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Rustic Wooden Junk Angels

July 23, 2022

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Don't throw away those old wooden table legs.

With a little bit of imagination, you can use them to make an adorable rustic wooden junk angels for Christmas. Or any day.

Cut Table Legs

I find the best things at the curb.

Somebody else's trash.

My treasure.

Sometimes things are in perfect shape.

Like this sweet four foot tall aluminum snowman.

Large Tin Snowman

Dressed for Christmas, discarded on a summer day, and ready to be displayed next to my crafty new Santa Claus porch sitter as soon as Thanksgiving dinner is done.

However, other times, what I find waiting for me, is, well...not so perfect.

The round table I picked up on the way home from the beach is one such item. 

I thought it would look great in my newly renovated hallway. Beaten and stained, it needed a makeover, but it was darling.

When I found a tall corner cabinet though, that plan when out the window.

And the round table went in the garage. 

Then a few weeks ago, I dragged it out and put it in the living room. I craved a new coffee table and round felt right. 

Unfortunately, it was too tall. Nothing a saw couldn't fix.

And lucky me, when that round table was cut down to the proper size, and painted red, I ended up with a handful of scraps from the shortened legs.

More treasure.

Cut Table Legs

To make very cute little wooden junk angels.

Adding to my DIY collection.

I've got:
Sock Angels
Pasta Angels
Fan Blade Angels

I just needed the right supplies.

Easy enough. I purchased a bag of doll heads from Michaels for 40% off.

Wooden Doll Heads

For the wings I toyed with the idea of using ribbon, doilies and wooden stars from my craft cabinet.

Until I stumbled upon a couple of wooden butterflies at the dollar store. One was an ornament.

Dollar Tree Wooden Butterflies

The other was a small double sided light.

I knew instantly that they were just the right size for my tiny angels...and the right price.

Since the lights were double sided, they needed to be split apart to work.

Clipping Apart Wooden Butterfly Light

To do this my husband used a pair of clippers to remove the soft wood that connected the front and back of the butterfly.

The wood was very light, so it was easy to remove all the pieces.

Once that task was complete, it was time to whip out the paint.

Painting Wooden Angel Wings

I covered the wings and the heads in a creamy white to coordinate with table legs. 

While they dried, I turned on my glue gun.

Gluing Heads Onto Junk Angels

I added a bit of glue to the top of each cut leg to secure the heads.

A note here, if you don't have scrap wood for the bodies, you can buy peg dolls in all different sizes or use stair balusters.

Wooden Junk Angel Bodies

Then I placed some glue on the wings and fixed them to the backs.

Gluing Wooden Wings Onto Angels

Once the angel bodies were assembled, I grabbed a bit of berry garland to make halos.

I just wound it around my fingers a few times and glued the small circles to the top of each head.

Hot Gluing A Halo To Wooden Angel

I thought about adding faces, I even drew one on with pencil, but in the end, I decided I liked them without.

Rustic Wooden Junk Angels

Alone or as a trio they are very sweet.

Displayed all year long or at Christmastime. 

On a mantel or with a hanger on a tree.

Wooden Junk Angels DIY

Or sitting on a few of thrifted brass candlesticks.

On top of the table they were once a part of...

And are now again.


Wooden Junk Angel DIY

Wooden Junk Angels

Yield: 1 Angel
Author: Kim @ Exquisitely Unremarkable
Estimated cost: $3
prep time: 10 Mperform time: 30 Mtotal time: 40 M
How to make a wooden junk angel with butterfly wings from Dollar Tree to decorate your home throughout the year or during the Christmas holidays.


  • A Wooden Table Leg or a Wooden Peg Doll - 5" size
  • Wooden Doll Head- 1.5 inch size
  • Wooden Butterfly Wings
  • Berry Garland
  • Paint


  • Glue Gun 
  • Glue Sticks
  • Paint Brush


How To Make A Wooden Junk Angel
  1. Paint doll body, doll head and butterfly wings
  2. When dry glue head to body
  3. Glue butterfly wings to body
  4. Make a halo from berry garland and glue it on to head


I made mine from wooden table leg scraps. You can use old wooden candlesticks, wooden stair balusters, peg dolls.  Use your imagination and your scraps!

If you do use a peg doll, then you don't need to purchase heads.
Wooden junk angel, rustic Christmas angel craft, angel crafts
Created using Craft Card Maker

Hey, before you go, you have to stop by and visit my creative friends.

Today is our Do It Over Designers Hop, hosted by my friend Ann at The Apple Street Cottage.

Do It Over Designers Blog Hop Graphic

Stop by for a visit!

Unique Creations by Anita
Sum of Their Stories
Tea and Forget-Me-Nots
The Apple Street Cottage
Birdz of a Feather
Exquisitely Unremarkable
Little Vintage Cottage
Modern on Monticello
Purple Hues & Me

Kim Signature

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  1. Wow Kim! These are just stunning with your brass candle sticks! You're really going all in on x-mas in July and I love it!

    1. Thanks!! Yes, it's been fun to infuse summer with a little holiday cheer.

  2. Oh I love these! I wouldn't have had the vision for them which I why I love reading these blogs. Enjoyed our hop today!

    Rachel - Tea and Forget-me-nots

    1. Thanks so much, Rachel. I love it when people are inspired by one of my crafts...and my out of the box thinking. ☺️

  3. You amaze me how you can look at a table and make sweet angels out of the legs. These are really cute. You go with your creative self. xoxo Kris

    1. Thanks Kris! I guess it's just the way my crazy brain works! Enjoy your weekend. xxoo

  4. I did not look at those table legs and think 'angels', but I'm so glad you did! They are adorable, Kim - so creative!

    1. Thanks Ann! A little secret…when he handed me those pieces, my first thought was snowmen. However after a little while, I thought about adding wings instead…and I did save one leg piece for Thanksgiving. Gobble Gobble!

  5. Love your creative vision for making angels, Kim! And your angels are perfect and not just for Christmas, either! Angels are sweet and adorable for anytime of the year! Love yours!

    1. Thank you, Gail! What a very kind comment! I really did envision displaying these at Christmastime, but I'm smitten. I think they might stay out all year long.

  6. Oh Kim these are absolutely adorable. I love how you got creative and used the butterfly wings.

    1. Thanks Mary! The wings were a lucky find. Gotta love that dollar store!!

  7. What pretty table leg angels! They are so lovely, too nice to only bring out for Christmas. Do you have the Willow Tree Angel Ornaments over in the US? They are very popular here and have no faces either.

    1. Thanks so much! We do have Willow Tree Angels here and actually have a few. I received them as gifts when I was teaching and they are definitely some of my favorites.

  8. I love how your mind works! These are so very cute! I need some table legs now. :)

    1. Thanks so much, Mari! I like creating something new from something old. It makes me smile.

  9. Wow, those are so beautiful! I love how all the different parts came together... the butterfly wings, the table leg, the wood balls... love it!

    1. Thank you, Tania! This one makes me smile, I just love that they came together so well.

  10. These are just too cute, so creative. Great imagination!

    1. Why thank you!! What a lovely compliment!

  11. They look adorable! What a clever idea!! - Briana from Texas

    1. Thanks Briana! It all came together once I spotted those wings.

  12. I always hold on to the legs of things....LOVE the angles.....great job..

    1. Can you believe my husband was going to toss them?? Silly boy!!

  13. I LOVE angels, Kim, and yours turned out remarkable!! 😊 I was thinking that the legs would make cute candleholders, but angels are better! I really like them atop your brass holders. So cute!

    1. Great idea, Kitty! I may need some more table legs now!!

  14. They turned out so cute! You have a great eye to see how things could be used to make something else!

    1. Thank you, Deanna! I really do like a challenge. If feeds my creative brain and it's way more fun than laundry!!

  15. Your brain works in wonderful, mysterious, creative ways, Kim! Another winner - those little angels are sweet!

    1. Thanks Amy!! Sometimes I think crazy should be added to that list...but it keeps the day and my decor interesting!

  16. Oh Kim, I absolutely adore these! What a clever and creative way to recycle the spindle pieces.

    1. Thank you, Marie! I was thinking snowmen when I first saw them...but those wings changed all that!

  17. Oh my goodness!!! I love them, and I want one or two or four. :-)

    1. Haha! Thanks Carla! You're so creative. I just know you could whip up a whole bunch in no time!!

  18. These are so cute! I love how you can find something and figure out how to transform it into something crafty. I can do that with food, but not with crafty type items!

    1. It's my superpower, Melanie! Haha! I'm not sure how useful it is, but it's fun!

  19. I just had to pin this project. I love the creativity you put in to it and these are darling! I will be looking for little ways to repeat the idea the next time I am in a thrift store. Glad you joined in on the hop this month.

    1. Thanks so much, Donna! I had fun with this one...I like a bit of creative challenge.

  20. Very sweet, Kim. Nice job pulling it all together. xo

    1. Thank you, Nancy!! Sometimes you just need a little Dollar Store inspiration!

  21. Awwwww, aren't they just the cutest little things. Love how your mind works, Kim.

    1. Thanks Michelle! I love these little ones, too. They're very sweet!

  22. Kim,
    Now how in the World did I miss seeing this!! LOVE these sweet angels and what a great idea to use butterflies for wings!! Brilliant!! These are just darling! Gives me so many ideas!!!!
    Stay safe , happy and healthy!!

    1. Thanks Deb!! This was one of my favorites. SO simple. Happy New Year!! I hope 2023 is just wonderful!

  23. I admire all you have done here. Those wooden junk angels are so adorable. I am going to make some for next year to put in gift bags along with maybe gift card or or candy. Thank you for sharing your ideas! Happy New Year!

    1. Thank you so much, Betsy! I just couldn't toss those leg scraps and when I saw the wings it all clicked. I hope you do make some next year, the idea of that makes me smile!! Happy New Year!!

  24. Re: the 4ft snowman, I recently took ownership of one and fixed it up a bit and was wondering where they come from?

    1. I'd like to know that too. I haven't seen any markings on mine. I did do a reverse image search on google for it, but the only picture that came up is mine. Not helpful! Maybe one day we'll find the the meantime, congrats! They're totally unique and very cool!
