one I liked when it went out recently & the toaster oven is stainless steel. I love my fridge. It's a very basic Kenmore with no ice maker or water. Glass shelves & very easy to clean.
(a tip...Borax is the best cleaner for white appliances! I keep some in an old Parmesan cheese shaker. Sprinkle it on & scrub a little)
My stove is ancient, 28 yrs old this year! We bought it at a scratch & dent sale as newlyweds. It's a Magic Chef. The self-cleaning feature on the oven still works beautifully. One eye & the timer no longer works plus much of the directions are rubbed off from years of cleaning. Thankfully, I know the settings by heart now. I've been stove 'shopping' for years trying to decide what I want when this one dies. I'm very discouraged about them. They all look so cheap & poorly made compared to what I have. Even though mine looks horrific I cook on it two or thee times a day & love it. I actually think I'll cry when it dies.
the older I get the less I really care about these kinds of things. I used to want my house to look really nice & HGTV worthy but now I realise if I keep things decluttered & sparkling clean it does for the most least to me it does.
I agree with you on so many points, Jenny, especially your last comment about keeping things decluttered and clean. It does make a huge difference. I am amazed at your stove and the fact it still works after all those years. We have purchased two stoves and two dishwashers in the last decade and they were both high end Kitchen Aid items. To me, that is a disgrace. Growing up, my mom had her appliances for so long, she actually had them painted to update them. When we moved into this house, the fridge was from the 70’s. We moved it to the basement and eventually got rid of it because it ate up so much electricity, not because it stopped working. Everything is so disposable today. So sad.
DeletePS. I have laminate countertops too and I LOVE them and after almost 15 years, they still look brand new! Like yours!! :)
I hear how difficult it is to keep high end counter tops looking nice.
DeleteMine are so easy to clean. Stains come right off (coffee, tea, juice, ect). I sprinkle a little baking soda then drizzle a little lemon juice over it. Stir to a paste & use a soft plastic scrubber to rub it over the stain. Let it sit a little while if it's a bad stain, then rinse & wipe clean. My counters are well over 30 yrs old but with the freshly painted cabinets they shine. That doesn't always happen with a remodel but mine have been well cared for.
Yes, I have a marble countertop in my bathroom and it is so porous. It is hard to manage, but my laminate is cleaned easily, it doesn't stain and it stands up to heat. No one could believe that laminate was my preferred material (well, actually it was wood, but this has worked out for the better I think), but I didn't love the granite look or price and so far, so good!!
DeleteSince I almost always have white appliances, it's easy to find a replacement. However, mostly, whatever it is I want is out of style, or worse, hasn't even been invented yet! I feel your pain.
ReplyDeleteWhite is a classic, Nancy...until someone at the top decides that's dated, too!! ;) Grrr.
DeleteWell thank goodness you did not cave in and get the much-hated-by-me stainless steel! Why do I dislike stainless steel appliances? Three reasons really. 1) They lack warmth 2) Everyone just has to have them, which makes them "trendy" and 3) As a young journalist I had occasion to visit the morgue. And guess what? Nearly everything in there was stainless steel. So now every time I see someone whooping about their new stainless steel appliance, I'm picturing that morgue with dead bodies stacked. (Just for the heck of it, dead faces in the morgue look like rubber.) Yeah, I will not be getting one. I have the usual old-fashioned white apartment refrigerator. And when it gets a little tacky, I just apply another coat of wall paint on it and call it good!
Brenda you are hilarious! I was just going to say to Kim that she can always paint the fridge. What kind of DIYers are we if we can not add a bit of paint onto anything.
DeleteIt's easy to understand your aversion, Brenda. I was a waitress in many establishments during high school and college. Stainless was the name of the professional game. I guess that's why they became so popular in homes, that pro feeling, but like you, I have always thought they were cold. Stainless just doesn't scream cozy to me!
DeleteI had a full size fridge and freezer (like Sub zero) in stainless and I hated it! So, I bought paintable beadboard wallpaper and wallpapered the doors and painted it to match my gorgeous bisque appliances! It was so pretty!
DeleteGenius advice and what I will be doing next time around for sure! :) Thanks of the comment!
DeleteRan across this blog..
DeleteWhen we built our house 19 yrs ago I purchased all my appliances in Bisque. I love love love the color. My fridge finally died a couple of years ago so when I went to purchase another one guess what, yep no Bisque. Had to settle for stainless and I Do Not Like It!! I think we should write to all appliance mfg and demand they bring the color back!!
I agree!! We should start a petition online, the fact that so many people comment and read this post is proof that people still want it. Thanks so much for the comment and maybe someday I'll be able to write a post announcing a new bisque line...somewhere...
DeleteOh, say it isn't so - I LOVE my bisque appliances! I had stainless before it was popular, and Still do, as a matter of fact. Every single finger print, nose print, etc. is right there in front of me just waiting to be cleaned! I love the way my bisque blends in with the kitchen, and I truly love the color. I suspect my fridge, which is far too big for our kitchen, would fit exactly in your kitchen. :) I'm so glad you like bisque too - I love your kitchen!
ReplyDeleteThank you Betty!! I am hoping my new fridge fits a little bit better than the old one, but at this point, I am just happy to have the right color!
DeleteYou are right - I haven't seen bisque appliances in many years. I have a white fridge and range - I'm one of those who actually like white better than stainless steel! We did have a white dishwasher, but it died (and it was our 2nd are right, dishwashers do not last!) and at the time, we didn't have enough money to buy a new one. Friends of ours came to the rescue and gave us their old dishwasher. It works perfectly fine, though it's "old-fashioned". And guess what color it is?! Ha ha - it's bisque! :-) We didn't care because it was free! I still have oak cabinets too, so yes, my kitchen needs a major update. It's all about the $$ right now. Someday! :-)
ReplyDeleteMelanie, you are right, dishwashers do not last, no matter the brand and it is so frustrating. I am glad that you were able to get one from a friend and old fashioned or not as long as it’s washing the dishing for you, I say it’s the perfect color!!
DeleteAw dang, you updated the rooster curtains! And my appliances are about the same as yours... house came with black (house if 6 years old now) - did I mention I don't like black appliances? So, dishwasher died, new one is white. Range/oven I couldn't deal with anymore and gave it to a adult daughter and bought a white one. I was so excited to have one with the glass top (gag, somebody kill me...that thing is NEVER EVER clean and it drives me nuts). Now I can't wait for it to die so I can go back to coils. Am I ever happy? lol
ReplyDeleteI have that same white glass top stove and it is so hard to keep clean. I totally agree!! My husband likes it when it's white and pristine, so he cleans it often, but it's certainly not a quick job. And don't despair, the rooster curtains will be back in the fall!! They just needed a good cleaning and after a decade I needed a bit of a (temporary) change! Thanks so much for weighing in and I hope those coils are in your future!!
DeleteWe have found a cleanser called Bar Keepers Friend, amazing.
DeleteI have a lot of silver jewelry, put a piece in my hand with water and cleanser close my hand and rub gently, rince and the shine is back. Works just as well on every thing else.
Thank you so much, a few people have recommended it and we found that it works great. There is another product that is similar that I found at Home Depot. I have to say it makes much easier work of keeping it clean. Thanks for the tip! I really appreciate it! :)
DeleteI sure do enjoy your blog! Thank you.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much!! Your sweet comment means so much! :)
DeleteHello all, this business about consider being out dated. I say where in the tar nation does this come from. Number one first, and for most everyone isn't exactly in with keeping up with trend. Or keeping up with the Joneses if you like what you like. Then that is what you like, it doesn't make a lot of sense these days to try to keep up with change. Especially when change will drain your savings. In the event one appliance goes out. What are you gonna do replace all of your appliances just to match the replacement. Hmmm each, and every household may not be able to do so. Besides if we don't try to do our best to recycle, and reuse we our hurting the environment. By not doing a better job. To much waste these days, and times we're supposed to be using logic. Everyone likes what they like, the home isn't exactly a show place. Stainless steel is nice, but is it actually a necessity. Hmmm
DeleteBy the way, your kitchen, looks marvelous as Mr. Billy Crystal would say. May you be blessed in getting it done your way.
DeleteOh my! I am laughing because of your incredible talent as a writer. Yet, I am sorry for you with this fridge business.
ReplyDeleteSending a HUG,
Carla, I am smiling ear to ear! Thank you for that comment about my writing. **big smiles**
DeleteI completely understand, Kim! I had a counter depth bisque refrigerator. Five years ago, we updated our countertops. Much to my dismay, well, you know the story. I was disgusted, not to mention heartbroken. To the rescue, was my husband's idea to have a new white refrigerator painted by a friend of ours who owned a car body shop. Though I was very apprehensive, we did it. I have never regretted it. It was perfect. But, I know, when the other appliances begin to die, we will be back to square one. And, now I understand that the color graphite is being introduced for appliances. Some classic! Horrors! Your kitchen is beautiful. Keep those beautiful photos coming!
ReplyDeleteThank you, Sherry!! I read your comment to my husband and we think your idea is genius. We are sad that we purchased the fridge before we read it! Next time, the body shop for sure, we too have a I will just be waiting for the new one to kick. Again!! ;)
DeleteHi Kim, well I am sorry you couldn't get the fridge you wanted. But, so glad you stayed away from stainless. I tell you, I have hated mine every since we got it. I can't really go back to a lighter color when it dies due to my color scheme, but I may have to go to a black one again. Live and learn. Since the stainless fingerprint so badly they are now introducing the black stainless. However, I was talking to an appliance salesman and he said, they tend to chip with white showing through. No thank you on that!! Enjoy your new refrigerator when it arrives. Love your kitchen!!
ReplyDeleteThank you, Celestina Marie. I really hope I like it and I hope mine doesn't chip. That super shiny surface makes me nervous. I think I'm with you, I would take fingerprints over chips any day, although the fingerprints would drive me mad!!
DeleteI can't believe your Bisque choice is "out of style!"
ReplyDeleteAnd why is it things quit in the middle of something important like a graduation or birthday.
We have stainless . . . it just fits here . . .
Yours is a Bisque kitchen and certainly not dated or out of style . . . it looks lovely/perfect!
Thank you, Lynne...and you're right...always during an event. I remember when the dishwasher stopped working. It was the day before Thanksgiving when I was expecting 30 for dinner. Always to way!! ;)
DeleteI had no idea about this problem. I thought Bisque was the standard and everything else would be an upgrade. Maybe if I wait long enough avocado will be back in. That avocado and gold washer and dryer I had lasted a life time and I was glad to get plain old white. Now I can't get bisque. I give up.
ReplyDeleteI know, Barbara, right? I mean what is more basic than beige? Growing up we had a brown fridge. I think my mom had it painted in the 80’s…bisque!! :)
DeleteKim, I've seen Whirlpool and GE refrigerators for sale in bisque at Home Depot and AJ Madison, but maybe it's not the style you wanted. I have a pure white stove and refrigerator (no dishwasher) with my linen white/chocolate glaze cabinets. I think they work just fine because they're classic and my sink is pure white, too. The space above the refrigerator that you pointed out doesn't bother me. I have it above my fridge. What does bother me is when the refrigerator sticks out beyond the counter. (It bothers Dennis even more.) So we made sure our fridge was "built in" in that regard. In the past I remodeled a kitchen and bought black appliances (back in the 80's). I didn't want to replace my white dishwasher, so my husband pulled off the panel suspecting there was another panel in black inside. There was, so we changed it out. A lot of people don't realize dishwashers often come with alternative color panels. I'm not a stainless girl. It's just not my style. Your kitchen is beautiful and your new fridge will be wonderful. Enjoy! Hugs, Nancy
ReplyDeleteI remember those dishwasher panels, Nancy! We changed ours out, growing up. There were several back there. Wouldn’t that be nice if I could do that with my fridge? We did end up getting our new one at Home Depot. You’re right, there are a few for sale, but as you said, not what I was looking for…mainly counter depth. That “sticking out” bugs me, too. Oh well, at this point I am just gunning for cold!!
DeleteSorry to hear you couldn't get what you want but not a surprise. When my fridge went out, my husband could only find a stainless steel one that would fit. I hate stainless steel!!! I HATE STAINLESS STEEL!!! But the beige/ivory whatever that is in my kitchen is not sold anymore, certainly not in my size. Believe me stainless steel is not what goes with cherry cabinets. At least not in my opinion.
ReplyDeleteIt's so frustrating, isn't it, Jane? It's funny because stainless came in every imaginable size and with every bell and whistle possible. Some of them even had a tv built into the door!! Unbelievable. Beige or white? Good luck! Yikes! Thanks so much for the comment!
DeleteI couldn't agree more heartily!!!!!! Stainless is so sterile, industrial and cold!
DeleteOooops! That reply belongs to the previous comment.
DeleteThat stinks! Now they are pushing something other than stainless. Can you change your mind? How about a red one? xoxo Su
ReplyDeleteImagine a red fridge, Su!!! Oh my. I would totally go for that! A DIY paint job perhaps? ;)
DeleteAppliances are really quite a pain aren't they? I do love my stainless steel gas stove (but that's because I haven't had gas in years and I love the way it cooks so evenly.
ReplyDeleteI do not care for our oversize stainless fridge, but it matched everything else and I actually don't pay much attention to it! It keeps stuff cold- thats really all I care about.
Your writing is wonderful Kim-you have got us all talking:)
Thank you so much, Jemma, you just made my day! Your kitchen is just stunning. I can’t imagine the appliances any other way. They look fabulous!!
DeleteThe comments on this post are nearly as fun as the post. I have a black refrigerator and a stainless stove. No dishwasher or microwave. My kitchen is small and my fridge is one of those larger dorm type fridges. I have a regular fridge in the basement that is white. I have a stainless sink and chrome industrial type shelving so it is pretty eclectic. P.S. I am not a fanatic when it comes to fingerprints.
ReplyDeleteI agree Lorri, I love the comments on this post. It’s fun when people start talking and sharing! Who knew that appliances would be such a hot button topic? ; )
DeleteWe had stainless steel appliance in our Illinois house and hated them, the upkeep was constant, and bisque appliances in our Florida home and really liked them. They blended in with the rest of my kitchen and were easy to keep clean. We had to buy a new bisque fridge 6 years ago and it was difficult even then so I know your pain. I'm sure your new one will look great in your kitchen.
ReplyDeleteThanks Kristi. Here’s hoping!! At this point I am just ready to settle for a fridge that is cold!! ; )
DeleteOh, your story is scaring me!! I too am waiting for my refrigerator to die so I can get a nice new white one to match my mostly white kitchen. Stainless will not do!! My fridge is 1980's beige with no handle (broke off years ago) and IT WILL NOT DIE! It is an Amana, literally from the late 1980's. We brought it over from the last house because I had to have the bottom freezer feature. Oh, and we had to take door trim off the house to get it in and will have to again to get it out. Maybe I shouldn't wish it would die. It is a hideous sight though in my kitchen. Did I make you feel better about your brand new, although not exactly what you wanted, fridge??!!
ReplyDeleteHaha!! Yes, AnnMarie. Like my mom used to say, misery loves company. I am certainly not happy about your appliance woes, but it's nice to know that I'm not alone! I am sure you will find a fabulous white fridge....whenever you old one kicks! Good luck! :)
DeleteBoy do I agree! I am old fashioned and I know it! I have never liked stainless steel~Very hard to keep clean and well, just looks cold. Trust you will get your frig soon! I have been there and it is not fun to keep everything cold!
ReplyDeleteWe are so sick of take out and room temperature menu options, Lynn!! :)
DeleteOur townhome had bisque appliances - the dishwasher died first and the stove and refrigerator were on their last legs so what did we do? - sold the townhouse (after replacing all of the appliances with new "stainless steel" ones - because our realtor says that's what "everyone" wants) also replaced kitchen flooring and carpet and painted throughout. New buyer loves the appliances. Glad for her, but we bought an older (old) home with a kitchen update done several years ago. What color are the stove, refrigerator and dishwasher? White! - Exactly what my preference would have been. I loved the bisque and I do not love the stainless. If bisque is not timeless - white surely must be. The refrigerator - same situation as yours - it's huge and I swear it will swallow me someday, but it's not in the budget to replace. At least it's not stainless steel. Enjoy your new refrigerator. Ranee (MN)
ReplyDeleteI am so glad that you got your classic white, Ranee. That was a lucky find, it's not common in most homes...and yes, those huge refrigerators are really just too big. We don't need all that room and smaller would be prettier! Thanks so much for the comment. I love it when people share!! :)
DeleteKim, I do have stainless appliances, and ONLY because when we moved into this house I decorated in the primitive style. I painted the walls all dark and primitive colors so I needed something that wouldn't stick out like a sore thumb.......and black was not an option! I don't follow trends either, I decorate with what I like, not what's trending, and if my home was decorated as it is now, I would have been in your shoes! My washer & dryer are bisque:) So did you get the bisque refrigerator, or did you go with your dream and get a counter depth white?
ReplyDeleteI went with the bisque, Rhonda. Color won out over size. I do however see a DIY project in my husband's future though! ; )
DeleteLOL for a minute there I thought that you were talking about a name brand that I'd never heard of! :)
ReplyDeleteI wish it were a brand name, Deb! Surely they would offer the color I need!! ; )
DeleteBisque--I was thinking a refrigerator made of china? But do you mean the color? Not white but bisque colored? It just does not pay to put our hopes in a trend basket, does it, Kim? Trends are by nature transient. We have all stainless here in our new house and as they are champion workhorse Thermadors, you won't catch me complaining. However, we are here in this big house for a year, that came with a sweetheart deal, to give us time to look around for a two bedroom bungalow. And as it will most likely be older and need updating, I am determined to have an all white kitchen to reflect the wonderful light here. So I will be thrilled if it comes with older white appliances, because as you wrote, they will probably last and last. Meanwhile, I'm loving this big Thermador fridge and am finally learning how to cook on the gas range that is a work of art.
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday to your daughter! We share a birthday month!
Happy Birthday to you, too, Dewena!! It sounds like you are enjoying that big house and your lovely appliances. It’s funny to think that someday stainless will be considered trendy and passé and perhaps bisque - and maybe even avocado green - will be back in style!! What goes around…
DeleteI was just wondering if you could add a bit of trim (that coordinates with your cabinetry) to cover that gap between the fridge and the cabinet above? Just thought I'd throw that out there!
Definitely going to try it, Carol. It's already on my husband's 'honey do list', I have been looking at that space for way too long! ; )
DeleteFood for thought,to all of the manufactures variety, variety, variety. It's always a good idea to have a variety, for some of the consumers. We don't like what everyone else wants, or likes. Just because times are changing, color's shouldn't change . Technology may improve, but colors should remain. Then why shouldn't there be a questionnaire , to give the consumers the choice to choose. Hmmm
DeleteI laughed out loud about the less expensive appliance going on forever while the expensive pieces conked out.
ReplyDeleteI am sorry that you didn't get what you want, but I know everything will look great.
It's always the way, isn't it Carol? If I had loved it, it would've been the first to go! ;)
DeleteKim, I can understand your frustration. THIS is why I painted my oven ;) With an extremely tight budget when I moved into my home I bartered some sewing for a 40" gourmet oven. It was old then and 17 years later still works great. I love the side warming oven and built in griddle. What I never loved was the black door that looked like a vast black hole among my white washed cabinets, which is why last year I painted it jadeite green like the expensive retro ones you mentioned and have loved the results.
ReplyDeleteThat’s super creative, Cecilia and it is beautiful. You did a wonderful job! :)
DeleteWe've replaced almost all of our appliances in the past few years and we decided to stick with white. People looked at us like we were crazy when we asked for white instead of stainless. I'm finally warming up to stainless, but I still adore my white ones. When we first married, we bought a fridge and had to pay an extra $10 for the almond color. We've bought a total of three refrigerators in our 25 year marriage. That seems ridiculous. Things just don't last like they used to. In our first house, we discovered appliance paint and painted our harvest gold stove in almond color (to match the new fridge) We also switched out our dishwasher panels (remember when you could do that?) to the almond color. Growing up, my mom had a turquoise fridge, then she "upgraded" to avocado. Hee hee!
ReplyDeleteWe had orange countertops with a black patent leather look trim, Lisa! We also had colored beads hanging over the half wall that separated the kitchen from the dining room and washable wallpaper with large orange and avocado flowers on it. My mom was super trendy...and colorful! Maybe that's why I am so drawn to beige!! Ha!!
DeleteOh, my gosh, I am SO grateful for this blog on kitchen appliances! My dishwasher, which is/was bisque--or "almond" as it used to be called eons ago--has died, and I have been stressing big-time about what color to replace it with. My kitchen sink is bisque, and my refrigerator is bisque. My oven, microwave and cook-top are all black. When we did over our kitchen I couldn't get the oven and cook-top in bisque, so since they were on the opposite side of the room from the sink, dishwasher and frig, I tho't it was fine and I've been perfectly okay with it. Recently, we have been considering selling the house so I've just been in a fit about whether we should replace the dishwasher with a stainless one and gradually switch all the appliances to stainless to "up-date" for resale value or maybe the dishwasher should be black like the oven and cook-top, then when it dies, we could replace the frig with a black one. But, then if everything is either black or stainless, that means the sink would have to be either black ugh! or stainless ugh!x2! But, finally, I am reading comments from people like me who really do not like stainless steel and who DO like bisque! I feel vindicated! I still don't know exactly what color to go with for the dishwasher but at least I don't feel so much like an outdated old lady with outdated tastes! Thanks, gals!
ReplyDeleteNaomi, I am so glad that you found this post and all the wonderful comments helpful! I felt vindicated when I read the comments, too! Listening to salespeople tell me just how outdated and old my style was got a bit depressing after a while. It was nice to hear from so many others that stainless wasn't necessarily their choice either. I wish you luck with your shopping and thank you for adding to the discussion!!
DeleteWow Kim what a problem! I never heard of your refrigerator before. I do hope you get your new one soon and it all works out.
ReplyDeleteThanks Julie! If I liked stainless, I would have a million to choose from! ;)
DeleteI was reading your post and smiling. Like you, I am waiting very patiently for our fridge to call it quits. LOL I just can't stand it! It is the first stainless steel we ever owned, but my problem is not the color, is the size. Some of these new fridges are ridiculous. I spend half of my life trying to rearrange food to fit everything. Horrible! About a month ago it started making a noise. YUP! If I am lucky, I will have a new one before the holidays come around again. LOL I hope you get your new fridge soon and that you are happy with it. Take care, Maria
ReplyDeleteI hadn't thought of size Maria, but that is so important. We did not end up with a counter depth fridge simply because it didn't exist, but in the end, it may have been too small!! Good luck with your own fridge. Yikes!
DeleteHang on Kim!! Did you buy the counter depth? We have one and I would not do it again unless it's absolutely necessary for floor space. Our counter depth holds so much less stuff that we have to have an extra fridge in the garage.
ReplyDeleteMine is stainless and it's pretty in my eyes but it makes very little ice and we have to be choosey about what goes in.
Nope! No counter depth anything in bisque, Stacey...unless we wanted $5,000 fridge. thank you! I do agree with you that it may have been too small. The new one seems to be a tab bit tinier than the old and already we feel the crunch!! Great food for thought. I was so caught up with the look, I hadn't thought about the function!
DeleteHi Kim, I'm elated to learn there is a community of bisque lovers like me. Wish the appliance manufacturers would get the message so that we would have more choices when replacements are needed. Your kitchen is beautiful!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much...and I bet what goes around comes around and eventually this color will be popular again!! Here's hoping!! I appreciate the comment. Thanks for weighing in!
DeleteOmg. I am 62 buying my first home ever. I feel so lucky that she took her stainless fridge and stove with her. I couldn't have replaced working appliances just for looks. But... I am shopping. I know I like bisque. And so happy to not feel like a freak about it! White is so stark. Stainless is so dark and yes morquelike (thanks for that, I can never explain why I hate them, but now, as a user I an say I don't want my food in a morgue drawer. And get a laugh. I am not someone e who needs fancy and bisque has limited choices. Nothing fancy but certainly adequate. There's a timer on the stove, it's self cleaning which I would have done without but you really cant. So, I'm getting bisque. I love it. It just blends. New bisque large fridge (I think. It is counter depth but I'll check. It's 20.8 cubic ft. Good size. Ice maker. Now, the dishwasher is white with the ugly black front. Plastic e is 11 years old. The j section is in the morning, if the dishwasher is original, I may just replace e it too. Get makes a bisque dishwasher top. There is a white micro above the stove. Weird I k own but, I know my micro and like it. About e the stove e mu to might become the break and cracker keeper! And eventually get replaced with just a Duque range hood with a light. I love the range hood light on at night. It's all I need to get from the living room to my bedroom. Then I turn it out. It's just there. I blaring light. We had white, almond, and even gold side by side as a kid.i wanted a side by side without water/ice in the door but you can't get them and they never work. But YES to an ice maker with a really good filter for good tasting ice. My first house,. Y first appliances. In order out, I'm getting Bua questions. Thanks for helping me feel lone less of a freak! I lived with a huge black mom stroud fridge in a very tiny kitchen before. Omg, I hated hated it. But it was bought there and good quality. I cant afford to be that picky. Btw, apartments are outrageous here in Asheville cause that are all marble and stainless. You know, poor people just need a reasonable rent. I'm a simple counterparts kid girl. Bring back the old fake butcher block countertops. I'd be happy. Yikes, I sound do 62. When did that happen. Inside, I'm still a kid who thinks bisque is fashionable. I also drive a cube (a d previously a Pacer. Guess I like different. I'm no longer get ashamed to say I like bisque and get makes them. Good enough for me. I hope I'm not sorry, the a e is 11 years old and I. Reading hot water heaters last 10 years. Carp.
DeleteCongratulations on your new home, how exciting! I bet whatever you pick in your new kitchen will be gorgeous. I think that there are a lot of bisque lovers out there and so glad to hear that we are not alone. Maybe someday they will bring them back with more options and for a lower price, in the meantime, I am just glad they are still available! Enjoy your home!!
DeleteI feel your pain! I loathe, hate, despise and abominate stainless steel appliances!!
ReplyDeleteJust not my thing, Bobbie. I admire them in come kitchens I see, they fit, but in mine, not so much. I just want the appliances to fade away! Thanks for the comment!! :)
DeleteLove that you shared this with us today at TOHOT!
ReplyDeleteHave a lovely weekend, Kim~Jemma
Thanks Jemma. Always fun to link up!!
DeleteKim, Florence here from Blogging Fifty! I love your post & I'm gonna show my ignorance by asking if bisque is the material or the color? Must be the color!
ReplyDeleteI don't like stainless steel either...just doesn't have much warmth to it in my opinion. I love your bright cheery kitchen! And I would say this post has that humor I love!
Thanks so much for stopping by Florence! You are not alone...lots of people asked the same question. I guess that's how outdated my appliances are, lots of people have never even heard of it!! ;) I am glad you found the fun in my post. Thanks for the visit and I hope you come back again!
DeleteI enjoyed you post and can relate to it. When we did a major renovation 10 years ago, being a professional chef, I wanted a pro stove. Well you can not find a "pro"stove not in stainless steel. I thought about going with black appliances but felt they would look like dark holes in the room. So I ended up with a stainless steel fridge and a black dishwasher. The stove and fridge are right across from each other so to have it different colors would of looked weird to me...I hate stainless steel but I LOVE my pro stove. My kitchen are cherry cabinets with a mahogany stain....I went with that because I'd have clients in my home and felt it had to look professional. I can't tell you what I would give to do it in white cabinets. I don't go buy anyone else's rules and don't get hung up on it. I like biscuit and would take it any day over white...It will be worth the wait.
ReplyDeleteCathy, I totally get it. My sister wanted a pro stove and stainless was her only choice when it came to gas top, convection/ electric oven. I know that there are considerations for companies when it comes to the economics of production, but it would be nice to let the public weigh in every now and then instead of dictating trends! :)
DeleteMy mom just replaced her fridge and she chose white. It was a special order because like you mentioned there was plenty of stainless steel models to choose from and virtually none on the floor in white. White is classic so I don't understand why stores are promoting trends. Very well written post and everyone has shared such interesting perspectives.
ReplyDeleteThanks Ronda and yes, as I just commented to Cathy, it would be nice to let the public have a say when it comes to these choices...but I guess the overwhelming demand is for stainless. Although, I often wonder if that's just because people have few other choices!
DeleteOh how frustrating!! I am fairly sure all the white appliances in my kitchen are from 1993 since I had to buy parts for a couple when I bought the house last year. But you know what? They are still going strong so they are staying!!! And by the way? I love bisque appliances!
ReplyDeleteIt is frustrating, Debbie! I hope this new round of appliances last as long as yours!! I l don't want to go through this again. Although, by the time I replace them, bisque may be back in again!! ;)
DeleteI am so glad I found this post! I, too, love my bisque appliances. They go beautifully with my solid Ash cabinets. My dishwasher is on its last legs and I was so excited to find a Whirlpool dishwasher in bisque to soon replace it. The heck with whomever buys my house someday. Bisque needs to come back. Everything else in homes today is " neutral". Why can't our appliances be also.
ReplyDeleteI had stainless steel in my first apartment 38 years ago and hated it. I love it less now.
Karen, you are so right...everything is neutral today. I have a floral couch and I bet you can't find one of those around anywhere! ;) I hope bisque does come back. It probably will...right after the resurgence of avocado appliances!
DeleteYou are a cutie!!! I have bisque appliances and now you have me skeert!!!! The frig is 30+ years old, so my chances of another one like it are slim to none :^( Besides color, we have a size factor to consider...
ReplyDeleteOh well, I'll "think about that tomorrow" I guess.
Hope your frig is better than expected!!
Red would be good too :^)
Oh J...Red would be good!! I did think about that, but boy oh boy, were they pricey!! Maybe next time, I'll just invest in a giant can of spray paint!! Ha!!
DeleteI thought I had ordered a counter depth fridge before I moved in to our new home. Unfortunately, I was given the wrong dimensions and it wasn't until the fridge was installed that I realized it wasn't counter depth. I'm not one to sweat the small stuff though. Maybe next time.
ReplyDeleteAll my appliances are stainless - never again. I will probably go back to white when these die. They're so much easier to clean.
Well, our fridge is in Susan and like you said...the depth has become "the small stuff". It works and the food is cold, even if it isn't the prettiest box on the block!
DeleteLooking at your photos your fridge looks white to me Kim. I guess I always thought bisque was a bit darker,
ReplyDeleteIt's disappointing after all this time you couldn't get what you wanted. Same thing happened to me, but like you I was just happy to have one!
Our first round of bisque appliances were a tiny bit darker, Doreen. I think it was closer to almond, but now they are a very, very light cream. Like you said, not in love, but it works. After a while, cold is all that matters!! ;)
DeleteOh, Kim, how frustrating! I hope that you will grow to love your new fridge when it finally arrives. Perhaps make it pretty on the inside with a lot of yummy treats?
The inside is full of yummy treats, Amalia! I have to say, still not in love with certain aspects of the outside, but all is forgiven when the cheesecake is cold!! ;)
DeleteWell, I am another bisque lover/owner. Replaced dishwasher last year without too much problem. The 25+ year old fridge started dying the Christmas weekend I had Girls' Day which was also the weekend before Family Dinner. I found one fridge that was bisque and the right size to fit in my space and it was a floor model. Otherwise, it was special order and a two week wait. As I was discussing the problem, a friend who is a realtor popped up with the comment "You need to replace/upgrade with stainless steel for resale value since that is what everyone wants." Ugh - no, I do not like or want stainless steel. Good luck with your new fridge! Hope it will work out better.
ReplyDeleteOh, I am with you Shirley ~ I buy what I want...not for resale's sake! I am glad you were able to find what you were looking for on the floor! If only!! ;)
DeleteYou are funny Kim, but you know what? You still make bisque work in your lovely kitchen! now, let's start over-cooling this thing so you can get the built-in you've always wanted! ;-)
ReplyDeleteI wish Vel! Couldn't find one it that size, sadly they don't make them. I ended up with one that I like...and it's cold. I guess that's the main purpose!
DeleteI have and LOVE bisque! Stand your will come back and we will be ready! :-)
ReplyDeleteThanks Katie! Bisque lovers unite!! :)
DeleteI feel your pain. I love bisque. I want to get a new induction range and they only come in stainless.
ReplyDeleteIt's going to look so out of place in my kitchen.
Oh no. I bet it will be beautiful, but I totally understand your angst. I don't see why the manufacturers won't listen to customers and carry the color. It's frustrating and I just know it's coming back...everything does, just not necessarily in the timeframe that we need it.
DeleteKim, I know this post is from a long time back but I am just seeing it for the first time. You are so smart to stick it out for what you wanted, in fact, smart to know WHAT you wanted. I had an almond frig for many years, that just continued on and on! When we first moved and remodeled the kitchen I still had that almond frig (it was too good to give up) and put black glass appliances in. Then when the frig finally went I HAD TO HAVE stainless and so I did! We replaced the oven with stainless at the same time, and knew that eventually we would replace the dishwasher. After cleaning away fingerprints, etc. for some time now, I wish I had gone to white but, of course, new appliances are not in our retired future! So, in case you lost count, I have stainless frig and oven, black microwave and dishwasher and am now contemplating painting the kitchen white! So there you have it!..As I said, you are so smart..Judy
ReplyDeleteOh Judy, best laid plans, right? I'd like to think it was smarts, but I think it's due more to my stubborn nature. For better or worse! ;)
DeleteWhat were once cool, black and stainless steel appliances, are now the selection of the masses...which means they're on their way out. I am buying all new appliances for my expensive kitchen remodel and am going out of my way to choose bisque/biscuit/beige. I am old enough to not be fooled to esteem what is currently en vogue. Choose what YOU like and pull it off with with confidence!
DeleteI love that response...choose what you like! Fabulous and enjoy that new kitchen in all of its bisque glory!! :)
DeleteI could have been the author of this article. I had to read it to my husband because I was ranting about the same thing night before last.
ReplyDeleteWe re-did our kitchen in 2009 and installed a bisque dishwasher, a bisque slide in oven and a bisque granite sink. We had an almond refrigerator that was still working great. In April of 2016 we replaced the 17 year old almond refrigerator with a bisque one from Sear's. We have had nothing but problems with it. Finally, a couple of months ago, Sear's deemed that the problem is due to a design flaw so they have agreed to replace it. The only bisque frig is the same one that we have...that has a design flaw. And of course...since it is covered by the extended warranty, we cannot get a refund, only a replacement.
I hate stainless steel. I tend to be on the OCD side and I could not handle seeing the fingerprints on it everyday. It just irks me to basically be forced into buying all new appliances just because designers have deemed that bisque is outdated.
Ugh. I am so sorry that you had to deal with the same thing...and worse, that it's defective. How frustrating. These appliances are very, very expensive. If we are willing to pay for them, I don't see why they can't offer them in a special color. We're already waiting for the special order to arrive, what another week or two for a custom paint job. AND a quality item.
DeleteI love your and kitchen in these photos, and would not change a thing! My kitchen is the result of tweaking a kitchen that was basically ok, mostly white and with black laminate counters. Our house came with 80s chrome and black appliances which we replaced one at a time as they died, with white appliances. I lived with a mismatched kitchen for years, not willing to replace something that was not broken. Now we have all white appliances. My husband built slim book shelves to fill in spaces between the standard fridge and the wall where the previous home owners had a special order counter depth extra wide fridge. I painted the shelves to match our warm white cupboards. We put a garage style door painted to match our cupboards in the hole in the wall where our wall microwave used to be, and that is now my baking supplies cupboard. We put a small beverage fridge, white again, where our tiny wall oven used to be. The hole was too big so my husband built cubbies beside it to make the hole just fit the fridge. We cut our counter, slid a normal size stand alone on sale white oven with black stove top in that spot. We removed cupboards above the oven and put in a microwave there. It all looks like its always been that way now, and looks custom, even though its just our original 80s cupboards and standard white appliances. The cupboards are white, always were, and with new handles (antique brass colour) and these tweaks the kitchen is fine. Friends did not understand why I did not go with stainless appliances, but after years of the tweaks (I had this plan in my head all along) it all blends together really nicely. I love design too and am an aesthetic snob, am very picky about colour and balance and texture, but also can't justify the waste and environmental damage of our throw away cultures. Your kitchen looks gorgeous to me. I would have loved bisque appliances in my kitchen if they had been available. Our cupboards are a warm white with a hint of yellow and beige, and our appliances are bright white. Oh well, they work and there is no 80s chrome in sight!
ReplyDeleteYou kitchen sounds lovely and it also sounds like you need a blog to showcase all the work that you have done! I would love a peek! :) Thanks for the kind words about mine and I am so glad you found something that resonated with you in this piece! :)
DeleteI currently have bisque appliances. My Magic Chef stove died (exposed element caught fire) the other day and we were on the hunt to replace all appliances because, well, we just wanted new. We went to a few stores but bought all stainless steel from Sears. The next night we were at the store cancelling the whole order and starting over. We now ordered BISQUE refrigerator (freezer bottom), and BISQUE stove. Decided to keep our current bisque Maytag microwave because it works and looks brand new. But finding the right model in bisque wasn't easy! There's a lot of us out there that like this color but have trouble finding it. Why? It's in demand. I'd rather have anything but stainless steel. It's cold looking, and just not pretty.
ReplyDeleteI wish that the manufacturers would realize the demand and make more! ;) Good luck with your new appliances, I bet they'll be gorgeous! Thanks for weighing in and sharing your experience, Elaine!
DeleteGreat post, we are with you 100 percent re our love of bisque appliances. We found a bisque counter depth refrigerator! The brand is aga/marvel. It comes in 67 height and 71 height. Its more money, but its the ONLY bisque counter depth we could find.
ReplyDeleteOh boy! I just looked up that fridge and it is gorgeous! I honestly don’t know why we didn’t see it out there. I just told my husband about it. I told him we could tuck the new on in the basement as an extra and we could get this one! With a kid in college, he just looked at me and said, “Sure honey.” Maybe next time around! Glad you found one that works for you. I bet it’s dreamy. Enjoy it and thanks so much for the comment. :)
DeleteWhen I refreshed my kitchen two years ago, my objective was to get a bright, new looking 1960s kitchen (the house was built in 1954). I don't care for the institutional look of most "designer" kitchens, I wanted a cozier feel.
ReplyDeleteI started the makeover because I had irreparable problem with the old tile countertop and was dreading the prospect of getting sucked into something that just wasn't for me. I ended up getting a new tile countertop with a fancy new Kohler sink (in almond) with a touch faucet. In addition, to new lighting, cabinets, paint, and wallpaper, I had to find a new dishwasher...and fell upon the same problem. It turned out that Sears had the only model available with any any upscale extras. The reviews for that model were mixed but fortunately, it's been great for me.
My 20-year old refrigerator has never had a service call and is still working well. Given that Sears is about to go out of business though, I'm not looking forward to the search that awaits me when it has to be replaced. I'm keeping my fingers crossed in the hope that that almond/bisque will maintain its niche popularity for a while longer.
Oh boy, Mamie, I totally get it. Every time we have a problem with one of these appliances I panic. It's always a trial to get one in that bisque color. I bet your new kitchen looks lovely. I hope your fridge holds on for a while longer. I mean they always say what's old is new again, so bisque should be new again anytime now!! ;) Thanks for sharing your story!!
DeleteI started to panic because my refrigerator, which we purchased in 2000, isn't cooling. The repairman is coming in two days, but I started googling bisque refrigerators, and they are scare. I also read several articles on how "bisque is out and slate is in" which terrified me since my stove and dishwasher are bisque. I'm delighted to know that there are others in the world who think that bisque is a lovely neutral color and stainless steel is cold and ugly! I will continue the search for a bisque refrigerator just in case......
ReplyDeleteOh no! I hope that your fridge is fixed in a jiffy, but if you have to get a new one, there are choices, just not a lot of them. And yes, there are still some bisque hold outs out there, like me, who love the soft, warm color of that appliance. I think that they will be available for a while. We just may have to search longer and pay more until the pendulum swings back around...what comes around goes around. I hope!! 😉 Thanks for sharing your story and fingers crossed!!
DeleteStove died. It was bisque. Fridge is bisque. So I'm thinking of slate color for stove .Any comments.?
ReplyDeleteHi there. Sorry to hear about your stove. I think slate is a really nice alternative. It is a neutral in itself and would probably mix well with the bisque fridge. Of course, it depends on the decor of the room, but it's really up to you. Since you'll be living there it's all about personal taste. Most people do prefer matching appliances, but again, that's up to you.
DeleteThe other consideration is that if you plan to eventually replace all the appliances with slate, it's possible that you may have the same issue I had with bisque since it's also kind of a "trend" color.
There are bisque stoves out there if you want to keep your appliances uniform. I just found that they were not easy to locate and I had to pay up for them. I had to buy something online, sight unseen and my options were pretty limited, especially when it came to features. It stinks when appliances go. I wish you the best of luck with your stove quest. Hope that helps. :)
This article made me sad. I love bisque appliances. I think you're kitchen is beautiful and in looking at the pictures, I don't see how it could be considered outdated. I think if it looks good, thats what should count. I actually redid a couple kitchens years ago with bisque and I think it looks so much better with wood cabinets than white. My boyfriend updated the kitchen of a rental a couple years ago with white. He is now selling and I saw the place for the first time. I asked him why he didn't buy bisque and he had no clue what I was talking about, which led me to Google and this article. Now I understand. It's too bad because when I look at the earthy tones of his home and oak cabinets, I think the bisque would look better. I have stainless in my home, but I don't like it, and thought next time I would go back to bisque. Now I'm disappointed and feel old 🙂
ReplyDeleteThank you for your kind words. I certainly don't think my kitchen is outdated either, but sadly I think we are in the minority. I agree with you about the earthy wood tones and the bisque, they do look great together. It's a softer combination. It's a shame it's so hard to get right now, but I am really hoping it will come back around...until then, yes, I feel old, too. ;) Thanks so much for weighing in.
DeleteI recently bought a Kenmore French door refrigerator with bottom freezer in bisque and absolutely LOVE it! It goes perfectly with my new ivory kitchen cabinets.
ReplyDeleteThat sounds amazing! I am so glad that you found something that works for you. Hurray!
DeleteI've been searching for bisque appliances now for a few months. My appliances are over 30 years old, still working, but I have to massage and sweet talk my cooking stove and dishwasher sometimes. Every store I call or go into, they make me feel like I'm less than a human being for liking and wanting bisque. I'm an interior designer by training, and yes, I love bisque...why do the appliance makers want to discontinue it? I'm told they are all discontinuing which makes me a bit apprehensive about buying. I have white now and my wood cabinetry is beadboard (country style) with a mocha glaze antique finish, making them off white. I'm in a dilemma as to whether to stay with white or take a chance on ordering bisque online...the only place I can find them. THANKS for your blog!
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry for your bisque dilemma, believe me, I get it...BUT...I feel vindicated that an actual interior designer loves bisque as much as I do! And you're right, they make you feel like you have been living under a rock with for the last few decades when you ask for bisque. Your kitchen sounds absolutely dreamy. I did order sight unseen and I am happy with it. I wish you the best of luck, keep us posted and thanks for the super sweet words. I am glad we could commiserate!
DeleteAlso search for biscuit because bisque & biscuit are the same .Sears & Home Depot have bisque
DeleteThank you, Judith! They are all great tips.
DeleteI am glad to know that many people hate the coldness (pardon the "frig pun") of stainless. When we redid the kitchen, painting the cabinets and replacing appliances I was thrilled with bisque. Still am. It's a good thing because in our downsizing, we are selling the house and getting a smaller one with... yep a bisque kitchen! Only problem is that I have to leave all appliances in the old house (it's what's DONE these days!) and find one to fit in the new rehabbed house that came frig-free. We are also now retired and when I see what appliances cost it makes me sick! I am currently looking at a list of about ten places that tell me no bisque! I really wish I had a "body shop buddy" because painting a white one would definitely work! Now getting back to Google and looking for "Biscuit"!
ReplyDeleteA body shop buddy would be awesome, Sherry, I agree! I dread it every time one of those suckers breaks and I have to go on the hunt again. I really do hope you have found a fridge that fits your home and your budget. These bisque appliances crazy expensive. And ps...Love the frig pun!!
DeleteI realize you wrote this a while ago, but since our electrician goofed and fried our dishwasher yesterday, it popped up as I was out searching for a bisque replacement, and it made me laugh out loud. When we replaced our '93 bisque fridge back in 2004, we were told it was passe and we probably wouldn't be able to get bisque in the future. Then, when we did a whole bisque kitchen remodel in our retirement home in 2008, we got the same schtick. Also heard it 2 years ago when the built in microwave died. You can thank stubborn people like me, who despise stainless steel, white and black, for persisting, as we are keeping a few selections on the market. :-) btw, I live in the US Virgin Islands, which means my delays in waiting for special orders can be measured in weeks, not days, as it all has to come to us in slow freighter ships. Thanks again for making me chuckle as I endure the frustrating hunt to replace the several appliances I lost. ~~ Nancy B.
DeleteNancy, I am so sorry to hear that your dishwasher got fried. That is a total bummer...but I'm glad I could make you laugh a bit in the midst of your frustrating search. It's the reason I wrote this piece. 😊 And yes, I did write this a number of years ago, but the fact that I still get comments and it's still coming up in search proves that bisque is not as passe as the designers and salespeople would like us to believe it is. I'm pretty sure it will come back around in full force again at some point, until then, I hold my breath every time one of my appliances makes a noise. And the Virgin Beautiful...thanks for sharing your tale and good luck on your hunt!
Your kitchen is beautiful! May I ask where to find that exact back splash tile?
ReplyDeleteHi Sandy!
DeleteWow! Thanks so much! So those tiles were installed back in 2003, but they are super basic 3x6 subway tiles. They are straight edged, flat tiles with a gloss finish. They’ve held up fabulously and look brand new. I believe we purchased them from Home Depot although when I looked on their website it doesn’t look as if they carry them anymore. However I’m sure if you went to a tile showroom they would be able to get them or something exactly like them.
Here is a link to what we have in white:
I hope that helps!
:) Kim
I am with you! I have a fully restored Victorian home, and you just can't put stainless steel appliances in a Victorian home. I mean you could ... but no. And white is just ugh. We purchased all (special order) Frigidaire bisque appliances for our home 5 years ago during our initial renovation and I love the color. We painted our cabinets around them and it all looks beautiful. This week, our dishwasher bit the dust. I have a handful of choices and the soonest it will be in my home is 2 weeks from now. TWO WEEKS! It's ok though. I'm NOT buying stainless or white, and that's just the way it is. :) Outdated or not, bisque fits my kitchen perfectly!
ReplyDeleteWell Darcy, your home sounds just lovely and I'm with you, bisque is perfect. I feel for you, when our fridge kicked it was that same two week wait for a a less than perfect, bisque model. Every time one of our appliances has a hiccup, I freeze in fear that it's going to go and I'm going to have to start the process and the hunt all over again. I really do hope you got a dishwasher by now and that it's bisque!!
DeletePerhaps all the folks who want bisque should form some sort of organization and by numbers (demand) force appliance manufacturers to produce bisque appliances. If they want to get rid of anything,why not the horrible starkness of white and replace it with bisque.If there is a demand then it is time for manufacturers to listen to what customers want instead of dictating to then!
ReplyDeleteI agree!! There is strength in numbers and I am a firm believer that bisque will be back in vogue again someday. Perhaps a crowd of biscuit chanting shoppers will speed its resurgence along!!
DeleteFirst if all, I LOVE your kitchen! I hate the ugly silver appliances that everyone and their dog have. I think they look cold, instead of the cozy cottage look I have loved my whole life. My cupboards are honey glazed bisque. Love them so much, still, after 11 years. I had no idea they weren't sold anymore until I needed a new kitchen table to match. What a nightmare trying to find a bisque, country, spindle table set. Why are people so trendy? Makes me mad. We spent a lot of money to finally build our dream kitchen that everyone loved. Oh well, we found something I might have to paint. I refuse to cave in to the (always) next new thing!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much, Karen! I have to say, I'm with you. We did the kitchen back in 2003 and I still love it and my bisque appliances. I cringe every time one makes a noise, knowing how hard it will be to replace. I am not into trends and will search and search or DIY to get what I want. Right now I'm on the hunt for a floral couch. They seem to have gone the way of the bisque appliance. Ugh. I hope you find your table...and if you paint it you'll have to show us!! I love a good DIY!!
DeleteI love bisque! I knew I couldn't be the only one out there! It is a warm neutral, and is so pleasing to look at. My husband keeps managing to find bisque appliances as we need them, but it is getting harder. We need a new cook top, and I will probably get black. Now our three year old expensive LG frig is not working. We may have to replace it. Don't ever buy LG appliances! Let's hope bisque makes a big come back. I hate it that big corporations change up colors and make short lived appliances all to make more money.
ReplyDeleteWith all the comments and emails I regularly receive in reference to bisque appliances, you would think the companies would get it in their marketing heads that there is a great demand! It's so frustrating, I totally agree. Every time our dishwasher hiccups, I hold my breath. I am hoping that it'll last until the color comes back in style! Ha!! And I agree with you about LG...we have a washer and dryer...nothing but trouble. Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts with us...and good luck!!
DeleteI am with all you bisque color lovers!. We downsized and bought a home with 15 year old bisque appliances,which I love. Unfortunately, the dishwasher went on Mothers Day and we were able to replace it through Best Buy for a GE which has quite a few cycles. I love it ! Also, we found a bisque bottom freezer single door Sears Kenmore Elite without ice and water in the door, but did not want that anyway because of the ice would spit out. Absoulutely love it! Also replaced microwave with GE also from Best Buy. I was told bisque was a dead color, but that was what I wanted and I was willing to wait and pay a little more for it which is a bummer!
ReplyDeletePaying more is a bummer that's for sure! I too am willing to do so to get what I want. We're holding out breath here hoping that nothing else conks out until bisque is back in style...I'm still holding out hope!! Enjoy your kitchen!! And thanks for sharing your story!
DeleteI grew up with my parents being in the restaurant business, where all appliances are stainless. I CANNOT stand stainless, black, red, purple, etc. People that choose those colors have every right to do so & they look fantastic for their style home. I love my neutral bisque, why is that not a choice of colors? My home is not a restaurant & I don't remotely want it to look like one. It brings back memories of slaving over a commercial stove for hours every day. Despite my ptsd for stainless, I want my bisque! At least give me a choice, purple not withstanding.
ReplyDeleteI totally get it about the stainless/ restaurant connection. My brother in law's family owned a bar/ restaurant and when I was young, I was there, in the kitchen, a lot. I much prefer the days spent in my grandmother's kitchen with soft white appliances and a big comfy couch. I really hope that bisque makes a comeback. After all, if you can get a purple fridge you should be able to buy a beige one!! Thanks for weighing in!!
DeleteHi Kim, I am in a dilemma that I just got a home with bisque newer appliances which I love but the cabinets are red and the wallpaper is a large fruit pattern. I love your cabinet and wall colors. Could you share please? Thank you so very much and glad you embraced what you love!!
DeleteHi! Congratulations on the new house! SO exciting. Ah...newer bisque appliances...I'm shocked, but so glad to hear they're still being sold. Thank you for your lovely words about my kitchen. It's actually very old, like almost 20 years old, so I don't think Kraftmaid makes the cabinets anymore. However, if you have red cabinets now, it sounds like you may just be painting them. Ours are Kraftmaid, from Home Depot, in the color, Frost Glaze. I looked at their site, but I don't see it offered as a finish any longer. However, I recently ordered a replacement paint pen from them, so they should have a swatch for you to see the color. From there I would just take it to the paint department and have them match it. That's what we did with the wall paint. We took a cabinet door to them and said match this please...and they did, in Behr satin. So the walls are the exact color of the cabinets. I know that's not very specific, I apologize, but I hope it helps.
IF you really can't find the Kraftmaid swatch, then perhaps you could take the oven drawer to the paint department and have them match that, because honestly, it's hard to tell in the photos, but the appliances match the cabinets exactly, as well. And the subway tiles...which may be another way to match color. I wish you the best of luck in your new kitchen and on your renovation!! ☺️
Ran into this blog while searching for a bisque refrigerator. There are very few available in the market but none will fit the space I have available in the kitchen. My current bisque colored Frigidaire is working but it is rusted all over. I have to replace it because I am embarrassed to have guests over with a refrigerator looking like that. My dishwasher, the counter tops are all bisque so I need a bisque refrigerator. But can't find one that will fit. I guess scraping the rust off and repainting is my only option right now because I don't want redo the whole kitchen.
ReplyDeleteHi! So sorry it's taken me so long to respond! For some reason I didn't get an email notification for your comment. I truly apologize. I'm sorry that you are having difficulty. I totally understand, the choices in bisque are so limited. There are very few available and that makes it tough to find one that fits in all spaces. I have thought about painting mine, too. I have seen people spray paint them with great success. I really do hope that painting works out for you...but it'd be nice to find a fridge that fits.
DeleteI have all bosque appliences and want to paint my cabinets. What color are your cabinets? I absolutely love your kitchen.
ReplyDeleteHi there! Thank you so much, what a lovely compliment. My cabinets are from Home Depot. They are Kraftmaid and the finish is called Frost Glaze. They are VERY old. We installed them back in 2003. Last I checked they didn't offer that color any longer, however, they had something that was almost exactly the same, just a different name. When you're able to get to the store to see the samples and ask the designer, they can point out the comparable color. I really hope that helps!
DeleteOh...and oops! I meant to say that you can then have the color of the cabinet sample mixed in paint if you are going to paint your current cabinets!
DeleteWell I am in the same boat refrigerators now are garbage.. I'd bought what I thought was a Kenmore elite bisque pull out Turn the out its a LG with the kenmore label Lasted 2 years then the compressor went out now I'm searching for a nother and there is not much choices
ReplyDeleteOh yes!! We got rid of a Kitchenaid dishwasher that died on us way too early (and it was pricey!) and replaced it with a Kenmore that was made guessed it...Kitchenaid!! Unbelievable. We have already replaced parts a few times since we know the alternatives are not good...IF we could even find one! I hope you find a fridge!!
DeleteI have been waiting since May to get a Bisque refrigerator in our kitchen. I have had two on order since May, one from Lowe's and one from Best Buy. Both of these suppliers keep moving my delivery date further out. Lowe's was in the running with a new delivery date (has been moved out several times) of October 3. Today I am advised the new delivery date is December 12th. So, that puts Best Buy back in the lead with a delivery date of November 1st. Unfortunately, we moved our fridge in the kitchen to the basement expecting our new fridge to be delivered the next day. I did not get a notice that this wasn't going to happen, so we have been up and down stairs several times for each meal for almost 4 months now. I can't even rent a refrigerator. I guess the search is back on to try to find some kind of fridge to put in our kitchen. Like you, we are living out of coolers. The upside, if I don't have a fridge before the holidays, there will be no cooking in my kitchen.
ReplyDeleteYour story is unbelievable!! It's amazing to me that no one has one to ship sooner than that. It makes me nervous to think that I couldn't get an appliance in my preferred color if necessary. I really thought that it would get better after all these years, but it just seems to be getting worse. I hope the design pendulum swings back in our direction soon...and fingers crossed that you get fridge soon!!! Oh gosh...
DeleteAll you need to do is find a professional electrostatic painter. I've done this twice now when selling houses. I bought a fantastic used side by side refrigerator with ice dispenser off Craig's List --in almond which is even more "outdated" than bisque. Anyway for a couple of hundred bucks, the painter beautifully repainted the fridge to bisque to match the other existing appliances. I did it again on another fridge from white to black and the range hood from harvest gold to black. Super cheap and the results look absolutely new.
ReplyDeleteGreat idea...and I think we all may need to resort to this soon. We just lost a dryer and while I didn't need it to be a particular color, it was difficult to find anything in stock with the current situation. Specialty colors were even more challenging. I'm going to keep this tip in my back pocket for sure!! Thanks so much!!
DeleteThey sound like my kind of people, adventurous DIYers!!! But...that scraping doesn't sound like fun at all! I'd say that it's an outside job or one that requires a spray tent inside...and probably a ton of ventilation or a respirator. I also know there are appliance paints today that are made for the job and hopefully less drips!
DeleteDid our whole kitchen in bisque in 2002.
ReplyDeleteStill love it. However the Frigidaire fridge just died. Our hunt started five days ago with ZERO luck. Lowe’s for example will take our $1599.00 plus tax for a Bisque GE fridge that has a 18% chance of being full filled. Nice! We also need the gas range and micro/ hood. Hello? Anyone out there that wants my $3,500 for bisque appliances can have it as long as I get my stuff. Possibly going the Northstar route, retro fridge and range.
Only 10k for both. Bargain. If I get one more salesman that tries to shove a stainless steel “ look “ appliance down my throat there is going to be trouble.
We are not a zombie communist family.
Everybody else can follow that trend. Have fun. I am gladly joining the Bisque Army. A color to live for !
Wow...I have a feeling we may be heading down the same path. Our appliances are getting up there. As a matter of fact, our dishwasher quit over the winter. Thankfully we were able to repair it. And while the limited choices are pricey, I could never do stainless, so that would mean painting cabinets, etc...which would be even pricier...Good luck!!
DeleteWe are all victims of the large corporations institution of "planned obsolescence", which is a result of greed. When they run out of new gimmicks to sell us, they rehash an older design, market it as "X is the new whatever". And even if all corporations got together and agreed to ban the practice, the problem would still exist and continue, and not why you think. It's because we are human and love practicing consumerism and showing off our "have's" and "got's".
ReplyDeleteBut, on the bright side, bisque will be back in style again. Some day. Everything is cyclical. (I do love mid-century)
I'm holding my breath...and know you're right. It'll come back around. I just hope it happens before my current appliances quit! Thanks so much for weighing in!
DeleteHi everyone! I am a small town used appliance dealer in Lacrosse, Wisconsin. (Marcs Budget Appliance) We are a appliance restoration company with 8 years experience. We get bisque appliances in pretty frequently. We do not ship them tho. We deliver up to 200 miles from Lacrosse, Wisconsin each way. We specialize in older appliances that are made to last longer than the new models on the market. We get in black, white and stainless appliances also. Contact us if we can help! Thanks, Marc
ReplyDeleteThanks for the tip, Marc! Makes me wish I lived in Wisconsin! Hopefully your comment will help people who do!!
Deletei also would have loved bisque. i purchased a preowned house last year that has the so outdated pickled peach looking cabinets. they had a very old white and black stove, a black microwave and a white fridge. i thought bisque woukd look best but had to settle for stainless because i felt tge white and black just wasnt working. the stainless and black isnt working either, the stainless whirlpool fridge is monochomatic, where are the monochromatc ranges. not loving tge new stainless appliances, mostly due to the black glass top and doors but living with it. cintemplating replacing the counter and painting the cabinets but as soon as i do that pickled peachy cabinets will probably be back IN big time.
ReplyDeleteYour last line about your cabinets made me laugh...I think the same thing all the time!! I have a giant red wall that's so out, it's back in...a floral couch, the same...and many other things that are just about ready to be updated and I'm thinking about wallpaper. Wallpaper...who would've believed it. So I get it. I also understand your stainless feelings. It's a popular thought around here and in general. Most people are getting sick of it, or purchased it because it was the only option, but color is coming back...slowly. Right now the high end manufacturers are offering the colors and the bisque. I hope that means it will start to show up again very soon at Home Depot or Lowe's. Fingers crossed. Thanks for sharing your story with us and Happy New Year!
DeleteI so relate to your story. Years ago my first house had almond appliances and matching cabinets. I loved it. My side by side refridge died one night and we had to buy a new one. Bisque replaced almond but the new refridge matched and I was happy. We moved several years later and we took our appliances with us. My stove died and I was able to get a bisque one. Now many years later my fridge we bought in 92 is still going strong with only a seal issue on the freezer but still freezes. I know its a matter of time and it will die and you cant buy bisque appliances any more. I am upset about it. When I moved back home I remodeled my kitchen with bisque cabinets. And did bright gold handles on the cabinets and bright gold lighting and acessories. Its beautiful. Now the industry says black or stainless is the new trend. Wont match my decor at all. Salesman said maybe redo my handles and lighting to black or stainless. Really???? What about my stove its bisque too. I dont like black or stainless. And no white either. I would gladly pay extra for bisque. Have to think about what we will do. Basic colors should be white and bisque. Other trend colors are fine but maybe cost more. Just singing the bisque blues here........
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry you're in the same bisque boat! It really is nuts that bisque is not considered a basic color. I mean come on...and yes, very frustrating when these machines break and the entire kitchen was built with them in mind. It's even more maddening when the sales people suggest redecorating. Unbelievable. Here's to bisque making a comeback.
DeleteI first saw this blog late last year after we paid down on a new "semi-custom" home but just now finding time to respond. Last August we left our 21-year-old Bisque Maytag appliances in the house we sold in another state. We had already repaired the range and were on our second dishwasher with the Fridge starting to hint "repairs". We decided it best to leave those behind knowing we would have things in storage for a while. I had no idea I would have such trouble replacing bisque, much less white.
ReplyDeleteOur builder told me last year that he no longer offered even white appliances as they were not consistently available but said if I could locate them, he would install as all appliances except the refrigerator are part of the price and required to be in the house at City inspection.
So, just yesterday we visited his local supplier. Nope, no white, not even black, only stainless! I'm with others here, "I do not like black or stainless! I'm decorating around soft beige colors with a hint of peach. I prefer bisque but had lowered myself to accepting white. Now the builder says he can only do stainless as it is what his supplier can provide. He states it is very time consuming with poor end results working with other suppliers and added, "Already the whole building situation is at a backlog because of the supply chain and the shortage of workers".
It will still be 3 months; I plan to try to find a used refrigerator to get us by (any color) until the Appliance World comes around to the fact that NOT ALL OF US WANT GRAY, STAINLESS OR BLACK! At that time someone can get a good deal on a Stainless range, dishwasher and microwave. Life is too short to live in a home totally out of sync with ones personality and preferences!
Ann, I've read your comment over and over again and can relate. I know that so many others can, too. It's a frustrating situation to be stuck with choices that don't suit our style, especially when we're asking for such a basic beige! I really do hope that the option returns shortly, since my appliances are all one breakdown shy of being unusable. Good luck in your quest!
DeleteTime to update this blog. Bisque is back.
ReplyDeleteAMAZING!! Of course, it's expected, everything that goes around comes around, so I really do hope that it's true. My dishwasher, stove and fridge are all being replaced part by part. Buying new would be a dream. I hope it shows up in my neck of the woods very soon.
DeleteHere we are May 15th. 2022 and still the problem exists. We bought our home is 2001 and remodeled the kitchen around 2003. Yep, you got it bisque appliances and it goes well with our home and my style, which is warm with wood floors. The dishwasher went first, but was replaced with another bisque appliance, so far so good. Glass on oven door shatters, also easily replaced. Microoven not so easy, so we repair. Refrigerator, harumph, no such luck. We were forced to buy a stainless appliance (love the refrigerator, hate the color) In less than a year, finish is marred by rust stains. Call about the warranty and were told the warranty didn't cover cosmetics, ugh.
ReplyDeleteI need a new dishwasher again, and a new microwave. this time I'm putting my foot down I want bisque and will wait for them, or do without.
I had issues a few years ago finding a bisque fridge too!! We had the stove, hood, & enameled cast iron sink (which is less than 10yrs old... It's really annoying that stainless, black or white is the main choices. Which none are desirable to me! Stainless seems so cold & sterile...
ReplyDeleteSo, my 1989 GE bisque refrigerator hasn't had the door light work in over 12 years. Such a pain! Otherwise, it works fine. When speaking to a salesman in Home Depot, he told he a new one will never last as long as mine. I told him about the light, he mentioned a switch box. Went home and googled it. Ordered it for $10. Replaced it yesterday and now I have light!! Just saved myself about $2k. I am with the majority here, not a fan of stainless. If I do get a new one, it will be white to match the rest of my appliances that were replaced when they died years back (originals were bisque as well)