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A Quick, Easy And Creative Lamp Update

January 25, 2025

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Over the years I've shared this story a few times, but I think it's worth repeating.

You see, when I was a little girl, I always put too much food on my plate.

My mom was a fabulous cook and everything just looked so good. I couldn't resist.

Of course, my tiny tummy wasn't big enough for me to eat it all, so my grandmother would laugh and comment that my eyes were bigger than my stomach.

Occhio grosso, she would say.

Well, apparently, for me, it's a personality trait that's extended far beyond the dinner table.

You see, it applies to my crafting habits, as well.

I collect supplies, thrift items and dream up creative DIYs at a rate far beyond what I actually have time to accomplish.

I have great intentions, so sometimes I start projects, get distracted by something else in the pile...and then things sit for a really, really long time...before I get around to completing them.

Like granny said, too much on my plate.

Today's upcycle is one such example.

About a year ago, I decided that the old brown, metal lamp I had stored in the basement needed a makeover.

Old Brown Metal Lamp Base on a kitchen table

My husband helped me take it apart, remove all the wires and then give it a coat of the chalk spray paint we had leftover when we created our romantic bedroom chandelier.

White Painted Metal Lamp Base on a kitchen table

I took pictures of the process, handed him tools as he rewired the lamp.

And then I let it sit in a corner, while I moved onto more pressing home decor crafts - because that's a thing.

White painted lamp base on a table

Luckily, that little lamp got a break a few nights ago, when my friend Ann reminded me that our Do It Over Designers Blog Hop was just around the corner. Suddenly, I had a deadline and I hopped to it. No pun intended (ok, maybe a little intended...).

I have to admit that I'm a teeny bit embarrassed that this makeover took me so long to complete, because once I got started, it took me about 15 minutes. Tops.

Updating An Old Lamp With Stickers

Even before my husband sprayed the lamp, I had a plan. I was going to use a sticker decal to decorate the base.

I wanted it to have a hand painted floral look and a sticker was the simplest way to achieve that.

Clear Back Vinyl Floral Stickers
*similar clear back floral stickers*

A few years ago, I purchased these stickers at Hobby Lobby to decorate a faux pumpkin and I had a lot of leftovers.

They have a clear vinyl backing, like the transfers I used for my Easter banner, but so much easier to use. Just peel and stick.

Peeling a floral sticker away from its backing

Once I positioned and applied the sticker to the lamp, I opened up my matte Mod Podge and gave it a clear coat to lock it in place.

Adding decoupage over floral sticker on a lamp base
*Matte Mod Podge*

To make sure the sticker didn't bubble up or move, as the decoupage medium was drying, I sped up the process with a hair dryer.

Using a hair dryer to dry Mod Podge quickly

If it did start to lift away from the lamp, I used my fingers to press the flower down, as I applied the heat.

Once, it was completely dry, I used a larger brush and more matte Mod Podge to cover the entire lamp base for a seamless finish.

Adding decoupage over an entire lamp base with a large brush

And then I set it aside to dry on its own.

I have to say, the result was stunning.

From boring, brown, uninspired light fixture to charming floral vintage style lamp about 15 minutes.

Floral Lamp with red patterned lampshade on an end table
*Patterned Lampshade*
Well...12 months and 15 minutes if you're really keeping track.

But I think it was worth the wait.

And now there's one less crafty thing on my plate.


What's waiting in your project pile?


Before you go, I hope you'll pop on over to visit all of my creative friends. We have a big crowd to kick off the first hop of the year. How fabulous.

Do It Over Designers Blog Hop Graphic

Happy Crafting, Friends!
Kim Signature

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  1. How cute is that! It's perfect with that shade!

    1. Thanks Mari! I can't believe I kept this one waiting in the wings for so long...

  2. I laughed so hard reading this...yes, I can relate, but also because of how you wrote it! And your transformation is nothing short of show-stopping. It looks like a custom-made lamp, born out of a plain, unremarkable lamp. I don't have craft projects piled up, but I am afraid to open the closet door where I keep my fabric piles. I fall in love with fabric (almost daily) and can't stop myself from buying it!

    1. Thank you for your kind words about my prose, Kristine! ❤️ I think I like writing a little more than I enjoy crafting, so your comment makes my heart sing. I totally understand that fabric addiction. I have two samples coming from London as we speak. It's a problem. Hahaha!

  3. What a clever makeover! Isn't it crazy what we save and collect? Your finished lamp made a perfect valentine vignette, too - love the reds!

    1. Thanks so much, Patti! Yes, I can't tell you what's piled up in my basement. Sometimes I look at things and ask myself...why? And yes, I can't bring myself to toss them!

  4. Beautiful makeover and so ironic Kim because what's in my craft pile is a lamp base too! Except I only got so far as to apply some primer. Still don't have a plan for it but maybe I'll hop to it too when the DIOD hop rolls around again.

    1. That's so funny, Sara! I have a sneaky suspicion that there are a lot of unfinished lamps out there. Thank goodness for Ann and her hops or mine would definitely still be sitting in the dark!!

  5. How beautiful is that! I love the lampshade and the lighter paint - very nice! Up next in my project pile is a punch needle kit I bought eons ago. Wish me luck learning a new craft, ha ha.

    1. Thanks so much, Gina! I grabbed that lampshade on a super secret sale and honestly, I should’ve bought two. Oh, and I can't wait to hear about your punch needle kit. I keep seeing them in videos and I’m so tempted, but I’m just not sure I have the time to start something new. I’ll wait for you to give it a whirl first. Besides, you’ve already sent me down the puzzle path…I need to finish at least one!! Enjoy the weekend!

  6. Well THAT is adorable! And so easy, except for the re-wiring part! Haha! I’d have to leave that to an expert. This looks so classy and elegant!

    1. Thanks so much, Mandy!! Don't let that wiring part throw you. We just removed it all so it was easier to paint. You could totally do this with all the wires intact.

  7. Well, I'm so glad I inspired you to get this lamp makeover finished, Kim! It's beautiful and you know I love an easy project that looks as classy as this one. I can't wait to see what's next from your project pile!

    1. Ann, I cannot thank you enough for motivating me to finish this lamp. It's truly my favorite thing in the house at the moment! Oh, and if you hadn't noticed (but I sure your keen eye did) that lamp is flanked by the lovely red glass piece you sent me and the white vase which was also a DODD DIY. 🥰

  8. Hi Kim. You re loved this lamp to pretty. It is perfect and I love the shade. Hugs. Kris

    1. Thanks so much, Kris! Thank goodness for blog hops and subzero temperatures or that little lamp would still be never have seen the light of day.

  9. That is so pretty and so easy! That lampshade goes so fabulously with it too.

    1. Thanks so much, Joanne! I just had to have that lampshade and it goes so perfectly with that rose.

  10. This classic and a simple project. Love the lampshade!

    1. Hello Cindy! Classic is just what I was going thank you!!

  11. Your lamp is gorgeous, Kim! And the final piece really took me by surprise! I certainly wasn't expecting such a beautiful setting!

    1. Thank you so much, Gail! I have to say, I'm smitten with this one, too.

  12. It turned out so pretty! I have the same problem you do. In fact my project was actually a Valentine's Day project from last year but I procrastinated too long and finished it after V-day. So I waited until this year to share it and then if it weren't for this hop, I probably would have waited too long again!

    1. Thanks Tania…and yes, I love these hops. They keep me motivated for sure!!

  13. Lovely transformation Kim. The shade is a darling touch.

    1. Thanks so much, Linda! It turned out even better than I imagined and I do love the shade. I had my eye on it for years and I finally decided to go for it.

  14. Wow, what a fantastic update. I love the bright red, it’s such a statement now.

    Rachel - Tea and Forget-me-nots

    1. Thanks so much, Rachel! I do love my red...

  15. Kim, you always have the best ideas that are simple enough for me to make. It was like this lamp was always supposed to look like this. Love how it matches your cozy cottage too. I am so like you, I have a basement full of items I want to make over, but not enough time to get them completed. And now, after seeing so many sewing projects, I want to push sewing to the top of my list. Great project to share, I am in love with this lamp makeover.

    1. Trust me, this makeover was as simple as they come! I was inspired by all the sewing projects, too. I have a ton of them in process as well. Maybe that was my hint to get moving!! Heehee!!

  16. What a beautiful makeover, it was worth the wait. I suffer from the same issue with to much on my plate, so many ideas but not enough time. 🤣

    1. Thanks so much, Anita! Yes, I believe that this is common issue among creative people. Glad to hear I'm in such good company!!

  17. Wow, your lamp looks gorgeous now! I'm crushing on your red dish.

    1. Thanks Allyson! That red dish was a gift from our fearless blog hop leader, Ann. Isn't it darling? ❤️

  18. Your creativity never ends!

    Deanna Rabe

  19. What a fun story... I am with you. ;-) Too much on my plate.
    I love the lamp.
    Happy Monday!!

    1. Always too much on my plate! At least the lamp is off it now...hahaha!!

  20. Your lamp is beautiful Kim. Your story made me smile because I live with that problem too. But we are never lazy or boring. Good luck on your next project.

    1. Thanks Donna!! I guess that's the curse (or blessing) of a creative brain!!

  21. Ha ha! Too much on your crafting plate is a little too relatable!
    This lamp really did turn out beautifully, worth the wait!! These kind of challenges really are good at helping us serial crafters get those half done projects finished aren't they?

    1. It seems to be very relatable...which is a good thing! I don't feel so alone! Thanks for the sweet words about my lamp. I'm really happy with it, too...and I'm so happy I had the challenge to make me complete it!!

  22. Oh my gosh, Kim, the lamp is a darling makeover!! I wish you were my neighbor to inspire me to get going on projects. I’ve told you in the past, I was always doing some kid of project, but now, all I do is cook, bake and sew. I really want to do my kitchen table, but I can’t stand to think of the mess (or maybe I’m just lazy!!) Enjoy your week using your creativity.

    1. Oh Kitty, I would love to be your neighbor. I could craft with you and you could cook and bake with me!! And sew!! I do adore it, but I'm a wing it kind of girl. I'd love to really learn some skills...and I don't think you're lazy! Refinishing a table it a big job and a big mess! I get it!!

  23. I too love the lamp makeover with it painted white and the rose sticker. The lamp looks beautiful with the pretty lamp shade.

    1. Thank you Julie!! I really like this one. I can't believe I waited so long to complete it!

  24. Absolutely love how your lamp turned out. The simple floral image with that fabulous lampshade is really beautiful!

    1. Thank you, Tuula! This one was a quick, but definitely packs a powerfully pretty decorative punch!! Go red!

  25. Replies
    1. Thanks Debbie! I love it, too...I actually have it in green also. I couldn't stop at one!! Haha!!

  26. Kim,
    This came out gorgeous!! Love the rose on it and the shade is darling...I am playing catch up today...Thanks so much for all your visits...I feel a bit behind with visiting because as you know, I had a bit of a rough start to the year with the passing of my dear friend....I hope you are staying warm...It is 18 degrees here in NEPA!!!
    Debbie-Dabble Blog
