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How To Add Pom Pom Trim To Your Sofa

July 13, 2023

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Did you know that you could customize your sofa on your own just by adding a little bit of decorative trim?

It's an easy DIY and one that adds charm and character to your cottage style couch and your whole room in minutes.

Adding Trim To Your Sofa DIY White Pom Pom Trim

When we moved into this cottage, way back in the early 2000's, I had a multicolored checked couch in my family room.

I bought it when the kids were tiny, in the old house, because, honestly, the pattern was so bold, that if they spilled spaghetti sauce on it, no one would know.

It was perfect for a house full of kids and cats, a dog, a few hermit crabs and a frog.

Of course, after a while that couch needed to be replaced.

Enter my beloved floral sofa.

Cottage Style Family Room with floral sofa

I think it was the beginning of my true transition to becoming a cottage style devotee and embracing the original design of my 1920's beach charmer.

That boldly patterned piece of furniture became my design muse.

And I adored it.

Unfortunately, after decades of wear and tear it too had to be retired.

And replaced.

Which was not an easy process.

I had my heart set on another floral fabric couch...but I came up empty handed. Even when I tried to go custom.

In the end, I ordered a deliciously bright, green and white checked sofa and plastered the flowers on the wall behind it.

You can get the look with this checked chair or this one.

Cottage Style Checked Sofa and Floral Wallpaper


I'll admit that while the sofa was super charming, something felt off from the minute it was placed in the room.

It just felt a little...cold.

Green Checked Sofa In The Living Room

And I couldn't figure out what it was until a few weeks ago.

To be honest, it never dawned on me that it was the actual sofa. I just thought I couldn't find my groove in the room.

So, I changed the curtains several times.

I played musical coffee tables.

I even put up blinds...which did actually help.

I swapped lamps in and out and, in desperation, I tried some colorful trim on the lampshade before I realized what was wrong.

Pom Pom Trim On Lampshade

The pom poms didn't belong on the lamp.

They belonged on the sofa.

One silly strand of ball fringe, carefully attached to the bottom of the couch has changed everything.

Adding Pom Pom Fringe To Your Sofa

Now, I know, it sounds a little crazy to customize a sofa I had made to my specifications less than a year ago, but you know what they can take the girl out of the DIY process, but you can't take the DIY out of this girl

Here are a few other pom pom trim projects:

Suddenly, the cottage style magic was back, and frankly, better than ever.

That teeny, tiny accent pulled the entire room into focus.

Green and White Living Room Decor
The Room In Process

I was able to clearly see how the room should look, what it should be wearing and how to get there.

I covered the opening in my end cabinet with wallpaper.

I stole the mirror from my bathroom and placed it above.

I brought back my dark wood lamp with the rattan shade and the lace panels to pull it all together.

Cottage Style Sofa With Fringe Trim

And I bought four new, well, vintage, green rooster plates, to hang on the empty wall next to the sofa.

Scio Provincial Pottery Rooster Weathervane Green Dinner Plate

Aren't they darling?

In the meantime, yes, I'm still playing with pillows and for now I love the table, but who knows what the next trip to the fabric store will bring my way. I might skirt it.

Or not.

I just know that right now, when I look at that room, I am in love.

If you're curious how I added the trim to the sofa, here's the quick and easy DIY. 

Adding Trim To Your Sofa or Chair

What I love about this project is that it has the power to transform a plain sofa into a showstopper. No upholstery skills or special tools needed.

And keep in mind that you can use this trick to add any kind of trim to any piece of furniture. 

How To Add  Pom Pom Trim  To Your Sofa For A Cottage Style Look

It took me less than 30 minutes to accomplish and if I ever change my mind about it - I won't - it's easily removable without damaging the fabric underneath.

My supplies: scissors, pom pom trim, a few pins, my iron, fusible web tape

1. Measure

First I measured the sofa and ordered the pom pom trim online. 

Green Checked Cottage Style Sofa

I wanted to make sure that I had a full running length to cover the couch in one piece.

I didn't want any cuts to disrupt the flow. It had to be seamless. 

2. Cut

Cutting pom pom trim

Next, I cut one end of the trim to make a sharp, neat edge.

3. Pin It

Pinning Pom Pom Trim In Place

To set the trim in place, I folded over the cut edge and pinned it in place to the piping trim on the edge of the sofa.

4. Iron It

Lastly, I heated up my iron and cut small pieces of the fusible iron on tape and placed them between the trim and the piping.

Cutting Iron On Tape

Then I applied heat to the top of the pop pom trim until the iron on tape was set and the trim was glued in place.

I anchored the other end with a nice clean cut and fold, as well.

Using Iron Tape For Pom Pom Trim

I used the iron on tape, because stitching it on could fray or mar the fabric and like I said, I want the option to be able to remove it.

Customize Your Sofa DIY

Fabric tape in that small amount will just pull away cleanly, although like I said, I can't ever see myself removing it now that it's up. 

Of course, you should alway spot test first, to make sure your fabric won't be marked if you need to remove it.

Or your could use my other favorite DIY supply, velcro sticky tape to attach the trim to the fabric if it has a wide enough band. I couldn't do that with my couch design, but it's another option.

Tip: If you have a skirted sofa, then you'd just pin and iron it onto the very bottom of the skirt, like I did on my ottoman.

Floral and Checks In The Living Room

And there you have it.

A quick and simple way to add some cottage style flair to your room by adding trim to your existing furniture.

Sofas, chairs, ottomans, benches.

Pom pom fringe wherever you choose.


Would you add trim to your couch?

Happy Decorating!
Kim Signature

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  1. I would add it if it made mine look as good as yours! Lovely!

    1. Thanks so much, Brenda!! I really do love the way it turned out.

  2. I think it looks darling! Great idea!! - Briana from Texas

    1. Thank you, Briana! I really wanted fringe from the get go, but it fell away from the plan at the store. I'm glad I followed through on my own.

  3. I love that couch so much and now that you added the Pom Pom it really is cottage sweet. Good idea using the tape in case you want to change it up down the road. Looks great. Hugs. Kris

    1. Thanks so much, Kris!! Now, it's the perfect cottage style couch for me. And I did it myself. 😉

  4. The white trim anchored the couch and ottoman both to the room. Every things looks fresh and airy....ready for summer.

    1. Thank you so much! That's the perfect word...anchored. That's exactly what it did!

  5. Oh my gosh, this is sooo cute!! I admit, at first when I read "adding pom pom trim to your sofa", my immediate thought was not positive, lol. But when I saw what you did, especially with a checked sofa, my mind was totally changed. It definitely does soften the entire room! Love it.

    1. Haha, I hear you, Melanie! ☺️ I know it sounds crazy, but I’d seen so many sofas with fringe on them when I was looking and fell in love. At the time, I thought it might be too much with the bold checks and actually the trim I’d envisioned definitely would’ve been. I think this one is perfect…and I picked it up for 40% off so it was very inexpensive. Win-win! And thanks!!

  6. Only you would think of adding pom pom fringe to your sofa. If you had asked me, I would have said it was a bad idea. But - I take it back! I love the finished product. And with the wallpaper on the end table and the other lamp it looks fabulous!

    1. Thanks Mari! Haha!! It was a crazy idea, but I had to give it a try! I'd seen a lovely fringed sofa in Serena and Lily for a crazy amount of money and though, I could do that for a lot less. Turns out it cost me less than $20!

  7. Oh my goodness, I LOVE the pom-poms on the sofa and the lamp shade and your floral wallpaper is gorgeous!

    1. Thank you so much, my friend. It's taken a while to come together, but I think I'm on the right track now!

  8. I am over here squealing!! I love pom-pom ANYTHING!! LOL! This looks so, so good!! You never cease to amaze me with your creative ventures! I just love this!

    1. I'm a huge pom-pom fan, too, Mandy! I just adore those little guys...and thank you!!

  9. Such a nice sofa, and the room is light, bright, and so pretty. As far as that goes, I have a leather one and a cinnamon color, mid-century modern style, so I'm afraid pom poms on them are out. However, I will live vicariously through you!

    1. Thanks Gina...and yes, adding pom poms on the leather would definitely not be a good idea! 😉 Sounds lovely on its own though!

  10. Very cute! I've never used popcorn trim on anything, but it looks great!

    1. Thanks Deanna! I'm a huge fan of it...can you tell? 😉

  11. Darling look, very much a cottage look. Happy weekend.

    1. Thank you, Linda! Happy weekend to you, too!!

  12. So pretty, Kim - like finding the perfect necklace for your new dress!

    1. Oh, I love that description and thank you so much!!

  13. Another amazing idea... I love how it changed the look. Well done and so creative.

    1. Thanks Carla! It was so easy to do, too.

  14. Kim, this is lovely! I just love the simple touch that changed everything! I also love the addition of the mirror to the room, and of course - the rooster plates :) You know me!

    1. Thanks so much, Marilyn! Sometimes one tiny change triggers all the others and boom, the room comes together. I do love those rooster plates, most though. They really are darling in person!

  15. Kim,
    You know how much I absolutely love this as we spoke on FB...But as I did mention there, my grand pups would have a field day with this!! LOL!! I know you are still playing in this room but I would love a post featuring what you have done so far with pictures showing the entire room as it is so darn pretty!!!!

    1. Your FB comment is still making me grin, Deb. Life is better with furry friends that's for sure, even if it means a few frayed pom poms! Thanks for kind words and the idea, I think I will do an evolution of the room. I need to get those plates on the wall and then maybe I will do it!!

  16. Kim, I love the pom poms you added to the couch. That was not an easy project but you did a great job!
