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Hello February

February 01, 2025

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I am not a winter girl.

I'm cold in August, so clearly this weather is not my favorite.

The harbor is icy, the wind cuts right through me and there isn't a whole lot to do - comfortably - outside.

February Sunset at the beach

So as you've probably already guessed...February? Not a fan. 

Which is ironic since there are a lot of wonderful things to celebrate this month, including birthdays, Valentine's Day and my wedding anniversary.

Yup. The girl who hates winter, was married 31 years ago, on the day after a blizzard dumped 24 inches of snow on my town.

Exquisitely Unremarkable Winter Wedding girl in a dress


I guess the only thing I do like about February is that there only 28 days and it's a great month for inside activities. And boy oh boy, have I been busy.

Last month I scrubbed every inch of this cottage. That felt great. I love starting the year with a clean slate.

20 Household Cleaning Hacks Text over collage of cleaning photos

Then I got crafty. 
Plus, I started working on this delicious new jigsaw puzzle while sitting in front of the fire. It's an old hobby that I've recently picked up again and it's been quite relaxing.

I've also been shopping from the comfort of my couch.

Have you heard about Amazon Haul?

It's my newest obsession...although I have to admit to being more of a looker than a shopper so far.

Black silicone kitchen tongs

It's only available on mobile at the moment, but everything is under $20. Most things are way under...

There are definitely some interesting finds and I've added a few of my favorites here.

Speaking of favorites, we've been obsessed with Rumikub lately.

Have you played this game? It's an oldie, but brand new to us.

Playing Rummikub Game on a table with a coffee cup

And we can't get enough of it. We've been squeezing in games before breakfast and after dinner. So fun! How did I never know about it?

Since it's way too cold to be outside in the evenings, we've been binging some older tv shows. My daughter has us watching...or I should say re-watching...Desperate Housewives. I haven't seen it in years. 

We also just finished Suits. As a former fashion major and costume designer, I couldn't take my eyes off the dresses. Gorgeous.

And I'm super excited for February on Turner Classic Movies. It's Oscar month over there and they are featuring so many classic flicks. If you are an old movie lover, I say check out their movie list for the month.

Watching All About Eve on computer
A great scene...

Even if you don't subscribe to the channel, it's a fabulous way to find movies to add to your watch list. I, for one, will be tuning in tonight to catch All About Eve with Bette Davis.

A timeless classic with so many iconic lines.

A few more of my must sees are Random Harvest, Brief Encounter, Casablanca, Now Voyager, Mildred Pierce, The Best Years Of Our Lives and It Happened One Night among so many others.

They just don't write them like this anymore.

And there's enough of them to keep me tucked in and entertained until spring.

Of course, as I watch these movies, I will, most likely, be crafting. I have so many thrift items to overhaul and I promised myself I would make the time to work with what I have before I buy new.

That's always a challenge for me, but right now Mother Nature seems to be happy to help.

Keeping me indoors and out of those shops.

Well, at least for the next 27 days.


What are you plans for February? Oh and if you have any old movie suggestions, please share!

Stay Warm, Friends!

Kim Signature

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  1. Happy February!
    You were a beautiful bride. I can't believe you had such a terrible blizzard the day before your wedding. I imagine there were some guests who couldn't make it. My parents were married on March 3 and had a blizzard on the day of the wedding. They had a small group that was able to be there.
    Hooray for a clean house. I've been doing the same and it feels so good.
    I love Rumikub!
    I've never heard of Amazon Haul. Sounds dangerous - but I better check it out. :)
    Hang in there - the days are getting longer and as you said, Feb is a short month. Good for staying in, crafting and watching movies.

    1. Thanks so much, Mari! That was many, many years ago! That's funny about your parents, that winter weather is unpredictable for sure. The snow was crazy and yes, there were a handful of people who were unable to make it. There were also a handful of people who were invited, but declined because they had vacations planned and got snowed in, so they happily filled the seats!

  2. WOW~. You were a gorgeous bride which explains why you are so beautiful today! Crazy about the blizzard before your wedding.
    I am not a winter girl either-love summer and fall the best.
    I love Rumikub and used to play a lot of it with the grandkids. Now they are all busy with 'real lives' so we don't play games much anymore.
    I have never heard of Amazon Haul but I will check it out (darn you)! lol.
    Have a wonderful February. Mine includes- Dr. appts for the hubby, spaying for Coco Chanel, a ladies luncheon, the super bowl game, Valentine's day deliveries and cleaning out the craft closet to get ready to list stuff on Etsy. Wish me luck--I need a lot of it! xo Diana

    1. Diana, you are way too sweet! Thank you! It was a crazy, crazy winter and we never expected a blizzard. It hadn't really snowed around here in any significant way in several years before we were married. We thought we were safe. Ha! Oh well, silver lining...they say a wet knot is hard to untie. I guess the same thing goes for a frozen one!! Hope your February is going well and Coco is doing just fine!! xo

  3. Old movies...yes!! I'm a huge fan and I don't have that movie channel, but I printed out that list you linked to and I can find most of them elsewhere online. Thanks so much! Cheers!

    1. Oh yay! I'm so glad you found it helpful. I get their newsletter and thought now this I can use!!

  4. Happy February and Happy Anniversary! You know I'm counting the days until Spring. I've started a list of crafty things I want to get done. We'll see how that goes. Amazon Haul? I guess I will have to check it out. Thanks for the tip, Kim!

    1. Thanks Ann! I’m counting, too…although that groundhog report was a bit of a bummer. I wanted to ignore him and his disappointing prediction, but so far he’s been right. Snow, snow and more snow…ugh. Oh well, crafting anyone?? Haha!!

  5. Happy Groundhog Day Kim! I'm a February bride also. My anniversary is the 14th, number 44! We got engaged the year before on February 14th after dating for 3 months. There was snow on the ground on our wedding day too - in Greensboro, North Carolina.
    Oh, and get this...I don't always wear my wedding rings. We don't get expensive gifts either. Cards are our gifts and I have 43 years of them. However, unlike you, I happen to love winter.
    Kim, I love your blog. Great job!

    1. Sounds like we are kindred spirits, Cindy!! Well, except for that winter thing! Haha!! I have to be honest, I don't hate winter, I do enjoy a good snow every now and then, but around here it lasts from November to May and by January, I'm all snowed out! Thanks for the very sweet comment and Happy Anniversary!! I hope it's a wonderful day!!

  6. Happy February from one winter bride to another! Snowed the day of our wedding, so cold the locks on the cars froze and they were late picking me up...but still an amazing day. Just found your blog and agree...they don't make movies like that anymore. The ones you mentioned are Ronald Colman and Greer Garson in Random Harvest! Two favorites of mine that you did not mention - Enchanted Cottage with Robert Young, To Be or Not To Be...with Jack Benny and Carole Lombard...and Goodbye Mr. Chips , another Greer Garson. We have a TIVO and check the listings to record husband knows he can never erase Random Harvest !!! I don't mind sitting in front of the fire...reading, watching movies...baking and cooking. Will be ready for Spring when it comes !

    1. Happy Anniversary, Ann!! Oh boy, that February weather is really unpredictable, but it does make for some interesting and memorable wedding stories, doesn't it?? Random Harvest is such a great movie, isn't it? I just love Ronald Coleman's voice. So funny, I recently saw Enchanted Cottage for the first time this summer. What a charming story. I haven't seen To Be or Not To Be, I'll have to look out for that one, thank you! I will watch it this weekend...we're expecting more snow!! Oh boy!!

  7. Kim, I love your photo of you in your wedding dress, you look like a princess.
    I too love old movies. Jimmy Stewart is a favorite actor of mine. I love Mr. Smith Goes to Washington... that is one of our Sam's favorite movies.

    1. Thank you, Carla! The photographer insisted that we go out in the snow for the photos. At the time we thought she was nuts, it was sooo cold, but it really did make a magical background!

  8. I am not a winter gal either but we do love a good game of Rummikub. This winter we've been playing a lot of triominos. My mother in law bought the game and it's a whole lot of fun.

    1. Oh...I haven't heard of that one. I need to look it up! Thanks!!

  9. I hate winter and I know you do to. I am surprised you were married in the winter and not summer. You looked so beautiful like a snow princess in your wedding gown. My mom was also married in February. I am not liking all of this snow and cold weather we are having this winter. I can't wait for spring. I have never played rummikub but it sounds like fun. It's the perfect time for crafting and watching movies. Stay warm and cozy this month Kim. :)

    1. It was so cold Julie, especially in my summer tulle dress! Trust me, winter was not my first choice. We picked that day because there was a cancellation at a gorgeous venue. The price was severely discounted because it was only 4 months out. Plus, I had just started teaching and if I didn't pick a day that lined up with a school vacation, I wasn't going to be able to take a honeymoon. So we jumped at it. The blizzard was a bonus. Haha!! I'm not looking forward to more snow either...we just got several inches over the weekend and more is coming tomorrow. I need a tropical vacation!! Stay warm!

  10. What a beautiful winter bride you made! Love the cleaning hacks post! I saved it on Pinterest so I can refer back! I have heard of Rummikub, but I have never played it! Now I'm intrigued! I'm really enjoying my reading now, so February is definitely going to be filled with lots of reading for me!

    1. Thank you, Mandy! It was a crazy day, but it makes for a good story! Rumikub is so much fun, I highly recommend it, we are addicted over here!!

  11. Summer girl all the way. I used to play Rummikub all the time when I was younger, need to introduce that to my kids!

    1. Oh my gosh, Mandy, it's so much fun! I had never played and now we play every night!

  12. I remembered you do not like the cold weather, so I am surprised you married in February Kim! We were married before Christmas, and I had hopes for snow, we had rain, sleet, and mush all over the place. Needless to say, there were no outdoor photos, so we missed out. Love the snow in your wedding photo. I am also working with only what I have and not buying new this year. At least that is the plan. Why buy more when you can use all you have! Happy February, just think March is just around the corner.

    1. I am not a fan of the cold, Cara, you are correct!! I do however love Christmas and would've been thrilled with a holiday wedding. Unfortunately, all the venues near us were booked for two Decembers out and after dating for 4 years, we weren't willing to wait...and they were so expensive. We took the bargain way out instead...and got a blizzard for free! Haha!!

  13. Kim,
    At this point, I can not beleive that February is almost over...This is the month I usually get some crafting in but it has not been the case this year as I was a bit behind with decorating and a lot of other things but I am giving myself Grace...I am still in the first year since Joe passed away and with my friend Anne Marie's passing, I need to slow down and give myself that grace.....Stay warm, my friend!!
    Debbie-Dabble Blog
