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Last Minute Plate Makeover: Easter Bunny Decoupage DIY

March 21, 2024

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Looking for a thrifty, last minute way to decorate for Easter? This quick and easy crafty DIY won't break the bank and will dress your holiday table or walls in seasonal style.

Check out the simple steps and hop into spring.

Bunny Napkins For Easter DIY Decoupage

I have to say, when it comes to technology, I'm pretty savvy, but really, I'm an old school girl.

I prefer paper and pencil to iPhone lists and calendars.

And while I understand that AI is all the rage, I just can't get on board.


Over the past year, I have completely fallen in love with the Google Image Search tool.

It's become my new seek and find best friend.

Gone are the days of me typing in an endless stream of words to locate a product I saw somewhere or to find the name or some shred of information about something I found at thrift shop.


Now I just take a picture, hit search and in minutes Google conjures up everything that I need to know.

Google screenshot Image Search Of Bunny Napkins

Remember that impossible to find Robert Allen fabric I found online? Or the Country Living dishes?

Google Image Search to the rescue.

That bring me today's share. I'd found a picture online of the most adorable bunny napkins and I knew I had to have them.

I took a screenshot, hit search...and in minutes I had them in my cart on Amazon. How fabulous.

Of course, I had absolutely no idea what I was going to do with those rabbit covered paper napkins. I just knew they'd be darling on...well, something.

And to decorate my house for Easter

So while I waited for my springtime delivery, I hit the thrift store. I mean honestly, did you not see that coming? 

Anyway, I brought my husband with me and he spotted this stack of glass plates. All four for $10.

Large Glass DInner Plates

Now I know they were probably from Dollar Tree, which means I overpaid, but I was okay with that since the store near me no longer carries them on the shelf.

And I was not interested in ordering anything from them ever again. Plus, it was for charity.

Even better on the way out the door, they threw in four glass salad plates for a dollar.

Best of all, when the napkins arrived the next day, the scale was spot on.  It was a worthwhile spend for sure.

(psst- next time I think I might try this craft with these plates!!)

Bunny Napkins Package For Easter on the table
Easter Bunny Napkins- see them here

To make the Easter Bunny dinner dishes, I used the same decoupage process I've used so many times before.
In case you haven't seen it though, here's what I did.

How To Make A Custom Decoupage Glass Plate For Easter

I started by washing and drying each dish. If there were sticky spots, I used a little vinegar to remove them.

You could also try one of these remedies to clean very dirty or cloudy glass.

Washing A Glass Plate with a paper towel

Next up, I grabbed my napkins and separated the layers.

Separating Napkin Layers of Easter Bunny Decoupage Napkins

At the risk of sounding redundant, because I say this in every decoupage post, I made sure to remove all the extra layers underneath the top patterned one.

Sometimes, it's very hard to detect a third layer, but if it's missed, it's a mess.

With my napkins ready to go, I painted decoupage medium onto the back of the glass plate, taking my time to cover every bit of it.

A paintbrush adding decoupage gel onto a clear glass plate

Then I grabbed my bunnies and placed them pattern side down on the back of the dish. Napkins are not terribly sturdy.

The can tear easily and once they make contact with the wet Mod Podge or, in my case, Dixie Belle Satin Sealer, they're almost impossible to move without damage.

Careful placement is a must. This pattern was rather forgiving, but I did try to center the napkin on the plate. 

I actually prefer to craft with rice paper, but sometimes napkins just have cuter patterns.

Easter bunny napkin face down, draped over a glass plate ready for decoupage

At this point, I usually put on a vinyl glove, but I was lazy and had a zippy bag fall out of the craft closet when I gathered my supplies, so I used it to smooth out the wrinkles and bubbles.

It worked just as well.

A hand in a ziploc sandwich bag smoothing out the bunny patterned paper napkin on a glass dish

To seal the napkin in place, I coated it with more decoupage. I used the same brush and applied it gingerly, since the bunnies were so thin.

Ok. I'm going to pause here to say to if you think that this girl is a crafting wizard and never makes mistakes...this one's for you.

Because friends, it happens all the time...especially during decoupage DIYs. One wrong move with the paintbrush and you end up with a headless bunny.

Oh the horror!

Decoupage bunny napkin with a torn and missing head

In years past, I would fret. Or try to patch it, but honestly, fretting is a waste of time. It's a napkin.

And patching is a tedious task that rarely looks good. 

Instead, I wash the napkin off, with soap and water, and start again. No harm, no foul.

Washing Decoupage napkin off a glass plate with soap and water in a sink

Once I'd completed the redo and my other plates, I set them on the table to dry. 

And since I didn't want another tattered Easter Bunny on my conscience, I left there for a really long time before I attempted sanding off the edges.

Two in process bunny covered decoupage plates on a table to dry

For that I used a sanding pad and simply ran it across the edge of the glass dish and the excess paper just fell away.

Neatly finished and sealed.

Sanding Decoupage Edges on a plate with a small brown, foam sanding pad

Ready for use when Easter rolls around.

Since the design and the decoupage is only on the back of the dish, the glass is still safe to use.

Just try not to get the back too wet when washing the front of the glass.

Brown Bunny Easter Dishes

They would also look lovely hanging on a wall to welcome spring.

Or propped up on a plate stand.

Mine will be on the Easter brunch table.

Easter Table Setting

Surrounded by gold flatware.

My grandmother's crystal and a vase full of flowers.

Because, after all, isn't that where napkins belong?


What will be on your Easter table?

Happy Easter, Friends!
Kim Signature

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  1. Very cute plate Kim, you are so right, there are so many pretty napkins available now. Hoppy spring.

    1. Thanks Linda! I have so many napkins I don't know what to do with them all! Maybe I should have a giveaway and clean house a bit! ☺️

  2. These plates are just darling and adorable with your table. Please share more of your Easter table. I’m having one of those “why haven’t I ever thought of this before” moments. We used to frequently host large gatherings so I purchased 40 luncheon sized glass plates. Paper products get expensive. And I’ve decoupaged a few with paper for decorative plates to hang on the wall over the years. Recently I was thinking of donating some of the glass plates since we have smaller groups these days. This morning I wished I had some cute bunny plates. Duh! Make my own! You’re a genius.

    1. Oh gosh, so many sweet words! Thank you so much...and I've been there, the huge holiday gatherings. With everyone scattered about the country now, it's much smaller and easier to make plates for 4 or 6 as opposed to 40! I can only imagine how many napkin bunnies would be sacrificed during that crafting session! Haha!! I'm so glad you found this idea useful, and like I said, super easy, so there's still time! Happy Spring and here's to a pretty table!

  3. So cute, Kim. They look perfect on your Easter table. I know there are so many cute napkins and you find them all. I love how it looks..Happy Spring..xxoJudy

    1. Thanks so much, Judy! I am a sucker for a cute napkin and these were too darling to pass up! So glad you love them as much as I do! Happy Spring! xo

  4. Cute as can be, Kim and perfect for Easter and early spring. Have a wonderful day- xo Diana

    1. Thanks Diana! Once I saw that adorable bunny online, I had to have him somewhere in my house. Or on my table! 🐰 Happy Spring!

  5. Just adorable! ;)

  6. These are so cute! Love them!!

    1. Thanks Debbie! Those bunnies just made me smile. 😊

  7. What an adorable idea! I love how this turned out!! - Briana from Texas

    1. Thank you, Briana! It was a fun one and so much less expensive than buying bunny plates!

  8. Hello, I appreciate that you share that crafting does not always go as planned. You are right, easy to try again. :-)
    I love this idea and your Easter table is beautiful.

    1. Oh Carla! I have lots of mistakes to share, trust me. I guess between that torn and tattered bunny and my mismatched family room, I'm letting it all hang out this week! 😉 I do like the table setting though, so thank you for the kind words my friend.

  9. Oh my gosh, these are just so cuuuuttteee!! And they look like you paid a lot of money for them!

    1. Thanks Mandy! That’s the loveliest compliment!

  10. Hi Kim. I love decoupage. They have such cute and pretty napkins out in Home Goods to make into cute things like your plate. Going to the dollar store to maybe get some platters to do make into pretty serving pieces. You go girl with your crafty self. Hugs. Kris

    1. Thanks Kris! I have quite a napkin stash since I can't say no when I see those pretty napkins at Home Goods and elsewhere! I was at Dollar Tree today and someone was checking out behind me with a package of the loveliest Happy Spring ones. I almost got back on line to buy some for myself. Almost. ☺️

  11. They turned out so, so cute! Thanks for sharing your torn bunny. I did think you were quite perfect and never had an issue. :)
    I didn't know about Google image search. This opens a whole new world!

    1. Thanks Mari! And yes, believe it or not, I am not a perfect crafter! 🤣 I make lots of mistakes, especially with decoupage. I’m so glad I shared about Google image search. I think it’s a stealthy little button so it’s easy to miss, but it really does change everything. I was at the thrift store yesterday and found a set of dished with months on them. They had all our birthdays, except one. I took a picture and searched it up in the store to see if I’d be able to locate it before I purchased the others. It showed up in 10 seconds. Amazing!

  12. So cute and perfect for spring and Easter!

    1. Thanks Melanie!! I'm still using them, they're just too darling to pack away.

  13. Those napkins are adorable and you explained to me how to use Google image search. I never knew it all started with a screen shot and must practice it. Your Easter table is going to be charming! I love using the gold flatware with your new rabbit plates. Rabbits always make my heart melt and I bet they do yours too!

    1. Thanks Dewena!! I love bunnies, too and they do look fabulous with my mom's gold flatware.

  14. Your dishes are adorable and absolutely perfect for Easter Brunch! Thanks for the reminder about Google Image Search, Kim. I should use it more often, but I always forget about it!

    1. Thank you, Ann! Google Image Search is amazing. I love using that tool...although it does get me into a lot of (expensive) trouble! Haha!

  15. I love your Easter table and the plates look so festive and perfect for Easter! I hope you have a happy Easter.
