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Master Bedroom Update

February 21, 2014

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One of the best things about white upholstery is that it takes so little to give it a new look. My bedroom chair is a perfect example. It's a great little slipcovered piece that we picked up at Ikea two years ago. 

The bedroom in our first house was so tiny, we were barely able to fit a double bed and two nightstands in the space. When we moved to our new home, we were so excited to have a bigger bedroom. I always loved the idea of a sitting area in the master.  It seemed so grown up and a little bit decadent. Living in this tiny beach community, I never thought I would have a space large enough to fit one, but we got lucky with this house.

Of course, as it is with many things in life, once I got my chair, it sort of lost its charm. Oh don't get me wrong, it was lovely to look at, but more often than not, the only thing that sat on it, was laundry!

So when I spotted a pretty green fabric at the store, while shopping for costuming material, I thought it might be just the pick me up that chair needed to regain its swagger.  I was right. I whipped up a quick pillow cover, borrowed a furry throw from the living room sofa and boom, I had the most inviting little reading nook.

It really is amazing what one small accessory and a little bit of color can do to a space! 

Of course, the sewing took me so much longer than it should have, as I got into a literal tangle with my machine ~ again, but that is a story for another day! Next week actually, it's a story for next week!

Until then, I will be curled up in my cozy little chair, catching up on my reading, staring at my tulips and ignoring all the snow outside. Dreamy!

What will you be doing this weekend?

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  1. That's funny about the chair holding laundry, only because our chairs served the same purpose; now, the laundry is on the sleeping porch's bed.

    I love the green pillow and green walls! Ours is green too!

    Maybe some yard work... Have a great weekend!

    1. I am pea green that you can do yard work! We are still buried in the snow! I miss the dirt ~ hope it was a great weekend! :)

  2. It is amazing how little things make the room! I'm not great at accessorizing, so I love posts like this! Have a great weekend! :)

    1. Thanks, Dee! I'm so glad you got something out of this read!

  3. That looks GREAT, Kim. I love how just a couple of small changes can give something a whole new look. I will be sewing this weekend, too. I am dragging my machine up from the crap---er---craft room and I am going to sew in my kitchen while hubby is gone. I hate when I have a tangle with a machine. Mine is usually with the serger. ugh- xo Diana

    1. Thanks Diana! I am a big fan of the small changes~ I'm a lazy decorator! I wish I had a craft crap - er- crafts are all over the kitchen table! Hope you had a great weekend! Kim

  4. I love slipcovered chairs especially white takes so little to add some pizzazz to them:) Love the adorable pillow and the apple green textured springlike:) I am thinking some spring cleaning this weekend ! Have a great weekend! Hugs, Poppy

    1. Thanks Poppy! That's funny, because this pillow made my room look so fresh, I was inspired to spring clean, too! :) Kim

  5. Beautiful. I love the green color you've used on the walls and the cushion. Happy weekend, Kim. My winter holidays just began..

    1. I'm usually more of a red girl, but not in my was the right choice! Enjoy your holidays! :)

  6. You did a beautiful job on the pillow and your corner looks so cute. I did some pillows as Christmas gifts and they are a fun project. I have some sewing to do as well but I am not sure that it is going to happen this weekend. We have a little basketball to watch today but maybe tomorrow. I am embarrassed to say that my sewing is Christmas stockings. I have been stalling putting them away because i wanted to get the last ones done before I did so. I didn't want to have to think about it in the fall when I drag the Christmas stuff out again. We will see what happens. Have a good weekend!

    1. I think it's great that you are working on Christmas projects now, then they are done and you can enjoy the season! :)

  7. Very cozy and pretty:) before and after. It's amazing what a little change will to do to change the vibe of a room. xxleslie

    1. Thanks Leslie, I agree, sometimes the tiny touches have the greatest impact! :)

  8. Kim, your little corner is so very cozy and chic! As I've said before, I love the pale, apple green on your bedroom walls, very sweet. I'm sure this new nook never again hosted a load of laundry! ;))

    Have a lovely week!


    1. Poppy, I hope that the pillow does deter the laundry from returning! So far, so good! :)

  9. Oh I love that color! Plus I adore texture! It really did bring it back to life. I had to go into work and do inventory this weekend.

    1. Oh boy, inventory...lots of counting! Thanks for taking a peek at my pillow! :)

  10. Hi Kim your reading nook looks so nice now and just a little bit of tweeting does make a difference. Happy reading!

    1. It doesn't take much when you start with a white base, that's for sure! Hey, next month I can accessorize with PINK! Just don't tell my husband! ;)

  11. I am hopefully getting a chair for my bedroom as well! I'll make sure to add pillows and a blankie as well! ;) xoxo Jen

    1. Yay Jen! Enjoy it! I am sure your will accessorize beautifully!

  12. Looks terrific, Kim. Amazing what a little shot of color and texture can do. Jane

    1. I agree, Jane! I wasn't happy with the blank canvas look! Thanks for popping by!

  13. That is lovely! and dare I say....."springy"??
    Thank you so much for's a cheerful looking spot!

    1. Oh J, that's what I was going for...springy!! We are still buried in snow here, so I am faking it inside any way I can! Thanks for the visit and the comment...they always make me smile! :)

  14. Such a pretty corner. Beautiful pillow and of course, those red tulips!

    1. Thanks Connie! I love the pillow, too, but the tulips are my favorite part of the room as well!

  15. Your chair look really pretty and I bet it's very handy for the laundry. :) My husband was just talking about getting a chair or two for our bedroom. I love those Ikea chairs but realistically speaking....the chairs will likely have a dog, cat, this mornings work out clothes, or who knows what!!

    1. Exactly Stacey! I say get the chairs, because when I do sit there, it is very relaxing. I love my bedroom and I don't spend a lot of waking hours in there, so this gives me a reason to sit and soak in the atmosphere....and what could be cuter than a kitty or a pup in the chair? I'm sure they'd look much better than my laundry! ;)

  16. Love the green pillow and throw and of course the tulips. This really does look so inviting. Thanks tons for linking to Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty

    1. Thanks Marty, I am happy with my subtle changes, now I just need the time to enjoy them! ;)

  17. That just looks so charming and inviting! I keep seeing IKEA upholstered pieces all over blogland and think that the next time we need to replace any furniture, that's where we will be looking! The green pillow is perfect.

    1. Carol, I was skeptical at first, but it is very comfortable! I looked around, but I didn't want to pay hundreds of dollars for a chair that was really more of an accent piece, so at $199.00, Ikea fit the bill! :)

  18. Your space is sweet and cozy with that beautiful shade of green.

    We also live in a beach community of either small cottages or McMansions. We did have the space for a cute wicker chair, but it has been replaced by our puppy's crate. Hopefully one day she will outgrow her naughtiness and not have to be contained in the crate when we leave her.

    1. We (people who live in my neighborhood) always say that our backyard is really the beach, so the small houses and lots are worth the tradeoff. Funny thing is, I never think of it as a tradeoff. I am cozy cottage girl through and through, but a little extra chair space is nice, too! A naughty puppy sounds adorable, like the making of a children's book! Of course, I am not the one taking care of her! ;)

  19. Very pretty!! I just love white slipped furniture!

  20. I love the look, too and the Ikea price is a steal! :)

  21. So amazing how a few updates can totally change a space! It looks so cozy now!!

    1. Thanks Selene, it is cozy...especially now that the laundry is gone! :)

  22. Kim, your bedroom update is wonderful. So pretty. You'll be featured tomorrow, my friend. Thanks for sharing at Every Room In The House. Hugs, Nancy
