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Delicious Iced Caramel Coffee At Home

May 12, 2021

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Be your own barista and whip up a delicious iced caramel coffee at home. Save money and time and get your drink made just the way you want it.

Iced Caramel Coffee With Creamer

Last weekend, on Friday evening, my husband surprised me and opened the pool.

A little bit of truth? I think he surprised himself.

You see, every spring the battle begins. I want my waterview back, after a long winter without it, as soon as the Easter Bunny leaves town.

And my husband does not.

He enjoys the sparkle in the yard just as much as I do, but he's content to wait for it.

Mainly because the trees are all blooming and there's stuff falling in it nonstop right now.

The pollen messes with the PH and the vacuum gets jammed. Not fun.

And since he's the one that deals with all that stuff, opening day is his call.

We also usually keep it closed until the end of May, because it's cold here.

Yes, the solar heat warms that water up in a jiffy, but honestly even then, no one is swimming when it's 58 degrees outside.

Pool in the backyard

The reason he opened it so early this year, is because last Friday he chopped a tree branch down and it fell into the pool and tore a giant hole in the cover.

It's not an ideal way to start the season.

But I got my waterview a few weeks early, so no complaints here.

It also got us dreaming about summer.

I started planning my garden and the girls made iced caramel coffees.

Normally, they would be going out for them. However, in summer, when you're wet from the pool or the beach, no one feels like getting in the car to go get one.

Convinced they could come up with a recipe that was as good as the coffee shops, they started testing now. Just to be prepared.

Of course, I am a hot water drinker, so this is not my beverage of choice. But I have to admit, it was very tempting. It's hard to resist caramel. In any form.

Just sayin.

Making Iced Caramel Coffee At Home

They started by gathering the ingredients.

Caramel and Coffee Mate

Instant single serve coffee bags (since we don't have a fancy machine)
Coffee Creamer
Caramel Syrup - from the ice cream aisle
And Ice

If you don't have caramel sauce did you know you could make your own from condensed milk? Yeah...neither did I! I guess you learn something new everyday.

They made the coffee in a microwave safe mug and set it on the counter to cool for a bit.

Instant Coffee Bags

In the meantime, they grabbed one of my mason jar mugs and drizzled caramel around the rim.

They went around slowly so the caramel had time to drip down the inside of the mug.

They did it this way rather than just dump the syrup into the bottom, because done that way, it all settles in a clump and doesn't mix into the coffee well.

Caramel Syrup In A Glass

Then they added a giant scoop of ice. I would say they filled the cup up about 2/3 of the way. You can add more or less ice. 

Just remember, as the ice melts, it will water down your coffee. And the taste will be affected.

My daughter used to work in a fancy bakery shop that made specialty coffees and they would make them with coffee ice cubes so the coffee wasn't diluted. 

With the ice maker in the door of the fridge, I don't have any ice trays hanging around to do that, but it's a neat trick if you have some at home.

Adding Ice To Coffee

By this time, the coffee was cool enough to add it to the caramel covered glass without breaking it. Had they poured the hot coffee into the ice filled mug straight away, the glass would've cracked.

There are mugs that can withstand this drastic temperature change. We just don't own any that I know of or feel confident enough to test.

Total aside, did you know that Pyrex used to be able to withstand these sudden and extreme temperature changes, but they manufacture it differently now. And they no longer recommend you do that? Yikes.

I was unaware until recently, so I thought I'd pass that tidbit on. 

Anyway...back to the caramel. I mean coffee.

Hot and Iced Coffee

Once the transfer was made, it was time to flavor the coffee according to taste. First up was the creamer. Or milk of your choice.

Sometimes I've seen them add a splash of almond milk with the creamer. Options...

Adding Creamer To Ice Coffee

Then it was time for sugar. Because apparently caramel on its own does not make the coffee sweet enough.

Adding Sugar To Iced Coffee

And when it was all mixed up and stirred well, they added whipped cream and more caramel to the top. 

Oh yes, and a metal straw.

Iced Caramel Coffee Recipe

The result was a decadent iced caramel coffee treat that really was as good as any you'd grab on the go.

We just need a little warm weather now.

Although, sitting by the pool in our cozy sweaters, with the taste of caramel and whipped cream on our lips, really isn't half bad.

I might have him trim the trees this time every year.


Iced Caramel Coffee Recipe

What's in your cup?
Kim Signature

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  1. Yum that sounds pretty good. Your pool looks so inviting now if the weather warms up you are ready to go. Happy Wednesday. xoxo

    1. Now they have me on a caramel kick…I’ve been eating Rolos all week. Not good for my waistline that’s for sure! xo

  2. I take hot coffee, pour chocolate and caramel into it, stir it and THEN pour it over ice.. That way, the chocolate and caramel melt and no clumps. Thanks for reminding me. I think I will make one now!!

    1. Oh...chocolate and caramel. My goodness, that sounds delicious. And your hot trick sounds good. I bet they could combine the two methods so they have caramel on the cup and more of it melted in the coffee. Thanks!

  3. That looks delicious! You might try freezing prepared coffee for your ice cubes so that the flavor of the iced drink won’t be diluted.

    1. Great tip! Thanks!! My mom used to do that all the time. I think I have to get some ice trays now. Too bad the automatic ice maker didn't have a coffee cube setting!! 😁

  4. Oh my word, I love these girls being in the house. First the dessert and now this. They can have this with no worries. They're young, ha.

    I'm pinning this because I can see me having this during the summer.

    I love ice coffee.

    What's with Pyrex changing the rules? What's happening in America?

    1. Haha…they can have it with no worries. Me not so much! I’m drooling from a far over the caramel coffee, but the desserts are my weakness.

      And yes, Pyrex! I had no idea. I’m so glad I read that article.

  5. I have done this before. So many flavors to choose from. Glad your pool is opened up. I have been enjoying ours for awhile.

    1. Your pool area is just stunning, Linda. I would out there all the time!!

  6. I'm not a coffee drinker, but even I might be tempted by this!

    1. You sounds like me, Mari!! Caramel…yum.

  7. Your iced drink looks wonderful. You pool looks amazing. I envy anyone who can have a pool. Our weather is way too unpredictable for one but I love the thought of it.

    1. The pool season is short here, but having grown up with a pool, that's what summer means to me. The house is tiny, but there was room for a pool...sold! And thanks!

  8. Yum!! I am a huge caramel fan! And a coffee fab too! Pinned!

    1. Thanks! I told the girls, you had me at caramel!!

  9. This looks delicious! So glad you got your water view back early!

    1. Thanks Jen! Now I just need the weather to catch up.

  10. I think coffee that is made to taste like a dessert is the kind of coffee I would like!!!! And I'm going to try hot coffee now too;)

    1. Mmm...I'm all about dessert, too. And weakness.

  11. Well, it's pretty nice to have your own personal baristas, Kim. :) I bet they could make a pretty mean blended mocha, which is my cold coffee drink of choice. Your pool is beautiful, and I know you're going to enjoy every minute out there. We've just had what I hope is our last snow here on Tuesday, and it's supposed to be near 70 today. Summer can't come fast enough for me! Hugs.

    1. Snow!?! Yikes. It’s happened here on a few occasions this late in the season, but not this year. I hope that was the last of it until fall for you, too. C’mon summer!! Hugs!

  12. That's fun! I'm trying to learn to make chai lattes for myself at home, iced or hot! I need more practice!

    1. Yum! My daughter worked at a bakery that made specialty drinks so she's a bit ahead of the game.

  13. It's so much fun making your own coffee drinks at home. This is the type of drink my daughter loves to make too. I hope you enjoy this beautiful weather we're having and fun drinks.

    1. These kids are so creative in the kitchen. I love their sense of food adventure. ☺️

  14. Replies
    1. I think it’ll be great when it gets hot here.

  15. Your iced caramel coffee sounds like a wonderful summer beverage to enjoy. Having a backyard pool must be so fun. I hope you are able to use it very soon.

  16. the recipe sounds delicious! so sorry the pool cover got damaged but at least you got your water view back!!! Enjoy!

    1. Thanks! Like I said, not ideal, but I'm kind of ok with that. 😉

  17. I love to make iced coffee at home, but mine is always boring ha ha. Enjoy your pool view!

    1. I drink hot water every day, so I totally understand boring!! Haha!!

  18. YUM!!! What a great recipe. I like iced coffee in the summer, this will be a perfect treat after weeding the garden. :-)

    1. Mmm…I think gardening sounds equally as wonderful. I wish I was better at keeping those little plants alive!! Haha.

  19. I am just impressed that you are the only person other than me, that uses Folger's coffee in tea bags. What a convenience ! When I am buying my similar concoction at the convenience store, I ask for extra flavored creamers to use at home.

    1. Aren't those bags great, Myrna? My family loves them. The only problem I have is that I can't find them anywhere around here. I have to order them online from Walgreens! They'er the only store that sells them.

  20. Summer ready!I love iced coffee with a splash of cream. No sweets though for me. I just posted about making caramel with sweetened condernsed milk. surely that would besweet enough!

    1. I just read your post Linda and I'm astonished. I never knew this! Thanks for sharing.

  21. Is this a diet drink? Asking for a friend. This makes me miss my pool. xo Laura

    1. Haha! I wish! Too many of these and I’ll need extra time IN the pool! xo

  22. What a great story! We always make iced coffee with ice cream in the summer but I've never tried the caramel version - yet! Roll on hot summer afternoons!

    1. Mmm...I love the ice cream addition! Now that sounds like summer!!

  23. Kim!

    This sounds delicious!! In fact I am going to go over to the coffee pot and fire her up so I can do this!!! RIGHT NOW!!! XoXo Aliya

    1. Enjoy Aliya!! It's a good day for a little pre-summer treat. xo
