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The Most Exquisitely Unremarkable Posts of 2013

December 29, 2013

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It was a busy year full of DIY fun. Come see what was the most popular with readers this year.

In 2013 I started blogging. If you had told me in February of this past year that I would become a blogger I would have laughed. Before my first post, I had never even visited a blog, I didn't know what I was getting myself into!

I needed a respite from some dark events in my life and so I retreated into my home and my writing.  I had no idea how much I would grow to love it, how addicted I would become to reading the blogs of others and how many wonderful ladies I would meet and befriend in the process.

I certainly never, ever envisioned that anyone other than my sisters or very supportive husband might come by to read it.

I was wrong.

To my great surprise, people did come by to read and I have been thrilled by every visit and comment. To all those who have clicked my way, I would like to extend a heartfelt thank you! 

I posted about a variety of topics ~ decorating, crafting, cooking, I told a few funny stories and shared a few thoughtful ideas.

Here are my most popular posts...I guess there are a bunch of people out there who like red as much as I do! Enjoy!

That last one is really a lovely sight, this time of year! You can bet the yard looks nothing like that now!

Again, thank you for all the visits and comments and I wish you all nothing but the absolute best in the coming New Year! 

Happy, Happy friends!

Kim Signature

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  1. I love how you've used the red. Beautiful!

  2. Congrats on a good first year! I too started this year and never ever envisioned doing this! Here's to a great 2014!

    1. It's funny where life brings us, isn't it? Here's to an even better year of blogging in 2014, Scarlett! :)

  3. Kim,

    Your reds are radiant and beautiful and decorate your lovely home in an EXQUISITELY REMARKABLE way!

    Happy New Year, my friend!


    1. Thank you, Poppy! You always know just what to say! ;) Happy New Year to you and yours, as well! :)

  4. Happy New Year, Kim. You have a wonderful style, and your home is beautiful! Keep up the great work! Dee :)

    1. Thank you, Dee ~ right back at you! ;) Happy New Year!

  5. Welcome to blogging land Kim. I had to laugh when I saw all the red in your home, as my home is decorated primarily in red and black! Love it! Can't wait to see what you bring to all of us in 2014. Happy New Year! Shaunna

    1. Thanks Shaunna! Your blog is delicious looking! Yum!

  6. Kim, I am so glad we met in Blogland! It's been a joy to see what you do next each week. And you share a love of red with many of us. I've even thought about red walls in one or two areas. I almost laughed reading your message before about your posts. Hmm...remember the one where you ran to the beach to get your husband to go kill or remove something..can't remember funny! Loved it...we might be related! Best Wishes for 2014, Helen

    1. Thank you, Helen, it has truly been my pleasure, too! I enjoy peeking into your lovely home and I am not a big traveler, so your reading about your trip abroad was very interesting! I am looking forward to what you have in store for the New Year and wishing you all the best, as well! :) Kim

  7. I started blogging this year too! It was all new to me.
    I love your house with all of the red!

    1. It's definitely been a new experience, that is for sure, Melinda! I hope you are having as much fun as I am! :)

  8. Love everything in your home Kim and truly glad to discover your blog and you! CHEERS to 2014!

    1. And to you and your lovely family, as well, Vel! I always thought blogging would be a lonely endeavor, who would've known that I would meet and interact so regularly with such a lovely and talented group of ladies~ yourself included! :) Looking forward to more of your pretty posts in the New Year! :)

  9. I still shake my head at the thought of you being a "new" blogger. You're so good at it, Kim. A natural, really. Your photographs are beautiful. And your prose is warm and inviting, just like your home. It's always fun to see what you're up to, and I'm looking forward to more wonderful posts from you in 2014. Hugs ~ Nancy

    1. Nancy, your comments always make my day! I am so new at this, I feel like I am floundering most days with a lot of the how to stuff ~ I am so glad that it doesn't look that way! ;)

  10. Love it all! Maybe we need a "Girls Who Love Red" club. There used to be many bloggers who decorated with red but so many have gone neutral now. That's ok with me, I'll keep my colors. :)

    1. I'm in, Stacey! Let me know where to sign up! :)

  11. Fabulous projects, I love every one! and that kitchen of yours with all the windows is to die for!!!

    Happy new year! Here's to loads of fresh inspiration in 2014!

  12. This is my first visit to your blog, good job! I love all the red!

  13. This is also my first visit to your blog. I also started blogging this year and find it to be a fun thing to do. I am just starting to link a post or two to parties and am just starting to comment on others. I love the red. I have a red wall in my kitchen and a reddish wall in my stairwell that goes upstairs. Happy 2014.


    1. Thanks for popping by Lorri! I'm looking forward to taking a trip over to see you! :)

  14. What a sweet and heartfelt "Thank You," but I assure you we definitely enjoy your posts! I really enjoyed your kitchen reveal and love seeing it anytime. It is just so bright and cheerful. So glad you joined the blogging world. I'm sure many, including myself, can well remember that first post and the overwhelming joy when someone actually commented. It's certainly an addictive, fun and very rewarding pastime!

    1. Carol, what a lovely comment! Thank you so much! I really am having a lot of fun blogging and the comments are still thrilling. I have no idea where it will lead me, but so far, so good! Happy New Year!

  15. I am a huge red fan and brought it back to my kitchen last month after a long hiatus. I have it in the living room as well and now we have a red umbrella. And I'd never seen your blog before, so what a cool coincidence! Love your decor!

    1. Hey, thanks so much! I'm a big fan of red, that's for sure...every now and then I fall in love with a picture of a gorgeous neutral room, but I know that I like the drama of color too much for beige! :) Thanks for popping by!

  16. I'm so glad you started blogging, I love your posts! I'm your newest follower!

    1. Thanks so much~ I'm so glad you came by, such a nice comment and a follow? You just made my night! :)

  17. You definitely have a knack for decorating. Want to come to my house and decorate?!

    1. Thanks so much, Lydia and sure, I'd love to! ;)

  18. Replies
    1. Thanks so much! I never realized how red my house really is, until I started blogging! :)
