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Italian Prosperity Jar

June 26, 2015

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Looking for a little prosperity that you can whip up yourself? Try this easy Italian Prosperity Jar and see what kind of magic you can rustle up!

Mason Jars And Bourbon For Italian Prosperity Jar

I am a romantic, a dreamer and a true lover of fairy tales.

Implausible happy endings are the best part of any story and if there's a little mystery and magic thrown in, even better.

In real life however, I am a bit more pragmatic.

I don't usually play the lottery, believe in get rich quick schemes and if something seems too good to be true, I generally pass.

However, when my friend Deb mentioned her Italian Prosperity Jar, I found myself mildly intrigued.

Apparently, if you fill a jar with bourbon and kale and leave it in a sunny location, it can bring you prosperity...whatever that may be.

Now, as I said, if this were a movie or a summer read, I would already be hooked. The bourbon would be trailing down the side of the jar, glistening from the sun streaming in through a crack in the basement window.

The heroine would lick the droplets away from the glass, as she placed the container on the windowsill, literally drinking the prosperity into her frail and beaten frame...

...but this is not a novel ~ in my case a poorly written one ~ this is shopping on Monday, carpooling on Tuesday, piano on Wednesday.

You get my drift.

There's no room for magic in my world.

And then I thought, why? Why exactly is that and when did the magic go away?

As a child, I remember summer vividly.

It was full of wonder, bugs that made light, flashing light no less, and mysterious noises that emanated from the wooded night.

There were mermaids in the ocean. I'm sure that I saw a fin and if I could just get her attention, she would make me a mermaid, too.

There were sprites in my backyard, gnomes under the ivy patch, the ducks in the big field understood me when I spoke to them and someday, I was going to marry a handsome prince, after outsmarting the evil witch and we were going to live in a cottage.

Castles were never my thing ~ too big and cold.

Well, the handsome prince/ cottage thing came true...even had to battle a few witches to claim my prize, but somewhere along the line, the magic disappeared.

Oh sure, it came back every summer when the kids were little, but as teens, the only thing that they are enchanted by is the combination of cash and car keys.

In an effort to regain some of that summertime supernatural, I decided to whip up a jar of prosperity and believe in the possibility of possibility.

It was a quick DIY and an opportunity to buy bourbon and kale, two items I have never stocked.

Of course, the little man in the grocery store had to show me exactly which bunch of greens were kale. I doubt romaine would work.

Italian Prosperity Jar

I grabbed an empty old mason jar from a Mother's Day Sugar Scrub and washed it out.

Then I chopped the kale into pieces about the size of my hand and placed them in the jar.

I opened my bottle of bourbon, sniffed, gasped (I'm a total lightweight) and poured it over the kale.

I put the cap back on and since it was going to be in my kitchen, I added a red piece of trim to the top of the jar to accessorize it. Nobody said that prosperity couldn't be pretty.

When it was done, I gave it a good shake and put it in a sunny window. Apparently, a good shake every now and then is key.

For the full tutorial, you must stop by and visit Deb, plus she has a great recipe for all that leftover kale.

Now, I don't know what your definition of prosperity is, but about a half an hour later, this was the view in my kitchen.

I'd say that's pretty magical and prosperous, wouldn't you?

Do you believe in magic?

Kim Signature

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  1. Good Luck Kim hope this brings you lots and lots of prosperity! Looks pretty.

    1. Thanks Kris! It was something new and fun to try…and thanks for noticing the “pretty”. I just couldn’t have an unadorned jar! Ha!

  2. I am willing to take the chance as well! It can't hurt and its a pretty little jar! A conversation piece as well (although I know it would confirm to my friends and family that I am certifiably insane). :)

    Jane x

    1. Jane, you make me laugh! I think my friends and family are thinking that about me right about now...maybe some readers, too, but hey, why not right? Plus, I get to DIY a mason jar...a blogger's dream! ;-)

  3. I lost my magic too but I wish I had it back! I loved your post and the ladybug, rose photo is wonderful!

    1. Oh Gigi, I hope you find some magic. I think your creations are magical...especially those new crowns!

  4. Oh Kim I love this idea and I've never heard of this before! I can't believe there was a ladybug on your flowers! I will check out your friends blog when I get a chance! Have a nice weekend!
    Julie xo

    1. The ladybug visit was lovely, Julie, thanks! It’s always a fun sign of summer!

  5. Yes, we all need to put a little magic back into our lives. Lady Bugs are definitely good luck, and when they are inside your home, it only doubles! '-)
    Enjoy the day, my new friend! ~ Sarah

    1. I have heard that Sarah, so I took it as a good sign! Thanks for the reassurance! :)

  6. Oh yes ~ I believe! To me that little bug was a sign. I don't think we should ever give up dreaming. Sure we have to be responsible and adult like, but a little bit of magic never hurts. Great post. Really enjoyed it!

    Big Texas Hugs,
    Susan and Bentley

    1. I’m with you, Susan, a little bit of magic is good thing!

  7. Well now, Hubs is a Vegetarian AND he likes an occasional sip of bourbon, so neither is foreign to us. And of course, I always like your arrangements and all the red. But Hubs sighed and said "What a waste of good bourbon". Unless he can eventually retrieve the spirits for "use", I don't think this project will be showing up around here :(
    I LIKE IT THOUGH :) And YES, I think everyone needs a little magic in their lives.

    1. Cheryl, your comment made me laugh. Every woman I have met in real life, says that it's worth a shot and a fun idea...most of the men say that they would rather drink the bourbon! Thankfully, I married a wine guy! ;)

  8. Hi Kim, Being half Italian I know why not try it. Look how pretty it looks too. Wishing you best wishes with this and hey a ladybug is good luck so it could already be working. Love your pics and the rose is gorgeous.
    Thanks for sharing and the link.
    Hugs and have a nice weekend. cm

    1. I really like that ladybug shot, too! It was a sweet moment and I am so glad I had my camera handy!

  9. So cute Kim. Hey, we need all the help we can get right? It must already be working because you got a little sign. :) Hope you have a great weekend.

    1. Thanks Kristi. She landed in the perfect spot...and of course, I had my camera ready! The life of a blogger...ha!

  10. I am going to have to make me one. We really need prosperity now. Love that red and white jug.

    1. Thank you, Betty. I hope it brings you what you need. :)

  11. You are so fun. :-) I think it will work...keep me posted.
    I love the ladybug on the rose. Beautiful.

    1. Thanks! I hope it works, too, Carla! ;-)

  12. I would certainly say that is least to me. And, it's only been a half hour!!

  13. I think kale is in that wonderful soup that I love at the Olive Garden...with the sausage and potatoes. So that's what I would do with the leftovers. Except...I've tried one or two of the mimic the restaurant recipes posts and still have not gotten that soup right. Still looking for THAT magic lol.

    This post was fun. Off to visit her in your link :)

    1. Yes, I have tried to copy Panera's mac and cheese and it just does not take the same!

  14. I have never heard of this but am totally intrigued! Will make one and see what "shakes" out! ;-) Hope you are having a great weekend!

    1. I'd never heard of it either, but I figured I see what "shakes out" too! Hope something good for you! :)

  15. Haha! A great post Kim. No I am a practical minded woman but I hope it works for you.

    1. We’ll see! I’ll keep you posted for sure! ;)

  16. Well, count me in too. I knew there had to be a purpose for Kale, since I can't stand eating it LOL

    And yes, I believe. I have to. Without magic, the world wouldn't be any fun ;)


  17. Hahaha. Love the red trim on the jar. You're such a girly-girl. I love you!

    1. I am a girl-girl, Nancy! Decorations for everyone!! ;)

  18. This will sound really dumb, but I've always loved buying lottery tickets. For $1.00 I could spend a week dreaming of all the things I could do, places I could go, and people I could help. I don't think I've eve won more that $3, but I did get a lot of dreaming for my waste of money. However, working for a law firm, I did know of 3 people who won nice size lotteries so I guess it does happen.

    1. I don’t think it’s dumb at all Barbara…like they say, you’ve got to be in it to win it! My husband likes the lottery and plays, frankly, so do most people I know. It’s not a waste of money if you enjoyed in some way and it sounds like you did…do. Hey, today a cup of coffee costs more than that and all you’re getting out of it is a trip to the ladies’ room! ;-) I say enjoy your chance and dream!

  19. What a fascinating idea, Kim! I do love s bit of magic now and then :)
    Happy new week.
    Helen xox

    1. I agree, Helen...everyone needs a sprinkling! ;)

  20. How cute! I'm going over to read the whole story. I think a ladybug is always a prosperous thing. :)

  21. I am putting you on my sidebar again-after I delete my old link to you. I'm not sure what is happening but I will try it again! Loved this post...prosperity sounds good to me---and, failing that, you could always drink the bourbon! lol Have a great night- xo Diana

    1. Ha! You sound like my husband, Diana! ;)

  22. Yes I do! I need to whip up some for me as well! Love your narrative Kim. Have you ever considered writing a book?

    1. I would love to Vel, thank you! I am actually working on it in my spare time. You just made my day!

  23. I think that is delightful, Kim! I'm not sure I believe in "magic," but I do believe in the power of positive thinking, positive imagery and positive affirmations. Maybe that is magic.

  24. Kim, you are too cute! I do believe in magic and fairies and sprites still reside in my garden. I think the older I get I'm living my second childhood. lol! Loved your cute story!! I have a ton of kale growing in my garden. I'll have to visit your friends blog and see the recipe. The Prosperity jar sounds fun, but I wonder if it could be used in cooking somehow. Thanks for sharing with SYC.

    1. I don’t know about the cooking, Jann, but I believe in magic recipe! ;)

  25. I believe in magic and I am going to do this! It sounds fun!

    1. I'm Italian and no one had ever heard of it before, but we all did it! I need to make a new one for a new year. Here's to some new year magic!!
