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A Ridiculous Word Of The Year

January 14, 2022

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So how are those New Year's resolutions coming along?

Anyone out there make any? 

I have to be honest. They're just not my thing.

The word Run

Yes, I'm a goal oriented, Type A planner, but sticking to some sort of long range, self imposed directive - just because the calendar page turned - never made any sense to me.

I mean if I really wanted to change something about my behavior or my lifestyle, why did I have to wait until January? 

Couldn't I, and if it were really that important, shouldn't I begin right away? No matter the month?

What happened to no time like the present?

Besides, that self improvement stuff always seemed like a lot of work

No. I was more interested in buying Cosmo to read their annual horoscope booklet, so I could see what was going to happen to me in the new year. 

Well, until I had kids. Then I was less concerned about my sun sign and more concerned about what was happening to them

Plus, who had time for resolutions, or horoscopes for that matter, when you're six months pregnant and your toddler has the flu as the ball drops?

It wasn't until I started blogging that I heard about the one word practice.

Just one little word, a kind of global intention, to guide you through all twelve months? It sounded easy enough, so I jumped in.

How hard could it be to work on one thing?

Turns out, plenty.

Maybe it was just me, or maybe I just chose poorly, but the idea of that one word hanging over my head all year long was daunting.

For example, if I had made a traditional resolution to eat better, I could do so for a month or week or day and then check it off my list. Done.

Cheating? Maybe. But at least I could legitimately say that I did it.

But imagine choosing "healthy" and committing to it for 365 days...including birthdays, holidays and Wednesdays when you just want a frosted, double fudge brownie for breakfast.

I know. I'm being dramatic, but you get the picture.

During the year when I picked the word ME, I felt guilty everytime I didn't say no to someone who needed help, even if I was overwhelmed or tired or sick.

In January and June and November.

It was a lot of pressure.

As a matter of fact, there was one year that I needed to keep the same word when January rolled around again, because I still needed to work on it.

Failure is not a pleasant way to ring in a fresh digit.

So I ditched it.

That habit was gone.

That's when I decided that maybe it wasn't the word. Maybe it was the duration that was the problem.

So I chose a word for each month. I set my intention and tried to lean into it for 30 days.

Better, right?

Not really.

You see, I finally decided that whole idea behind choosing a resolution, or even an intention, regardless of the time, means acknowledging that something is wrong in my life.

That something needs improvement.

Could be better.

Needs to change.

And perhaps that's true.

But at 53, I think I'd rather not focus on the don'ts and the can'ts and shoulds anymore.

I want to do more of what's working, what brings me joy and what makes me smile.

And without thinking about it too much or recording it on some app. 

I want to laugh out loud, eat my blueberries and take a walk on the beach without a checklist.

I just want to do it. 

And as New Year's Eve approached, that was my plan. 

Full steam ahead. 


Until I got that email from church. The one that said if you want to choose a word for the year, one that will guide you through the days of 2022, you can you click this link. 

Of course, I'd already dug in my heels. I wasn't choosing anything for 2022. 

I was a going to be a one foot in front of the other, day by day resolution free gal.

Giggling, eating and strolling as I saw fit...but it was church...and my curiosity got the best of me.

So I clicked.

And what I got was a good laugh, because my word for the year was RUN. Run.

Your Word Is Run

For the girl who literally does not own a pair of sneakers. The girl with the bad lungs.

The one who's breathless walking up the stairs when it's too hot or too cold and treats exercise like a four letter word.


Was this a joke?

How it could be? It was church.

There was a Saint generator on the same page for Pete's sake.

Then I thought, ok, maybe I shouldn't be taking it so literally.

Perhaps it meant I should be running toward my dreams. Or running away from bad habits. 

So I took a closer look at the website and turns out, my joke theory was pretty close.

That word of the year generator - the one that church recommended - was built by a woman who used to be a programmer.

And is now a stand up comedian.

Word Of The Year Generator

I kid you not.

Which actually just made me laugh harder.

In fact, I still laugh whenever I think about it.

Which has actually been the perfect way to kick off the new year.


Maybe there's something to this word of the year thing after all.


What do you think?
Kim Signature

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  1. If I had got the word run...I'd take it as run ... in the other direction!!

    1. That's exactly how I felt, Margie!! 🤣

  2. Run? That's hysterical! I gave up on resolutions years ago and the 'one word' idea never appealed to me. The new year is here and I'm just going to fasten my seatbelt and hang on for the adventures await!

  3. Too funny. If my word was Run then all I can say is if you see me running then you better run because that means something really bad is coming after me. I do not run lol! My new year resolution is no words or resolutions. Just try to live your best life. I think in this crazy world we are living we should not put anymore stress on ourselves but to try and live our best life under the circumstances we all find ourselves. Happy Friday. Have a great weekend. Is is Spring yet?!!!

    1. SO funny, Kris!! Haha...that would be me, too. I don't run. I ran once to get across the parking lot quicker and my daughter was in the car texting me "stop that"!!! Clearly, it was not a pretty sight. 😳

  4. Can I simply RUN my mouth?
    I am pretty good at that my daddy would always say.
    Blessings to you ❤️

    1. Ha! I love that, Minnie!! My mom used to say that to me and now I say that to my kids. Sounds like we'd get along great!

  5. Kim, there are maybe two reasons why I would use the word "run" at any time in my life. Back in the day I would wonder if I had a run in my nylons or if maybe I had put a red blouse into the washing machine along with my hubby's whitey-tightys. I stopped a long time ago making any kind of resolutions because it never worked for me. My good intentions never reach too far..Happy New Year, my good friend..xxoJudy

    1. A run in your stockings...oh my, now that's a throwback, Judy! I remember my mom used to make me wear gloves when I put them on. Now no one even wears them anymore. I actually wish they'd come back, at least for formal occasions. I still feel undressed without them. Thanks for that memory!! xxoo

  6. I'm not a resolution or a word person, for a lot of the same reasons you mentioned. If I got run, I would have laughed out loud! I did click the generator because I was curious. I got tough. Hmmm - does that mean I have to be tough, or is the year going to be tough, or is it - "too bad, that's tough!" :)

    1. I’m telling you, that curiosity is a strong pull! I hope that it means that the tough times are over and it’s time for some fun!! Here’s hoping!!

  7. Okay, just the title was enough to scare me away!!! A runner I am not! I AM a word person, but NOT in that context! My years have taught me to just enjoy, so that's what I do :-)

    1. Sounds like the best plan of all, J!! Wise woman...Blessings!!

  8. I think you could take that word and run with it (pun intended). Run away from things you no longer want or need. Make sure you stay healthy and run smoothly. Run your home and finances like a boss, etc., etc. I bet you could come up with a few more ideas...
    My word is gonna have to be "simplify", as in purging my house and life of all of the things that no longer serve me. Last year it was thrive and that did NOT happen. The word of the year is a little silly but whatever helps you focus on the future can't be all bad. Happy Weekend!

    1. I agree, Gina, I always say, whatever works for you is best. I like your take on run...I'll have to think about that!! Happy Sunday!!

  9. I gave up on resolutions a long time ago because my mind would immediately go into self fulfilling prophesy mode and I would immediately fail. I don't normally pick a word, but mine is priorities, which can always change. How can I possibly fail with that. Hugs, Laura

    1. I LOVE that, Laura!! What a smarty you are!! Hugs!

  10. haha that would be a complete and total failure if I'd been assigned RUN as my word of the year. This is a funny post! I like words of the year better than resolutions. Years ago a few bloggers participated in monthly goals, and I thought that was helpful.

    1. Monthly goals would certainly be a better way to go for me, too. I like to write things down and cross them off once they're done! Great idea!

  11. I definitely do NOT do resolutions!!!! I know there would be absolutely no use. For the last 3 or 4 years I have "tried" the WORD OF THE YEAR. I haven't done so well. In 2020 it was JOY...yep! Bad year for that word! Last year was ADVENTURE...again, not too many adventures. So this year I'm trying FAITH because that's something I really do want to work on. But I REALLY do like the idea of a WORD OF THE MONTH. I'm gonna think on that one:) Thanks for the idea! Oh, and RUN is not in my vocabulary:) unless it's running from a do or die situation!

    1. Or I'm a running towards dessert kind of girl...but like you, run in another other context is a no!! I like the word faith...I think that's a good one for any time!!

  12. I enjoyed reading this post Kim. I don't do word of the year or resolutions. I try to set a few goals for myself and try to work on them and hopefully I can complete them.

    1. I think that is the best way to do it Julie.

  13. I would snort if I read that!! For Pete's sake, 70-year-old women don't run...well, I don't. I would probably fall flat on my face.

    1. RIght there with you, Florence. Not my thing by a longshot!!

  14. I did laugh when I saw your blog title? RUN? Kim, who I have gotten to know over the years. ;-)
    I do not run .. I do like to walk and walk I do. I would love to walk the beach with you.

    Thank you for the FUN post.
    Love, Carla

  15. I don't think I even CAN run anymore at this point, lol! Run my dishwasher? Sure. Run to the supermarket? OK. Run into a friend? Absolutely! Run for office? Uh, no. Run around like a chicken without its head? Yes, that's the kind of running I mostly do!

    1. Your kind of running sounds exactly like my kind of running, Amy…and the chicken without its head is a classic. I say that all the time!! Haha!

  16. Haha! Won't be running here, but I do love your choice to do more of what works for you and makes you happy. I think that is the ultimate secret!

    1. I agree, Mandy and I hope you are able to more of that in 2022, as well!

  17. Thanks for the chuckle, Kim! If that generator gave me the same word, I'd take it as affirmation that I need to run away from winter - permanently.

  18. Kim I agree with you on the new years resolutions. Usually for me I have some decorating or home improvement project I've put off until after the holidays that I'm focused on..I also really start to look forward to spring and my husband and I will start planning any outside projects. We also take a look at the year ahead and plan for summer trips or vacations. So I guess for me it's really not about resolutions but more about planning. But if I had gotten the word run....I would have taken it to mean run to home Depot and get going on those projects.

    1. That sounds like a lovely place to run to, Dena! We have some reno plans for the spring, too and I'm running towards that...but that's all!!

  19. This was cute and no I don't pick a word either. Now do I make resolutions. I keep to my commitment and exercise 7 days a week and I'm proud of that.

    I feel bad when I laugh because I know you can't run because of your lungs. I know you know that, so I did have a laugh.

    1. I'm glad you laughed, Cindy, because yes, that was totally the point. I laughed really hard. It was just so comical, that I had to share in hopes that it would brighten someone else's day, too! And good for you with the exercise! I'm so impressed. I need to get on that for sure!

  20. The only way you'd see me running is if someone was chasing me! ;-) Have to say, I do walk pretty quickly when I do it for exercise though.

    Like you, I don't make resolutions for the new year. And I tried picking a word for the year twice...and ended up forgetting about it come March.

    I just do a lot of thinking and journaling about what I'd like to manifest in the new year and what I'd like to let go of.

    1. I like the whole manifesting thing, I'm just not very good about being consistent with any kind of journaling or affirmation practice. I think that's a whole lot more helpful than resolutions. Although the idea of running was pretty funny and made me laugh for a good long I guess there was one perk! Happy Sunday!

  21. Oh, Kim your posts are always a breath of fresh air. My cheeks are sore from smiling all the way through this one. At the ripe old age of 55 I still haven't learned that New Year's resolutions disappear quicker than one of those double fudge brownies you mentioned, so picking a word will be a complete waste of time for me.

    1. It's a waste of time over here, too Michelle. I guess I just really like brownies!!

  22. As always, Kim, your essays are so well-written. When I saw the word "run", the first thing that came to my mind was a Bible verse: "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith." (2 Timothy 4:7). This is the kind of running I want to do. To run the race of faith and hear my Lord say to me when I finally see Him face to face: "Well done, good and faithful servant." Your words: "I want to do more of what's working, what brings me joy and what makes me smile. And without thinking about it too much or recording it on some app.
    I want to laugh out loud, eat my blueberries and take a walk on the beach without a checklist.
    I just want to do it." struck me as the perfect way to live. Simply, yet with purpose. I know you'll do that this year and in all the years to come. Hugs, sweet friend.

    1. Nancy, your comment just made my morning. Thank you for your sweet words about my words. And thank you for sharing that verse. Perhaps run was the right word after all! I hope you have a wonderful and warm weekend! Hugs to you!
