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My Pretty Cottage Style Pantry Makeover

June 15, 2021

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Today's the day folks!

I'm ready to show off my brand new panty.

The makeover is complete and I'm excited to share.

This is the old view.

Not terrible, but not terribly attractive either.

A few years ago, I wrote about how I'd recently changed out the paper and tidied the shelves. It was good enough. 

For a while.

Kitchen Pantry full of food

However, over the past few years, the paper had worn, the yellow paint faded and the disorganization returned.

The baking supplies that were supposed to be on the top shelf and the pasta boxes that were supposed to be relegated to the shelf below it were constantly intermingled with snacks. 

And no matter how organized I tried to be, that pantry was constantly the wild west of food storage.

A tangled mess of grocery containers, sitting on tattered contact paper in a dingy closet.

It was far from my cottagecore dream.

Pantry Makeover

No rustic charm, no stylish view...and no way to quickly or easily find what I needed. 

Well, not anymore. Now I have the pantry of my dreams. 

Thanks to a patterned peel and stick wallpaper, that boring closet has been turned into an adorable stacked stone styled nook, that looks like it was built into the house.

Exactly what I was dreaming of when I started this redecorating journey.

Cottagecore Pantry

To doll it up further, I repapered the existing shelves with small red checks and dainty flowers. They remind me of the fabric I have peppered around the house. 

And they added the perfect soft contrast to the hard rock facade.

We left the original wooden brackets in place, too. 

They're from the 1920's when the house was built and I love those old world accents. No need to fix what isn't broken.

Especially when it fits the aesthetic.

Pantry Organization

Best of all, the entire cabinet is super organized. Years ago, I wrote that I didn't need baskets or jars. Well guess what, I was wrong.

These wire numbers, and all the supplies I shared last week, make a huge difference

They keep everything in its place and in plain sight, so everyone knows what we have, what we need and where to find it.

The little ones are stocked with baking supplies and easy to grab, so they come in and out of the cabinet often, acting as both storage and supply totes.

There's even room to tuck a few sentimental treasures behind them.

Organized Pantry Baskets

The lazy Susan works better than I'd anticipated, spinning and showing off its contents many times a day.

I also love that, due to my fabulous organization, I now have room to store my beautiful footed bowl. When not it use on my table, it's in my pantry, looking lovely, and corralling loose snacks.

Form and function. Just what I was hoping for...  

Pottery Barn Cambria Footed Bowl

And remember those wire shelves I shared? Well, they've turned out to be one of my favorite additions. 

Everything in that open space is neat and visible. Plus there's still room for a case of water.  Without them the view was a disaster and an unruly jumble of water bottles, pots and pans.


Pantry Floor Shelving

I don't see us going back there, though. 

Now that everything has a place and looks so good.

Who'd dare to mess it up?

Stone Wall Pantry Makeover

Oh, and in case you thought I might take down the kids' artwork?


It's still there.

Children's Artwork On Closet Door

Decorating my pantry door with love.

After all, wallpaper and baskets may make take the decor up a notch.

But without a the family and the memories and the personal touches, it's just a closet full of food.

And that's not pretty at all.

Pantry Makeover, Rustic, Charming Functional

What do you think about my makeover?

*Oh and if you have any DIY questions, let me know. I'm going to share the process later this week.

Kim Signature

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  1. This is awesome Kim. I love the contact paper you used for the shelves. Everything is so organized and you can see where everything is now. I love that you kept the kids artwork for the door decor. Adorable. Nice job love it. xoxo

    1. Thanks Kris! I love those dainty prints, too. They really do make a huge difference...especially in contrast to the rock paper. And yes, their artwork is really the star of the show. xxoo

  2. I love that you saved the kids artwork! How do they feel about that? Great makeover; I’m super jealous of the space and makeover lol!

    1. Thanks Sara! They love the fact that it’s up there. Honestly, we kind of forget about it, but every now and again we notice one of the pictures and get lost in the memories.

  3. Very cute contact paper. looks like you. Being organizes is such a good feeling. happy summer.

    1. Thanks Linda! It is a very me paper indeed! Happy Summer!!

  4. Very organized, Kim, and your checked and flowered wallpaper is so pretty. I love the rock wall and the wooden brackets. So much character. Hugs.

    1. Thanks Nancy! The entire pantry has a very rustic feel to it, now. I smile just opening the door! Hugs!

  5. Kim I love the art work! That is a great idea, when you may not be having that great of a day, open up the pantry and little hands made all of that art once upon a time! Your pantry looks great too, but the art work is the icing on the cake! :) I love bits of family all through the house.

    1. Thanks so much, Cara! It really is the icing on the cake...looking back at those lovely once upon a time days. They look so much better with the backdrop of the stone now, too. A pretty little package, packed with love...and food!

  6. Wow! It looks fantastic, Kim. I wish I had a pantry....maybe the next house. Btw, have you thought abut decoupaging the kids' artwork to the door? Just a random thought of mine.

    1. Thanks Ann! I love the way it looks and it was such an easy project. I hadn’t thought about decoupage. Of course, now I am!

  7. Ooooh! It looks so good. I really like the stone and it goes well with the flowers and checks. The baskets are really cute too. I think it's time to reorganize my pantry too.
    PS - keeping the artwork makes me smile!

    1. Thanks so much, Mari! I love the paper, too. It's worked out very well so far. Of course, I'm with you, that artwork makes me smile the most...

  8. It looks great, I love everything. I have some wire baskets like those and hopefully I can use them when I get a pantry. I was wondering what to do with them, they were in my sewing room.

    1. I wasn't planning on using baskets at first, Betty, but they make such a difference. I love them.

  9. Good morning, Kim! Doesn't it feel great when you freshen up an area and it looks just like what you'd envisioned it to be? Those wire baskets really show off the food nicely! And the shelf paper is very cottagey! Might I assume that your stone wall is your way of bringing in a touch of England? Nice job!

    1. Hello Kim! It does feel great! I can't believe I waited 20 years to do this...and you just paid me the ultimate compliment. English cottage style is my favorite. ❤️

  10. Replies
    1. Thanks Deanna!! It’s a very big improvement. Only took me 20 years to get here! Ha!

  11. I love the pantry makeover you did Kim. The contact paper on the shelves is so you and looks pretty. I like the plastic bins you used and the wire baskets are just great! You are so lucky to have a huge pantry closet and it's nice to have the inside cabinets for the kids art work. Great job Kim!

    1. Thanks so much, Julie! I love the way it all turned out. So funny, both cottages I've lived in have had those kinds of pantries. Neither one originally had an area to eat in or a second bathroom, but they both came with enormous places to store food! Priorities!! xo

  12. Super job, and I can't get over how real the stone looks! I think the shelves covered in the checks and wee flowers are so cottage-y and cute. :D

    1. Thanks Ricki! The stone looks really, real, even in person. It’s kind of crazy how realistic it is.

  13. LOVE IT!!! And I love that you kept the art work. I am doing the same in our new room that use to be the boys playroom/schoolroom. I will be sharing soon.
    Well done my friend.

    1. Thanks Carla! I can’t wait to see what you’ve been up to in their room. xxoo

  14. Now THAT was a lot of work and I bet it feels great! I might be inspired to do the same...those baskets looks so good!

    1. It was a lot of work, but it does feel great! And thanks, it was worth it!!

  15. It looks wonderful! It's wonderful to be able to find what you need and to know what you had. I like how you can see the stone. I did a lot of these projects this past year! So necessary.
    xoxo Su

    1. Thanks Su! It was a necessary redo. That cabinet never functioned well or looked very pretty. Now it does both! xxoo

  16. Kim, I love it. I had just finished crawling around looking for my oatmeal when I saw this. I definitely now have pantry envy. xo Laura

    1. I totally get it, Laura. I spent the last year doing that…hence the makeover! Enjoy the week!!

  17. Oh my goodness this is beautiful. The paper looks so real it freaked me out for a second. I love the shelves too so beautiful!

    You added such great storage pieces too! Pinned!!!!

    1. Thanks so much, Cindy! I have to say I'm loving the way it all looks. Sometimes, when I'm in the kitchen, I leave the pantry door open, just so I can look at the stone...🤫

  18. Hi Kim. You did such a good job and chose the perfect background. I love the rustic of the stones, it goes right in with your beautiful fireplace. It does look like everything has a place and everything in its place! What a great feeling it is to have eveything you need at your fingertips. I'm glad you kept all the kid's drawings. I remember when I got our pretty, shiny stainless fridge and I put all the magnets and what they held, away, but I did have to keep the best ones. The sides of the fridge are exposed so that worked out perfectly..Happy June..xxoJudy

    1. Thanks so much, Judy!! I just couldn't part with seeing their artwork and their awards and their cute faces every time I opened that cabinet. I did tape a few things more sturdily into place and it looks nicer against the backdrop of a very organized pantry. I'm glad you were able to find a way to keep a few of your treasures visible too! xoxo

  19. The stone backdrop couldn't be more perfect for your cottage home to match that gorgeous stone fireplace of yours. The pretty shelf paper works so well with the other elements in your kitchen. I bet it feels so good to have an organized pantry again.

    1. THanks Marie. That fireplace is my favorite and if I could have another one in the kitchen, I would. I think the paper in the pantry is as close as I'm going to get!! Haha!!

  20. You have inspired me to tackle my pantry. I love the combination of the red/white check and the hard rock wallpaper. Very clever and attractive!

    1. Thanks so much, Missy! I'm a cottage style decor lover through and through, so the combo just felt right.

  21. Kim,
    Love it!! I adore the peel and stick wall paper and the red and white checked paper on the shelving!! I shared my pantry a few years ago but Joe is the one who maintains the pantry closet and not me!! Since he does all the food shopping, he insists on organizing the pantry closet that my Dad built for me when he made out back patio into our Den. So I say...."Have at it!!" Thanks for sharing and thanks for stopping by!!! Have a great weekend!!

    1. I think that’s awesome that you have a pantry organizer on hand, Deb!! My husband is the freezer organizer. No matter what I used to put in there, he's take it out and find a better spot for it. Now I just let him do it from the get go. Less work for me!! Hahaha!!

  22. I love red gingham:) I'm envious of such a big pantry. Mine isn't "bad" but the shelves are deep and I'd prefer more shallow ones...and MORE shelves:) You knocked your pantry out of the park!!!

    1. Thanks so much, Cheri!! That red gingham was the inspiration for it all...I know how much you love that pattern. Me too!!

  23. Your pantry looks amazing!! I love the wallpaper patterns that you chose.

    1. Thanks Paula! As a true cottage style girl living in a 1920's bungalow, the patterns just seemed to fit.

  24. This is so fun and pretty - and personal! I love everything about it!

    1. Thanks Jen! I'm a huge fan of big compliment!!

  25. Well done! Organising your pantry is one of the hardest things to get around to, in my opinion. We go in there everyday and every day we think we'll get to it but never do. It looks fantastic.

    1. Thanks Carol!! It's been a spot that I've been content with as "good enough" for about 20 years. It was time for a change.

  26. My ideas nad pantry needs have morphed and changed over the years. I like baskets too.

    1. Same here, Linda. The older I get the more I crave very organized spaces. This one fits the bill now.

  27. Isn't it the best feeling to have an organized pantry! It turned out so cute!

  28. I love the stone peel and stick wallpaper you used as a backdrop to all the lovely baskets. I created a pantry under the stairs last year so I know how you must feel to have everything so well organised now!

    1. Thanks so much, that paper really is amazing. Looks like I have a stone pantry. And yes, it feels great.

  29. I just love organizing and enjoying the after! But you did an amazing job! Love the whole feel!

    1. Thanks so much, I love the whole feel, too! It just makes me smile now.

  30. Kim, your organized pantry looks amazing! I love those baskets and the red and white gingham with the flowers! So glad you kept your children's artwork...that makes me smile!

    1. Thank you so much, Lynne! I love the combination of all those pattens. I'm a traditional cottage style girl, so mixing is my gig. And yes, the's decades old, but I just can't let it go.

  31. Well done!! I love a good pantry makeover! The kid's artwork is the perfect touch too :)Pinned!

    1. Thanks so much, Cindy! I love the artwork. It reminds me of when the kids were tiny...those lovely long agos.

  32. This makes me want to get to work in my pantry!!!! I never thought of using wire baskets but seeing yours I can see why they work so well:)
    thanks for sharing!!

    1. I had no idea of how to organize and it was Amazon to the rescue. They suggested those baskets and boy were they right!

  33. I love a good makeover and none more than a pantry! Amazing transformation ... makes me want to get in there and cook. But, ugh, my pantry could use your winning touch! xo

    1. Thanks so much! I have to say I never put a lot of time or attention into organizing the pantry, but wow, what a difference it's made. I guess it really is the little things!!

  34. I wish I had a pantry! But I can apply these tips to my drawers and cabinets! The contact paper is very cute and what a good idea to put kid art on the inside of the door!

    1. Thanks so much! It's so funny, it's a super tiny cottage. Teeny bathrooms, but I have a big pantry. Haha!!
