I don't wear my wedding rings that often and it seems to bother a lot of people.
My husband isn't one of them.

I don't know why what jewelry I choose to put on is anyone's business, but when my naked finger is noticed the reaction is swift.
And predictable.
Where's your wedding ring?
Uh, oh, you forgot your wedding ring!
Did you lose your wedding ring?
Of course, my personal favorite is the ever popular WHY aren't you wearing your wedding ring?
That one usually comes with a an expectant tone and forlorn expression.
Over the years ~ twenty two of them, I might add ~ I have thought of a few very juicy responses to that particular inquiry.
However, being the good girl that I am, and knowing how rumors start, I keep my sarcasm to myself and tell the truth.
I'm not wearing my rings today, because I just didn't feel like it.
That's it.
No big mystery, hidden meaning, feminist statement or impending announcement about the state of my marriage are behind my, apparently disturbing, lack of diamonds.
They're just not that important to me.
I'm a simple girl and sometimes, my rings bug me.
Unfortunately, the inquisition never ends there.
So I am always ready with specific examples.
For instance, I can't stand it when my fingers stay wet under my rings after I wash my hands...or I usually have my hands immersed in paint.
Spray paint and diamonds are not a good combination.

And depending on the weather, they slip off easily and I don't want to lose them.
Or I have very dry hands and sometimes I just don't want anything on them.
Then there are times when ~ and this one really gets people ~ I just forget to put them on.
Yup. I said it.
I forget about my wedding rings.
People seemed shocked when they hear this and I always laugh.
"How could you forget your wedding rings?"
I don't know, I just do.
It's really no big deal.
They're just rings.

That I'm married.
The truth is this. If you're in a committed relationship and you are truly committed, you don't need a ring to tell the world. It should be very clear.
I don't need to be branded to let the world know that I'm taken.
I go to the grocery store, sans rings, several times a week and occasionally I notice men checking out my empty finger. Sometimes, they try to make eye contact. Sometimes, they try to chat.
Do I engage?
No. I don't, because rings or no rings, I love my husband and I am not even remotely interested.
As a very young couple, I remember chatting with other newlyweds.
They had come to visit us at our new apartment, while we were painting the master bedroom, and they were shocked that neither of us were wearing our rings.
It's like you're not married. We never take off our rings. We feel strongly about that.
Strongly about that, but apparently, not about commitment.
Years later, I found myself wondering if the rings were on during her affair?

Perhaps I would wear my rings more often if my husband asked me to, but truth be told, he isn't a big ring wearer either.
His own wedding band came off often in the early years and stayed off for days at a time.
He was fixing cars, laying pipe and renovating and helping me with DIYs on the weekends.
By the time Monday rolled around, he'd forget about it and by Wednesday we'd laugh that we hadn't been married for days!
The joke was funny, because neither one of us cared.
I guess that's what makes us a good match.
We both feel that if a wedding band is going to be the only thing that deters either of us from straying then we weren't real.
And if that's the case, what would the rings stand for anyway?
They're supposed to be a symbol of our commitment and unending love.
Not a prettier version of handcuffs.
My children, the home and life we've build together, little things like clasped hands at my mother's bedside, inside jokes, inappropriate laughter, our true friendship and even the fights we've had over the years are the embodiment of those precious vows taken so long ago.
They are the intangibles that define our union and what I see when I look down at my ringless finger.
And I can never take any of that off.
For more pieces that make you think you can check out the stories tab in my menu!
Or these favorites:

You had me laughing at "prettier version of handcuffs" ha! I agree...you don't have to always have your rings on to be married. I often have my hands immersed in bleach or worse (cat box) so I don't always have mine on either. And I know exactly what you're talking about when you wash your hands and can still feel water under your ring. Eeewwwww!!! :)
ReplyDeleteThat water drives me batty, Lisa!! Ewwww is right! ;)
DeleteLove this, Kim. Though I'm single, my hands are covered in paint or grubby from gardening most of the time anyway, so I don't wear rings daily either.
ReplyDeleteI think I started taking mine off from day one. I was a kindergarten teacher at the time...paint, glue, clay and pudding snack! ;)
DeleteMy husband has never worn his wedding ring. He worked for the Rail Road and they were not allowed to wear jewelry at all for safety reasons. He took it off the day after we were married and never put it back on. I wear mine but I like to. If I didn't, neither one of us would care.
ReplyDeleteThat's right where we are, Sybil...and since we're okay with it, I don't know why other people should care! :) Human nature I guess.
DeleteHi Kim! The only time I take my rings off is when I have to have surgery...LOL. Otherwise I just wear them, but hey, if you don't want to wear your rings, it should surely be no problem, especially if they are antiques. Surprising that other people notice that little detail. I used to notice when my hubby wasn't wearing his, but I never notice anymore. Because, like you say, it doesn't change anything about our status.
ReplyDeleteFlorence, in the beginning, years ago, I was always shocked when people noticed and I never understood why they cared. I still don't understand why people are so interested in my ringless finger, but I am no longer shocked or surprised when people ask!
DeleteWell put.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Wendy!
DeleteI love this - you are such a terrific writer, Kim!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much, Debbie! :)
DeleteI agree Kim...no reason to always wear our wedding rings. Sometimes it's a safety issue (heavy equipment, dental work, and many other professions) and sometimes it's a comfort issue. It has no bearing on whether a person is faithful. My hands swell and it's hard to get my rings on or off.
ReplyDeleteExactly, Cheryl Ann! Perfectly put!
DeleteMy husband and I did not exchange rings when we got married. We are not ring wearers and it just was not important to us. Our 23rd wedding anniversary is next month and we are very committed and devoted to each other. One time one of my son's classmates asked him why we didn't have rings, but no one has ever asked me. If they did I would simply tell them that wedding rings are not important to us. The relationship itself is, but not the jewelry.
ReplyDeleteIt's all about the relationship, totally agree! Thanks so much for weighing in, I'm always flattered when people share! :)
DeleteI learned that I don't have to clean my diamond so often if I don't wear it all the time. So I only wear my wedding band. My husband no longer wears his wedding band after an injury he incurred working on his hobby which is cars. He hurt his fingers quite bad and managed to get the ring off, but since then can't get it back on due to a badly healed finger. And it's no big deal.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry to hear about your husband's injury. My husband has drilled through a finger, hammered others more times than I can count, burned several and torn them up in ways I can barely describe. Needless to say, his ring is rarely on and probably a blessing that it's not and like you said, no big deal!
DeleteKim, I usually wear my ring everyday, but the ring is just a symbol, a token of love. '-) My husband and I only had wedding bands when we married. No money or interest in a diamond. Years later a family ring came to us. and we had the diamond set on my husband's band because he never wore his band and the stone looked better on the wider band. I've got choices now. '-) I don't wear a ring when I work in the garden or go on walks or am doing things around the house that have my hands in soap, water, polish, etc. Like you, I don't need a ring to know that I'm committed to my husband. ;-)
ReplyDeleteI love stories like yours Sarah! Mine is very similar. No money, no diamond at my proposal. A family ring came to us, too and since then we have acquired others. Now I have choices, too and most often...I wear none of them!! Ha! Pretty funny, huh?
DeleteI agree with Wendy . . .
ReplyDeleteWell Said . . .
I do happen to have my rings on right now which doesn't happen often when I am home working with dirt, planting flowers, etc.
I must admit though, when I do leave the house, if I forget my rings, I notice it. It is like I am forgetting a piece of clothing.
Excellent writer Kim . . .
Thank you so much, Lynne. I love hearing that people enjoy my words! xo
DeleteAmen, sister!
ReplyDeleteThank you, Betty!! :)
DeleteGreat topic, Kim. Dennis and I take our rings off quite often when we're working on projects, and since I started working at the garden center I never wear my ring. After losing the diamond in the engagement ring my late husband gave me years ago, I'm really sensitive to losing stones in rings and would much rather just play it safe and take the ring off. I feel like you do. . .they're not necessary to "prove" we're married. Have a great week! Hugs, Nancy
ReplyDeleteI can see how a garden center and diamond rings could be a dicey proposition! I hope your new job is going well and you are enjoying your time spent among the flowers...rings or not! :)
DeleteI was curious to see what your reasons are for why you hardly ever wear your band... adn I had to say yes, yes, yes, yes to all of them! I try to remember to wear my band when I go out, but it doesn't always happen... and with all my farm and house chores, no rings just make more sense. A great post!!!! I agree... a band does not make a marriage a true marriage. My husband does not wear a ring either because of his work. Our love is the force that holds us together, not a wedding band!
ReplyDeleteThis is exactly how I feel about it. Every day life is different for every person. Some sit at a desk or work on a retail floor, others have their hands immersed in who knows what!! Then there is the matter of comfort, but either way, the bond of marriage is symbolized by the ring...but that is not what truly binds any of us. :)
DeleteI wear my ring when I go out in public, but never at home. I don't like to wear any jewelry at home, except maybe a pair of earrings. But rings, no way. My hands are always in dish water, cat boxes, paint, or the gardens! I also just like the feeling of "lightness" I get from being jewelry-free. Same with shoes - they come off the minute I get in the house. Wish I could do the same with my bra, ha ha! My husband, on the other hand, pretty much wears his ring 24/7. He said he feels too weird without it and since it was an outward symbol of our love and commitment when we got married, it's very important to him. Sooo...I guess we all have our own ways of looking at this! A highly personal decision.
ReplyDeleteHighly personal indeed, Melanie...but I am with you. I also feel the same way about the shoes and the bra!! ;)
DeleteAw, Kim, you did it again. :-) Today, we celebrate our 19th Wedding Anniversary. My wedding ring has been in a box for the last 10! It had lost a bracket that held a stone in it. My husband just got it fixed a week ago, and surprised me with it. For the past 10 years I have not had a ring on my finger. ;-)
ReplyDeleteThank you for this post, as always...I love what you write.
Thank you so much and Happy Anniversary to you Carla!! What a wonderful gift your husband gave you. I love it. I can imagine that the garden is a rough place to wear a diamond, but I'm sure it's wonderful to have the option again!! :)
DeleteI am not much of a jewelry wearer. Wearing jewelry should be a personal decision and really isn't anyone else's business. It always amazes me the things that people feel they have a right to ask and/or talk about. The only other opinion that should be important to you about whether or not you wear your wedding rings is that of your husband. That being said your rings are lovely.
ReplyDeleteCompletely agree Lorri and yes, I am always amazed by what people ask, too. I just couldn't...
DeleteWhen my husband and I decided to get married over 36 years ago, he asked me what kind of engagement ring I wanted. I told him I didn't want one. We were young, neither of us making much money. Realistically, both of us would have been paying for a fancy ring to sit on my finger for years after we got married. I told him that we couldn't live in a ring or sleep in a ring, we couldn't cook on a ring or turn it on to cool off the house. My Grandmama (who I admired and adored) wore a simple gold band her entire adult life. She married my Grandfather when she was 16 and they were married until he died at 79. I told him that if a simple gold band was good enough for my Grandmama then it was good enough for me. He said that was when he knew we were like-minded and we'd have a good life together.
ReplyDeleteHe worked in a machine shop and after one of my cousins had his ring finger pulled off by a machine in a plant that he worked in, I told my husband to take his off. I stopped wearing my band in my early 30s when I developed an allergy to gold. When we'd been married 20 years, my husband offered to buy me another wedding band but we still had kids at home and a mortgage and a huge car insurance payment every month aaaaaaaand......it just wasn't that important.
I've been asked a few times why I or my husband don't wear a wedding band. I generally reply, because we just don't. I know that freaks some people out. They consider a wedding band a badge or a brand or something. I actually had a woman ask me if I didn't fear that my husband would fool around on me if he wasn't wearing a band and I'm afraid I offended her when I burst out laughing! As though a ring is some kind of insurance of marital fidelity!
Rings are simply a symbol of the commitment you are making to one another. If the symbol is important to you then wear it proudly. If not, don't feel obligated to wear one because of other people's expectations. My husband and I renew our commitment to each other every day in our words and by our actions. And that's good enough for me.
Kim, I just adore your comment. It is truly everything I feel. When my husband proposed, we had no money. He actually slipped a shell ring on my finger. We had bought it in a trinket shop at the beach for a dollar. We just wanted to be together and start our joint life, a ring was inconsequential. Over the years, he has given me many. Sometimes I wear them, sometimes I don't. As you so eloquently said, they are pretty, but the are no insurance of fidelity. That is something no ring can provide! Thanks for weighing in!! :)
DeleteBeautifully said Kim! And yes it is just an object; what defines your marriage are the intangible things that are the glue to any good union. My husband and I are the exact opposites. He took his off after a few days because he is not comfortable wearing any sort of jewelry, while I cannot even pry mine off at this point. I think after 4 kids my finger has grown around my ring...haha. And we are both fine with that. It amazes me how superficial people can be.
ReplyDeleteI am amazed by that too, Mary. I never understand why people care about my jewelry- or lack of it!
DeleteI loved this. After 40+ years of marriage I don't wear rings nor does my husband. He never did but I did early in our marriage until I lost it because I kept taking it off. For our 30th anniversary he bought a beautiful diamond wedding band, which resides in my drawer. I only wear it to special family events. I detest wearing things on my fingers as well as my wrists. I am an avid gardener, painter and cleaner, so rings yuck, lol. As you say, I know I am married and have a wonderful committed relationship with my best friend and love! I don't need a ring to remind myself or others of that fact. My jewelry of preference are earrings and I am sure there are those that don't like wearing them, lol. It looks like you hit a topic many can relate to. Enjoy your day.
ReplyDeleteIt's funny, Jann, we followed the same pattern. I did not get a big diamond when we were engaged. We were able to use my grandmother's rings and I was excited to have them, but they were not really my style. (Of course now I adore them since I am older and wiser!) Over the years, my husband has given me several bands and I still wear them infrequently. I guess you are either a ring person or you are not! I am having fun reading all the comments, it certainly seems like this topic is of interest to many!! Thanks for leaving a thought! :)
DeleteI have always been a big ring wearer simply because without fingernail and jewelry? I think I have man hands. LOL However I would not be so judgemental as to ask a friend or co-worker why she wasn't wearing hers. People tend to forget that it's a symbol of love and marriage but not everyone needs it. Ring or no ring I still get hassled. Hubby is a construction equipment mechanic, so he doesn't even own one. His friends have joked that he doesn't wear one and I usually retort something like "he owns one, you just can't see it". That shuts them up real fast! They think I mean something dirty, but "G" and I joke about it being a ring in his nose. LOL
ReplyDeleteHaha!! I love it!! You have a good sense of humor and the knack for a quick come back! Perhaps that is what I need the next time the inquisition begins!! ;)
DeleteNot required here either. My husband doesn't like rings although he has a big Texas A&M ring and a beautiful wedding ring. I don't care! That ring on his hand isn't what it's all about at all. I like to wear mine but only when I'm 'dressed' which isn't that much. :)
ReplyDeleteLately my husband has been into watches. He purchased two beautiful ones this winter...which I find on his nightstand most days! I guess jewelry isn't his thing no matter where it's worn!!
ReplyDeleteI try to remember to wear my ring when I go out and about, but often times I forget.
If I do wear them, I take them off as soon as I get home-I am always cleaning something and I don't want my ring to loose it's luster by being doused with pinesol.
You have certainly said this well, the ring does not make the marriage-the people do.
Happy Wednesday and I am happy to see you writing again:)
Thanks Jemma! It was good to get back to the keyboard, even if I was typing away with bare fingers! ;)
DeleteLOL loved the handcuffs line ! :)
ReplyDeleteHa! Glad I could make you laugh, Deb! :)
DeleteYou must encounter a lot of judgmental people! i can't believe that many people are so observant. I rarely wear mine & no one has ever even noticed as far as I know.
ReplyDeleteI've been married 29 yrs & stopped wearing them early in our marriage. I worked in food production where jewelery was not allowed for safety & sanitation reasons. It became such a pain...remembering to take them off before I went to work, finding a safe place for them AT work if I forgot. I just stopped the hassle.
Then when I quit working I had just gotten out of the habit of wearing them. I do always wear them when I go out like church, or something special. It's part of dressing up for me. Now I have arthritis & I haven't been able to sleep with them on for years because of the pain.
My husband has worked for the same food manufacturer for 29 yrs. He takes his ring off & on. He has an office job but has to go into the plant often so he leaves it in his desk but he pretty much always wears his. My son(who works at the same place) is the same way.
One thing about no jewelry on the job though, when I was young I did get asked out a few times by co-workers who didn't know I was married. No one wore wedding rings & I was pretty naive & friendly I guess. I was always shocked & embarrassed when it happened.
Now I actually only wear a very small thin gold wedding band...never my engagement ring... when I wear a ring at all. My solitaire needs some repair work & I'm afraid of losing the stone. My husband recently commented how much he loves that I just wear the band because that's all his grandmother wore.
There really are a lot of judgmental people out there and I seem to run into all of them, Jenny! ;) Maybe it's where I live...it's very outspoken state! I haven't really thought about the no jewelry jobs, but now that so many people have mentioned it, I have been keeping an eye open. I realized that all the nurses and aides at my mom's nursing home are without rings. I can see how jewelry would be a hazard in that facility for everyone involved.
DeleteHow timely for this post! I have been married less than 2 years now (my 2nd marriage) and I value my bridal set so much. It is not expensive but the meaning behind it is priceless and my darling picked it out and surprised me with it on Christmas eve 2013. As of this past weekend it is no longer around for me to wear at all. My ring was off due to cleaning and projects and it is now gone. We have sifted through garbage and torn the house apart looking for it. We believe it may have been picked up as there were people in our home that we do not yet know very well. I have a jewelry box in my bedroom and from now on it will be used. Never again will I leave valuables in a common area of my home. I know it is just a piece of jewelry but right now it is difficult and a tough but good lesson, and yes, I am still married :)
ReplyDeleteOh Karen, I am so sorry to hear your story. I may not wear my rings very often, and they may not be worth very much, but they are precious to me. I totally understand your sadness and I genuinely hope that they were not taken, that they turn up when you least expect it. Fingers crossed and hugs to you.
DeleteAmen. Both me and my husband don't wear them daily too. We're just not 'ring people' at all!
ReplyDeleteI can imagine it would be difficult to wear in your line of work, Vel.
DeleteI often don't wear mine either. I have arthritis and sometimes they are very bothersome, and like you, my hands are always in paint or dirt. I do love to wear them, but if I don't no one seems to notice...
ReplyDeleteThere are tons of reasons why people don't wear their rings, it's very personal. I don't know why so many others seem to care. ;)
DeleteI never take my rings off (and I wear 3 on one finger!), so I was offended for a long time that my husband didn't want to wear his. It bugged him. I told him that after you get used to it you don't even know it is there. Now I don't care. It's not the ring that says you are married, it is your behavior and I see how my husband is around other women. He is still all mine!
ReplyDelete…and that is the most important thing! Rings come off, commitment does not. I like to layer my rings, too!! :)
DeleteKim, if I had hands as pretty as yours I would pile on the diamonds! Of course, I would have to have some money to buy those diamonds! I wore my rings for many years, but then they became worn so thinly that I thought I might lose them one day, so took them off. I now just wear a gold band that was my grandmothers. But if I wore one or not, I agree it is nobody's business. I know I'm married and the important people in my life know it too, so that's all that counts..Happy Week to you..Judy
ReplyDeleteThank you, Judy! You are so kind! My rings were my grandmother's too! We had not a dime when we got married and we were lucky enough to have those pretties offered to us. They are very, very old, so I have to be extra careful too. Most importantly, with those rings or without, the commitment is the same. :)
DeleteHow interesting...this is a story that really resonated with me. l've been married for 33 years....being a nurse most of my career l wasn't allowed to wear rings when l was working so l just be bothered with the constant putting them on and pulling them off and forgetting where they were, so didn't wear them for about 20 years, however it meant being questioned time after time and my blank ring fingers even gave men an excuse to hit on me (when l was younger of course:-) my hubby is a tradie and has never worn a ring...these days l wear my wedding ring only, but seriously l could care less about it....l totally agree with your and your hubbies philosophy, wedding rings do NOT a marriage make.
ReplyDeleteI am so glad that this piece spoke to you and I'm also glad to hear that I'm not alone...in the great ring inquisition. Although, I know it's annoying and uncomfortable, I am not happy you had to deal with that. Thirty three years is a long time (congratulations!) and it doesn't seem as if your ring-less days were an issue at all! :) Thanks so much for the comment!! :)
DeleteHi Kim, I agree with you. The rings don't make the marriage, it's only a symbol. I wear my rings when I go out, but when home, I never wear them since I am in the studio swinging paint brushes, hands in water all day washing paint off or varnishing something. Since I tend to get paint all over myself, somehow, I don't want to ruin my rings. My hubby does the same. Yard work, and the like, doesn't call for rings.
ReplyDeleteWhen I am wearing my rings, I love them and enjoy it.
Happy June! xo
I love my rings, too, Celestina. They belonged to my grandmother and when I wear them I have to confess to feeling a little bit prettier, but agreed, they don't make a difference in my relationship! :)
DeleteHappy June!!
My daughter and son in law are like you and your husband! I wear mine, except if I'm using my hands for mixing something etc. My husband used to work in a factory where you could not wear your ring for safety reasons. You are right in saying that if that ring is the only thing that keeps you married, then you have bigger issues!
ReplyDeleteI live in Amish country and they do not wear rings ever.
There are tons of people who cannot wear rings because of the work they do and I never really realized that until this post and all the comments. It's also neat to hear about other cultures and ideologies. I hadn't really thought about that either...thanks for the insight, Deanna!!
DeleteRings do not make a marriage just as stiletto heels do not make us call girls, right? ;-) Hello sweet friend, I hope you are doing well!!
ReplyDeleteStilettos!! Now THOSE I would wear any day of the week....if my back would let me!! ;)
DeleteLoved the line about the affair ;).
ReplyDeleteI wear my engagement ring, but never a wedding band. Never have, but even if I wanted to now, for sure it wouldn't fit. I'm the kind of person that takes ALL my jewelry off (what little I wear) the second I get home. It's funny, if I'm out and don't have any jewelry on, I don't feel quite dressed. If I'm home and I have jewelry on, I can never truly relax.
I take it all off when I get home too, Doreen. That's if I remember to put it on in the first place! ;)
DeleteHi Kim, I agree with you on wearing the ring. It still means you are married and committed to each other even if you don't wear one all the time. I wish I could get mine off my finger as it gets too tight for me in warm weather. I love all of your topics lately!
ReplyDeleteI hope all is well with you. Take care and enjoy the weekend.
Julie, thank you for sweet comment. I am so glad that you like the topics lately! That makes me so happy to hear that you enjoy what I think about and pour out onto the...well, screen!! ;) I hope you have a fabulous weekend, too! Sunshine and warm temps! Finally!
DeleteIt amazes me Kim how snoopy some people can be. It really is none of their business. A well written post.
ReplyDeleteI am amazed right along with you, Ronda! :) And thank you!!
DeleteWell said. I'm with Ronda, I'm often surprised by the number of people who've never heard of privacy or boundaries.
It’s unbelievable, isn’t it? ;)
DeleteInteresting comments and each worthy. I had beautiful wide decorated wedding bands made for my second marriage that were very meaningful to both of us. We separated and then my husband passed away suddenly, so they became more meaningful. Due to hard times and the economy I lost my ring and his. Gone forever and I am very saddened.
ReplyDeleteTo each his own.
I am sorry you lost your rings. After my dad passed, my mom lost her wedding ring, too, looked for it for days, even took the sink drain apart. She was so sad...and yes, I always find the comments so interesting. I am grateful to everyone who weighs in. Thank you!
Deletewell said. my husband and I don't bother to put them on ever. we've been married over 20 years and together for 22. We spend almost all our time together since he retired. we don't need a ring to remind us of our commitment to each other. I'm glad you and your husband are the same way.
ReplyDeleteWe are right there with you! I do enjoy the pretty, when I remember to put them on, but they are not a necessity by any means!
DeleteI'm with you, girl; I've been married 48 years and rings are often cumbersome and a bother when working...beautiful, special sparkle when I go out!
ReplyDeleteI agree, CW, and I love that sparkle when I go out, too!! Thanks for the comment and the visit!!
DeleteAMEN Sister!!! I do wear my rings to work and church, but otherwise they live in a pretty saucer on my dressing table!! I LOVE rings and have a number of them since I have inherited everyone else's. I just don't love to have them on when I am working at the house! Jewelry goes off as soon as I hit the door in the evening....hubster wears two rings 24/7 - 365, so he doesn't understand that I have mine off before I hit the dressing table. Fortunately he doesn't care whether I wear them or not....as long as I am there to hold hands with!! He's a sweetie!
ReplyDeleteHugs to you....be blessed,
I guess that's the key, J, as long as both parties are comfortable with the arrangements, it's all good. As a young girl, I couldn't wait to get my very own diamond and wear it around all the time. Who knew it would be so annoying to have something on my fingers most of the (DIY) time!! ;)
DeleteTruly beautiful post and spot on!
ReplyDeleteSometimes, I get the feeling that people get so panicky about those little things, because they are not sure about the big ones (like love and commitment).
My sentiments exactly, Mila! It really should be about the big things...
DeleteI don't wear my rings at all and I love them, they are an old fashioned setting and still my favorite design. The diamonds are not big at all, the side diamonds are more chips, I didn't need a mortgage attached to them! Plus, I lost weight and they fall off. I almost lost them a couple times drying my hands in the restroom. I used to wear them to work but then always took them off at home because I was digging in the garden or something similar. I'll get them resized someday when I figure out where my weight will land.
ReplyDeleteTotally agree with everything you said, Kathy! I am glad to hear that I am not the only one who feels this way and who would rather keep her rings instead of losing them…even it that means keeping them off my fingers! ;)
DeleteYes! My sentiments exactly. I just don't wear jewelry at home. My hands are in too many paint/sticky situations and then I may forget when I go out. But i am always married in my heart. Thank you for so faithfully joining us at Thoughts of Home on Thursday. You are a treasured blogging friend.
ReplyDeleteMarried in my heart...I love that Laura!! :)
DeleteWhat an insightful post! I don't necessarily wear my 'wedding rings' as I am fortunate enough to have a collection of rings, gifted and inherited, and wear whichever one or ones, appeal to me on the day. Believe it or not, even THAT bothers people. I should apparently only wear my 'wedding' rings on that finger. Not dress rings or costume jewel trinkets. Huh? Okay. Whatever! Gotta laugh! I'll continue to wear whichever rings I like on that finger, or like you, none on some days! We just had our 19th wedding anniversary, and neither of us is going anywhere, so I think the rings are a moot point at this stage...lol! Mimi :)
ReplyDeleteI guess you just can’t please some people, huh, Mimi! I just think it’s so silly that it matters to anyone at all which ring, if any, we choose to wear. Congratulations on your anniversary, too! 19!! Woohoo! :)
DeleteI'm glad you posted this on your year end roundup, I missed it the first time around. My husband doesn't wear his band either, its on his key chain currently, simply because he HATES jewelry. Just doesn't like the feel of metal on his skin. We talked about getting tattoos but it never went past talk.
ReplyDeleteI didn't wear mine while preggo because my fingers, along with the rest of me, swelled up big time. A family member commented on it and asked if everything was ok between us. Uhhhhhh, guess she missed the 8 month preggo belly and cankles. (As a side note, it was a great feeling after pregnancy to "fit into" my ring! Ha!)
Rings unfortunately do not ensure devotion. That is a matter of the heart that takes cultivation and diligent maintenance.
Great though provoking article!
I'm so glad you liked this one, Audra. I thought about writing it for a long time and finally put my thoughts to paper this year. From all the comments, yours included, it seems like my husband and I are not alone...and I love your closing thought, "rings do not ensure devotion". They most certainly do not.
DeleteHappy New Year my friend. :)
HI Kim! I found the ring story. Totally agree on all points. I am glad it's not just me! Happy Monday in 2023! ;0) laura
ReplyDeleteHappy Monday and thanks for weighing in Laura!!
ReplyDeleteOMG!! I love this!!! I have not worn my rings for most of our soon to be 45 years of marriage!! I am allergic to the nickel in them and break out in hives...Plus the germicidal soaps used in the hospital where I worked also made me break out...I recently started to wear them now that i am retired and with my weight loss, I stopped doing so as I was afraid I would lose them...People went ballistic when I posted that I will wait to get them resized until I reach my target weight as there is no hurry....I was told to tape them, wrap string around them and numerous other things to make them fit...No thanks!! I am good!! No big thing not wearing them!! Thanks so much for posting this!!! I got a good chuckle out of it as I can just hear the comments that you endured as i got the same ones asked of me!!!
People are so opinionated on this subject when it has absolutely nothing to do with them. So funny. I always say you do you...whether it has to do with decorating your home or yourself! The only opinions that matter are yours and your partner's!! Thanks for sharing and you go with your weight loss...that's amazing!!
DeleteI always have on my wedding ring it just feels right for me. I agree that a ring is a symbol and not what makes a marriage. I have worn mine for 43 years now and it is just part of me. I love to see all the comments and so happy people feel free to wear or not. Like everything else in life it should be an individual choice. Lol about the handcuff comment. You crack me up! Have a great week. Hugs. Kris
ReplyDeleteI agree, Kris. It's a very personal choice, which is why it always shocks me when people are so adamant when they share their opinions. Oh well, I guess it is what it is, I just keep on doing what's right for us...Have a sunny week!! xo