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Play Doh Sugar Cookies

April 17, 2014

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Every now and then the kids commandeer the kitchen to bake. I am totally fine with it as long as they a) clean up after themselves and b) make enough to share with momma! For Easter, they decided to make rainbow sugar cookies. My daughter had seen this recipe and thought it would be fun to try.

We did not have the prepackaged mix mentioned in the original recipe, so they made a very basic Snickerdoodle recipe they had used in their middle school home economics class. They left out the cinnamon, and poof, sugar cookie batter.

They divided the batter into four containers and then dyed each a different color.

It was kind of like coloring eggs...'tis the season! Once the batter was colored they grabbed small pieces of each hue and rolled them together.

Now, I was only half paying attention when they told me what they were planning to bake. I heard something about sugar cookies, but when I saw the colors and the molding going on, I really thought they were working with Play Doh!  The colors were that bright and they were rolling and shaping and sculpting.


...tell me this doesn't look like Play Doh!

When they were done playing, I mean baking, they rolled some of the dough in sprinkles and popped all of the cookies on the baking sheet.

They were certainly colorful when they emerged from the oven! They smelled like sugar cookies and I am probably a really bad mother for not tasting their creations, but they still really looked like Play Doh and I just could not eat one.  Hubby had no problem with the taste test. In fact, he tasted my portion, too.

I would like to end my story by saying that they will be a lovely addition to our Easter table, but sadly, they are already gone. We've had a houseful of guests this week and apparently, no one else has an aversion to eating Play Doh.

How about you color cookies or do you color eggs?

Sugar cookie batter:
3/4 cups sugar
1/4 cup butter softened
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
1 egg
1 1/4 cups flour
1/2 teaspoon cream of tartar
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
1/8 teaspoon salt

Preheat oven to 375 degrees
In a large bowl, combine sugar/ butter until light and fluffy
Blend in vanilla and eggs
Mix in flour, cream of tarter, baking soda and salt
Bake on the center rack for 8-10 minutes

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  1. These cookies really do look like Play Doh--very cute! :)

  2. Such colorful cookies! Happy Easter, Kim!

  3. My grandboys and I will make birds' nests out of krispie treats, then fill them with Peeps and jelly beans! Those cookies look like a fun project for another day. :)

    1. Oh I used to do that when I taught kindergarten and the kids always had so much fun with it! :)

  4. LOL! I would have bitten into them right away Kim! Have a wonderful Easter!

  5. Wow they look like they were having fun and yes it does look lome playdoh . The cookies are so colorful and they must of been good since nothing is left over! Have a wonderful Easter and thank you for all your visits to my blog.

  6. Those cookies are awesome! Play doh cookies indeed! xo Jen

    1. They are very, very bright for sure...and very fun to make! :)

  7. We colored eggs when my son was small. Not anymore. I've never colored cookies, but my mother always made cookies at Christmas that were colored green and red. I think they were a shortbread type of cookie. She added food dye, rolled them out and cut them with a cookie cutter. They were pretty and very tasty.

    1. I am not a huge egg coloring fan, Nancy. We have done it every year since the kids were little, so this was a nice change, maybe a new tradition! :)

  8. Fun! I've never made colored sugar cookies, but I bet my 4.5yo son would love these. Thanks for sharing!

    1. I bet he would, Sarah! There was a lot of mushing and molding involved ~ right up a 4.5 yo's alley! ;)

  9. These look fun! They do look a bit like Play-Doh, I agree, but I can't resist a cookie. Ha! Pinning!

    Life & Leopard

  10. Wow, those look fun. Can't wait for my son to get a bit older so we can bake together! Thanks for stopping by my blog. :-)
