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A Teeny Tiny Christmas Tour

December 23, 2021

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Oh boy, am I behind.

No, no. Not with Christmas prep...but sharing Christmas.

With you.

Christmas Candles On The Mantel

Normally, I'd have given you a proper tour weeks ago.

One room at a time.

All the bells and whistles on display.

But this year.

This year, I decided to do things a little differently.

And while I think the house looks better than it ever has, I've been keeping the view to myself.

I didn't worry about having a theme. I didn't even open up all the buckets.

I only put out the decorations that spoke to me.

Or meant something very special.

Santa's Christmas Village Book surrounded by Snowbabies figurines on a piano

I didn't fight crowds for gifts or decor, I shopped solely online.

By the light of the tree.

In my fuzzy socks.

And in front of the fire.

White Ceramic Christmas Tree on a table in front of the tree

Enjoying the views of my home.

Dressed for the season.

In shades of white and bathed in light.

White Light Up Ceramic Christmas Tree with Santa figurine on a dresser

I wrapped the presents the moment they arrived, with carols playing loudly as I taped and folded the pretty paper and, most importantly, I went back to my roots and dove into that glorious red decor with abandon.

On the tree. On the windows. On the couches.

Living Room Christmas Cottage Decor at night

I filled every open space in my home with {battery operated, timer} candles instead of twinkle lights.

Christmas Votive Candle in a glass holder on a doily next to green tree candle

And then I sat back and let the season wash over me.

I stepped away from the computer, for the most part.

Christmas In The Kitchen with red curtains and pillows in round table nook

And instead of taking lots of photos and posting them I did other things. 

For example.

I finished sewing the kitchen curtains that had been pinned together for months and really enjoyed every stitch.

We went for light drives at night, with hot cocoa in hand, taking in the sparkle.

We walked on the beach, bundled up, and sometimes, by the light of giant full moon and a sky full of stars.

We baked cookies, watched movies, played games, sang carols and made ornaments.

Handmade Green Glitter and Bow Ornament

I saw my sister for the first time in months and had a good long visit.

I called my cousin for a Christmas chat and she shared some interesting family history that was all brand new to me.

We decorated my parents' stone with evergreens and traveled through the maze of a military memorial to visit my husband's grandparents site, laughing and crying, recalling all the great times we shared.

We slowed down, we ate together, we filled the Advent calendar with activities rather than objects.

Making it a very relaxed holiday bucket list if you will.

We did the things we always say we want to do, but never make the time.

And we're not done yet.

We still have a Gingerbread house contest on the calendar, another round of movies, plus a trip to a real Christmas tree farm to meet Santa and ice skate.

Green Merry Christmas Pillow on a white chair

Of course, there's more baking to be done, too.

Pies, a cake, chocolate dipped pretzels and cinnamon buns to name just a few of the treats we have planned.

Bottle Brush Trees and a votive candle on a bedroom dresser

In addition to whipping up and decorating another batch of sugar cookies.

We plan to do all that on Christmas Eve day. It's become a tradition.

Afterall, Santa needs those cookies and they're so much better when they're warm.

Santa Collection

We also need to wrap up our month long marathon game of Rudolph Monopoly. We started it on Thanksgiving and it's still going.

Frankly, we're all a little weary from that one.

Rudolph Monopoly Game board

Then of course, there's the big day itself.

The reason for the season. 

Christmas Nativity Wooden house

One I'm reminded of each time I look at this beautiful nativity set that my mom bought for me one year at a yard sale. 

Or her Snowbabies collection that we helped her build and now display each Christmas on our piano

A family heirloom that still fills the house with music and memories.

Christmas Snowbabies Collection

So that's why this year, there's no fancy home tour.

No decor blog hop with friends.

No artfully staged photos.

I've just been enjoying the season with my family and all it has to offer.

In my cozy little cottage.

And I hope you have been, too.


Wishing you all the joy of the season, my friends. 

Merry, Merry Christmas!

Kim Signature

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  1. Merry Christmas my friend. I'm so happy with the time you spent doing things that brings joy and family together.

    This Christmas is bittersweet for us. Big plans falling apart.

    We're a bit sad but are going to make it special for us.

    Merry Christmas!

    1. Thanks Cindy. I'm sorry your Christmas didn't go as planned, but I'm glad you're feeling better! Merry Christmas and I wish you a Happy New Year!!

  2. Wishing you all the blessings of Christmas! The decorations are beautiful and your holiday sounds like it's been heaven!

    1. Thanks so much, Tammie! I hope your Christmas was wonderful and full of blessings, too!

  3. It sounds like you are having a very lovely Christmas season. Merry Christmas!

    1. It really was a lovely month, Briana! Thank you and Merry Christmas!

  4. Love it!! I wish more people thought like you. Merry Christmas!

    1. Thank you so much! It felt good to slow down and enjoy. Merry Christmas!

  5. It sounds perfect, Kim. Merry Christmas!

    1. Thank you, Ann! I took a page from your holiday playbook...well, half a page anyway! Merry Christmas my friend!!

  6. it sounds like you had a wonderful season! Merry Christmas.

    1. Thank Penny! I hope you had a wonderful holiday, as well!!

  7. Merry Christmas, Kim. Sounds like the perfect holiday to me. God bless you and your family.

    1. Thank you so much, Diana! Merry Christmas my friend. xxoo

  8. Cheers and amen to enjoying the season instead of rushing through it! I hope you and your family have a beautiful and blessed holiday season.

    1. Thank you so much, Melanie! It was a quiet and lovely month. I hope you had a lovely Christmas and I wish you a wonderful New Year!!

  9. Merry Christmas Kim! You are a wise woman. Slowing down and yet making things( like that trip to the beach) happen. Thank you so much for sharing.

    1. Thank you, Susan. I don't know how wise I am, but this year, this just felt right...and the weather was cooperating, so we went with it. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and I wish you a lovely New Year!

  10. Thank You Kim, for all the great ideas that you showed me this year. Wishing you and your family a safe, healthy and happy New Year.

    1. Thank you so much, what a lovely, lovely compliment. Best gift of all. Happy New Year to you and yours, as well!!

  11. Kim, you have your priorities in all the right places. I wish I could say the same because your holiday season sounds wonderful. No need to wish you a Merry Christmas because you are most definitely having one. Stay safe, healthy, enjoy those fun filled moments, and treasured memories! xo

    1. Thanks so much, Marie! It's been quite relaxing. I hope your holidays have been wonderful, as well.

  12. Merry Christmas my dear. I enjoyed your post. It is full of all that is important.. family, friends, memory making and LOVE!
    Enjoy every minute left on the 2021 calendar.

    P.S. be sure to check your PO box.

    1. Merry, Merry Christmas my friend. Thank you so much for your warm holiday wishes and kind words. I hope you had THE BEST Christmas with your family and I wish you nothing but happiness in the new year...and I'll check!! Thanks!! I love surprises! xo

  13. Thanks so much for sharing your lovely holiday season, I wish more people would do this! I’m so tired of all the tours, shopping lists and sales. I just have to have a break from it and focus on the reason for the season.
    Merry Christmas! 🎄

    1. I'm so glad you enjoyed my post! Thanks for letting me know. This year it just felt right to take a step back and focus on family and tradition. The kids said it was one of their best Christmases in a long time. That made me smile. Merry Christmas and I wish you all the best in 2022!!

  14. Kim this year has been a rough one for me. But I am looking forward to the New Year and all it has to bring. I need to take a few pages from your book and slow down a bit. Merry Christmas to you and your wonderful family.

    1. Oh Mary, I'm so sorry. I do hope that you had a lovely Christmas with your own wonderful family and that 2022 is a better one...for everyone. xo

  15. It sounds just perfect! Merry Christmas to you.

    1. Thank you, Mari! Merry Christmas to you and your lovely family. I hope you had a lovely holiday with those darling grandbabies!

  16. I enjoyed the tour, Kim. Merry Christmas to you and yours!

    1. Merry Christmas, Ricki! I hope it was a wonderful weekend with your loved ones.

  17. Merry Christmas Kim! I love that you only put out your decorations that meant something to you! I also love how you took time for yourself this season. It is on my bucket list for this next year to step back and just take a deep breath. Hope you enjoy the holidays with your family!

    1. Thank you so much, Cara! I'm always going crazy, trying to create the perfect holiday for the and this year someone told me it's ok to opt out of some of that...and turns out not trying to make it perfect, made it perfect after all. Go figure! I hope you had a lovely Christmas with your family and your sweet pup!!

  18. Good for you. It's funny because I did less decor and less presents this year. We decided to spread Christmas over the week from Christmas to New Year's Eve also. So we can enjoy the season verses rushing through Christmas day like a whirlwind. I'm so glad to hear you say that you too felt the need to really experience the magic of the holidays this year too. Anyway I hope you have a very Merry Christmas!

    1. Dena, I wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas since it sounds like you're still celebrating!! I hope you have a lovely week and a Happy New Year!! Thank you for all your lovely comments, they really do mean a lot!!

  19. It sounds like you had a nice holiday season Kim. I hope you had a Merry Christmas and wishing you a happy new year.

    1. We really did, Julie. I hope your Christmas was very merry and you were able to enjoy your new decor. I bet it was so pretty with the tree and the lights!! I wish you a Happy New Year, too. All the best in 2022!!

  20. I don't think it can get any better than that, Kim! I'm behind in my reading, but hope the Christmas magic is continuing in your little cottage!

    1. Oh Amy, I’m so behind in reading, too. Trying to catch up now. Thanks so much for the visit and the happy wishes. We are still Christmasing over here…which is not great for my middle aged waistline! Happy New Year my friend and here’s hoping you’ll be back to jetting about in 2022!!

  21. I never did a Christmas tour this year. I just shared bits and pieces, and that was enough for this year! I basked in the beauty of Christmas this year, and just enjoyed it all. Your home looks lovely!

    1. Thanks Deanna and your bits and pieces were lovely, I enjoyed seeing them all. I really loved your front door wreath this year and I agree that basking in the beauty is really what it’s all about. So glad I took the time to do the same…we even had a bit of snow on Christmas Eve! And now I’m done with snow until next year. Of course, I’m sure Mother Nature has other plans! Haha!! Have a great week!

  22. Kim,
    Your Holiday Season sounds absolutely delightful!! How wonderful all the things that you did as a family sound!!! I wish after the holidays are over you would do a post detailing more on what you did for those of us who would love to do the same!! Since I did finish decorating before Thanksgiving, I did get to relax and enjoy the Season but not as much as I would have liked to so I do need to plan better, recording things I want to do differently. Like posting as much as i did....Thanks so much for stopping by and for all your sweet comments!!!! Happy New Year!!

    1. Happy New Year, Deb! It really was a nice holiday season and to be honest, my kids were the one who came up with all the grand plans. We were just pointed in the direction and followed orders!! I will try to write it all up and post it, because it truly was a lovely way to spend the month. All the best in 2022! Thanks for the visit!

  23. It was a very quiet Christmas for me as my grandchildren all had covid. We will celebrate together in January when they are all well. Your Christmas sounds perfect. I'm glad you were able to choose to slow down and enjoy the moments. xo Laura

    1. A January redo sounds lovely, Laura. I think it will be a nice way to celebrate the new year, too!

  24. Looks absolutely gorgeous, dear Kim. Wishing you the very best for the coming year, my friend.

  25. A beautiful post, as always, Kim! I'm hoping to take some time to bounce around blog land this year....reading posts like this gives me inspiration and brings me peace! Happy New Year!!

    1. Thank you, my friend, Happy New Year! I was happy to read your latest post and I do hope they'll be more from you very soon!
