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How To Make A Spitter Pond Fountain From A Garden Statue

April 21, 2015

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Garden Fountain DIY

My decorating mantra has always been, surround yourself with things you love and you will always love your decor.

I employ that philosophy both inside my home and out.

After all, the garden is just an extension of your living space and it should be decorated in such a way that you will enjoy spending time outdoors, just as much as in.

When we began furnishing our yard we knew that we wanted to include a pond.

There's nothing like the sound of running water and wildlife to add a little zen.

We always have colorful fish and a few bullfrogs who sing to us in the evening. Birds are also fond of the water, they come to bathe and drink and occasionally we find a turtle milling about.

I am not sure if the animals would be so eager to settle in if the water was still. The movement is enticing and keeps the mosquitoes at bay.

For that running water feature, we toyed with the idea of a waterfall and looked at a few prefab fountains, but they can be very, very expensive.

Then we remembered our frog lawn ornament and knew it would make an awesome spitter.

The frog belonged to my husband's grandmother.

When she passed, he rescued it from her yard. It sat relatively camouflaged in the garden of our first home for seven years.

In our new house, we wanted to feature it more prominently by turning it into a pond fountain.

Mission accomplished.

It was a very easy DIY.

My husband simply donned his goggles and used a masonry bit to drill a hole in the mouth of the frog.

He then flipped it over and drilled a hole in the bottom.

He was aiming to go straight through the cement from bottom to top, but he got lucky and found that the frog was hollow about 4 inches up.

How To Make A Garden Fountain

He turned it over again and drilled the mouth a little more until he reached the hollow area.

If the piece had not been hollowed out when cast, he would've just kept drilling until he was through.

Of course, he drilled very carefully and as I stated earlier, he used the proper bit, so he wouldn't crack the frog.

How To Turn A Garden Statue Into A Fountain
Our little guy streams water out in a gentle flow, however a small
crimp in the tube is all it would take the change the spray pattern

He then inserted a hollow tube through the bottom of the frog and snaked it out through the newly created opening at the mouth.

The tube is connected to a pump that sits on the bottom of the pond.

It goes on and off with a timer.

At 10am every morning that frog fountain comes alive and shuts off automatically at 7pm.

We can override the timer with a quick flick of a switch if we are going to be outside in the evening.

Look closely and you can see the black cord from the pump that sends water through the tube. It was an inexpensive pump and it's been doing a great job for about ten years now.

DIY Garden Pond

Our fountain is a sentimental piece.

Yours doesn't have to be.

I've seen cement ornaments for sale everywhere, including yard and tag sales.  

Some of the newer statues are made of resin. We've recently made a new spitting pond fountain from a resin frog we found at HomeGoods.

Not into the whole DIY thing? That's ok, there are tons of fountains for sale out there, too.

It really doesn't matter if it's handmade or store bought.

It's all about what you love.

Do you love the sound of water?

** Looking for some more great gardening ideas? Check out all the fabulous inspiration at Which one is your favorite? **
Kim Signature

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  1. I love running water....great idea and wonderful you got to use something that is important to your family!

    1. Thanks Kim! That sentimental element really is the best part. :)

  2. Very nice! We have a small fountain on our patio, and love it. Definitely love the sound of running water. I've tried indoor table top fountains, but they always splash too much water on the food tables I set them on, and I don't want a plastic place mat under them. :)

    1. Thanks Gwen. I know, I would love to have water in the house, too. Too many kids around here to ever give it a try. I never even thought about the splashing! Thanks for the heads up! :)

  3. Kim, you're the best! I was thinking about what to do with our back yard. Running water sounds like such a lovely idea.

    1. I am sure you will come up with something super creative, Nancy. It's good to hear from you. Happy spring!

  4. Oh my yes. You didn't see my pond in TX. It was miraculous and I miss it so. Great idea, and using a sentimental piece you can enjoy.

    1. I bet it was beautiful, Brenda. Ours is a tiny store bought, pop it in the ground number. Someday, my husband would like to dig out a larger one on the other side of the yard. We'll see...

  5. Kim,
    So beautiful. I too love the sound of water. It is so soothing.
    Kris :)

    1. Thanks Kris. It is very soothing. I love it on the weekend mornings, before the neighborhood wakes up!

  6. I do love the sound of water and I miss my pond from our last house. We had a waterfall and it was so nice to listen to. I think I just about have hubby talked into a small pond at this house. I love your sentimental fountain. Actually I just love your home.

    1. Stacey, your visits and comments always make my day! I do like our tiny pond and that frog makes me smile. I wish you luck in your own pond quest! Keep us posted!

  7. I love the sound of water. So peaceful. And added bonus a fountain that gives you as much pleasure as the sound of the water. A very creative diy. Thank you for sharing! xo

    1. Thanks Kathy! We have had that little frog there for a long time and people keep asking us how we did it. I finally got around to sharing. Thanks for the comment! :)

  8. I wish I had a water feature. I've got two bird baths and I ever see them get used. I'm sure the sound of running water would entice the birds to come over.

    1. We have a bird bath right next to the pond, Barbara, and the birds fly right past it to the pond. I guess they do like that running water. Kind of reminds me of my cat, she would always pass up her water bowl for running sink water! :)

  9. I love it; it's so cute, and it is a nice size watering hole. I use to have a really pretty set up at my last home with large basins with water falling from one to next. All the wildlife enjoyed it. Here I have a small fountain that the hummingbirds enjoy, as well as the cats that jump on it to drink. My cats have bells; it deters their hunting. There is not much wildlife in the city.

    1. We used to have kitties and yes, they did deter the wildlife. Sadly, they are gone now, but we get to see a bunny here and there and that is pleasant, too!

  10. How wonderful that you were able to use your special frog. It is a beautiful fountain.

    1. Thanks Lorri. He did a really great job with this one!

  11. Great idea!! I just love this. My goal is to put a pond into our landscaping. It might be next year. This summer we have our basement and a new front deck to do.
    Thank you for sharing.
    I love the sound of running water too.

    1. Carla, it is a wonderful little feature! I bet you would love it!

  12. Nothing like running water in the garden. When we lived in Florida we built a pool with a fountain and I loved to sit out there by it. Not quite like a pond where you draw in wildlife but it still had that soothing sound. It would be great to add a water feature in the house we're in.

    1. I love the wildlife that comes to visit. It really is the best part of the day, when I spy someone enjoying the water!

  13. Love the sound . . . and I am looking forward to installing a water feature my son gave me for a gift this past Christmas . . . I wonder why the sound is so soothing . . .
    Great job on your creating your own . . .

    1. Thanks Lynne. I know you will enjoy your gift!

  14. I love water features! In fact, I have a wall fountain I bought years ago that I never installed. Maybe I need to get onto it! You've inspired me, Kim! I love your frog and pond!

    1. If you get a chance, you should install it, Kimberly. I love ours. It really does make a huge difference in the yard! Good luck! :)

  15. I love that frog fountain of yours!! I keep thinking of a spot where we could do a small pond at our house but don't have just the right area yet. However, the sound of the frogs singing you mentioned - we have more than enough of those and it's not always a welcome nightly sound. ;)

    And, while I have you, any crafty ideas to dress up my new farm table my FIL just made us? Let me know!!

    xoxo, Nance

    1. Thanks Nancy! I get it with the frogs...we only have one or two bullfrogs hanging around. I know the sound of many and it is not always welcome, agreed!

      I think that your new table it gorgeous. I will email with ideas!!

  16. Thank you so much for sharing how easy it is to turn an ornament into something useful! I absolutely love the sound of running water too, and now that we will have plenty of water, I may be able to convince my husband to invest in a little pond with an ornamental fountain. Thank you for sharing an excellent DIY project!

    1. Good luck on your pond quest! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!

  17. Great idea- I agree about surrounding yourself with things you love so that you love your decoding!

    1. That is my one and only decorating rule! Otherwise, I say there are no rules!!

  18. I love that it's a sentimental thing :)

    Honestly, I can't have running water, because it would make me have to... ahem.... use the ladies room every five minutes :p


  19. What a lovely idea! I love how creatively you used Mr Froggy :) I would love to have a water feature in my yard someday...the sound of running water from a fountain sounds so soothing and peaceful. Hats off to you and your husband and thanks for sharing your creativity! Hugs, Poppy

    1. He gets all the credit on this project and I will pass your comment on to him! Thanks Poppy!!

  20. That's a great idea ! But I am not surprised that you two had it :) It looks lovely there by your little pond.

  21. I love your frog and how special it is knowing where it came from. I have a cement frog too - from my late grandmother and it adds meaning to my garden.

    1. That’s so funny that you have your grandmother’s frog too, Ronda! It’s a nice keepsake to have around, isn’t it?

  22. Kim, you and your hubby are a great DIY DUO!! I love the sound of flowing water; it's so peaceful and relaxing, and attracting wildlife as it does, it makes one's back yard seem like a retreat. The entire project is very pretty, and the flowers and greenery surrounding your water feature also make it very appealing. You must really have wonderful summer days, by the pool, my friend. Enjoy!


    1. I am looking forward to those wonderful summer days, Poppy. It was a long winter and I am ready for those bullfrogs and their lovely song!

  23. Just wonderful! I love, love this idea! I have always admired your outdoor space. Have a great weekend! xxx Maria

    1. Thank you so much Maria Elena! You are always so kind to me. Thanks so much for taking the time to comment!

  24. Love Mr. Froggy.....what a great idea!!
    Have a good weekend!

    1. Thanks J!! I have a thing for frogs and sentiment, so he's a perfect little fit!

  25. I love the sound of running water in a garden setting. Any kind of water feature is welcome, in my book. We're talking about having one in our yard. Your frog fountain is really neat, Kim. I love it! xo ~ Nancy

    1. Thanks! This is one of my favorite DIYs. I am sure that you will love the sound of water, while you are sitting on your new porch, Nancy!

  26. Lovely, and I bet the sound is wonderfully soothing - I could side there and read for hours in the sunshine. Thanks for sharing with us, I saw your link at Between Naps on the Porch.


    1. I do love sitting there, Mary! Even paying bills is more enjoyable out there! ;)

  27. Kim, I love the sound of running water in the garden as well. At our previous home we had a pond with a small stream. The water came out of a little pump house I made. Our son now enjoys that home and we put in a pondless waterfall here. Very easy for us to maintain. Love your cute frog! The fact that it was your hubbies grandmothers makes it even more precious! Thanks for sharing it with SYC.

    1. Thanks so much, Jann! Your son is lucky, I am sure he really enjoys that water feature, too.

  28. That is fantastic!! Thanks for joining HSH!

    1. Thanks so much, Sherry! Thanks for the party, too! :)

  29. Oh, he is so cute! Great idea. I'm glad you provided this link in the Bloggertunities Share thread. I'll be featuring this on Fri Faves this week.

    1. Laurie, thanks so much!! I am truly flattered!! :)

  30. Love that you have a place to display something passed down from your husband's grandmother in your yard. You made great use of the frog. I love the water feature, but always worried about those pesky mosquitoes.

    1. Thank you Brandi. I have to say, since the water is moving almost all the time, we haven’t had any mosquito problems. Fingers crossed!

  31. That's adorable and your husband is a genius! :)

    1. Thanks Susan! I agree, he can do anything!
