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Feng Shui or Your Way?

May 20, 2014

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I recently came across an article touting the benefits of Feng Shui and how to apply its principles to every area of your home.

Right down to picking out a bathroom floor mat.

To be very honest, I don’t recall where I saw it (ah, middle age), but I'll read just about anything on the subject of home decor, so I dug in.

I was vaguely familiar with the ancient Chinese art and its modern interpretations, but I read intently about color choices, furniture placement and how the proper decisions would lead to prosperity and serenity.

However, by the time I finished reading, I felt anything but calm.

To start,the colors in my house were apparently all wrong.

So, by the way, was the placement of virtually every piece of furniture and accessory, especially in my master.

I have a small bedroom and several mirrors in there to brighten it up and add visual space.

I also find it rather helpful to see myself when I get dressed.

Well, according the article, my mirrors were reflecting all the wrong things....not the least of which is the toilet. Oh boy.

Next violation, there is only one place for the bed, and that place is not optimal for anything beneficial.

As I ran down the don't put your bed here list, I began to cringe.

By Feng Shui standards, I was not creating a happy home.

My room was askew in the eyes of the universe and that idea was extremely unsettling. Frankly, by the time I was done reading, nothing about Feng Shui was making me feel even the slightest bit serene.

You see, I derive great pleasure from feathering my nest and I love the look of every room in my home, down the to smallest knick knack.

My blog is all about empowering people to decorate their spaces in ways that bring them happiness.
Surround yourself with the things you love and find meaning in...that is my decorating mantra.

There are no rules, I've said, take the pressure off yourself, don’t worry about whether that rug is right for the space or not, just go with your gut and enjoy the process.

But that article.

It screamed, Wait!…there are consequences for decisions made on a whim and they could be dire ones.

Think about what you really want out of life, are you there? No?

 Turns out the color of that bath mat may be the problem.

A hasty choice at Homegoods could be what’s holding up that big promotion, your invitation to the neighborhood potluck and your potential date with Mr. Tall, Dark and Handsome.

Honestly, it could be the reason for that nasty cold you’ve come down with, too…well, at least according to fans of Feng Shui.

At least, according to the article I read.

I’m sorry, but I guess this practice is not for me. I just don't believe that what you place in your house has any bearing on how your life turns out.

Unless of course what you're putting in your house is pesticide or a live lion.

By nature I'm very open to new ideas, accepting and non-judgmental. I know that there are many, many people who do believe in Feng Shui and happily decorate accordingly.

And that's fabulous, I say more power to 'em.

I'm just not one of them.

I want to decorate my way, in my own lawless fashion.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a mirror to move.

Or a toilet.

I haven't decided yet.


Do you Feng Shui?
Kim Signature

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  1. Cute post and I agree totally. Feng Shui is not for me either.

  2. Okay, I just looked up some FS rules about bed placement. Our home is pretty small, and I'm pretty sure that there is absolutely no chance of correct (FS) bed placement in our mini-master. I wonder what FS says about that. No, nevermind. I don't want to know. LOL I agree w/ you, Kim. Go with your gut! Have a great day, Friend! xo

    1. I know, Sally! I am almost sorry I read it! ;)

  3. I loved this post Kim and Feng Shui is not for me either. I agree with you moto! From the photos it looks like you have a lovely home and comfy. You even did your friends stage for her moving! Have a wonderful day friend!

    1. Thanks Julie! I think it's a neat concept, but I like what I like and where I like it! :)

  4. Oh girl you had me in stitches! I say to heck with Feng Shui, I'll do it MY way! Your home should reflect you and I agree, break all of the rules. It's much more fun that way!

  5. Lol! I wasn't familiar with the "rules" of Fung Shui either, all I knew about it was that it was suppose to make life calm & serene. Well, now that I'm an empty nester my life is now calm & serene, lol! In my eyes, there are no "rules" in decorating, except live with what you love........and I certainly do!!

    1. With a house full of teens, I hear you loud and clear, Rhonda! ;)

  6. Not me! It's an interesting subject and like you, I'd probably read the article. I just don't go by rules. It's all about what makes us happy. :)

    1. It is an interesting idea, but I am much too impulsive! I see a pillow I like and I buy's more fun that way! :)

  7. Kimmie, I don't Feng Shui. I'm too darned stubborn to live by rules. I love your whole home, colors and all! xoxoxo Jen

    1. Thanks Jen! I'm right there with you...stubborn! ;)

  8. Hi, Kim. No, but I am familiar with it, and have a similar reaction. Though I do notice odd things for example buildings alone on top of a hill, that's bad feng shui, but I don't think it looks good either.

    1. I agree Su. I don't think that looks good either. I have read some of the original premises and they do seem to deal more with creating harmony between a structure and its natural environment. I'm just not in love with the idea for home décor!

  9. So funny - you're such a good writer, Kim! I totally agree with you. We should decorate our homes the way that makes us happy and not worry about a lot of rules - that would just take all the fun out of it!

    1. Thank you, JoAnne, you are very kind! :) Decorating is a hobby and a sport for me...I like the hunt for treasure and the process of putting it all together...and then changing it up again! I just want to display what I like! I think that brings calm and serenity! :)

  10. Love this post. It has been a long time since I read anything about fung shui and I don't remember any of the rules so I guess it really made an impression on me. I imagine that in a house with lots of large spacious rooms it would be easier to do and there would be more options for furniture placement. I do believe that color can affect mood and that some furniture arrangements are more calming than others but the idea that it can affect a promotion or the people you meet or a nasty summer cold seems a little farfetched. I agree with other comments, that from your photos you have beautiful rooms and great taste.

    1. Thanks Lorri! Of course, my post is a little tongue in cheek and I have been informed, by my sister, that you can make small changes that will have a big impact, like changing the color of your front door or adding metal in the living room. I'm not sure I even have the motivation to that! ;)

  11. The only things close to rules for me, are suggesting odd number of items in displays, and lots of texture, pattern and color EVERYWHERE! I'm not nuts about beds pushed up against walls in a corner, but in small rooms, if ya gotta, ya gotta!
    And I want decorators and designers to design for the client, NOT THEMSELVES. It isn't THEIR home!

    1. Yes! Your home should reflect your own style, not that of a designer who does not live there! :)

  12. Hahaha! Your so funny Kim! I can imagine the look on your face while going thru the fen shui and all the 'supposedly mistakes' you have! Anyway, I grew up on this mantra - no, I'm not Chinese, nor are my parents, I'm Filipino 100%, but my dad is the decorator in our home and he had feng shui 'masters' come 2x to our home in the Philippines, while it was being built and afterwards and he tried to follow most of the advices. But in the end, his aesthetics and wants won our home over, and so he 'defied' a lot of the rules. And I asked him why do it in the 1st place? he said, he that knowing and following 'feasible feng shui" advices can really no do harm and may bring some good, so he might as well know! So in the end, he still broke a lot of rules and so have I, I try to follow what I can and what can work, since after all it won't do me any harm to follow, it's like an extra point I can make to myself and my husband when we were placing the bed with feet facing away from the door, I got more points than he did when I added the feng shui factor. One thing though that I have stuck with in my home that's feng shui related is that I NEVER have any turtle or turtle pieces in my home, ever - since this signifies slow growth over all life. I can live without the turtles, so I stuck by this all this time!

    1. Oh Vel, yes, you should've seen my face!! I like how you take pieces of it and follow and I agree with your dad, if it's feasible, and you are so inclined, then it can't hurt!! It was just very unsettling to read that I was doing so much wrong!! My sister is very into it and follows where she can. She's bringing her books by this weekend for me, so I can maybe add a few elements! We'll see...thanks for the great comment! :)

  13. Hi Kim, You are so funny...and I totally agree! It seems a huge stretch to think that where you place furniture or a mirror could actually have an effect on other parts of ones life....but different strokes for different folks I guess...!

    1. Hi Donna! So glad I made you laugh...and yes, diversity makes the world go round! :)

  14. Oh, Kim, I am laughing hysterically cuz all I can think of now is that 80's Wang Chung song "Everybody Have Fun Tonight" where the chorus is sung "Everybody have fun tonight, Everybody wang chung tonight." Only instead of "wang chung tonight" I'm singing "feng shui tonight". Hah! This is the warped sense of humor I have, further compounded by my propensity to put my wacky, offbeat thoughts to the melody of popular tunes. Okay, no. I don't feng shui, any more than I wang chung. ROFL. Sorry. I have to go lie down now in my unfeng shui bedroom and recover from my hysteria. XO ~ Nancy

    1. I remember that song, Nancy...and now it's stuck in my head, too!! ;) Glad I could give you a good laugh! It's my favorite thing to do!

  15. I have read quite a bit about Feng Shui but do not buy into the entire concept. What I did realize from my reading is that sometimes you do have an awkward arrangement (maybe you do not even realize) & it just keeps you from feeling comfortable in a space or you feel the need to be constantly tweaking. So basically, I think it all boils down to personal needs and tastes, and once you are true to yourself in those areas, the room feels "good."

    Just wanted to thank you for your comments on my most recent post "California Cruising."

    1. Carol, thanks for coming by today and leaving so many sweet comments! Your comment about space arrangement makes perfect sense. It's all about listening to your own intuition, if Feng Shui helps people bring things into focus, that's wonderful!

  16. Well, Kim, I think you know, that I do whatever looks best to my eyes and I believe that is exactly what you do, too! I always want to say, "whoever thinks they can place my things to please themselves is wrong." Let us hear how much of that book you read! ;) Your home always looks wonderful!

    1. Haha -You know me so well, Helen! The book hasn't even been cracked open yet! When (if) I do, I'll let you know if I find anything of interest! ;) Thanks for the kind words!
