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No Farmhouse Sink For Me

February 02, 2024

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So with January in the rearview mirror, I'd like to report that it didn't go exactly as planned.

Well, not when it comes to decorating anyway.

You see, once the kids were up and out, I thought for sure I'd have tons of time to redo, remodel and refresh.

Turns out, it's just not been that easy.

My Farmhouse Sink Fail measuring a sink in the store

I don't know why, but when my kids were small and the house was full and bustling, decorating decisions were a lot easier.

I'd be out at a store, see something pretty, bring it home and voila.

Instant fabulous.

I made curtains in between pickups and drop offs.

I painted tables with one hand, while supervising homework tasks with the other.

And I regularly rearranged furniture in the wee hours of the morning.

Unfortunately, I'm a full month in and the only project I've completed is cleaning my sink...which wasn't even on the list.

Cleaning A Kitchen Sink

There were lots of bumps in the road and many of them started with fact that there's just not a lot of products on the store shelves anymore to touch and feel.

And not always a lot of variety online either. 

In January alone, I spent about $100 on fabrics that don't match the way I thought they would, I had to borrow paint from a neighbor, because it wasn't carried locally and my kitchen renovations haven't turned out as planned.

Let's start with the sink, shall we?

When we added a kitchen in 2002, I wanted an apron front farmhouse sink...but my request was vetoed.

At the time they were just starting to gain traction in the market and they were pricey. Plus they were a pain to install. Neither my husband nor my contractor were on board. 

It was an expensive decorating fad that was going to pass. I was told by kitchen designers, as well.

White Lace Valance in the kitchen

Another reason for me to ignore so called professional design advice, because we all know how that prediction turned out.

Not only are they the standard sink install today, my desire to own one has never waned. 

However. I love my countertops. Yes, they're laminate, but aside from a few tiny chips that we easily repaired, they look perfect.

And perfect in my kitchen. 

So replacing them with an identical match, simply to make room for an undermount farmhouse sink, doesn't make sense to this budget minded girl.

Several years ago, I tried to find a model to retrofit, drop in on top of the counters, but they just weren't available. So instead I tried to made my sink look like a charming farmhouse model with a few tweaks and skirted cabinets underneath.

Easy To Open Kitchen Sink Farmhouse Skirt in a country cottage kitchen

Of course, it wasn't really the same, so I kept hunting and this January I was prepared to finally purchase one. 

I was all ready to jump and drag my DIY guy with me...until...I did my research. Unfortunately, while there are a few options for a drop in apron front sinks now, they're limited. At the moment, I can find only two choices, fireclay and ceramic. 

The ceramic ones don't fit in the hole I already have in my counter, too small and the fireclay ones get iffy reviews.

Apparently, some have cracked when hot water is poured directly inside, some as long as 2 years after installation. That doesn't make me feel good about the longevity or stability of the products, regardless of the brand.

Measuring A Farmhouse Sink

Other people report that they show up with chips or they're not square, so they need return them over and over until they get one that is level and it sits evenly on the counter. 

Or they use tons of messy caulk to make it look right.

Neither of those situations sound appealing to me either, and since you can't just pick one up at the store to check it out first, I decided to pass.

That means once again, I'm stuck with my old Kohler, porcelain coated, cast iron workhorse of a kitchen sink.

White drop in double Kohler cast iron kitchen sink in a country kitchen

That sucker is still in great condition after 20+ years of daily use. It's deep, has two basins and is virtually indestructible. That's what I want in a drop in farmhouse sink.

Sadly, they just don't seem to make them anymore.

And until I can find a used one on Marketplace or some manufacturer puts one out, which is highly unlikely since they are heavy and undermount is apparently the optimal install, I'm sticking with what I've got.

I think it's one of the very few times I've sided with function over form, in my tiny cottage, but in this case it matters.

With my big sink plans thwarted, I did my best to refresh this area of the kitchen. 

We used my favorite cleaner, Cerama Bryte, to make it look like new again.

White kitchen sink with Cerama Bryte cleaner on edge and words Cleaning my old sink to keep it looking new overlaid
See Cerama Bryte Cleaner Here

We replaced the stainless steel drains that were icky, discolored and broken, with brand new white ones for a cleaner, brighter look.

Stainless Steel And White Kitchen Sink Strainers in a white porcelain sink
See The White Sink Strainers Here

Once those two tasks were complete, the sink actually looked pretty spiffy. All the black and gray wear and scuff marks were gone.

And those white strainers really popped. Not bad for a twenty one year old sink.

White Cast Iron Kitchen Sink

Lastly, I called Pfister, the makers of my faucet and told them about a few issues I was having and they sent me this shiny new replacement.

For free. 

We kept the old handle controller, because I liked it better, but the updated version works well and sparkles.

Pfister Avalon Chrome Faucet covered in a plastic bag during installation
See The New Kitchen Faucet Here

I'm not going to lie, I'm a little disappointed that I still don't have that apron front sink, I mean girl, just let it go already, but what I have functions well and looks very nice.

In the meantime, this kitchen sink cleaning jaunt has started me down a path that's triggered a few other fixes that I'll be sharing soon.

I cleaned and reorganized the space under the sink.

I've reengineered my cabinet mounted sink skirt so it's easier to replace and wash.

I had the cabinet paint matched at Benjamin Moore to fix some of the big chipped areas that are too much for the paint pens, so it'll buy us a few years until we're ready to really repaint all the cabinets.

Replace the countertop.

And finally make space for a proper farmhouse sink.


I can actually hear my mom singing the old tune "seems to me I've heard that song before...." in my head.

Can you?


Happy Decorating, Friends!
Kim Signature

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  1. It looks great Kim ! So nice & bright &
    clean 😊

    1. Thanks so much! Not quite the dream sink, but it works!

  2. I need to try the Cerama Bryte, I have sinks that I just can't get to look clean. Love the new white strainers too! It is frustrating when new products don't work as well as ones made years ago. Someday, you'll find just what you're looking for :) Blessings to you!

    1. Thanks Marilyn! Cleaning that sink really did make a difference and in the grand scheme of things, it's sink and one that works really well, but yes, it's been a small burr in my saddle. Haha!! Enjoy the weekend!!

  3. I LOVE your sink! Happily keep it.

  4. I feel your pain! We did a new sink and countertop in our kitchen, but my husband was flatly against a farmhouse sink because the cabinet below would have to be cut down and reinforced to hold the weight of the sink. So.........I have a great new flush-mount sink; very deep and functions well, but I still have farmhouse-sink envy! Sometimes I have to remind myself to just be thankful for the beautiful home I do have - perfect or not in my eyes.

    1. Yup, this was the argument I received from both my husband and my contractor when we added the kitchen. Back then I think they were all drop ins, too, and apparently, they leaked and the countertop sagged from the weight. So it was a no go. I'm sorry you didn't end up with your dream sink, either, but as you said, we have lovely homes and water and that counts for a lot!! Thanks for sharing your story with me!!

  5. Hi, our house came with the original farmhouse sink. Kohler stamped on it. I loved it when I saw it. It stayed when we did our re-do of our kitchen in 2021.
    I always appreciate your honesty in your posts. Thank you!!

    1. Lucky you!! I have to admit I’m a little green over here. 😉 What a treasure to have in the kitchen.

  6. Oh Kim, I love your kitchen sink as is. It has held up well, looks brand spanking new, and as someone who is currently going through a bathroom remodel, I can tell you they do not make anything like they used to. I am happy for you that you have a DIY guy, I wish I did. No one treats your home as you do. I always love your honesty in your posts. When you begin searching out products, it really is difficult to find what you are looking for, and I often wonder how will this hold up in comparison to what we had? Considering the bathroom was from 1950, I am guessing not so much, but fingers crossed! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words, you just made my day!! ❤️ I hope your bathroom remodel is everything you hope it will be...I get it though, they really don't make anything to last anymore. It's sad. There are some great products out there though and considering you're doing a bathroom with hardscapes, I imagine they'll all be lovely and durable!! Fingers crossed for a fabulous outcome!!

  7. Well poo, I left the last comment.... Cara

    1. Thanks Cara!! Blogger doesn't always play nicely in the comments. Thanks for coming back to let me know it was you!!

  8. I can not tell you how lucky you are to have that beautiful sink!!! After renovating the whole first floor and the entire kitchen I hate my sink!!! And because it is cut in a 9' island there is nothing I can do about it. My sink is so tiny and is my biggest regret of this kitchen, I love your sink!!!

    1. You kitchen is dreamy, Susan, both in pictures online and in real live. I do get it though, when things don't work out the way you need them to, it's an issue. I guess it's true what they say about one man's junk and the grass being the other kitchen!! Ha!!

  9. We ordered 2 different drop in farmhouse sinks. The first one arrived cracked and the second had different measurements than advertised - it was smaller. We have Brazilian cherry countertops so that was a no go. Maybe one day...

    1. Oh no! This is what I keep hearing and it's so disappointing....but wow, Brazillian cherry countertops!! They sound fantastic.

  10. I can't work one into this space either without sacrificing a drawer. My cabinet space is limited enough already and so I said a few choice words to myself when I found out I couldn't get a farmhouse sink. It was my only "must have" for the kitchen remodel/refresh when we moved in. I, too, have a white sink. If you want a quick 'clean'er'up' in between big scrubs I use a magic eraser with a pump of blue Dawn dish soap on it and it is like magic. Takes all the gray marks and discolorations away. I have even added a dollop of Clorox to the mix for extra power!

    Anyway- I love everything about your sweet cottage and I know you do, too, outside of that one disappointment.

    Happy weekend. I am off to see Kris at her Girlfriend Party. I. Can't. Wait. I didn't make it the last two years. xo xo xo Diana

    1. These farmhouse sinks really are a pain, aren't they? They just don't fit easily into modern kitchens. You'd think that will all the technology and design choices today it'd be a little bit easier. Thanks for the cleaning tip! My kids stole my Magic Eraser when they moved out. I think I need to get more. I hope you have a great weekend with Kris and her girls!! Par-ty!!! That's way more fun than talking about sinks!! Hahaha!! xxoo

  11. Hello sweet friend. I had a hard time getting a farmhouse sink to fit in the kitchen of our Lake Zurich home. I remember that journey too. I like your sink it looks so pretty with the up grades and a good cleaning product. Have a good weekend. Hugs. Kris

    1. I remember your quest. I remember your Ikea sink, too. Sadly they stopped making them and now, they're back, but too small for the hole we already have in countertop. With an Ikea around the corner, that would've been ideal! Have a warm and sunny weekend!!

  12. I too would have loved a farmhouse sink but it just would not have worked...I did put a new sink in...An E Granite sink as I did not want a stainless steel sink....And really could not find a white one I liked. I had to go with a big single sink as that was in there before....Thanks so much for stopping by!! I hope you have a great weekend!!
    Debbie-Dabble Blog

    1. I guess kitchen dreams don’t always come true, do they? 😉 To be honest, Deb, I never noticed your sink, I’m always too busy taking in all the fun decor in your home. I’ll have to peek on my next visit, because granite sounds interesting!

  13. We just spent months and months having our kitchen redone. I longed for a farmhouse sink but after reading how easily they crack, chip and are impossible to replace without ripping out a countertop I thought my dream would never come true. But I found a Kohler farmhouse sink on-line in a hammered (dimpled) finish in gleaming white -- complete with the drain on the far end rather than centered. (Looks more authentic!) Let's face it, none of them are cheap but I did wait for a sale and scored!! It weighs a ton (hubby complained when he had to move it) but oh my -- it gleams and is gorgeous! It is nice and deep - a real plus. However: I LOVE your sink! I think it looks very lovely in your kitchen and reflects "you". It is wonderful. Wish my old one was as nice as yours - I could have saved some money! I have the same white drain cover and basket as yours -- beautiful! Never question the look of your kitchen. Many of us have drooled over it in your photos. Sending warmest regards.....

    1. What a lovely, lovely comment. Thank you so much. I think after all these nice compliments about my sink I need to go apologize to it and give it a hug!! It really is beautiful, but sometimes I do lose sight of what I have with all those lovely pictures floating around the internet. It wasn't that long ago that I felt like Diane Keaton in Baby Boom, where she screams that she doesn't want to know where the water comes from, she just wants it to be there when she turns the faucet on!! 🤣 When did I become so picky about what that faucet or sink looks like? Haha! Your sink sounds dreamy, I know exactly what that one looks like, I've seen it and in my head I can picture it, including that offset drain...perfect. Enjoy it and just know that your home is being drooled over right now, by me!! Warm regard right back to you...thanks again!! ❤️

  14. I think what you have now looks wonderful! That white addition below the sink fools us into thinking it's the apron sink anyway & I just love the curtains. Keep what you have girl!!

    1. Thanks!! Honestly, it's an interesting look, a little bit quirky which fits right in with the rest of this 1920s cottage. I'm glad you like it, too, thanks for letting me know!!

  15. I thought it was a farmhouse sink when I looked at the photo! Please stop looking because an old one would be cracked or well worn(stained that it won't come out.) Be happy with what you have 'cause it looks so nice with the curtains and all!!!

    1. Thanks so much! You've all convinced to stick with what I've got!!

  16. Kim, it looks so pretty and brand new. I love the look of a farmhouse sink but have never had one. With kids in the house, I truly don't know how your sink has held up so well. Years ago I had so many chips and stains in the sink that we went to stainless when we fixed up the kitchen. Not the prettiest but it is dong well so far. Your kitchen always looks so pretty..xxoJudy

    1. Thanks Judy!! I remember years ago a friend told me she'd never put in a white sink because her mother in law's was a mess. I've always remembered that, but I was willing to roll the dice, I just loved the clean, country look. I guess we either got a great sink or we got lucky!! Probably a little of both...oh and that cleaner works like a charm. Worth every penny!! Happy Monday!!

  17. The sink you have still looks beautiful even though it isn't a farmhouse sink. At the risk of sounding like your mother, sometimes things happen for a reason. Maybe it just isn't time YET for that new sink!

    1. You might be right, Ann! Maybe when it’s time it will appear!! 😉 In the meantime, everyone has been saying so many nice things about my current sink, I’m beginning to see it in a new light.

  18. Honestly, Kim...your ceramic sinks look gorgeous! I would never have guessed they are 20 years old. My hat is off to you being able to keep them as beautiful as they are. I was never really drawn to farmhouse sinks; I'm a stainless-steel-double-bowl kind of girl (as you saw in my recent kitchen remodel). (I've never understood how anyone can function with just one bowl in a kitchen sink!) Great idea to refresh the strainers and plugs with a matching color, and add a little sparkle to the faucet jewlery! I

    1. Thanks so much, Kristine. I have to say that double bowl is amazing. It's my first and now I don't think I could live without it. It was great when the kids were small, dishes in one side, hand washing in the other. Now it's dishes in one side and mama's paint brushes in the other!!

  19. Kim, while I think the farmhouse sinks are pretty too, it is your white enamel sink that I would love to have! I was vetoed on that because stainless was so much cheaper and supposedly easier to clean. Can you tell I still wish I had thrown a fit and insisted? I do think those white drains are perfect with it. I hope you get the sink of your dreams someday because it is important to you but your kitchen is a dreamy room already!

    1. Thanks so much, Dewena!! I guess the grass is always greener, isn't it? Oh and if it makes you feel any better, I did throw a fit. A big NY style, Sicilian tempered kind of fit...and I still lost! 🤣

  20. I really like your sink. it really sparkles and Pfister is great about replacements, we've done 2 on our faucets. The white drains adds so much. The addition of the fabric skirt gives it cottage kitchen appeal. I did that in a kitchen that had water damage on the cabinet beneath the sink and loved the look. It was hard to launder so if I do it again I'll use cafe' curtain clips and a cafe' rod. I adore your Warren Kimble chickens above the window. I had those in my last home and miss them so much! Pamela

    1. Hello Pamela! Thanks for your sweet comment. I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one who's taken advantage of Pfister's great warranty. It makes a big difference. That skirt is my favorite part of that area. It was hard to launder and swap out though, so I did a little engineering to fix it. The rods are a great alternative...and yes, those chickens are a favorite. I put them up a few times a year and then swap them out with other signs, but always come back to them. Enjoy the week!!

  21. This is so strange. You put this post up 2 days ago and it just showed up in my feed today. So, I'm late to the party!
    I'm sorry about the sink woes. We are planning a kitchen remodel and I'm going to have to make decisions about sinks too. I'm impressed with how great your sink looks now though! Your kitchen really is charming.

    1. That is odd, Mari, but I've noticed a few others saying the same thing...and well, Blogger, it's a fickle friend for sure! I'm sure you'll pick a great sink, there are lots of pretty choices if you replace the counters. I'm just too cheap to do it now! Haha!! Thanks for popping by!

  22. It’s so hard when you get your heart set on something, but I think you really do have the next best thing to the farmhouse sink. I love the porcelain! And you keep it so nice and clean!

    1. Thanks Mandy! It's a bit of a bummer, but it is clean and I do love the porcelain, too. There's something very charming about it.

  23. I like your white sink as is! Things could be could have my ugly stainless steel double sink with faux butcher block countertops with two burn holes in them! lol Yes, we are going to upgrade in the near future. We are waiting until our kitty crosses the Rainbow Bridge because she is old and in stage 4 kidney disease. It wouldn't be fair to her to have workmen going in and out all day and making tons of noise.

    1. Oh no! Poor kitty. Sending big hugs to you and cuddles for your sweet Clem.

  24. Kim I would give anything to have my porcelain sink over cast iron back again!! We’ve built 2 houses over the years and both I had that sink put in and love love loved them so much!! I’m not sure if you’re saying you have a hard time cleaning your sink but here’s a little story I need to share. We had one home built in a brand new neighborhood many years back. One of my neighbors chose the same sink I chose. We were over at their house for dinner one evening and she said they had to buy a new sink. I said why and she said there’s black marks all inside and I can’t get them off. I asked her to show me and I just laughed. I said Barb do you have any cleanser? She got the cleanser and surprise!, all the black marks gone! She had never had a porcelain sink before and was in shock as to how easy it was with the right product. I have always either used cleanser or a Brillo or S.O.S.pad. I prefer cleanser but either will work. Needless to say, she never bought a new sink and we had some good laughs over that in the next few years.

  25. Oh and I forgot to mention…ever since the day I saw your sink for the very first time, I can’t stop thinking about it. When we remodel the kitchen (if we get to it that is) I plan on adding mine exactly as you have yours! It has always reminded me of my grandmothers home and the way things were back in the day. My good ole’ days! I just love the ruffled fabric underneath, so vintage!

    1. Thank you so much!! What a lovely compliment, I'm smiling over here from ear to ear. I guess it's the little sink that could!! ☺️ I have to say it does have a unique and charming look that fits this quirky cottage and all of its hodgepodge details. I was really going for the same look my grandmother had, too, and I hope that I've done it justice. I love the fact that you were able to help your friend get hers clean. Sometimes when I start a post to share, I think, surely everyone knows this, but there are a lot of people who don't...It sounds like your friend was thrilled by your cleaning tip!!

  26. Your sink is beautiful! And I'm happy to hear you love your laminate counters. I love mine so much that I'm choosing laminate for the new house we're building. Against all the naysayers....I'm putting in laminate counters.
    I cannot decide on what I want with a sink though...a work station sink? Your white sink is gorgeous but I'm worried about scuff marks & chips. I like my stainless steel that I have now just fine.
    I still have a few weeks to decide. I'm hoping a great deal will just drop in my lap & make up my mind for me.

    1. Thanks Jenny! I really do love my laminate countertops. I know they aren't a popular choice, but I've had marble and corian and tile and granite (in bathrooms and kitchens) and they all stain and chip. The laminate has worked out well for us in two kitchens and after 20+ years there's not a scratch or mark on it...and we are not a careful family!! As far as the sink goes, I wish you luck with your choice. I know whatever you choose will be beautiful!!

  27. Kim, the way you have the sink and the set up now looks so beautiful and like a farmhouse sink. I love your kitchen and at least the sink still looks great after all of these years.

    1. Thanks so much, Julie! It's actually held up extraordinarily well. They really don't make things the way they use to!!
