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Designer Easter Eggs Hack

March 16, 2023

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I made my own designer Easter eggs, large home decor versions, like I'd seen in a high end catalog for a lot less.

With a little bit of creativity, and no fancy skills, I had very similar eggs and I made them in under an hour.

Grandin Road  Designer Eggs catalog pages on a table

I can't remember if it was last year or the year before when I first saw them, but the moment my eyes caught them on the page, I was smitten.

They were larger than life, full of spring color and so elegant.

These Designer Easter Eggs.

But boy, were they pricey.

Very, very pricey. thank you, that was way out of this thrifty (and fickle) girl's decor budget. 

And yet.

I couldn't get them out of my head.

So I ripped the page from the catalog and tucked it into my desk drawer. Hoping that maybe one day, I'd catch a clearance sale.

Well, this year, when I opened the catalog, again, and my eyes fell on that page, I was determined to have them.

No. I wasn't going to buy them...since the sale price wasn't much less than the full price.

I was going to figure out how to make them.

It was a lofty goal, since the originals are truly outstanding, but I knew that if I put my thinking cap on, I could figure out a way to come reasonably close.

Large Plastic Easter Eggs

Turns out, it wasn't as difficult as I thought it'd be. 

I didn't need to paper mache anything, or paint or stencil any fancy designs and it certainly didn't cost me anywhere near the catalog price.

And I think mine are actually just as darling. 

But I'll let you be the judge.

DIY Floral Designer Home Decor Easter Eggs

To start I gathered my supplies. I have to say I wasn't exactly sure of my direction when I began this journey.

I thought about decoupaging eggs, but I don't have a great history with that process.

Then I stumbled on some lovely stickers at Dollar Tree while I was buying my tin tile and that's what I settled on.

Dollar Tree Spring Stickers and Napkins

Also I opted for large, round plastic eggs, but you could make them with small eggs and then place them in aged clay pots or in a decorative wooden egg holder.

You could make these same eggs from wooden cutouts, as well. It actually might be easier to apply the stickers to a flat surface.

And wooden eggs were everywhere at the craft store. Small sizes for inside:

Large Wooden Egg Shape on store shelf

Or large ones, for your lawn or front porch.

However, since I wanted to replicate the catalog eggs, I went with the round, plastic ones.

Wooden Easter Egg Yard Decor

Here's my supply list:

Flat Bottom Plastic Eggs

The process was very simple and largely self explanatory, but here goes.

Step 1: Paint The Eggs

I didn't use any primer, even though the plastic surface was slick.

Painting Plastic Egg with chalk paint

I used chalk paint. It works really well on any surface and I only needed one coat.

It didn't take long to dry either. By the time I finished painting my second egg, the first was dry.

Two Large Plastic Eggs One Painted and One Unpainted

However, I did wait several hours before I moved on to the next step. 

*If you don't want to use chalk paint you could use spray paint. I recommend one like Krylon that has a primer and says it works on plastic.

Step 2: Arrange The Stickers

This is where the art comes into play.

Press On Stickers To Decorate Eggs

I wanted a floral pattern, so I placed my stickers on the egg and kept building my bouquets and vines until I was happy with the look.

Creating  A Flower Egg For Easter

I made sure to cover all sides of each egg, so they would look finished from every angle.

Top to bottom.

Daisy sticker and fern vine sticker on painted egg

If I didn't like the way something was going, I just moved the stickers around until I was happy.

Step 3: Decoupage and Seal

Once I was satisfied with my designs, it was time to lock everything into place. 

To do this, I carefully lifted my stickers and added some decoupage gel, underneath them.

Adding Decoupage Underneath Flowers On Easter Eggs

Then I added it on top of them, as well. 

As a matter of fact, I covered the entire egg with it to give it a nice glow.

Sealing Flower Stickers On Easter Eggs

Step 4: Cut and Seal

So this step was an afterthought, it wasn't something I thought I'd need to do, but I noticed that one of my flowers wasn't sitting flat on the egg when it dried.

The floral stickers were pretty thick and made of a sturdy plastic.

And no amount of decoupage was helping, so I took my scissors and snipped it in a few places, so it would hug the curves of the egg and sealed it again.

Cutting Yellow Flower Stickers So They Sit Flat

Not every flower needed this, just one stubborn nonconformer, but it's worth it to keep in mind.

When I was done, I had two eggs that I adored.

Large Decorative Easter Eggs Decor DIY on table

I think they're even better than the originals, because I made them to match my new family room decor.

And they were much cheaper.

The eggs were purchased during a buy one get one sale, so they were $15 for the pair and the stickers were $5 in total.

So I made two giant, decorative Easter eggs for $20.

A far cry from the individual price of each of the originals, a budget friendly new crafty Easter idea for my repertoire. 

And displayed on my yard sale candle holders, you'd never know the difference.


Floral covered DIY eggs on kitchen table with tulips and bunny figurines

At least I think so, but as I said, I'll let you be the judge! 


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Knock Off  Designer  Easter  Eggs DIY on a table

Happy Crafting!
Kim Signature

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  1. THOSE are DARLING! I love them! Isn't it fun when you can 'copy' something and like it as well as the original. I didn't get my Easter stuff out and am debating whether I will. I am heading to FL for 8 days and then coming home and going to my daughter's house for a few days over Easter. Hmmmmm...we'll see.
    Happy Easter Crafting! xo Diana

    1. Thanks Diana! I had fun with these. I don’t usually have the patience to copy things like this, because I’m always sure I’ll be disappointed with the results. This was a happy surprise. And an easy one. And an inexpensive one…😉

      Have fun on your trip and your Easter…and I say to heck with the decor. Enjoy everyone else’s this year instead! xo

  2. Well look at you. You go with your crafty self!!! These are so pretty and easy. Happy Thursday sweet friend. Hugs. Kris

    1. Thanks Kris! I really liked these eggs A LOT. I just couldn’t justify the catalog price, since I like to change my decor up from year to year. Do you know anyone else like that? 😉 Haha!!

  3. Kim I recognize those eggs! ;) I can't believe how high end they turned out with the stickers!

    1. Thanks Mary! It was truly "stickers to the rescue" this time around. 😊 You know me, I love an easy craft.

    2. Those eggs are fantastic!I hope to find time to make one

    3. I grabbed them at Michael's crafts. On sale!! I hope you do make one!!

  4. These are SO much better and at a much better price! Now I need to go look for some eggs....because they're SO pretty!

    1. Thanks so much, Ann. I’m kind of obsessed with my eggs. I may leave them out until Memorial Day!! Ha!!

  5. Kim, these eggs turned out really cute.

    1. Thanks so much, Tammy!! So easy...just stick and seal!!

  6. You've done it again! They look amazing!

    1. Thanks Deanna! Too early for flowers in the garden, so I put them on eggs!! Haha!!

  7. What a fun craft. I pinned it, Kim. Thank-you!

    1. Thanks so much, Ricki Jill! I love being pinned!

  8. This crafty judge concurs. They look gorgeous, Kim. So perfect for your space and budget.

    1. Thank you, Michelle! I'm glad I took the crafty gamble to try to make my own. I'm also glad you like them!

  9. Kim...I just had to come over. This is so beautiful! Your eggs look like a million bucks and so detailed! I wasn't going to mess around with eggs this year, but now I am putting them back in my schedule 😆 ~ Julie

    1. Thank you, Julie!! I love my eggs, and they were super easy. If you decide to make them, I promise it won't take long at all!!

  10. Kim, you made the prettiest Easter eggs. I love how easy these are to make and they look just as good as the high-end eggs.

    1. Thanks Julie!! They were so easy to do and now I have them on my kitchen table so I can see them all day long.

  11. Kim, these are so cute. Atticus and I did a project like this in 2019. We used old sheet music, it really was unique.
    Happy Spring!!!

    1. I remember your eggs, Carla! They were lovely. I know I pinned them and always planned on making them. Hmmm. I do have one very large egg left. Maybe I'll cover it with sheet music and display it on top of the piano!!

  12. Kim,
    Those eggs look like a million bucks, my friend!! So pretty...Thanks so much for all your visits and kind words..Happy Spring!! I am ready to bid Winter adieu even though we did not have that much of a Winter... I hope you are having a good week!!

    1. Thanks Deb!! I'm so ready for spring, too!!

  13. Kim,
    Sorry but I keep forgetting to change the status of my comments from Anonymous....

    1. Blogger is a fickle friend, Deb. I totally get it!

  14. These are so much fun, Kim. I love oversized craft, they always have such presence, and perfect for the beginning of spring. Like!

    1. Thank you, Amalia! I guess I can't shake that old saying...go big or go home!! Haha...even in crafting!! xo

  15. These are adorable Kim! I'm pinning so I can make a few of my own this season. Your tutorial is so easy to follow too. Thanks so much for sharing!

    1. Thanks so much for the visit and the comment, Denise!! I really do hope you'll make your own, they really are so easy to do and customize to match your decor. Have a lovely week!!

  16. These. Are. FABULOUS! I think that company may have to hire you as a designer!
    I'm plowing my way through your posts - please don't feel like you have to respond to all of my comments! :)

    1. Happy to respond, Amy!! Your comments make my day and I truly appreciate every one!! Thanks also for your kind words about my eggs. I have to say I was a little worried that I wouldn't be able to come close, but those stickers really did the trick!!

  17. I love this project, Kim! So creative and elegant! I am excited to feature your post at this week's Tuesday Turn About Link Party. Thank you so much for sharing!

    1. Oh gosh, Lynne! Thank you so much. You just made my day!! ❤️

    2. Your posts make for a happy day🌻
      Sorry I can’t see pictures.
      However, I do follow you 🌻💟♏️

    3. Thanks so much for the follow, I'm so sorry you can't see my pictures. I wonder if there's a blocker on your internet browser that's interfering. I'll try to investigate and reply here if I can find a reason why...Hmmm.
