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Lace Doily Plate DIY

January 29, 2025

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I'm an avid thrift store shopper. I'm not really into buying clothes, but I could get lost for hours digging through the home decor sections.

Those aisles are a goldmine for anyone who loves vintage collectibles.

Several lace doilies on a table

Or second hand finds that need a little love.

A makeover perhaps.

That's truly my favorite type of craft.

So as you can imagine, I have quite a stash.

Well, this year, I promised myself that I would go through my former acquisitions and finally make the projects I'd envisioned when I purchased them...before I buy anything new.

We'll see about that second part. Willpower is not my strong suit, but so far, I've already narrowed the pile by five.

Last week, I started by sharing a very simple (but very darling) lamp makeover.

Today, I was able to combine a few finds to create a pair of very sweet accessories with doilies and glass plates.

The lacy doilies were brand new and .99 each. 

I grabbed them all.

Cheap White Fabric Doilies on a table

The new ones were fabric, but in the past, I've used plastic doily placemats and paper ones to decorate my home.

Plus, they make delicate patterns on clay ornaments. So you can never have too many doilies.

I feel the same way about glass plates. These were small glass salad plates, I picked up for a buck a piece.

They definitely came from Dollar Tree, so I really only saved .25 each. Although, I rarely see them in the stores anymore.

Small Glass Salad Plates
*See Large Glass Plates/ Glass Salad Plates*

I'm a huge fan of glass dishes, because I love to craft with them. And set tables with them. Here are a few examples:
As you can already guess, I'm sure, this time, I made doily plates. And I love them!

It was such an easy craft, but so very cottage style.

I'm smitten.

Again, I thrifted all my pieces, but you can peek at some really pretty doilies and glass plates here.

So I started by washing and drying my plates. Then I gave the back of each plate a coat of decoupage medium.

I used my Dixie Belle Satin Sealer for this project and applied it with a large brush.

Using a brush to Decoupage On Glass

You could use Mod Podge for this craft, but the Dixie Belle product is thinner, which worked out much better for this application.

It's also a furniture grade sealer, so I knew it would hold up under heavy use, and while I don't trust any decoupage to be waterproof, Dixie Belle has held up to some gentle hand washing. 

And since it's only on the back of the plate, I could use this for food.

Once the entire plate was coated, I centered the doily and pressed it down.

Placing a doily on the back of a glass plate

Then, before the decoupage dried, I added another coat over the doily.

Decoupaging a Doily On Glass Plate

And very carefully, with my hand in a zippy bag, smoothed out any wrinkles or bumps.

Smoothing Decoupage Wrinkles with a hand in a plastic baggie

The last step in this process was to wipe away any of the sealer from the glass rim with a damp paper towel. 

I wanted the dish to remain as clear as possible, and while the sealer/ Mod Podge dries clear, this was my way to make certain the glass didn't look cloudy.

Wiping Mod Podge Clean On Glass

Now, decoupage usually dries pretty quickly, but since the doilies were fabric, it did take a few hours to completely cure.

During that time, I didn't touch my plates at all. They were tacky and I didn't want to take any chances that my fingers would stick to the doily and pull it away from the plate.

Or wrinkle.

When I was done, I had a lovely pair of doily covered dishes for a dinner party.

Thrifted and DIY Dinnerware on a table with flowers

Or to layer with my vintage plates, for a little more interest.

Doily Dish layered on top of a pink floral plate on a wooden plate stand near red roses.

Taking center stage in my cottage kitchen, in a plate stand...or maybe mounted with other plates on a wall.

Cottage Style Doily in a plate stand layered over a white plate near roses in a white pitcher

Lots of options to decorate with this delicate DIY.

Best of all, I just lightened my craft load exponentially.

Which means a trip to the thrift store might be just around the corner for this girl.

I'll keep you posted!


What do you do with doilies?
Kim Signature

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  1. This is such a fun makeover Kim! I love doilies too, although I rarely use them anymore. What a great way to showcase their beauty in a new way! Blessings to you :)

    1. Thank you, Marilyn! I had this one in my brain for far too long. I'm glad I finally got around to it. It turned out way better than I had hoped it would and now I want to use them every day!!

  2. Hi KIm. Who doesn't love a cute doily especially after re loving it to the plates. Love it on the white plate. Super cute. Have a great day. Hugs. Kris

    1. Thanks Kris! I really like it on the white plate, too. That was an unexpected pairing, but it seems very popular!! xo

  3. Sara ( 29, 2025 at 5:09 PM

    Looks so pretty layered with your other dishes Kim! If I ever see these locally, I’ll grab them too.

    1. You should, Sara...although I know you could make your own with your crazy crocheting skills!!

  4. Oooh! This plate looks good layered with all your other plates. Great makeover!

    1. Thanks Mari! I really like the way this one turned out. I had a feeling these two would work well together!

  5. Beautiful as usual. You can never go wrong with doilies!

    1. Thank you so much, Pat! And I agree, doilies are a classic.

  6. I've acquired quite a few doilies myself and I guess I really should do something with them. This is a beautiful way to to showcase a doily and the white-on-white look is stunning!

    1. Thank you, Ann! I love that white on white look, too. Those thrift store treasure pair well with one another!

  7. Pretty... I love it.
    I too look at dishes and other treasures, I do not look for clothes often.

    1. I don't know why, but the clothes don't really interest me. My daughter on the other hand...hahaha!

  8. That looks so pretty; I especially love it against the white plate.

    1. Thanks Joanne! That seems to be a favorite!

  9. Oh, that is so pretty! It does add a little nice, extra touch! So easy, too! I love it! Another winner!

    1. Thank you, Mandy!! I had fun with this one...

  10. I love doilies and use them for my lamps. I love how pretty the doily looks with the clear plate and you can use it all over your house in different ways.

    1. Thanks Julie! I love doilies under lamps and vases, too. I just think they add such a warm touch to the room!

  11. I have many, many doilies made by my mother and I gravitate to them when I see them in thrift shops. I love the idea of showcasing them behind glass, and I have also used them in embroidery hoops. Yours are very pretty!

    1. Thanks Gina! I have a few from my grandmother. My mom wasn't crafty, but she did install of love of all handmade things in me. These were fun to decoupage with, since I wouldn't do that with my sentimental ones.

  12. What a good idea ... looks great :)
    Wishing you a happy new month of February - it will soon be here!

    All the best Jan

  13. Your plate looks so pretty, Kim. I have decoupaged plates in the past with napkins. With paper doilies, I put them between two clear plates if I don’t want to throw away the doily. I love doilies of all shapes and sizes! ♥️

    1. Thanks Kitty! I have a thing for doilies, too. When I saw these at the thrift store I couldn’t believe no else had grabbed them first! They were a lucky find. I hope you are having a good start to the week!!

  14. Kim,
    I love this project but what i loved more was how this sweet plate looked on top of the red transferware dish!!! So darn sweet!! Thanks for sharing!!
    Debbie-Dabble Blog
