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Give Thanks Letter Banner

November 09, 2015

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Lettered banners are an easy and fun way to decorate for the holidays.

Here's a super easy and versatile Thanksgiving garland that you can whip up in no time.

Give Thanks Banner

Ah, Thanksgiving, it's coming and guess who's hosting it this year?

That's right, the girl who hates to cook! Ironic isn't it?

That's ok, I'll manage, but what I'm really excited about is that it gives me the motivation to decorate for the holiday!

I don't usually put out too much in between Halloween and Christmas, but this year, I decided to add a little color with a little Give Thanks banner.

A banner, I know, big surprise! 😉

I can't help it. I just love banners. 

Besides, this one is different.

No. It's not made with puzzle pieces. Or crocheted vintage potholders or greeting cards.

It's super power is that it's tiny.

And who doesn't love tiny?

Making A Lettered Banner

It was super easy to make, it honestly came together in less than ten minutes, and it has a lot of uses.

I started by gathering my supplies.

Glue Gun
Wax Paper
String/ ribbon or twine

I laid out a piece of wax paper to protect my countertop from the glue.

Next, I grabbed a few letters and string from my craft stash and mapped out my sentiment to ensure the proper spacing and color pattern.

How To Make A Fall Banner with glue gun and letters

Lastly, I secured my round gold string by taping it to the counter and hot glued each letter to it.

Adding letters onto twine with glue gun

I told you this one was easy.

The most difficult part of this project was deciding where to hang it.

It looked good everywhere I tried it! Seriously.

See, this is part of my problem.

Banners are not just for the mantel, they are very versatile.

And...since this one is rather small, it could be added anywhere for a little seasonal fall sparkle.

Like across my fall wreath in the living room.

Give Thanks Fall Wreath with banner

Or, in the kitchen.

There I draped it over my existing countertop vignette. Shhh. Don't wake the pig.

Give Thanks Banner Letters on a faux pig next to pumpkins in the kitchen

But ultimately, I decided to try it under my plate rack, against the red wall.

I moved a few of my accessories over there too.

Perfect. That is definitely the right spot. 

Thanksgiving Give Thanks Fall Banner vignette

Well, for today anyway!

Happy Thanksgiving!!

If you're looking for more banners, check out these seasonal ideas:

Kim Signature

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  1. I'll confess that I've never made a banner but yours is so cute that I'd like to! I love how you did this. The wreath is pretty and the banner makes it perfect for Thanksgiving.

    Thanks for always inspiring and for linking up today. ♥

    1. Thanks so much for asking me to be a part of the fun today, Stacey! I love peeking at everyone’s creative decor. :)

  2. I love the banner Kim! It seriously looked great everywhere. Such a simple but cute idea and it could be changed up so many ways. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks so much, Kathleen! I do love these banner projects...they're just too easy. ;)

  3. I love your banner!! It is adorable.


    1. Thank you, Kathy! It's kind of an addiction over there...banners and red. I should probably get out more! ;)

  4. I love it! I like the idea of draping a small banner across a wreath like that. I have a fall wreath on my front door that's begging for something like this! Oh, and I have a similar pig, but he resides outdoors in my garden. His name is Wilbur...original, huh? Lol! Okay, I'm off to make some coffee and check out your other banner ideas. Thanks for all the inspiration!

    1. You know, now I feel bad…my pig doesn’t have a name! We just call him “the pig”. When the kids were tiny and they used to get loud, I would always say, “Shh, you’re going to wake the pig!” So funny, they would quiet right down. We still joke about it. Even now, if I am the one who is getting…um…loud. They will say it back to me!

      Hmmm. Maybe he needs a name!! ;) Thanks for the visit Lisa!

  5. Kim, the banner is adorable. I have never made one but you have inspired me. Lovely!


    1. Thanks Barb! I make banners all the time, because they are so easy and I am a lazy crafter! ;) I also like to decorate my kitchen hood and it’s a quick way to do that. Thanks for the visit today and fun to be sharing along with you!

  6. All your DIY readers, have fun.

    Me... I love that napping pig!!!!

    1. He's my favorite, Tessa...but don't tell the chickens! ;)

  7. Sweet little banner. . . .
    So you too! A RED letter!

    1. I know!! I was thrilled to see that color in the bag! ;)

  8. Happy Monday Kim. I love all your banners and the Thanksgiving is super cute. Have a great start to the new week ahead.

    1. Thanks Kris! I like this one…it’s tiny! ;)

  9. Love the banner! It looks great with any of the vignettes you placed it. I love easy projects! Have a great week and thanks for sharing, Lynn

  10. Oh, Kim, your banner is too cute. And it was fun to see again your other banners. I too did a give thanks banner but mine was another paper one. I love how each of yours involves different materials and styles. Very creative. I will have to check out your friends' blog posts. Thanks for sharing the links. I wish we lived closer so I could help you with your cooking. I love to cook. Do your guests bring food too or is it all on you?

    1. My guests will bring food and my husband enjoys cooking, so it won't be terrible! ;) I love banners, Lorri, paper or otherwise. I don't know why, never made them before I started blogging. I have discovered a new outlet for my creativity. Fun!

  11. You are the queen of banners! :) This is another pretty one :)

  12. Hi Kim, love this smaller banner. It can be used in so many different ways. Love it on the wreath. Thanks for sharing and have fun preparing for the dinner! xo

    1. Haha! Oh yes, dinner. I’ve kind of blocked that part out! ;)

  13. This is so adorable! :)

    Thanks for joining Cooking and Crafting with J & J!

  14. Kim, I love banners too & you're right, it is just perfect there!

  15. I love your banner & the final spot really is my favorite too.

    Fall is my favorite season to decorate for. I love pulling the outside in & have spots of fall all through my house. I even have framed autumn prints I only display in the fall. :)

    With a daughter-in-law in our family now we juggle the holidays with another family. My men have never really liked a traditional Thanksgiving dinner & I used to cook one every year just for my mom. Since she passed away, it's been far from traditional - everything from grilled baby back ribs to Popey's chicken.

    This year we're thinking about doing a big bonfire & roasting hotdogs & marshmallows. We all love a nice bonfire. Or we may do steak fajitas. I pinned a recipe & my daughter-in-law suggested that for our meal so I may practise it a few times & see how it turns out. She & I love Mexican food so we would both be pretty excited about it.

    1. Well, I think that the holiday is really just about being with family. So if you’re all gathered together, I say fabulous no matter what’s on the menu! Plus, I totally agree that streak fajitas are good any day of the week! Thanksgiving included! Yum. :)

  16. So cute, Kim. Love where you put it against the red wall and the little wood angel on the cake stand. Just perfect and of course Miss piggy fits right in as isn't that how we all feel after eating that good dinner?..Happy Monday..Judy

    1. Thanks Judy and yes, a nap after dinner is a Thanksgiving must! ;)

  17. I'm with you on not decorating too much in between Halloween and Christmas, but this year, I couldn't help it, at least in my dining room! That wax paper idea is wonderful, thank you from my floors and tables Kim! ;-) Love the simple garland you made, goes anywhere!

    1. Thanks Vel...and yes, wax paper is my friend or I get glue everywhere! ;)

  18. This banner is so adorable and I love the fall colors. I like the fact that your banners are never complicated so that I can make them! :-) There always seems to be a perfect place for a banners. Surprisingly, banners are the one craft project I can make and usually don't run into any problems...well, except for trying to decide what colors to use, where I want to hang it, what I want it to say....LOL Hugs!!

    1. Thanks Benita! They certainly are all the rage right now and I enjoy using different materials to create something new.

  19. isn't it strange though...
    i liked it in all the places you put it. before i saw where you wound up with it!
    it's like when you try on dresses. you KNOW when it's the one! LOLOL.
    of course i can't remember the last time i wore a dress. but I remember that delicious "knowing it's the right one!"

    1. Your dress analogy is right on Tammy, you just know! ;)

  20. Replies
    1. I am! I think I may need to get a new craft! ;)

  21. I thought the banner looked great on your wreath, and then I saw it in the last photo as part of your Thanksgiving vignette, and I thought that it looked great there, too. I don't think you can lose. . .wherever you place it, it will look super. Love it, Kim! xo ~ Nancy

    1. Thank you, Nancy. It was hard to find a place for this one. It's just so cute! :)

  22. I love it! Simple, and perfect, and the perfect spot you found for it too! I will be interested to hear how you handle the Thanksgiving dinner... you are always the crafty and nifty gal - it should be fun! {smile} Have a great day Kim! :)

    1. I just may post about my Thanksgiving meal. It could be a very comical post! ;)

  23. Well, I think you totally "rock" those banners, Kim! You were so right, it did look cute in all the places you shared. I love banners, too, and they can be any size. Good luck with your Thanksgiving dinner!

    1. Thanks Carol! I do enjoy making them. Just glue and go! ;)

  24. All of your banners are fabulous! I just love banners but I think I only have one. It's bunnies so I have to wait till Spring! They are so easy to make, I don't know why I haven't made more!!

    1. They are super easy, that’s true, AnnMarie! :)

  25. Hi Kim,
    You made the cutest banner and it looks great on the wreath you made!
    Thanks for joining and sharing this at Cooking and Crafting with J&J.

    1. Thanks so much, Julie! I’m glad you like it! :)

  26. This is super cute, Kim! I'll never get tired of banners and I love to Pin them. SO many ideas! Wondering where you found the letters.

    You will fine making Thanksgiving dinner. You know I love to cook but I love to be included in the party, not in the kitchen, so my advice is to make everything you can possibly make the day before. Even two days before. And then grab someone you really love (or who really loves you!) and have them give you a hand in that last crazy half hour. :)

    Jane x

    1. Thanks so much, Jane and thanks for the hosting tips! I have a huge family and lots of hands on deck, so I am looking forward to group collaboration. I also agree with the make ahead advice. That is the plan…hopefully! I’ll be sure to let you know how it goes. Fingers crossed. Oh and the letters…I found them in the bargain bins at Michaels Crafts. And yes, I used the coupon! ;)

  27. Cute banner Kim! You are the queen of quick and easy crafts, that's for sure. ;)

  28. Kim, I just love your banner! Thank you for the tutorial. I think they just look so pretty no matter where you use them. I really like how you change it for every season. Very pretty! xxx Maria

    1. They're just so easy to make and they change out and store like placemats! Thanks for the visit, Maria.

  29. Thank you for the tip and tutorial on making this adorable banner! Love it!

    1. Thanks so much, Jemma. It was a super easy one to make. :)

  30. Hi Kim! :)
    I love the banner and I love the last place you hung it the best, you are stands out well against your wall, which I love too!
    It was fun looking through all of the other banners you have made too!
    That pig is too cute for words...well maybe one...oink! ;)
    Happy Tuesday!

    1. Oink is right! I love that little guy, a totally whimsical purchase made years ago...and so worth the $11 I paid for him.

  31. You make me want a whole bunch of craft stuff at the ready so I can run down and duplicate your super easy adorable ideas!! Yet when I went to Michaels the other day I got totally overwhelmed with all the choices and couldn't deal!!

    1. I know what you mean, Debbie! I try to keep it really simple and stick to the bargain bins. Truth be told, I don’t go to the craft stores that often. It is overwhelming! ;)

  32. Perfect!! I love banners. They are fun, easy, and add so much to the season.

    1. Thanks Carla! I think they’re fun, too! :)

  33. Each and every banner you've made Kim is beautiful and this one is no exception! So pretty!


  34. That turned out really cute, Kim! You should start selling these on Etsy, so craft challenged people like me can buy them :)


  35. Your banners are just beautiful Kim! So glad to have you join us at the Art of Home-Making Mondays! :)

    ~ Strangers and Pilgrims on Earth ~

    1. Thank you so much and thanks for the party! :)

  36. I never tire of banners! Just made a new Christmas one and started a second. :) Yours are always so cute. Especially love the potholder one! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!

    1. Thanks Jann, I love that potholder one, too! :) Happy Thanksgiving!!

  37. Sharing your adorable banner and wreath tonight to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving and Kick off the PARTY! Thank you so much for sharing! You are of course, Featured. Pinned, G+'ed and Tweeted!
    Happy Thanksgiving!
    Theresa @ Shoestring Elegance and the What to do Weekends Party!

    1. Thanks so much, Theresa! What a thrill!! :)
