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Muffin Tin Makeover

July 27, 2024

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I turned an old muffin tin pan into a rustic, vintage styled centerpiece in no time flat.

It just took a bit of paint and a lot of imagination to transform this old kitchen junk into a home decor treasure.

Metal Muffin Tin Makeover Before

Lately, I've been on a purging binge.

Cleaning out closets and drawers.

Donating, giving away and even selling items I no longer need or use.

When the kids moved out, I sent a lot stuff with them, since I had so many extras.

Of course, as a devout upcycler, this task isn't always easy.

Aside from the usual questions like does it still fit? Is this in working order? Or when did I last use it? The upcycler's brain also asks what could I make out of this?

It definitely complicates what should be a rather straightforward process.

Take this old metal muffin tin for example.

Old silver metal muffin tin pan

It's over 20 years old, I haven't used it in at least that long (since I have other, better ones). 

There was no reason not to donate it.

Well, no reason, except for the nagging voice in my head that said, you could make something really cute out of this.

So I did.

It didn't take me long to come up with a I did with my old metal cookie sheet makeover.

You see, coming up with out of the box makeover ideas is my superpower. It isn't very lucrative and I'll never have my own comic book series, but it does come in handy at thrift stores.

Or dollar stores where you can find muffin or cupcake pans for next to nothing.

Dollar Tree Muffin Pan Makeover

Well, back to my DIY, I immediately thought it would look very charming as a candle holder. Rustic and aged. 

So I whipped out the paint and started adding some years to it's pristine patinia.

Painting An Old Muffin Tin Pan

I used a brown chalk paint and applied it with short, pouncing strokes with a round stencil brush.

I covered the entire top of the pan, including the cups. I wasn't fussy with the coverage, since I wanted the pan to look like it had been around for a long time.

I was more concerned with the texture of the finish and those pouncing strokes.

Using Paint To Age an old metal muffin pan

I used the same technique on the side of the muffin pan, again, leaving a bit of the metal uncovered, so it looked as if it'd been through a few rough years.

Then before I set it aside to dry for the night, I grabbed an old towel and dabbed it around the top and sides of the pan to enhance that pounced, rough finish.

Blotting Paint With A Towel

And then I went to bed. 

When I woke up in the morning, I cracked open my Dixie Belle Satin Sealer and went over the entire muffin tray with a brush.

Applying Sealer Over Chalk Paint with a brush

Since I didn't want those brush strokes to interfere with the mottled look of aged metal I had created the night before, I took the same towel and, again, dabbed it around the top and sides of the muffin tin to create the same finish.

Blotting Paint Sealer For Texture with a towel

Later that afternoon, when it was completely dry, I started playing with the candles. Now, I'm not a huge fan of fire, so I always use battery operated candles.

If you like this idea don't forget to sign up for my emails, where I share quick tips and upcycles!

I also love that they have timers and go on and off without any fuss or intervention from me. 

They also allow me to place them next to flammable materials without fear. The meant I had a ton of options with my new votive holder.

Muffin Tin Candle Holder with pip berry ring and votice in one cup

I could use tiny battery operated tea light candles with pip berry rings.

Or wrap vines around taller votives.

Upcycled Cupcake Tin Votive Holder with garland and votive candle in cup

The possibilities are endless here and can be customized for any season, decor or occasion as a centerpiece.

In the end, I chose to place a few pink flowers on top of my muffin tin, wrap a pip berry garland haphazardly around the candles.

And, since it's hydrangea season, I put a small glass votive holder inside one of the muffin cups as a mini vase and popped a stem from my garden inside.

Candle Holder Muffin Tin Upcycle

It clearly doesn't look like that same, ready for the donation box, muffin tin anymore.

That old, boring, unused pan that hasn't seen the light of day in decades is now a show stopping decor accessory that's lighting up my family room.

Dollar Tree Cupcake Tin Makeover with votives and flowers in each cup and garland wrapped around it

With rustic elegance and a ton of charm.

And exactly why I can't seem to throw anything in this house away.

But honestly, can you blame me? 


How about you? Are you an upcycler?

Simple Muffin Tin Makeover

Well, I know 8 gals who are and today they have some fabulous DIYs to share, because it's time for another round of the Do It Over Designers Hop hosted by our fearless leader Ann, from The Apple Street Cottage.

This month she challenged us to focus on metal my muffin tin. Don't you just love how that works out? 😉

Do It Over Designers Blog Hop Graphic

So take your time and stop by each one of my friends' blogs to check out their lovely DIYs.

Happy Upcycling, Friends!
Kim Signature

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  1. So cute Kim! I can't seem to throw anything away, although I have good intentions! I had gathered up some pizza pans, then changed my mind and hid them away so Hubs wouldn't know. Now I can't find them to upcycle them lol. It's a superpower AND a scourge!

    1. That's funny, Sara! I've done the same thing...but when I do find things again it's like Christmas morning. Haha!

  2. Oh I love this, it's a perfect upcycle/repurpose. I had a rusty old 12 hole muffin tin a couple of years ago and I'd hung on to it for ages thinking I'd think of a new use for it. Sadly this idea has come too late for me! I did donate it to a pre school for their mud kitchen so it wasn't wasted but I don't think I can ask for it back now!!!

    1. That's so funny...and totally adorable! Honestly, I think this muffin pan came from my kindergarten classroom a million years ago. We cooked in there often as part of our math lesson. Although playing in the mud sounds like much more fun! I was an expert mud pie maker, but I never made mud cupcakes!

  3. Rustic elegance is the perfect description for this upcycle, Kim. Hydrangeas are one of my weaknesses and I love the pop of color. No more boring muffin tin!

    1. Thanks so much, Ann! I had fun with this makeover. Great theme! Thanks for the hop...and I love those hydrangeas, too. The color of this one really pops!!

  4. This is not my super power! I was thinking "How in the world will she make this a candle holder?" And you did! It turned out so cute!

    1. Haha! Thanks Mari! You have other super powers for sure…how about super grandma! Sometimes when I see your adorable crafts and cooking projects, I wish you’d adopt me!!

  5. From all of the wonderful comments, Kim, it sounds like you've inspired most of us to make an adorable muffin tin votive holder similar to yours! It's such a fabulous idea! I have a muffin tin similar to the one you used. I'm sure it's over fifty years old and belonged to my mother in law. I need to pull it out and get to making a candle holder! Thanks for the inspiration!

    1. Thanks so much, Gail! ☺️ I had fun with this one. I bet you’ll make a gorgeous version from your mother in law’s pan…and a sentimental one at that. Those are the best kind!

  6. You had me chuckling Kim, I cannot seem to throw away anything since I always think, I can do something with that! I love the way your muffin tin turned out, it is adorable, and the candles are perfect, thanks for the suggestion of the battery operated candles. I have a few, but I need tea lights. You asked about Waverly chalk paint, I actually really like it, but I have not used any other chalk paint before so I do not have anything to compare it to. My wheels are turning after seeing your pan, I have a cake pan that was my great-grandmother's. I cannot throw it away, but it can no longer function as a cake pan since it is rusty. Hmmm.. thank you! ;)

    1. Hi Cara! I think that upcycling gene is really a tough one. It turns us all into packrats. 😉 Thanks for letting me know you like the Waverly paint. I think I'm going to pick some up and give it a try! I hope you share if you makeover your great grandmother's cake pan. I just know it'll be lovely!!

  7. Oh my gosh Kim this is awesome. You are so crafty. I have been purging and packing for the move. We have two more weeks but I am almost done with all the packing. Just makes me relax more to have it all organized and packed. On top of packing I found a dresser today and I am painting it to be a new TV stand in the new place with a stencil. OMG nothing like adding more stress in the mix lol! Have a good weekend. Hugs. Kris

  8. Love how your muffin tin makeover turned out Kim! Definitely rustic elegance. Perfect for fire-free candles, of which I'm a big fan because we have three feline friends. I can so relate to not being able to get rid of things. I swear everything can be made into something else, and it's just so much fun just imagining the possibilities.

    1. Thanks so much, Tuula! I love using those battery candles, they just lend themselves to so many more creative options. I'm with you when it comes to making things over. I love the dreaming up ways to transform. That's my favorite part!

  9. That is a great use for that old muffin tin. You're so right, being an upcycler definitely complicates things when it comes to getting rid of stuff! But I bet you're glad you didn't get rid of this muffin pan!

    1. I'm SO glad, Tania! This little pan is a true charmer and I just know it'll be perfect for fall and Christmas decorating, too!!

  10. Love it- turned out really cute.I have a hard time throwing things away, too, and can usually think of something to do with it...same with old clothes-I can see something new made from something that I would no longer wear. One of these days I need to post some of the bears I have upcycled from old clothing---memory bears.
    Have a wonderful weekend-or what is left of it. xo xo xo

    1. Your bears sound adorable, Diana!! I actually have a huge stack of clothes that I keep telling myself I’m going to upcycle. I have plans to make a few pillows out of old skirts, aprons from shirts and a pair of jeans and still another pile of things too pretty to toss, but have no plans for…yet! Maybe bears would be the solution. Although, they sound way more complicated than this easy, dollar store crafter could handle!! Haha!! Happy Sunday!! Xo

  11. Hi, another cute idea.
    I like to reuse or up-cycle items too. I have been creative with using different containers for potting up plants. :-)

    1. Hi Carla!! Thanks so much. I really like it when I can reuse something and it turns out this cute. I love creative pots. I bet you have a darling collection.

  12. This is an adorable idea Kim! I too, would rather repurpose things! Sometimes it is a bit of a challenge to figure out what to do. Thanks for this inspiration! I am also thinking with the tin that you could add a bit of potting soil, and some succulents, or even faux succulents mixed with the timer candles (I'm also a HUGE fan of those timer candles!). Always love your ideas, and seeing your process from beginning to end! Blessings to you dear friend!

    1. Thank you so much, Marilyn, your kind words humble me! I think your idea of adding succulents to the mix is genius. How creative!! Of course, they'd be faux for me, since I don't have a green thumb, but they'd be perfect next to my faux candles. 😉

  13. I hate to throw things like rusty muffin tins away so now you have given me a great idea on what to do with them. And how to age them if needed. It definitely makes for a sweet little candle holder and conversation piece for a table.

    1. Thanks so much, Donna! It's definitely a conversation piece, that's for sure!!

  14. What a wonderful upcycling idea! I'm loving the fresh flower pop of color with your candles. I'm slowly purging items of all kinds since we're downsizing and moving in about 16 months. I know it sounds like a long time, but I have a full basement to tackle. And what am I going to do in August? Go on a 3-day thrifting trip with a friend! SMH

    1. Thank you Allison!! Oh my, your thrifting trip sounds fabulous...and everyone needs a few new things when moving into a new house, right? Enjoy!!
