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Decorating For Fall: The Kitchen

September 29, 2015

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Decorate Your Kitchen For Fall

It's no secret that I don't really like to cook. Frankly, I don't really like to eat that much either. I am more of an eat to live kind of person, instead of the other way around. That's ok, to each his own, but people who know this about me are often perplexed when I tell them that the kitchen is my favorite room in the house.

You don't like food, but you love the kitchen? It's really not that big of a mystery, I love the kitchen for the fabulous decorating opportunities, especially in the fall.

When it gets cold outside, there's nothing better than cuddling up in my big chair with a pair of fuzzy socks and a giant mug of hot chocolate and hanging out in there. I like it best in the early evening, after the dinner dishes have been cleared away and the kids breeze in and out, grabbing snacks and sharing amusing anecdotes about their day.

Big Comfy Kitchen Chair

I put on a little soft music, dim the lights, turn on my candles...yes, turn them on, and settle in. Sometimes, I write. Sometimes, I work on my website. Sometimes, I read and sometimes I just sit and stare at the pretty.

Country Kitchen in Fall

My husband in usually in the family room, watching some show about people who are trying to survive in Alaska...or Guam, some without clothes, all of them with a full camera crew and probably within a mile of a McDonald's. He doesn't want to hear that. He just wants me to come in and watch tv with him, but it's hard to pry myself away from my pine server and all of its festive fall decor.

Country Kitchen Pine Server

Or my farmhouse island.

Farmhouse Kitchen

Or my hood, the focal point of my kitchen, that reminds me of a hearth.

Custom Kitchen Hood

I'd rather look at them than at The Discovery Channel.

Especially in the fall.

What's your favorite room in fall?

Looking for a few more ways to warm up your kitchen this season?

Check out these easy ideas and updated decor.

Cottage Style Fall Decor

How to Add Fabric To Glass Cabinets

Book Page Magazine Holder Craft

No Sew Reupholstered Chair

Kim Signature

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  1. My favorite room for the fall, hmm?

    I guess it would be my dining room which is my favorite room all year long.

    Your Decor Steals cake stands look great. I need to get mine out and style them!

    1. Thanks for the tip, Carol! They are so fun.

  2. Ahhhhhh love your kitchen and all your fall. I like to do up my dining room for the holidays so that is one of my favorite rooms to decorate. Have a great rest of the week.

    1. Thank you, Kris. It's fun to play in this room! I hope you have a great week, too!

  3. So pretty, pretty! I would stay in your kitchen long after the meals too! My favorite room in Fall is my dining room. I decorated it in all Fall colors and it is the room that most reflects my style. I want a whole house some day like my dining room.

    1. I have had three comments, so far, AnnMarie and everyone agrees that the dining room is their fall favorite! You’re in good company! :)

  4. I think my living room is my favorite room in the fall, with the stone fireplace. But I'm not sure yet since this is my first fall in my new house!

    I love your house, Kim. All the red, the roosters, that wreath on your hood vent, it's all gorgeous.

    1. Thank you! My kids always tell me that we have too many roosters! I tell them that there’s no such thing! ;) Your stone fireplace is quite stunning, I bet you will enjoy a ton of cozy fall nights staring at that pretty site!!

  5. I've always loved your kitchen, Kim, and I can see why you enjoy your cozy spot in your pretty chair. I think my kitchen is my favorite too - at least it's the one I change things around in the most often and it's the most fun to decorate for holidays.

    1. Thank you JoAnne! I fought long and hard to get that chair. My husband thought it would be too big for the room. Guess who likes to sit in it all the time, now? ;) Enjoy your own fabulous kitchen!

  6. I don't blame you at all for wanting to stay in this cheerful beautiful kitchen! It is what caught my attention when I first "met" you here, that and your love of red. And your not loving food--is that contagious? Because I'd sure love to be exposed to that!

    My favorite room in the fall is also my kitchen--the scent of cinnamon and apples and pumpkin spice! Food!


    1. Haha, Dewena, contagious! You are a funny girl! Ok, maybe I should rephrase that, I like food, it just doesn’t like me. You know those commercials where people try to eat tacos or a hamburger and then end up fighting a life sized version of the food? Yeah, that’s what happens here. Had it my whole life…I was that kid…the tummy ache girl. Lots of fun at parties! ;) I get along with home decor accessories much better!

    2. Kim - It seems we not only have a love of red but are less than passionate about food and cooking- I have a plaque in my kitchen "The Only Reason I Have a Kitchen is because it Came with the House"! But I spend all my time in my kitchen as my computer lives there so like to decorate that room a lot. Food hates me too since childhood- I will send you a PM about info that helped me- might work for you too?

    3. I need that sign, Kari! It does stink, I like food, it just doesn't like me! ;)

  7. Hi Kim, love your kitchen for fall. So warm and cozy. I love your wonderful jar pulled up to the table. The perfect snuggle up spot. I'm not sure, I have a true favorite spot in my home, but sitting in the living room by the fireplace or the sofa snuggled up with a good book or cup of hot chocolate is probably my fav followed by my kitchen since I'm there most of the time!! Love your tiered cake stand. Everything is gorgeous.

    1. Thanks so much, CelestinaMarie. Your fall kitchen is very cozy, I can see why you spend so much time there! :)

  8. I enjoy the kitchen too.
    My favorite area for Autumn decorating would be my entry, as you walk into my home. On the deck and as you open the door, I have my pumpkins, corn and other fun decorations. And a candy bowl in the entry of my home. ;-)
    I agree with Dewena about the food part, then a read your reply. :-( Sorry about your tummy aches.

    1. And yet, candy, I can eat! Amazing how that works isn’t it? ;) I would be perched in your entryway

  9. Your kitchen is so cute and charming! I love the red and white and the server is gorgeous! I think my kitchen is my favorite room and probably says more about me than any other room. I've managed to unclutter rooms in my house but my kitchen is as spread out and wild as I am! lol! I sometimes wish things were neat and orderly like in yours. Your cake plates and Carol's comment has me ready to run downstairs and bring a few up! :)

    Jane x

    1. Thanks Jane! Years ago, my house looked like the inside of a antique/ gift shop. I was crowned the accessory queen by my girlfriends. Then the simplifying bug hit...and I let go of a lot of it. I still like a few pretty pieces around and now I feel like they all stand out more. Plus, it's way easier to clean! ;)

  10. Kim, I can see why the kitchen is your favorite--so pretty! My dining room and living room are one big room and the combination is my favorite, though my kitchen is a close second ;)

    1. I grew up in a house where the living room and dining room were one big open room and the view was great. I totally get it! :) Fall for as far as the eye could see!

  11. I just love how you decorated. I love to eat, too much really, but I only like to bake. I also love to sit in a comfy chair with a hot cup of tea or cocoa and this time of the year is the best.

    1. I prefer baking to cooking, too, Betty. Enjoy your comfy chair! :)

  12. a delightful post!
    i am right there in your kitchen with you! that would be my spot too!
    i had to LOL! i've often thought of the camermen and crew too on those silly shows.
    just like when you see mountain climbers reaching the peak and the camera guy is ALREADY UP THERE
    filming their GREAT ASSENT!!! uh oh. did i spell assent right. it looks funny.
    i love the idea of flameless candles! now i will definitely get some.
    i followed the link to your past post showing them... oh! so beautiful!
    i don't do well with scented candles at all... allergies. can't breathe. eyes water. so i use little beeswax tea lights.
    but i love the look of those flameless ones.
    i'll let you get back to your cocoa. i'm eating a heart healthy frozen dinner. of course i nuked it.
    i also don't cook anymore. but i LOVE beautiful kitchens! :) xoxo

    1. Tammy you are so nice and so funny! I think the real heroes in those shows are the cameramen (or women!). They do all that climbing and surviving with one hand! Maybe the shows should be about them! ;)
      I am a big fan of those flawless candles. Click on. Click off. Perfect!

  13. fKim, I didn't used to like to cook but I do now, but, like you my kitchen and my dining room are usually my most favorite places to be. I say usually because they are both pretty much torn up now awaiting the reno work. Hopefully, I will be back in business for Christmas. Your kitchen looks so pretty, Clean , bright , cheerful and charming. I can see why you would love being in there and decorating for any season..Happy Tuesday..Judy

    1. Thanks Judy! Oh the word construction gives me chills! I remember those days and while the result is gorgeous, the process is a giant mess! Good luck and I hope it goes by very quickly! :)

  14. I love your " fall touches . . .
    And your thoughts . . .
    I guess I like my kitchen, dining area the most . . .
    Touches of warm colors here and there and usually the fragrance of one soup or another tempting me/us to try.
    Cooler days, early darkness seems to be here and the kitchen seems to enhance us and brings comfort and warmth to our gathering place.

    1. Thank you, Lynne. Soup sounds very good right about now…I saw vegetable soup on a blog this morning and now I can’t stop thinking about it! :)

  15. Now that the kids are grown and I live alone I have really gotten out of the habit of decorating for the seasons and even the holidays. Last year I didn't even get the Christmas dishes out. Maybe I need to dust some of that stuff off and get to it. Right now the decor at my house could be defined as "garden" as I have potting mix, containers and seeds on every horizontal surface that wasn't already covered with canning equipment. The joys of a small house. I am starting to move baby plants out into the greenhouse so hopefully this is short lived.

    Kim your home is beautiful and I love your seasonal changes. You have inspired me to be better. :)

    P.S. I found your thrifting post. Nice.

    1. I remember when we all moved out, my mom would not decorate. Ah, it's just too much, she would say. We would all go over on a weekend and put up her tree and take out a few decorations. I never understood it, but now I get it. It's a lot of work! I have cut back a lot. I want a little accent to welcome the season, but not so much that it becomes all I do for the season! ;) Glad you liked the thrifting post...and your farm inspires me, so we're even!

  16. Love your sense of humor! I can relate with my own hubby! I don't blame you for not wanting to leave your kitchen. It is so warm and inviting. Love your chair! My favorite spot I suppose is my red chair and ottoman which overlooks the flowers and woods. A sense of peace for sure! Nothing like soft music and candle light to soothe. I like the idea of the candles. Have a great week, Lynn

    1. I have to laugh at those show, Lynn or I think I would scream! ;) Of course, my husband always rubs my feet while he is watching...that helps...a lot! ;)

  17. Kim, I love all of the fall touches in your kitchen! And I would never want to leave that chair either, especially for "dating naked"...LOL. I tell Edward the same thing about a McDonald's within arm's reach and he doesn't want to hear it either...but it's true...LOL Like you, I eat to survive, but I do love to cook and bake for others. For me, sitting near the fireplace, reading a good book and having a cup of hot chocolate near by is awesome....early evening or early morning...before the world wakes up!

    1. I like my space before the world wakes up too, Benita. Of course, with a house full of teenagers, that could theoretically be all day long. Well, at least on the weekend! ;)

  18. Your kitchen, and little area with your chair are just perfect Kim, and I don't blame you a bit for indulging in quiet time, and visiting with your kids, or doing whatever you desire in there, lol! Favorite room to decorate - well, that would probably be no room at this point. I am still trying to get organized in our cozy 700 sq foot home, and don't have room for much other than essentials. I suppose I could find a pumpkin or two to put out, lol!

    1. You may have a cozy 700 square feet inside (which I know is challenging with a family, but it just sounds so charming), but you have the most amazing outdoor space, complete with feathered and furry friends. Thinking about your open skies and fabulous forest always makes me smile. That sounds perfect to me!

  19. Hmmm, my favorite room...that's a hard one for me right now because almost all of our rooms are a mess from the kitchen reno. If I had to, I guess I would say my living room. I like to sit on my couch with my candles lit and dog on my lap and watch the trees out my big picture window. Love your kitchen Kim, and I don't blame you one bit for wanting to hang out there.

    1. I would say that any room where you had a pup on your lap would rate as the favorite! ;)

  20. I can totally see why your kitchen is your favorite room. It's stunning. My favorite room? Now that's funny! As you know, my whole cottage is basically one room! LOL. Oh, okay, there is the bedroom and my studio, and the bathroom. How about the porch? Does the porch count as a room? hehe

    1. The porch totally counts, Nancy. Of course, I would just say your cottage in general. It is cozy, charming and totally perfect in any season! Plus, you know, it’s red! ;)

  21. Kim, your kitchen looks sooo very pretty! No wonder you like to spend time in there. I know what you mean about the Discovery Channel. There is NO escaping it in this house either. I always joke with my husband and say that he is the only one in the whole United States of America watching those shows. I guess not! LOL

    1. I think he's in very good company, Maria Elena! Seems like there are a lot of us questioning our husband's taste in tv! ;) I guess it's a Mars versus Venus thing...

  22. Men's tv shows!!!! -gigggles- Yes, we "do" those here too. Along with every DIY show known to mankind. And searching for new homes, all over the globe.

    Actually, I like these. One can sit there and bemoan how the silly people always have to "do over" every thing. Like... Live with a not perrrrfect and newwww bathroom? On no, they simply can NOT do so!!! Realllly!!!!!!

    But the absolute worst, are the Ancient Aliens! I make him limit these! I do. Yikes!!! :-)

    'Course, all the while, I am on IG or reading.


    1. No Ancient Aliens here, Tessa, but there has been an occasional flick over to a BigFoot Hunt. That is what I limit. He says he watches it for the comedic aspect...I'd rather watch a real comedy! ;)

  23. I do love my kitchen pretty much year round. I love to cook & to eat, I love the gorgeous views & just how pretty & organized it is.

    My favorite room in the fall though is my living room.. It's the only family space unless you count the screened porch, we don't have a den or family room. We have a wood pellet stove that we use on cold days & I love sitting in the evenings watching the fire, reading, listening to music or whatever. I'm decorating for fall this week & I'm excited how nice it's looking.

    1. I bet fall looks great with your new interiors, Jenny! It’s awesome when your vision comes to life, isn’t it? Happy October, almost time for that fire!

  24. I'd enjoy that cozy corner too. My favorite fall room is still the front porch for as long as I can possibly enjoy it....

    1. Ah, the porch! Good choice, Deb. I like it out there, too!

  25. I think your kitchen is just so charming, Kim! It's easy to see why it's your favorite. My first instinct would be to say my kitchen is also my fave, but as I ponder a little longer, I have to say it's my sitting-dining room. That space is the one where my most special treasures have their home. It is the space that never gets messed up, so it's always the perfect place to sit alone or with company.

    1. Oh a room that never gets messy? I want one of those, Carol! It sounds just divine!

  26. Very pretty! I have the same birds! Painted them white, then sanded up the edges! I love them. I have minimally decorated for fall - today two potted mums situated themselves at my front door...

    1. Thanks! I need mums, that is what I am missing...outdoor fall decor! ;)

  27. Hi Kim! :)
    Your kitchen is beautiful, I love all the white with the pine and pops of red. Your pine hutch and island are gorgeous!
    I can see why you hang out in there, and with music to boot! ;)
    My favorite room in this house is our upstairs living room - it gets the most sun and is a cozy room in the fall and winter!
    Have a wonderful rest of your week!

    1. We get a ton of sun in here, too Kimberlely, I think that is what contributes to my warm feelings! Sunshine is always a good thing! Thanks for the sweet comment and visit!

  28. I love your kitchen too and it is amusing that you don't like to cook! I have the same set up cake stands and mine are from Decor Steals and I love them. I will come over and cook anytime in your kitchen!

    1. Thanks! It’s funny, when we were picking kitchen countertops, my husband said, why does it matter, the pizza comes in the same box no matter what you choose! ;)

      Decor Steals is my new addiction. Dangerous!

  29. Your kitchen is beautiful. Here I thought we were friends until I read that you EAT TO wish I could grab that tiger by the tail. lol I am still loving that chair that you redid. So much fun. Have a great first day of October. xo Diana

    1. Thanks Diana! Food is not my friend, but it always amazes me how chocolate goes down so well! And donuts. And cake…hmmm. Thanks for the chair comment. I still won’t let the kids sit in it! ;)

  30. It is a simple blessing, Teri, you are so right. I really enjoy the quiet of the space, when everyone is home. I enjoy looking at my treasures and how they are arranged in the room. I enjoy the smell of dessert and the warmth the candlelight brings to the room. I find it to be serene and a form of meditation. It seems that you do, too. :)

  31. Hi Kim,
    I love your kitchen and I too can't believe that you just eat because you are supposed too! I was taught to love food by my husband who is Italian and food is very important to them! LOL!
    I spend a lot of time cooking in the kitchen but I love my living room.
    Happy October and enjoy your day sweetie.
    Julie xo

    1. I am Italian too, Julie and yes, eating is love in our family. Food was supposed to cure whatever ailed you. Unfortunately, it gives me a stomachache. It’s a bummer, but I still like that kitchen! ;)

  32. My kitchen is my favorite room, too and I love to decorate it. I'm always changing things around! Absolutely love your red and white chair (and I just went to the post where you showed how you re-did clever!). I wouldn't want to leave that kitchen and chair either to watch TV. I'm not much of a TV watcher either. I'd much rather read (books or blogs), write, etc. I do love to cook though, so my kitchen sees a lot of use with me always cooking up something good. Right now I'm eating a delicious bean-veggie soup that I just made. :-)

    1. Everyone is talking about soup now, Melanie and I told my husband yesterday that I have such a craving for veggie soup! Now I am definitely going to have to make a batch this weekend. Bean- veggie sounds good. That chair was super easy, trust me, I am not a complicated crafter. I highly recommend that tape. Thanks for peeking and have a great weekend.

  33. Well, I love what your husband is doing. That sounds familiar. My spouse likes those two guys with a science show. I don't watch t.v.... almost never.
    Your kitchen looks beautiful, Kim. I think my favorite room is my kitchen too, but I like to hang out on the daybed the porch. xoox Su

    1. Hi Su! I don’t watch tv either. I will sit with him and read or craft, but I rarely watch. Your kitchen and porch are lovely, I would hang out there, too! Happy October!

  34. I love your kitchen so much!! I love the chair!! I would stay in there all the time. Everything about it is gorgeous.


    1. Thank you, Kathy, that chair is a favorite of mine, too. It was so easy to do, I may just whip up some friends for it! ;)

  35. I guess all hubs do the same thing...and like the same goofy shows :)
    I love your living room is one of my favorites to decorate...especially at Christmas.
    Come by to see me...I'm here from French Country

    1. They are goofy shows, BJ…and I thought my kids had questionable tv taste! ;) Thank you for the lovely comment. I think your living room is lovely. You did a super job, it’s very cozy. I’m so glad you came by to say hello, it was a pleasure to visit.

  36. Fortunately I enjoy our den...I say fortunately because I am married to another TV watcher who likes for me to "sit" with him. He watches OLD westerns, so it is not too bad :^) I have a pile of books and magazines next to my chair, so I can be entertained as well.
    Our fireplace is in the den; that is another reason I like to be there in the fall and winter :^)
    I love your kitchen with it's pretty cabinet and the bright pops of red.
    Blessings to you,

    1. I could deal with old westerns, J! That’s much more my speed…the fireplace would help, too! :)

  37. I love your kitchen, too and I to don't care to cook.

  38. Kim, you have a pretty kitchen! I can understand why you like to stay in there. I use to cook all the time and am going to push myself to get back into the habit. But when the mister is home he likes me to sit and watch tv with him.

    1. Thank you Janet! It's a nice room to cook in, too...not that I would know! ;)

  39. My favorite room in my house no matter what season, is my kitchen, even if I didn't like to cook, which you know I do ;) For decorating, it's my living room and that's pretty much the only room that's big enough for it.


    1. If I had a fireplace and a couch in my kitchen, I would never have to leave that room! ;)

  40. Your kitchen looks wonderful! I just love that checked fabric skirt on that chair! Thank you for joining Home Sweet Home!

  41. Okay...I promise I'm not stalking you...but your kitchen is fabulous! Love every single detail and can I just say how nice it is to finally see someone else with white appliances? :) Oh, and if they create one more "reality" show I'm going to scream! It seems that's the only thing on television these days. Why do men like those so much? So funny!

    1. Stalk away, Lisa! You are the sweetest. I am not a fan of stainless. I just want my appliances to fade away, so the rest of the design stands out.
