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A Little Saturday Morning Chat In April

April 01, 2023

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Good Saturday morning friends!

And Happy April Fool's Day.

Forsythias In Bloom  out a kitchen window with red valance

It's a dreary one here in New York, arriving with showers, on cue.

But, that's ok, I have lots to smile about.

My Easter prep is mostly done and spring decorating is in full swing.

Sealing Flower Stickers On Easter Eggs

In March, I really dug into spring decor with:
And a 10 Year Blogging Celebration. Woo hoo!

I'm also grinning, because today I'm getting a brand new bathroom vanity.

Yup, with drawers!

White Bathroom Vanity Cottage Style

Now I know that might not sound super exciting, but in this tiny cottage, things that seem standard in other homes are a novelty here.

You see, my bathroom is teeny. 

So the vanity is teeny and one of the drawers was removed to accommodate the pipes, which leaves this old lady bending down every day to get my mascara and concealer.

Well, last weekend, we finally found a vanity that will work, with a little handy dandy magic from my DIY guy.

We found it while we were shopping for a new washing machine, after the old one flooded our basement and ruined the carpet.

LG Top Loader Washing Machine in store

This time around we went back to a top loader and in shocking news...I LOVE IT!!

I'll share all the details next week, but so far, I'm all smiles.

It's actually going to be a big appliance week, since we also bought this new bisque refrigerator and this bisque dishwasher.

Both have been giving us some big problems lately and since I only want bisque appliances, and they're scarce, to say the least, I told my husband we should grab what we could while they're still available.

I'm holding my breath, hoping they actually show up. We'll see.

In other news, I found this standing mirror for $15 on Facebook Marketplace this week. Isn't it darling?

Oval Standing wooden mirror in kitchen

My girls are making a music video and the director was looking for something very specific, which he thought would be pricey.

That's when they said, no worries, my mom is an expert. She'll find something in our budget and make it over perfectly. I love that they have that much confidence in me. 

Not sure what the vibe will be yet, but I'm excited about the DIY and I get to keep this beauty when the production is done.

I also found this mirror at a thrift shop for $15.

Wooden Carved Mirror With Roses

I was going to put it in the family room, but so far it's only made it as far as the fireplace mantel. I love the way it looks layered over the other one behind those aged clay pots.

Also, today at 4:30pm CST, I'll be in the Southern Crush Facebook group, sharing all my Paint By Number tips and tricks during the Spring Craftathon™.

Spring Craftathon Flier April 1st
It's free and I hope you'll tune it.

If you want to peek at what I'm working on now:
If you can't watch today and you want to see all 12 hours of the craftathon, you can grab an all access pass

Lastly, on this first Saturday of the month, I wanted to share some fun things I found online this week.

Like this amazing refrigerator hiding in a cabinet - maybe next time around I'll do it!
These 35 recipes for Easter 
These Oreo Bunnies
And this charming cottage kitchen makeover

Ok, well now I'm off to go pick out a new faucet for the bathroom, since the old one doesn't fit.

Of course, it doesn't. 😉

In the meantime, I hope you will enjoy a lovely April 1st without any foolin'!

And without any showers.

Happy Saturday!!
Kim Signature

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  1. It's nice to see someone want appliances for their kitchen that aren't stainless steel. You go, Kim!

    1. Thanks Brenda! I just can't do stainless. I love the way my appliances just fade into the background and match the cabinets. Of course, the don't sell a slide in bisque range anymore...well, not for less than $5k, so next time around I might end up with a stainless stove. Or red! Now that could be interesting. ❤️

  2. Okay those oreo bunnies are adorable! Plus OREOS!!! Great new vanity too. Good for the girls making a video.

    1. Aren't those bunnies darling? I'm totally making them for Easter!

  3. Your standing mirror is called a cheval mirror.

    1. Thanks for sharing! I didn't know that. Of course, I just had to google it and fell down the rabbit hole about the history - since I'm a total history buff - and discovered they were invented in France in the 1700s. How interesting...

  4. You cannot go wrong with Oreos and bunnies. yummy and cute. Wow to find appliances in your colors. The vanity is so sweet too. Score!!!! Happy Weekend. Kris

    1. I agree, Kris! Oreo bunnies are as good as it gets!! I'm also super excited about the appliances, I really hope they show up. I've heard from so many people who said they just keep getting they're coming messages, but they never do. 🤞

  5. I can't seem to get motivated to do any Easter crafting this year. I have some really cute things to work on & even have a Daphne's Diary Easter magazine.....I think I have too much on my mind.

    We're getting started with building a new house. So I'll be picking out quite a few new appliances before too long. My husband insists on choosing the dishwasher & I'm fine with that as long as I get to choose the color. I'm choosing a refrigerator with the freezer on the bottom. I've wanted one for such a very long time. I recently bought a Speed Queen washer & dryer. They look just like the old ones & I love them. I've never wanted a front loader.
    I love the paint by numbers.

    1. A new house!?! How exciting...and understandably overwhelming. Of course you have too much on your mind! I can't wait to see it all unfold. I grew up with a freezer on the bottom model and I miss it. These side by side numbers are so narrow. There's just no room. If they had one in bisque, that would've been our first choice. Unfortunately, everything is so limited in that color...and the Speed Queens look lovely. I didn't know about them. I have to say, so far so good with the top loader. I can't believe we had the front loader one for so long. Too long!! Happy weekend!

  6. I like the new vanity. :-)
    My Grandma and Grandpa purchased me that style of standing mirror when I turned 13. I still have it.
    xx oo

    1. Carla, I never would’ve purchased that mirror if the girls didn’t need it, but now I can’t wait to find a permanent home for it around here. I’m already in love. The only thing that would be better, is if it had sentimental value, like yours! xo

  7. Love the vanity & love the mirror!! Love the standing mirror too! I need one of those.

    1. Thanks Florence! I love that standing mirror in the kitchen. It's the perfect place to check your lipstick before you run out the door!!

  8. Lots of new things at your house - how exciting! I love the mirror with the carved roses and can't wait to see what you do with it.

    1. Thanks Ann!! I love it. I'm so excited I found it. I don't know if I'll be able to make it work in the family room, but right now it's gorgeous on my mantel!

  9. I love that mirror, and the vanity, too! Lots of exciting things going on around your home! 😍

    1. Thanks Mandy! Yes, lots of changes around here. Every time I think we're done, something else pops up!!

  10. Wow Kim, you found some wonderful things to purchase! Your new vanity is so pretty, and those mirrors are gorgeous. I love how your girls have confidence in you!! So sweet!

  11. The scroll work mirror is gorgeous. I have just the spot for it in our home ;-) The girls video sounds interesting. Hope you share the link when it's all done. Oh and enjoy the top loader. My back thanks me everyday.

    1. Thanks Michelle!! I love the mirror, I just need to find a good space for it...and yes, my back loves that new machine!! Who knew?

  12. You are one busy lady, Kim! Hope the vanity install went well, and that you found faucets. I'd never heard of bisque appliances but I read in one of your comments how they blend in with your cabinets, and I can understand why you grabbed them while you could. Happy April!

    1. Thanks Amy! Yes, busy...I think after 20 years everything decided to once. It's always the way! Hahaha

  13. Kim,
    Love the new vanity... Looking forward to seeing it installed in your bathroom which I am sure you will be decorating around it...Also looking forward to seeing what your new Kitchen appliances look like...Love the scroll mirror!!
    Thanks so much for stopping by!@! I hope you are having a great week!!!

    1. Thanks Deb!! I have to say I love the new vanity. I made some changes to it and now it looks right at home in my bathroom. Can't wait to share that one! Have a great week!
