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Renovation Plans And Fun Friday Finds

February 11, 2022

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Happy Fun Friday, Friends!

I thought I'd pop in today and share some fun finds and a little bit of what we're up to on this anniversary/ Valentine weekend.

Champagne and Strawberries

We've got some big plans around here. After all 28 years of marriage is something to celebrate.

Well, to do so, we're going to change our clothes, put on some good tunes, grab something tasty to drink.

And start painting.

Yup, it's a renovation weekend folks, and for a home decor junkie, that's the best gift of all.


We've been in this house almost 20 years now and most of the rooms look exactly the same as they did way back then. 

When I say my decor style is pretty consistent, I'm not kidding.

With the exception of the hall bathroom, the girls' rooms and the frequent curtain swaps, not much has changed.

But it will now!

We're starting in the hallway this weekend.

Dark Hallway Renovation Before

I loved the color and the carpet when I chose them, but now they feel dated and dark. I'm going to pick a light color, tear up the carpet, possibly paint the old, damaged wood floor and put down new area rugs.

It's still in the conceptual stages, but since my groom wants to start painting at the crack of dawn tomorrow, I need to make a plan today. 

Moving down hall and around the corner, we come to my bedroom, which will also be getting a facelift.

I adore the paint and my antique dresser set.

Green and White Master Bedroom

However, the bedding is tired, so are the curtains and the lamps. One of them is actually broken from a recent fall, so...that's a necessity.

I've put this room off for far too long because I've been unable to find the right accessories, to coordinate with the {hard to find size, and this one's perfect} rug in the room.

Or one with that cottage style feel I love so much. Of course, leave it to Waverly to nail that vibe. 

I stumbled across the bedding this week. I'm smitten. 

Waverly Floral Quilt

Before I bought it, I mocked the room up in PicMonkey complete with the new quilt, these lamps I intend to buy and a headboard, which I don't currently have. 

But clearly that's another thing I need to find. Or make. We'll see.

I'm also in love with these ruffled shams

I was going to save this fun find for last, but it's just too darling to keep secret any longer.

How cute is this??  I found it at the thrift store for $3, but truth be told, I would've paid $10.

Miniature Clawfoot Tub

It's just so unique and so darling, I had to have it. It does have a couple of tiny chips, but it's ok, it adds charm.

Tiny Clawfoot Tub

I have no idea what I'm going to do with it, but right now it looks super sweet sitting in front of my new Vintage Flower Market decal sign.

Speaking of...the generous people at StickerYou sent me two of my custom designed decals and I'm giving one of them away on Instagram right now

StickerYou Decals

So if you want a chance to win it, hop on over to enter.

In random news, I found these magnetic seam guides this week.

Have you heard of them? I had not.

Magnetic Seam Guides

They stick to most machines and keep your seams straight. Supposedly.

I haven't tried it yet, but I'm a sloppy sewing machine driver, so I figured for the few bucks it cost me for two of them, it was worth a shot.

If you have experience with them, please share!

And since it is a Valentine's weekend, here are a few posts I love from friends.

This collection of 21 Valentine’s Day Ideas You Will Love This Season

This gorgeous Laundry Room Makeover 

These sweet Valentine Flower Cupcakes

These 9 Ways To Decorate With Flowers For Spring

And you won't believe this Truly Amazing Can Upcycle

Lastly, I leave you with this kind sentiment I found on that same trip to the thrift store. 

It doesn't really match my style, but that seemed rather unimportant at the time. 

Funny story, the sticker read NFS. I had no idea what it meant and since there was another sticker on the back for $1, I brought it to the register.

Because Nice Matters Sign

The cashier said, That means Not For Sale, but it says it's a dollar, so a dollar it is. The sticker must've fallen off something else and someone just stuck it on the sign.

So it came home with me.

Where it can decorate my home with its words of wisdom.

Because nice really does matter.

Especially on Valentine's Day.

What have you found lately?
Kim Signature

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  1. Yay you go girl with starting to paint and change things up. I am like you we are not girls that need diamonds paint a wall or make a DIY is what makes us smile. Have fun starting the painting. xoxo Kris

    1. Haha! Yes, Kris, totally, I knew you’d get it!! I think my husband likes that, too…although buying me something would probably be a whole lot easier for him, since he'll be the one doing all the work! xo

  2. Well Happy Anniversary and Valentine's day. As I am always saying how much alike we are...well we just celebrated out 31st anniversary on the 9th and of course we combine it and celebrate it together with Valentine's day most years. I'm so looking forward to seeing your renovations. We snuck off for a spontaneous trip to the Oregon coast for our anniversary/Valentine's day this year considering we have been doing renovations for months now. And your bedding set is beautiful!!! I am so excited to see the transformations.

    1. And Happy Anniversary to you, too!! We really are the same in so many ways. Your vacation sounds lovely. I'm such a homebody, I don't think we've been away for our anniversary in over a decade. A trip the to warm beach would be lovely though right about now...but painting is good, too! 😉

  3. Happy Anniversary Kim and happy Valentine's Day. Good luck with the renovations and painting this weekend. I love the pretty bedding and that cute tub. I bet the tub would be great as a soap holder. Have a great weekend.

    1. Thanks Julie! I know you just went through the whole painting mess…we have a few rooms to get through and I haven’t even picked colors yet. It will definitely be an adventure!! Happy Valentine’s weekend. It’s supposed to be a warm one!

  4. Happy Anniversary and DIY-ing! Thanks so much for sharing my floral can upcycle. I'm looking forward to watching your progress!

    1. Thanks so much, Cecilia and it was my pleasure to share. Ingenious upcycle…quick, free and outstanding! My favorite.

  5. Happy Anniversary and Happy Valentines. I am wanting to paint too. I just had the upstairs carpets cleaned. I really would love to get rid of the carpet upstairs. Projects......the floral bedding is lovely. The painting will make a big difference and your flooring when finished. It feels good to renovate. Don't work too hard.

    1. Thanks so much, Linda! It really does feel good to renovate, but I hate the process. I think that's why we've waited so long to get started. It's underway now though, so no turning back! Good luck with your projects, too and Happy Valentine's Day!!

  6. Kim,
    Now that is my kind of weekend!! Can't wait to see how everything looks when finished but i am sure that you can not wait either!! LOL! I know it will be stunning and I adore that bedding!!! enjoy your weekend!! Happy Valentine's, my friend!!!

    1. Thanks Deb!! I couldn't wait...and now that it's begun, I can't wait for it to be over! Haha! My house is a disaster, but it's getting done! Happy Valentine's Day to you, too! Enjoy your gorgeous decor! Hugs!

  7. Happy Anniversary and Valentine's Day! I totally understand how painting walls sounds like a grand celebration! Waverly fanatic over here! The quilt is gorgeous and I look forward to watching it come together.

    1. Thank you so much, Kristine!! I'm such a Waverly fanatic, too! I have so many of their prints scattered around the house. I'm excited for this one in the bedroom! Happy Valentine's Day and thanks for the visit!!

  8. Happy Anniversary and Happy renovations! I know whatever you do will turn out wonderful and I can't wait to see it.
    I love the sign and the sentiment on it. Glad they let you buy it.

    1. Thanks Mari!! I'm glad they let me buy it, too. It's a sweet addition to the kitchen! Happy Valentine's Weekend!!

  9. Happy Anniversary! How wonderful to get exactly what you love and want for your celebration gift. I cannot wait to see the transformation of your bedroom and hall. Thank you for sharing my cupcakes!

    1. Thanks for the visit and the kind comment, Elizabeth! This renovation was a long time coming, so I'm excited to get started. It was my pleasure to share the cupcakes. They are beautiful! Happy weekend!!

  10. Happy anniversary!!! Sounds like you have an awesome weekend ahead of you! We need to be doing projects as well...but we'll see! Can't wait to see how everything turns out!
    I love that Waverly bedspread! It's so pretty! I have a similar-ish patterned one that I love to have on our bed in the spring and summer!
    Ohh...and I can't wait to hear how those magnetic sewing things work out! I have never heard of those! Thankfully, my machine does a pretty great job at sewing straight despite me being a bad sewing driver as well! haha!
    Thanks so much for sharing my laundry room!

    1. Thanks so much, Stephanie!! I remember your pretty bedding, I think I asked you about long ago. This one is close, you're right! I was very happy to share you laundry room. It's one of my favorite rooms on the internet...just gorgeous!!

  11. Happiest of anniversaries
    Kim. I’m right behind you celebrating 27 years in March. I love those pillow shams!

    1. Thanks Susan!! Another it!!

  12. Replies
    1. Thanks Penny! I’m listening to some hammering right now, as my husband removes the tacks from the newly exposed wood floor! Exciting!!

  13. Happy Anniversary, Kim! Wishing you many more wonderful years together. It's funny, how we get older, which "gifts" become more meaningful. I love that you and hubby are working together on renewing your "house vows!" Can't wait to see the finished product! Happy Valentine's Day!

    1. Thanks Amy!! House it!! I ready your comment in the car on the way home from the paint store today and I told my husband how witty you are and how all of your comments make me smile. You have the gift of gab...or the written word, I suppose...and I think that you should write a book! Happy Valentine's Day!

  14. We are doing the same my friend, in fact I am just taking a little break. We have 80's rock on right now, we change up the tunes as the day goes on. ;-)
    We are putting in some of the countertops today. My husband is building three of our cabinets and our island. We are on a roll, I hope it continues. I know the island will not be done by March 1st, but the rest of the kitchen should be.. well trim work might be left to touch up too.

    Have FUN.. I cannot wait to take a peek.

    1. I can't wait to see your fabulous new kitchen, Carla. All the details sound amazing. I love a DIY and handmade home. There's nothing like it, the fact that all the pieces have a story and love built right is amazing. My husband just ripped up the carpet in the hall. The place is a wreck, but progress...

      Enjoy those tunes and the process!!

  15. We are doing the same my friend, in fact I am just taking a little break. We have 80's rock on right now, we change up the tunes as the day goes on. ;-)
    We are putting in some of the countertops today. My husband is building three of our cabinets and our island. We are on a roll, I hope it continues. I know the island will not be done by March 1st, but the rest of the kitchen should be.. well trim work might be left to touch up too.

    Have FUN.. I cannot wait to take a peek.

  16. Happy anniversary! Your hallway and bedroom will look extra beautiful with a facelift. I got a cream colored tufted headboard from Wayfair a few years ago when I was doing blog work for them and I love it. Can't wait to see what you choose (or make!) and how that new quilt will look in your room.

    1. Thanks Melanie! I’m looking forward to the changes, things are starting to look a bit worn. Your headboard sounds beautiful. I just came from the thrift store, but couldn’t find a wood one I liked. Maybe tufted is the way to go! Thanks for the idea!

  17. You sure are ambitious! Happy Anniversary! I love the new bedding and the little claw-foot tub is adorable. Depending on where it decides to live, I see it with chocolates, pretty soaps, or pins (while you're sewing with those new seam guides)...or maybe the chocolate should be

    1. Ding, ding, ding!! We have a winner, folks! It's chocolate and sewing accessories for the win, Ann. First, the exercise advice and now the organizational tips. I mean really, from now on, I'm going to consult you first!! 😉🥰

  18. Girl, I KNOW we must be related!!!! That VERY sign is on my kitchen wall, and the comforter has been in my sights for 3 months!! If I didn't think my spousal unit would complain about pink flowers.....I would have already purchased it!!
    Blessings, and good luck with your plans,

    1. J!! That’s hysterical! I always knew we were kindred spirits, but this confirms it. As far as the quilt goes, my husband has been the soul guy in a house full of women for over 20 years now, so I’m not sure he even sees the flowers anymore. However, it does reverse to a pretty green pattern so in theory, you could only show a few of the flowers on any given day. At least that’s my story and I’m sticking to it. Oh also, I let him pick the hallway paint. I gave him free rein in the paint store…any shade of white he wanted. 😉
      Now I think we’re even!

  19. Happy Anniversary Kim! You certainly will be keeping your hubby busy in the next few weeks. I am looking forward to following along. It seems that right before spring is the time for renovations.

  20. Looks like you have some fun projects in the works! I love Waverly. I can't wait to see your bedding on your bed!

  21. Kim, Happy Anniversary and you are getting the best present ever. The only kind I like anymore. I don't know how you can make it all any prettier but just when I think that, you can, and I am anxious to see it..Happy Tuesday..xxoJudy

  22. WOW A RENOVATION!!!!!!!!!!!! That's HUGE news Kim! I'm like you, once I get my home the way I like it everything stays that way for a longggggg time. I absolutely LOVE the bedding, those cabbage roses speak to my heart. Can't wait to see all the changes!

  23. How did I get so far behind on my reading. I can't wait to see al of the changes and I love the bedding. Happy Anniversary. xo Laura

  24. Nice to see that you celebrated your anniversary/ Valentine weekend in style! The little bath made my laugh - I bought one as well, as a soap dish. It took no time at all for it to get chipped. I had no idea how to fix the chips so decided to like them instead. And they make me think of Beauty and the Beast, so that is a bonus.

  25. What fun to celebrate doing your favorite thing together, I love it! It will be so fun to have this renovating project in progress, and seeing some great changes!

  26. Happy anniversary and Valentine's Day, Kim (better late than never :D ) Looks like you're going to have loads of fun with all the makeovers you have planned and that duvet set is lovely. What a great find and don't even get me started on NFS sign.

  27. I’m late to wish you a Happy Anniversary! I hope you two had fun painting together. I love your new Waverly bedding !
