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Summertime In The Bathroom

August 11, 2021

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A few months ago, all the way back in April, I mentioned that I was doing a little redecorating.

It was spring and I'd been bitten by the "everything needs to be refreshed" bug.

Shopping online, I'd found some fabulous treasures and I was excited to share.

Some new cups here, fabric for a fresh sink skirt there.

White Roses In The Bathroom

I even bought new material for the living room.

Well, with fall on the horizon, I still haven't gotten around to making those panels.


I did manage to swap the shower curtain out in the bathroom.

That's kind of the same thing. Right?

Ok, well maybe not. But the results are just as dramatic.

You may recall what the bathroom looked like before

A solid curtain in a dark red. 

The new one is quite different. 

And I love it.

It's still very colorful.

Cottage Style Bathroom With Red and White Floral Shower Curtain

The perfect shade of cranberry - even though the website lists it as fuschia. You can click that link for a peek.

It's super soft, too.

Best of all, it fits my cottage style bungalow aesthetic perfectly.

I love it when things work out.

To be honest, this whole bathroom remodel hasn't been without its challenges. 

When we were forced to replace the walls a few years ago, we went with white.

Everyone felt like it was time for a change. So I reluctantly painted over my signature red.

Ralph Lauren Balmoral Red to be exact.

A color I adored.

Deep and rich.

And even though that tiny bathroom lost its one and only window to the kitchen addition, with that hue on the walls, it never felt dark or dreary.

But secret confession?

It sometimes feels that way now.

I know, I know. It's counterintuitive.

It should feel lighter and airier now, with the addition of that crisp white paint.

But honestly, there are many days when all it feels, is boring. Flat and lacking in personality.

The stenciled wall definitely helps. It adds interest and a bit of texture.

Cottage Style Stenciled Bathroom Wall

Unfortunately though, when you're a color addict, it's hard to replace the high you get from a room filled with a pop, when there isn't one.

So I've been trying to introduce some of that decorating drama with shower curtains.

It's something I've been doing for years to keep things fresh.

The first two I had in there were lovely, but rather bland for my taste.

The all red was a bold statement for winter, but a bit too bold for the sweet days of summer.

This one is dreamy. Fits the whimsy of the season.

Cottage Style Bathroom Decor, Roses, Soap Dispenser and Wash Towel In Red and Whites

And it plays nicely with the decor that hangs over our updated wooden topped vanity.

So at this point it looks like it's fabric to the rescue.

Again. I think that's a pattern around here.

Which works out well, since my husband has stated on many, many occasions that he's not really into painting that room again any time soon.

That reality has me prepping for fall. 

Try not to be shocked, but I already purchased a new curtain and it's not red. 

I decided to go in another direction. 

Maybe leave that bright pop for a bit and bring in a warmer, more soothing color when the leaves start to tumble.

Green is a great for that. And Laura Ashley has me covered with this dainty style.  

It's already in my bedroom, coordinates well with the red in the rest of the house.

Plus, when the holidays roll around, the stage will already be set.

Of course, I've been down this "leave the red behind" path before and it never sticks.

I may hang that sucker up and veto it immediately. Or it may last a few weeks until my head, heart and stomach tell me it's time to go.

Farmhouse Red and White Accented Bathroom Mirror View

But I don't have to worry about that for a while. 

Right now, I'm content enjoying this red number for a few more weeks.

Holding on to summer any way I can.

Even in the bathroom.


Kim Signature

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  1. Kim, that's a great shower curtain! Isn't it amazing how fabric can instantly transform a space? I was bitten by the same bug and updated my living and dining room curtains recently. As usual, I had to "live with them" hanging for a bit to be sure, but I'll be sharing them (& how I hemmed them) in a few weeks.

    1. That sounds just like me, Cecelia! I have to mock things up, too…just to be sure. Right now I have some pom pom trim pinned to a panel. Just to see! 😉 I can’t wait to see your curtains. I’ll be looking for that post!

  2. Oh my goodness Kim, I am in love with that shower curtain! It is calling my vintage little heart your way... I can see why you would want to keep it up! I love the stencil on the wall. I am a fan of neutrals though... I can see how you loving color may want to change it up, but I am IN LOVE!!! And I still love your wood countertop, it is such an awesome idea! The rich dark wood against those creamy walls... you know your style and should run with it because it is all beautiful!

    1. Thanks Cara! You're so sweet. It's funny, now that I see it in the pictures, I'm like hmmm...maybe I will keep the red up a little longer. I'm a fickle decorator for sure!!

  3. I love the curtains! They are so you! Such a perfect way to add a pop of red in there. :)

    1. Thanks Mari! ❤️This one was even better in person. I love it when online purchases end up that way.

  4. Well.. I love it.

    Hang on SUMMER!! PLEASE!!! :-)

    1. Yes!!! Please!! Today was actually a lovely (if very humid) day and I was able to embrace summer a bit. I hope you were able to do the same.

  5. Lovely look Kim, the pop of red is your signature. Our showers do not have shower curtains.
    Enjoy summer while you can. The leaves are already falling.

    1. We have a shower with glass doors and I have to say, I love it, Linda! It makes the room so bright and open. This room has the curtain, for privacy since the kids share it, but it's a nice change, I get the best of both worlds! And's on its way! Today we're making our way through a tropical storm. Hopefully when it passes we'll get a bit more summer before fall shows up!

  6. So pretty Kim. It amazes me how one shower curtain can make a big impact. The one you have is so pretty. Love your mirror and I remember when you stenciled that wall. We will begin after tomorrow to cool down some. One more day of heat, humidity and storms and then Friday it will begin to look and feel nice again. Have a great day tomorrow. xoxo

    1. Shower curtains do have the power to change an entire room, don't they? I think that's why I love to change mine up so often! Stay cool and safe in those storms! Happy weekend!! xxoo

  7. This little freshen up is so appreciated. I love the change up with curtains. I have a few shower curtains that I change out but that's about it. Your signature pops of colors are so inspiring!

    Thanks my fave decor girl!!❤️


    1. Thank you so much for your super sweet comment. I have to say, there’s nothing like a pop of red in my world. Every time I try to leave it behind, it comes right back at me!

  8. They're gorgeous, Kim. Love that pattern.

    1. Thanks so much, Michelle! I have to say, I love this's perfect.

  9. Replies
    1. Thanks Penny! It’s my new favorite. For now! 😉

  10. Your taste is always perfection. You make my day whenever you post a new idea.
    Thank you for being so real.

    1. And your lovely comment just totally made my day. 🥰Thank you so much for taking the time to leave it for me! Happy weekend!!

  11. It's a great shower curtain! You know I love red, yet when I found that blue and white shower curtain in my hall bath, I fell in love. I've only changed it out for fall/winter. Having recently painted our hall bath white, as well, I love the crispness and the ability to not have to worry about my shower curtain clashing with the walls.

    I had at one time had Valspar Cut Ruby in my hall bath! Now I am headed to check out Ralph Lauren's Balmoral Red!

    1. Your bathroom is beautiful, Deanna and I love that blue shower curtain. It really stands out! I l also love when we find something that makes us smile, just by looking at it...isn't that wonderful? Simple joy at its best!! Enjoy the weekend!

  12. I love the pattern and colors of your shower curtain. Your bathroom is so pretty!

    1. Thanks Ricki! It was a big change from that red, but it’s growing on me with the right accessories!

  13. The new shower curtain looks great! And, the best part is, you can switch back and forth, as it suits your mood!

    1. Yes! I have glass doors in my master, and while they make the room look so much cleaner and larger, they aren't nearly as much fun!!

  14. Ooh fellow red lover, I love your changes in your bathroom! Such fun to add special touches
