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Crafty Black Halloween Cat

October 26, 2021

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Grab a unpainted wooden cat cutout at the craft store on sale and turn it into an adorable Halloween decoration that can be changed up for all seasons.

Black cat face with orange painted eyes

Last week, while I was in the craft store, I accidentally ended up in the Halloween aisle.

Clearly not my favorite.


As I was rushing to get past all the scary decor, I spotted the most darling paper pumpkins for 60% off.

Naturally, I had to stop.

And while I was bending down to pick up a few, I came eye to eye with this guy.

Wooden Cat Cutout on kitchen server

Also 60% off.

Now, if you know me well, you know I'm a sucker for a bargain.

And for cats.

Especially black ones.

Which of course he would eventually become.

So into my cart he hopped.

On the way to the register, my daughter very blunted said, You hate Halloween. What are going to do with that?

To which I calmly, yet firmly, replied that he was absolutely not a Halloween cat. He was a Christmas cat.

I was going to paint him black and stencil Merry Christmas across his chest. And he was going to have a bright tartan bow.

And a bell.

By the time I got to the word bell, I might not have been as calm.

I was excited and who could blame me?

Wooden Cat Figure With Stand

This not so little guy had a stand, can you believe it? I mean I could see him sitting proudly next to my fireplace, surrounded by lights, candy canes and my collection of vintage sleds.

While I sat in my rocking chair listening to carols...

It was going to be great.

Well, once we got home and I started playing with paint, surrounded by the fragrance of carved pumpkins and orange lights, those plans went right out the window and this kitty got a Halloween makeover after all.

I figured, why waste a good opportunity to start displaying him now. He was too cute to sit around for the next few weeks all naked and unpainted.

Then just like my small upcycled ghost lanterns, after Halloween, he'd get to pull double duty during the holidays.

So I got to work.

I started by giving him a few coats of black paint, front and back.

Painting A Wooden Cat Black

I used a medium sized foam brush for that task.

To get into the small spots around the eyes and nose cut outs, I switched to a bristle brush. Then I set him aside to fully dry.

Painting Face Of Halloween Cat.

Now, these wood pieces from the craft store are always a bit rough, so I did take my nail file (my trusty substitution for sandpaper sheets) to smooth out any loose wood shaving on his face.

I used the same nail file trick when I updated my wooden swan planter. Works great.

I patched any spots that needed a touch up due to my sanding.

Then I coated the entire cat with a water based clear coat and a foam brush.

Clear Coating A Painted Cat

The next morning I added a few black and orange ribbons from my stash to his neck and realized that if I wanted him to really shine for Halloween, I needed to go all in.

So I painted his eyes in a shocking orange color. 

Painting Wooden Cat Eye Orange

It provided just the right amount of mischief. 

And he was perfect.

He's perched on my kitchen table at the moment. 

As all bad kitties usually are...

Black Halloween Cat Decoration On Table

But only until the weekend.

Then he will indeed be getting that Christmas makeover.

Although, I've been thinking.

With a little paint and a new bow every few months, he could be a cat for all seasons.

Just as all kitties should be...

Don't you agree?

Kim Signature

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  1. Replies
    1. Thanks so much, Rebecca!! He really does make me smile.

  2. Too cute, Kim. Of course my first sight of him brought on Halloween and you have done him proud. But, being the visionary that I am (haha) I can see half of a lace doily round his neck with a red bow and he could be singing in the choir!..Happy Tuesday..xxoJudy

    1. Oh Judy!! I may just have to get another kitty cat and steal your idea...a him and her singing in the choir!! That sounds darling. xxoo

  3. This is adorable! Great idea & great job!

    1. Thanks so much, Briana! He's really stolen a piece of my Halloween heart.

  4. OH GOODNESS!!! So cute!
    I agree, a kitty for all seasons. Looking forward to seeing the Christmas Cat.
    xx oo

    1. Thanks Carla!! I can't believe I wasn't going to paint him yet. So glad I decided to doll him up now. xxoo

  5. Oh how sweet this turned out Kim. Gosh I love him as a Halloween cat but I know you will make him cute for all the holidays. Best kind of cat to have with your allergies. Hugs. Kris

    1. Haha…you’re not kidding! No sneezing with this little one around. 😉 xxoo

  6. He certainly should be a 'Kitty of All Seasons' and you are just the gal to make him into one. I can't wait to see each reincarnation!

    1. Thanks Ann! I think the new makeover should be easy, since so far, he’s the most well behaved pet I’ve ever had. 😉

  7. Great job and idea!!!! Yes, my kitty is most often perched on either the kitchen or dining room table!!! There are windows in both places and hubby calls it cat TV!!! :-)
    Blessings, J
    PS: I too use nail files for sand paper......with a complete wood shop right outside the back door ;^)

    1. Great minds think alike, J!! It drives my husband crazy, since he’s a “the right way” kind of DIYer. Oh well, it gets the job done. Enjoy those kitties!! xo

  8. Love those orange eyes! The perfect finishing touch. You always find those bargains Kim, and I love the idea of a kitty for all seasons, but too bad he didn't have more sides, LOL.

    1. Thanks Florence! He was fun to make. Funny, I was thinking the same thing!!

  9. Kim I would have never seen this fine cat’s potential. The eyes and the ribbons made him come to life. He could be a birthday cat too….all he needs is a party hat!

    1. Great idea, Susan!! There are so many great suggestions in the comments, I don't think this cat is going to be going anywhere for a long time!!

  10. Oh my g, how adorable is this! I love your Halloween cat.

    I'm thinking he will be making an appearance for Christmas too.

    1. Thanks Cindy!! I think you may be right...

  11. I love's the eyes. He actually made me smile when I saw the finished product, and yes, he should be out all year, surprising your family (and your readers) with "what will kitty wear next"? The possibilities are endless! And, thanks for the great nail file tip!

    1. I agree, Amy, the eyes made all the difference. They really pop now and fill that kitty with personality. I laughed at your "what will kitty wear next" comment...there are so many great ideas here, I think I could easily keep him out and about, well dressed, all year long!!

  12. I TOTALLY AGREE! How cute is he with those orange eyes and halloween ribbon bow. Looking forward to seeing him decked out for the holidays. November can't come fast enough to go full on holiday mode with gorgeous red.

    1. Thanks Marie...I already have a pretty red ribbon all set to go!

  13. How did I miss this little cutie. He looks so proud of himself with his new ribbons and paint job. He would be part of our decor all year round, but I suspect our purr babies would be stalking him and stealing some of those ribbons for themselves

    1. Nothing like a real purr baby and their fun antics, Michelle. Enjoy them!
