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A Cottage Style Basement Makeover

November 02, 2022

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We gave our dark and boring basement an updated cottage style makeover with a new sofa and a few inexpensive accessories.

And now the kids aren't the only ones hanging out downstairs.

Family Room Makeover Before and After ceramic pumpkin, crochets coasters, pillow

Well, hello friends and Happy November!

My goodness it's been a while since I've had a chance to sit down and share on a regular schedule and today, I'm going to explain why.

It all started way back in early 2022.

Twenty years of full time family living had taken a toll on the furnishings and it was time to update.

Inside and out.

Naturally, renovating and all the real life DIY involved kept me very busy and left me with precious little time for typing and storytelling.


The bigger issue, the one that really stopped me from using my keyboard, was due to a tiny {silly and stupid} tumble down three basement stairs way back in April.

April Fool's Day to be exact, but it was no joke.

Six long and painful months later, I'm still struggling with a torn rotator cuff and labrum.

That bum shoulder has made everything from taking photos, commenting on blogs, answering emails and moving the mouse on my Mac much more difficult. And at times, excruciatingly painful.

Kind of a bummer, but as the sign in my kitchen says, It Is What It Is.

Red and Cream Farmhouse Kitchen with wooden wreath on hood

Of course, during this time we were in the middle of that renovating spree. The work couldn't stop, so over the next several weeks, if you see a barrage of posts from me, you'll know why. 

I have to catch up.

Plus...are you ready for this? My family room sofa has arrived! Can you believe it? I'm so excited. Keep your eyes peeled for its big debut.

However, in the meantime, I have a mini- makeover to show you and a new sofa in the basement.

This is the before.

A sectional couch cleaned from a steam cleaner.

We bought this sectional exactly two decades ago.

I chose the dark color because the kids were toddlers and I knew it would need to withstand years of buttered popcorn movie nights, wet bathing suits, pizza parties and ice cream sleepovers.

And I wasn't wrong.

I found it at JCPenney and it held up well, but in the end, even the steam cleanings couldn't save it. The pillows were flat, the fabric was frayed and metal sleeper frame was palpable. Ouch.

Enter the new sectional. 

(The sectional that broke shortly after it arrived...but luckily we were able to repair it.)

Family Room Sectional Cottage Style

With no more sticky fingers to worry about, I went for beige, bright and full of surprises.

For example. It has storage for blankets and pillows under the chaise. 

And a very cool pop up ottoman that gives us all extra room to spread out. It's my favorite feature.

Bob's Furniture Sectional With Pullout

As for the rest of the room, well, there were just little updates.

I had considered wallpaper, but in the end we decided to paint the walls the same color as the kitchen and the hallway.

It's a great neutral and coupled with a basic couch I figured I'd have a lot more decorating options.

At first, I really didn't know where a coffee table or an end table would fit.

Sectional With Pullout Ottoman

Especially since that ottoman goes up and down almost every night.

Then I found this small table that slips under the sofa.

Slide Under Sofa Table

It turned out to be the perfect little inexpensive, lightweight, moveable solution. 

With all the furniture in place, it was time to decorate. To be honest, I was a bit uncertain about the color scheme below grade. 

Try as I might, the tones that work upstairs have always felt more lodge than cottage downstairs.

It's because the walls in this old basement are mostly pine. The original owner carved out a few cabinets and the wood still shines. 

I've never had the heart to cover it. 

Knotty Pine Walls

The first time around, I fought those orange hues, opting for hunter green and garnet, but his time around, I decided to embrace it. 

Some of the ten - yup, ten - pillows that came with the sofa were orange.

I knew that and was armed and ready to cover them with the yellow rose pattern I used on the covered porch, but they just didn't go.

Something about the rust tones fit and felt right in my stomach whenever I looked their way. Does that ever happen to you? You physically feel it when the decor works.

No. Just me?

Beige and Orange Floral Decor Accessories

Anyhoo...since it was fall when the sofa arrived, I was able to track down lots of orange decor, including pillows and coordinating artwork at JoAnn's for 70% off. 

I grabbed the round rattan mirror, next door, in the clearance aisle at Marshall's for thirty bucks. 

Truly, a bargain basement makeover.

Psst- this room got an updated carpet recently, but not on purpose. Ugh.

Now, I know you may be thinking the orange is good for fall, but what about Christmas or the rest of the year? No worries, even without the pumpkins it looks lovely and very seasonless.

And I'm sure it will work out just fine. Even in July. 

The last addition was a sentimental piece my sister gave me, a mirror that belonged to my dad, growing up.

It fit perfectly on the wall next to the cozy electric fireplace and makes me smile every time I see it.

Antique Maple Mirror With Tree Design

There are still some more small tweaks I'd like to make down here to complete this cottage style redo. The windows need new curtains.

There's a bookshelf that I'd like to cover with fabric and I've been toying with the idea of adding floral transfers to my craft armoire.

And then there are those blasted steps.

The ones responsible for my slippery tumble.

And sad shoulder. 

They'll be getting a runner soon (it's in!) and maybe...just maybe, if they're very well behaved, some wallpaper.

However, for now all they're getting from me is dirty looks.

On the way to my fabulous new basement. 

What do you think of my new room?

Kim Signature

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  1. I think your basement is amazing! I love the sectional... but give it a few years, grandchildren will be all over it LOL You are doing so much to your cute house!! I hope your shoulder is better soon!

    1. Haha..yes! And thanks Susan! It was time...and trust me, no one is allowed to eat anything messy on that sofa. Yet. 😆

  2. It turned out just perfect, Kim. I am really sorry about your shoulder and all the pain and angst that has caused you though. Can't wait to see the new sofa in place in the living room!!!! Happy decorating for Christmas this year! xo Diana

    1. Thank you, Diana. I really love hanging out down there now. Before it was a total kid space. Now it feels more grown up and much brighter. It’s been a good place to relax my arm and binge TV. Hahaha…

  3. A lovely new look. Love the new sofa and pillows. It is always fun to get a makeover. So sorry about the steps, and on my birthday for heaven's sake. I hope your shoulder heals nicely . Those darn steps. Happy November.

    1. Thanks Linda and oh, you're an April Fool's baby? No wonder you're always so much fun! This room was a joy to makeover, because it was easy...well, besides the silly steps. Happy November!!

  4. Beautiful and inviting!!! I hope you feel better soon!

    1. Thank you so much, Tammie!! We love the new room...and feeling a bit better every day thanks to an amazing physical therapist.

  5. It looks wonderful and very inviting - I wish I had room for a sofa like that :-) So sorry to hear about the shoulder, yikes! I hope you're back to 100% real soon!

    1. It really is a great big sofa. And thanks so much, every day a little better!

  6. You did a fabulous job on that basement, Kim. It's so much brighter now and that sofa is gorgeous!

    1. Thank you, Ann. We love the sofa, it’s big enough for a crowd, just the way we like it.

  7. Hi Kim,

    I have been wondering where you have been and if you were okay.

    Shoulder issues are tough

    A guy that works with John hurt his and needed surgery.

    He's still in PT

    I love the basement. I remember when you steamed the sectional. You were so proud

    Hope you feel better

    1. Hi Cindy! Thanks for the sweet comment. I really appreciate the well wishes,PT does help for sure. And we love the sectional. Maybe one day it'll get its own steam cleaning...but hopefully not for a really, really long time!! hahahaha!!

  8. Love it!

    Deanna Rabe

  9. I love how your basement is turning out. The sofa and pillows look great. I hope that you heal quickly and completely. - Briana from Texas

    1. Thanks Briana! I've been having fun in that room, playing with the different colors.

  10. The sectional is beautiful Kim and really elevates the room. I hope you feel better, I too have a bum shoulder that acts up all the time.

    1. Thanks Mary! Yikes, I hope your shoulder is ok, too. Not fun for sure.

  11. Good morning sweet friend. OMG love it!!!! It is light and bright and so pretty. The new fabrics now are performance fabrics so bring on the popcorn and great movie nights. I am happy you left the pine on the wall it gives the room such character. Geez hope your shoulder begins to feel better. I cannot wait to see the living room reveal. xoxo Kris

    1. Hello Kris!! Thank you for the lovely comments. I have to say the room is so much brighter now. We’ve actually been kicking the kids out of it to sit down there ourselves. Next up, that checked sofa reveal. I’m working on the curtains today!!

  12. I love your new sectional and the pretty pillows to go with it. Where did you purchase it from and what's it called? I know you are all going to enjoy movie nights. I love that gorgeous mirror too. Enjoy it Kim. I do hope you feel better and have a speedy recovery.

    1. Thanks Julie! We’re really happy with the way it’s all turned out. The sofa is from Bob’s. I’d never been there before, and I know they sometimes get mixed reviews, but so far, we love it. It’s the Playroom sectional. Enjoy the sun and thanks for the well wishes!

  13. Hello Friend, I figured you were up to something. Goodness, I am sending prayers and hugs. I do hope you heal quickly. I am excited to see EVERYTHING!! And how you plan to decorate for Christmas.
    Happy November!!! Love, Carla

    1. Thanks so much, Carla! I can't wait to share the new views and DIYs! And Christmas....oh, I can't wait!! ox

  14. Oh my goodness Kim...I'm so glad you didn't cover that gorgeous woodwork. You just can't find that today. Love your basement! Everything about it...the sofa, pillows, coordinating artwork, LOvE the rattan mirror, and the mirror from your dad. You'll have time to figure out the steps. And by the way, I totally understand about the injury you're still suffering effects from. I fell 2 yrs ago, landing on my shoulder, and STILL have lingering pain. (I don't mean to be discouraging though.) Some people have it; some don't. You'll probably get over it. I had some breaks.

    1. Thanks Florence! I know a lot of people would've painted the wood, but I just couldn't. The original owners painted over the exact paneling in the living room, and I love it, but it just fit downstairs. Plus, that's the kind of thing that really couldn't be undone. I'm sorry to hear about your shoulder. I have a feeling this pain is going to linger as well. I sure hope not!! Feel good!!

  15. I think your new basement looks fabulous, Kim! I remember the post when you were thinking about doing a wallpaper mural. In the end, I think the paint was a great decision - nice and bright! I do "feel" it when I know I've gotten something right (and painfully feel it when I get it wrong, and can't change it). I'm so sorry to hear about your tumble. I hope you are recovering well, and will soon be pain free.

    1. Thanks Amy! I have to say, I'm glad I went with paint, too. SO many more options and while I'm totally in love with it in the family room, for now, one papered room is enough! Oh and I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only one who feels those rights...and wrongs!! Happy November!!

  16. Wow, Kim, your makeover is fabulous !! It’s so bright and cheery. I was so sorry to hear about your tumble down those stairs, and I hope that you’ll fully recover. Take good care of yourself. Happy November blessings to you.

    1. Thanks so much, Kitty. It was a silly slip in socks down three of the unfinished steps to the basement. We ripped up the carpet and I was going down to look at them and whoops!! I should've known better...but...isn't it always the way. Happy November to you, too! I can't wait to see what you cook up this month!!

  17. Kim, first of all, I hope your shoulder is on the mend! Secondly, that basement? Love it! I am so glad you never covered the knotty pine paneling. My great grandparents built the home I grew up in and it had knotty pine paneling in many areas. My mother hated it when she moved in, but left it. She kept wanting to cover it, and after living there 50 years it is still there. I just love it! When I see those knots, it always reminds me of home... so glad you embraced it. I love it with the pops of orange and beige sofa! Rock on!

    1. Thanks so much, my friend!! Yes, I felt it was important to leave it. I knew that once we painted it, it could never be undone. Not easily anyway. It actually really warms up the room, with its rustic feel and give the room a lot of character in what could be a very cold and boring basement family room.

  18. You did an excellent job with your basement!!! I love the colors, especially the colors of the accessories. I like the sofa, looks very comfortable!

    1. Thanks so much, Ricki! I waited a long time for a redo in this room and I'm so happy with the way it turned out.

  19. Kim I love love love the sectional. I had almost the same dark green one from about 20 years ago as well. Mine was from Macys. I love light sofas but can’t do that because of Hazel and her paws! So I will live vicariously through you. I think orange and rust are timeless. I love the knotty pine. I have it in the guest suite over the garage. It’s classic cottage. As I told you I have had a few tumbles of late. My knee is healing well. The shoulder takes longer.
    But the decorating must continue!!

    1. Thanks Susan! I love that new sectional, too. I doubted that anything would be as comfy as the old sectional, but this one is narcotic and pretty to boot! I hope you're feeling better, too. Yikes, we are a pair!!

  20. It looks like such a cozy, grownup space with all the personality you always manage to add to your home, Kim. Wishing you all many happy memories there with hope fully no more nasty spills. I hope your shoulder gets better soon too. It's never nice when something like that happens

    1. Grown up is exactly what I was going for, Michelle, so thank you!! I really loved the baby days, so much, but I was done with rainbow colored, Little Tykes "decor" and camouflaging couches!!

  21. I hope your shoulder is feeling much better. I am always afraid of falling as you did in socks on steps. Love that sofa!
    We just painted our den. If we had knotty pine we wouldn't have painted but it is that cheap paneling. Our house is a bi level and we spend a lot of time in the semi basement downstairs. I love your new sofa and I am leaning towards the same color as you have to make things brighter. Beautiful room you have made and love the rust colors.

    1. Thank you so much!! When we moved in the living knotty pine was already painted and I'm so glad it was, because upstairs I really think the painted look is more finished, so I totally get it. It just worked for us in the basement. And I'm all about a colored sofa...I love the new green checked one in my family room.

  22. Kim,
    Playing catch up, my friend!! LOVE the new sofa and your choice of the neutral colors because you can now add different colors for the different Holidays and seasons, changing out all those 10 pillows or buying or making covers for them....I love the orange and rust colors as they were the original colors of my Living Room way back 44 years ago when we first got married!! Remember orange and red are in the same color spectrum!!
    Thanks so much for stopping by and THANK YOU for your very kind and encouraging words on my weight loss!! It has not been easy but i am determined to be a much healthier ME by the time I turn 65 years old next year....And since you know what having IBS does to you as far as eating, you know the challenges it creates with trying to eat the "right" foods when you can not tolerate those "right" foods....Couple that with my Hashimoto's and it still is quite a up hill battle but I am getting up that hill...slowly but surely!!
    Can't wait to see more of your beautiful home renovations!!!

    1. Thanks so much, Deb and you go with your healthy self!!

  23. For some reason your posts from here on just showed up in my feed today!
    Anyway, I'm so sorry about the fall and the shoulder. Shoulder issues are the pits and slow to heal. And you've been healing for a while already!
    I love how the basement turned out. That couch is perfect for a bunch of people, fun times and relaxing. It looks great!

    1. Thanks so much, Mari!! The Blogger feed is a tricky friend, I still use it and sometimes I notice tons of posts from one blogger all in row. I do appreciate you coming by to check the basement out. It's a fun change!!
