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Romantic Valentine Sheet Music Banner DIY

February 08, 2022

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Looking for a romantic Valentine banner to decorate your home in February?

This easy DIY vintage look sheet music floral craft is the perfect way to add a little charm to your love nest.

Dixie Belle Vinyl Transfers on printed sheet music

Before I started blogging I never decorated for Valentine's Day.

Any hearts or flowers either showed up on the holiday itself, thanks to my sweet husband.

Or they were provided by my preschoolers and their tiny handprints.

While I'm a very sentimental girl, I just didn't celebrate with a lot of fluff.

Which is funny, since February is not only the official month of love, it's also the month I was married, many years ago, the day after a blizzard dropped more than 24 inches of snow on our town.

I was a giant ball of tulle and Timberland work boots.

Work Boots and Wedding Dress on a snowy day

Not the vision I had in mind when I planned my magical day. I always thought I'd get married in my favorite season. Summer. 

But it was a bargain date and I was able to take a full week off from my teaching job for a honeymoon, since it also lined up with winter break.

So romantic Lincoln's Birthday it was.

Anyway, once I started blogging, every holiday became an occasion and the perfect opportunity to craft, DIY and decorate. Naturally, Valentine's Day took center stage, with all that red.

My first attempt was a challenge to see if I could turn some old puzzle pieces into elegant banner

And for several years after that, I created more banners for the holiday...but then I stopped. Instead, I reused my crafty stash for the past several seasons.

Well, last night, the crafting bug bit me and I decided to dig into my cabinet to see what I had and came up with a super quick banner that now decorates my mantel.

Valentine Mantel Decor

Here's how I did it.
My inspiration came from the decoupaged Thanksgiving place cards I made this fall. I knew I wanted to overlay a picture on a love song.

Once I starting looking for free holiday printables though, I settled on blank sheet music instead. 

How To Make A Vintage Sheet Music Floral Banner


1. Print

Sheet Music Printable

I started by printing out 5 sheets of the music paper 

2. Cut Transfers

Cutting Vintage Flowers Vinyl Transfers

Next up, I grabbed some leftover transfers that I used on my cabinet door and magazine rack makeovers.

I was going to go the paper on paper route again, but when I saw the transfers in the cabinet, I went with it. 

So much easier than cutting out shapes and messing with decoupage. There was no drying time or sticky fingers. I just cut around a few flowers and placed them on my paper.

3. Rub and Repeat

Using Vinyl Transfers On Paper

I used the enclosed stick to rub the transfer until it released. I was surprised to see how quickly they peeled away from the paper. I was also able to layer them with ease.

I repeated this process 4 more times. You can make your banner as long or short as you like.

4. Cut Them Out and Arrange

Vintage Flower Banner DIY

When I was done, I stacked my papers neatly in a pile and cut through all of them at one time. I trimmed all of the white background paper away.

I arranged them in an order I liked, one that I thought would look best.

That red rose was in the center. Big surprise.

6. Fold and Tape

Ball Of Twine for crafting

Lastly, I folded over the top of each paper. I made sure that the folds were all uniform so the banner would hang straight.

Then I added a piece of twine and a small piece of tape to lock each banner panel in place.

Super easy.

I think it took me less than 20 minutes in total. 

At first, I hung it up on my kitchen hood to see how I like it.

Valentine Banner In Kitchen

It looked very pretty, but something pulled me toward the living room. So I set it up in there. 

I mean, after all, it's the most romantic room in the cottage.

All that candlelight.

And that roaring fire.

Those flowers fit right in. I think they look fabulous next to my newly embellished old sign

But that's a post for another day. 

Vintage Rose Banner On Mantel

Together I think they set the stage for a lovely Valentine's Day

And anniversary celebration.

In a month with lots of love.

And hopefully no snow. 😉

How do you decorate in February?
Kim Signature

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  1. Happy Anniversary Kim. Wow, that was a lot of snow you had for your wedding! I love the pretty banner you made for Valentine's Day. It look so easy to make and I like the look of music notes and the flowers. Thanks for sharing how to make the pretty banner.

    1. Thanks Julie! Yes, we had a lot of snow that weekend. It caused quite a few issues, but in the end it all worked out. The banner is super easy, too…super easy!

  2. Adorable, romantic and beautiful all in one.

    I love sheet music images.

    I am waiting for a few more supplies and then I begin repainting dining room pieces with Dixie Belle.

    Can't wait to use everything. Pinned

    1. Thanks so much, Cindy! This one just happened last night when I was hit by a creative whim. I can't wait to see your dining room pieces. I know they'll be beautiful!!

  3. This is super cute Kim. I like the sheet music background and the floral appliques. Super sweet. Can't believe how fast this month is going which I like because like you I am a summer girl and want winter gone! Have a good week. xoxo

    1. Thanks Kris! I had a love song theme in mind, so this free paper was perfect. I'm looking forward to summer, too. The snow melted today and the weekend is supposedly going to be 50!! Woo hoo!! Bring it on!! xo

  4. You were a beautiful bride, even in boots! :)
    Our daughter was born on Valentine's Day so for years it was more about her birthday than Valentine's Day. I've never decorated for it, but I love seeing what others do.
    The banner is so pretty! Amazing what you can find to print. Those printables are perfect with your rub ons.

    1. Thank you so much, Mari! I love that your daughter was born on the 14th, that's the best Valentine gift of all. I bet that made for some really fun themed birthday parties!

  5. Happy Anniversary!!! You look so sweet .. I love the boots.
    Thank you for the banner inspiration.
    xx oo

    1. Thanks Carla! They were not the shoes I planned on wearing, but they certainly did the job. xxoo

  6. That banner is very romantic. You look beautiful in your wedding dress and boots!

    1. Thanks Penny! It was a crazy, snow filled winter. The year before, a friend got married the same week, and it was 70 and sunny. Not my luck, but it made for an adventurous weekend and some very funny situations!

  7. It's easy to figure out! You are beautiful, so God turned the world white for your wedding! Your banner is lovely too!

    1. J!! You actually made me well up with that comment. Thank you my sweet friend, what a lovely sentiment. I have to say, overall, it really was a beautiful day and I'll never forget those boots! I wore them all through college in upstate NY, in negative temps and several feet of snow. Boys. Size 5. I just never expected to wear the on my wedding day!! Haha!!

  8. Such a pretty banner, Kim! And so cheap to make! Very creative! Looks perfect on your fireplace mantle!

    1. Why thank you my kind friend! It was totally free and very easy. Those are my favorite types of crafts. One of these days I want to try cross stitching again. I used to do it as a kid and then in my early 20s (which I guess was a kid now that I’m an old lady!), but I only did it with the Xs printed on the fabric. Counted cross stitch scares me! However, your projects have inspired me to look into it again…we’ll see.

  9. Happy Anniversary, Kim. Love the bridal outfit. It reminds me of a decorating theme that I love, gold leaf frames hanging on barn wood walls..You look as pretty as a picture. Love the banner. It is so pretty and romantic ..Happy Wednesday, xxoJudy

    1. Thanks Judy! That was not the way I wanted to leave my house or make an entrance on my wedding day...but as my husband always says, it is what it is!! I hope you have a lovely Valentine's Weekend in your charming home. xxoo

  10. The banner looks great, Kim, but I had to giggle just a little when I read that you got married in Winter, your favorite (not) season. Oh the things we do as teachers! I do think you were a trend-setter though. How many times have you seen brides in cowboy (OK, not exactly what you were wearing) boots?? Happy Anniversary, my friend!

    1. Ann...that teacher thing for sure!! It was my first year with a permanent position, too, so I had no standing to make a case for even a long weekend. Plus, the venue was normally $175 a plate for a Saturday wedding (gotta love NY) and since they had a cancellation and it was less than 6 months away, they gave it to us for $48 a plate instead. So... winter it was!! Always looking for that bargain...even back then!! And thank you, my friend!!

  11. Kim, I love that picture of your wedding day! I hope your anniversary is a little less snowy this year. The banner adds just the right romantic touch to your living room.

    1. Thanks so much, Amy! So far today, there's been no snow. A win for sure.

  12. Happy Anniversary! I also was married in February but lucky for us it was 70 degrees that day! Just celebrated 31 years yesterday! :)

    1. Lucky you for sure, Susan! And congratulations!!

  13. We don't really don't do too much decorating for Valentine's day, unless we're expecting guests but I love you banner idea (and your wedding pic ;-) ).

    1. THank you very much! It was a fun day, snow and all.

  14. Kim,
    I just love that sweet banner!! And it looks great with how you decorated the mantel and fireplace!! we do love our red, don't we? I got a kick out of your wedding picture with the boots...I wanted a lovely cool Fall wedding but almost 2 years before everything was booked solid including the church. so I took the only date available for the Hall I wanted which was August 12th.....90 degrees that day and no air conditioning in the church...Just huge fans which blew my veil above my head!!!!! LOL!!! O well.....Thanks for visiting and for your kind comment!!!Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

    1. I guess there's no guarantee for perfect wedding weather no matter the month, is there? It does make for a good story though and a very memorable day! Hugs!

  15. What a fun creative banner! I love the simplicity of it, so easy to create, and it adds the perfect touch over your fireplace! I just loved the picture of you in the boots on your wedding day! You were a beautiful bride! So wonderful that you were married in the month of love too... just celebrate all month long! Hopefully your snow melts soon and spring can dwell in your world :) Blessings!

    1. Thank you so much, Marilyn. It was a very memorable day and after the roads were cleared and it became possible to drive around, we embraced the snow and the lovely backdrop it provided. It might not have been ideal, but it certainly was memorable! Happy Valentine Weekend!!
