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Cottage Style Thrift Store Finds

March 05, 2024

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Thrift stores are an ideal place to find vintage treasures loaded with cottage style charm. However, it's easy to get caught up in the excitement and walk away with items you'll never use.

Here's how I shop without overbuying and get the most for my money.

Cottage Style Thrift Store Finds

While I don't make New Year's resolutions anymore, this year, when the calendar page turned over, I did promise myself to ease up on those thrift store purchases.

My house is tiny. The shelves are full. I'd need a crowbar to squeeze anymore furniture inside.

And honestly I should be donating far more than I'm purchasing.

Unfortunately, I have an addiction.

So while my brain says keep driving, whenever I'm near a shop, my heart steers the car right into the lot.

And inevitably, I end up inside.

So far, I've been a restrained shopper and thanks to the new Rule Of Three I've enacted. 

Before I head to the register I make sure that every item:
  • has a cottage style feel
  • is useful and will have a designated place once I get home
  • must be (close to) other words, I'm not buying Christmas decor in March anymore.
Items like that seem to end up in my basement and come December I've forgotten all about them.  Then they sit for years, cluttering up my house.

No more. I needed rules.

And armed with them, I shopped during the first two months of the year.

Of course, there were a few slip ups, including this darling chicken figurine I grabbed for a buck.

Mini Chicken Figurine

He was exempt from my new guidelines, with his tiny, fetching stance. I mean, come on. How could I leave all that cuteness behind?

Overall though, I think I was mostly compliant.

But I'll let you be the judge as we play the thrift store show and tell game today.

And remember, I'm new to this rule thing.

First up, this old glass cutting board. Scratched and scuffed, you can see, from the upside down price tag, that I paid $1.99.

Thrifted Glass Cutting Board

I grabbed it right away, despite its terrible condition, because I have a lovely - and useful - DIY in mind.

It might not be cottage styled now, but it will be. 

That counts.

At the same shop, I found this $2.00 unfinished wooden paddle cutting board.

Wooden Paddle Cutting Board

It screamed cottage style to me right off the bat and I have a crafty decor idea in mind for it, that will only add to it.

So it hopped in my wagon, too.

Sticking to the rules, I spotted a strictly useful find, a set of metal plate hangers.

They averaged out to a dollar apiece.

Gold Metal Plate Hangers

Now, I know that these command style, sticky plate hangers are all the rage. They hide on the back of the plate so there's no evidence of them on the front.

However, I spent a pretty penny on my new (online) thrifted rose plates and the thought of them falling if that sticky tape gave way, is not something I could bear.

Country Living Red Rose Plates on a wooden table

I also actually use my plates for dinner and decor. So the wires allow me to remove the plates from the wall, use them, wash them and then put them back on the wall.

That made these metal ones a no brainer and they were a bargain. Check and check.

Next up, same shop, I spied this delicate cottage style hanging metal frame. It reminded me of the frames I used to have in my bathroom.

Isn't it sweet? I thought it would right at home near my metal shelves.

I love when that happens.

White Painted Hanging Metal Picture Frames

Plus, it was $4.00 and looked brand new.

Now I haven't decided what to put inside it yet, but between all the rice paper, napkins, transfers and stencils I have in my stash, I have a ton of choices.

In the second shop, I was a little bit less of a rule follower. Clearly, I need more practice.

Or a handler to help me say no.

I knew I was in trouble when I saw that chicken. And then this white pitcher.

White Fluted Ceramic Pitcher on a table

Yes, it was cottage style and it could be very useful.

But I had no place for it and I knew it. It was the fluting and the $2.00 price tag that did me in.

Willpower is not my strong suit.

I think I redeemed myself in the third shop though.

I found this trio of oval wooden frames. They're old and need a few fixes, so I thought the $15 price tag was a bit much.

Oval Wooden Picture Frames

After a quick ask, the shop owner agreed and let me have all three for $9.00. 

Sold! They're really large, about 11 inches long, and they have glass fronts.

They've got tons of old world, cottage charm and I know exactly what to do with them and where they'll go.

Look at me, getting better at this game.

Although, it didn't last long. The last purchase of the day was a pure whim.

I bought books.

Thrifted Decorating Books

Three 1990s decorating books. 

They are cottage style and they're useful, since they give me decorating ideas.

One of them is all about DIY and crafts.

Here's a page on decorating Easter eggs. I mean that's timely.

Crafty Decorating Book open to Easter egg decorating page

So overall, they did fit most of the rules, but I knew I had absolutely nowhere to store or display them. However, at two bucks apiece I just couldn't walk away. 

I did hesitate.

In the end though, I overruled myself.

Both literally and figuratively. 

I decided that those books made me smile. I'd enjoy flipping through them.

And sometimes that's enough.

Rules or no rules.


Are you a thrifting junkie?

Ps- I have one more share, although it wasn't a  true thrift find, I had to hunt it down. 

Years ago, I found a gorgeous, deep red, cottage style Robert Allen fabric at Calico Corners, back in the days when they sold it on cut and carry bolts. 

Over the years, I've used that one precious yard to make pillows and add ruffles to a wooden chair.

Wooden Chair with finished skirt and no cushions

However, I always wished I had more and searched, unsuccessfully, for decades for any scrap I could get my hands on.

Well, last month, I found it. On eBay of all places. Two yards, brand new, bright and gorgeous. 

I'm not sure exactly how I'm going to use it yet. I want to be sure before I cut it, but I wanted to share because I'd basically given up on finding anything in this 1980's pattern ever again.

Robert Allen Red and White Floral Fabric folded on a table

But just like that old paper doll book I found from the 1970s, through the magic of online thrifting I found two pristine yards of a 30 year old fabric pattern. 

So never say never folks. 

Just keep on looking...your treasure could be waiting in the next shop or website.

Here are a few more thrifting finds to peek at:
Happy Thrifting, friends!
Kim Signature

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  1. Where did you go? I've had great luck at Savers recently! A lamp, a wine bottle holder and I wish I picked some cabbage plates I passed up! I could literally go 3 times a week.... addicted!!!

    1. I haven't been to Savers in years, maybe I'll pop in. I shop locally in the the small church and community thrift shops. I wish I had the place to shop 3x a week!! I'm jealous!!

  2. i LOVE EVERYTHING THAT YOU PURCHASED AND THAT FABRIC IS TO DIE FOR. Hope you will post some of your DIY projects when they are finished. Harriet

    1. Thank you so much! Yes!! I will post the DIYs. As a matter of fact, I'm working on the glass cutting board right now...taking pictures with sticky hands. 🤣 Thanks so much for taking the time to comment...and ps- my mom's name was Harriet...beautiful!

  3. You found some great items, Kim. The chicken if my favorite, though! As for the 1990's decorating books, I totally support you. I have two that the library was giving away. One is a Rachel Ashwell and the other features top women designers and their homes. I see something new every time I flip through them. Enjoy!

    1. Thanks Ann! I'm a sucker for a cute chicken...and an old decorating book. I think I saw the one with the top women designers. Maybe I should've grabbed that one, too!

  4. The white pitcher.... never pass them up. So unitarian for all seasons with or without any extra decor. I would have grabbed that had I seen it. Enjoy!

    1. I'm with you, I love white pitchers. I have far too many of them and no place to keep even one more...and yet it doesn't stop me from buying every last one I see...🤣

  5. Hi Kim, it's me, the anonymous dummy that can't figure out how to get back to being the real me! I have to laugh but I have so many bookshelves filled with those types of books. I know for sure I remember that Country Living book being there. A few years back I donated a lot of them to the Animal Save thrift shop but I still have many more. I haven't looked at them for awhile either. One of these days. You are still finding some great pieces and I can't wait to see those beautiful plates on your walls..xxoJudy

    1. Hi Judy!! I had a bunch of those books, too. I donated all of them and now, look at me, I'm buying them all back again. Oh boy!!

  6. Kim, you always find such nice and unique thrift store finds. I too like everything you purchase especially the fabric. Have fun with your thrifting finds.

    1. Thanks Julie! It was so warm this morning that I took a long walk with my daughter and now that it’s been hailing out for a while - good grief, this weather is wacky - I’ve been painting and getting ready for a few makeovers.

  7. I think you did good. You do find the best things! I really, really like that pitcher and the chicken is so cute. Now I'm looking forward to what you do with your finds.
    I've been working on decluttering here. I'm not a thrift store junkie, but I do stop in once in a while, and I also seem to collect crafting and decorating things. I've been making trips to get rid of things at our local charity store. I was tempted to go in and see what they had there, but that would defeat the whole purpose!

    1. I hear you, Mari! I have to keep myself out of the shops on donation day or I know I'd end up donating with one hand and shopping with the other. As it is, I popped in our church shop yesterday and almost bought back something I donated a bit ago. Oops!!

  8. Is the thrift store addiction a “Kim” thing? I’m also a Kim and can’t seem to convince my car not to turn into a thrift store parking lot! Now, when I was younger, I rarely left a thrift store without having bought one or more somethings. But, as I have grown older (and gained a modicum of restraint with the passage of time) more often than not, I leave empty handed. However, every now and again, I hit a treasure trove of “gotta have its”. Just recently, I came home with a bunch of things that, like you, I knew exactly what I was going to do with each piece I brought home! My daughter, who used to scoff at “old stuff”, has become a master at spotting old stuff that she can rehab and turn into something beautiful for her home. We’re training up my granddaughter too, lol! It’s become a family affair!

    1. It sounds like we have more in common than just our name and love of thrifting. I too have a daughter who used to scoff at old stuff and now has become a serious thrifter. She tends to gravitate towards clothes and collectibles, but it sure it fun to have an eager partner when I hit the shops!! Thanks so much for sharing with me...there's nothing better than comments!!

  9. Hi Kim - love all your finds but the chicken is my favorite - so cute. The wooden paddle cutting board looks like it might be a pizza peel?
    I haven't been thrifting in awhile but the van is full of stuff to donate to FurKids here in the Atlanta area. Hubby thinks we are going to drop everything off and come straight home. Silly man.

    1. Haha!! I love it! I live with the same silly man. Yesterday I went to the thrift store and almost bought back items that I'd donated a few weeks before. Ridiculous.

  10. I love all of these chic thrift goodies! Can't wait to see what you do with them. Love the fabric too!

    1. Thanks so much, Tracey! I really want to dig into that pile and start crafting. I especially want to play with that fabric, I just want to be sure before I make a cut. I don't think I'd ever find it again.

  11. I love that you can see the potential in these items! You have a very good eye, and of course, I always end up loving what you create! And yes, that chicken is extremely darling! I wouldn't have been able to resist either!

    1. Thanks Mandy! I do love the thrill of the hunt and then the excitement of a dreamy makeover. I appreciate your kind words!!

  12. What a delight to find that Robert Allan...! When you love a fabric, you can't have too much! Those 90's publications are pure treasure. My favorite 'decorating time span' is the late 1990's to early 2000s. Rooms and homes were just...prettier than the trends zooming around now. I'm two words away from getting on a rant, so I will just say your treasure finds are both useful, cottage-y and non-seasonal! Well done!

    1. Kristine, I was thrilled when I ran across that fabric, I smiled for a week. As for those 90's books, I'm a sucker. I think that so many of the styles are reminiscent of the 1940s floral fabrics and wallpapers. I think there's so much personality in that style.

  13. Kim you found awesome things. Love the pitcher and the chicken is adorable. Bravo. Hugs. Kris

    1. Thanks so much, Kris! I have to say that chicken makes me smile every time I catch a glimpse of his tiny face.

  14. Good job! You did great with your new rules and I know how hard that can be. I have an Etsy shop so fortunately I can buy pretty much whatever I want for resale but even that storage space gets full while I wait for things to sell!

    1. Oh an Etsy shop, that's awesome. I've thought about opening one to sell my second hand finds or creations, but I always chicken out. I get it with the storage though, that's a universal problem when you're an avid thrifter. Haha!!

  15. Some really nice finds! I find myself drawn to the Instagram posts lately about thrifting - I enjoy that more than thrifting itself as I am trying to purge my house. I do occasionally pop in, but for the most part I am simplifying life and trying to spend money on things I need to do to my house...its a process of change for sure!

    1. I've seen a lot of those posts, Gina. I love looking at what people find, too. I really do enjoy the actual thrift shopping though. I enjoy chatting with the volunteers and peeking at all the possibilities.

  16. Great stuff, and I love that little chicken - I am a proud crazy chicken lady, lol. The 'seasonal' rule is one that I *really* need to listen to - my storage unit is a 40 ft shipping container and a LOT gets lost in there. I haven't made a good thrift shop run in a little while, but a dear friend of mine is coming to visit in a couple of weeks and she loves to thrift with me. We'll be mapping out the routes to all our favorites and trying to hit some estate sales too :-) I have been better lately at letting go of things, I'm currently working on going through my sewing and crafting items because the quantity I have is overwhelming. I look forward to seeing what you do with your new treasures!

  17. I always enjoy your thrift posts. I would love to go with you... but we might fight for the same treasure. Just Kidding. ;-)
    We are going thrifting Saturday, I cannot wait. :-)

    1. Haha!! Yes, Carla, I think we would!! I'm sure we'd work it out though and we'd have a great time and a lot of laughs. I hope you found some fun treasures yesterday!! Enjoy!!

  18. I always love seeing your thrifted purchases, Kim. Those plates are darling and yes, I’d be fearful of command strips holding them up. As for me, I rarely go thrifting or shopping any more. I don’t need anything!

    1. Thanks Kitty! Like you, I adore dishes and cups. There are so many gorgeous ones out there. I have to restrain myself. Yesterday I found a few more that I couldn't resist. I think you'd love them, they're so dainty.

  19. So many great finds Kim. I'm especially enamored with the round frames. You have got them for a fraction of the price they would go for. If you could even find them. Have fun styling them in your home.

    1. Hi Mary! I'm with you, round frames are my weakness. I adore them. I can't wait to fill them up and get them on the wall.

  20. I still go thrifting once in awhile; have definitely cut way back. I'm more apt to be donating to thrift shops now, rather than shopping in them. Thus said, I went thrifting last week with a friend that came to my house for a visit. She requested that we go thrifting out by me. How could I say no? ;-) I found a pair of jeans that fit me perfectly. There was one other thing, but now I can't remember what it was!
    Your red plates and hangers...have you tried the Flatirons disk adhesive hangers? That's all I use to hang my plates now. I have never had one fall. That glue is STRONG! And yes, they are removable, but you have to work at it. Just a thought. Here's some on Amazon. They have different sizes:

    1. Thanks Melanie! I've actually seen those, as well. I'm just so nervous about taking that chance. Plus, I do use my plates, so the metal wire hangers allow me to quickly remove them, put them on a table and wash them. Then I just wire them up again and I'm good to go! Happy Weekend!

  21. You are so fortunate to have great thrift stores near you. Finding a decent one (if you find one at all) anywhere near me is like finding hen's teeth! I've spent the WHOLE DAY going through all my clothes...oh my!!! I donated two full trash bags and put a few in my Poshmark closet. I have got to stop buying clothes!!!!!!! I love your white pitcher and frames...I would definitely have grabbed those. And that chicken has character:) And the fabric...congrats!!! And the plates!!! Like you, I love, love, love RED:)

    1. Red decor is my weakness!! I really have to restrain myself when I see something in that color. We do have a lot of thrift stores here, but they can be pricey. There's also not a ton of turnover, but that's actually not a bad thing since I'm trying to stick to a budget. I love that you have a Poshmark closet. I've often thought about one, but I wouldn't know where to start!

  22. I loved the chicken and the fabric! So cute!

    1. Thanks so much! They're my favorites, too!

  23. Kim,
    I love all your wonderful new treasures!!! All so pretty!! and that fabric is gorgeous!! Never say never is right!! Thanks so much for stopping by!! I hope you are having a good week!!
    Debbie-Dabble Blog
