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New Sparkle In The Kitchen

April 30, 2021

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I've always adored a little sparkle. Whether it's on my finger, around my wrist or holding flowers on the kitchen table. Sparkle make me smile.

So I guess it's kind of odd that when I chose the hardware in the kitchen, all those years ago, I picked matte finishes.

Liberty Hardware Rope Edged Knob in bags

It was very out of character.

What's even odder, is that I like things to match. Well, coordinate is probably a better word, but my sink fixtures have always been polished chrome.

Shouldn't the pulls and knobs have matched?

Well, yes, they should've.

At least in my design book. However, twenty years ago, cup pulls were reemerging as a hot item and shiny finishes were passé.

I couldn't find them anywhere.

They were all nickel or dark iron or brushed chrome. Not my favorites by a long shot, but if I was going to be "in style" I had to follow the rule book.

And even though, I've regretted that choice for a long, long time, I never swapped that hardware out.

Oh, I thought about it often, but hardware is pricy and I'm a bargain hunting DIY kind of girl.

Investing in cup pulls and knobs that wouldn't look much different to the most people didn't make much sense.

But. But that's not really what I preach.

I always tell people to decorate with what you love. It doesn't matter if anyone else likes it or notices it or even ever sees it.

Forget the trends.

It's your home and your view.

Let it make you smile.

So I few weeks ago, I took my own advice and ordered new shiny polished chrome cup pulls for my cabinets.

Polished Chrome Cup Pull

I found them at Home Depot in a pack of 24 for under $50. Exactly what I needed, reasonable and definitely sparkly.

And boy, did they make me smile.

Of course, I suddenly needed the knobs to coordinate, but I had no idea what kind I wanted. Well, other than shiny.

Luckily, I had a few old styles of polished chrome knobs in the basement. They were leftovers from other projects, but I figured I'd be able to get an idea based on their shapes or designs.

After a bit of digging, I found several lovely braided knobs from our bathroom vanity makeover and I hung them up.

To my great surprise, they were perfect.

Polished Chrome Cabinet Knob

Now I just had to find 19 more of them online.

Unfortunately, they only had seven at Home Depot. That's where they were cheapest, at about $3.50 a pop.

I believe they're on their way out, discontinued. Not the other finishes, mind you...just my beloved polished chrome.

Apparently, it's still not really in vogue. Decor. Story. Of. My. Life.

However, smaller specialty hardware shops had them in stock, but for much more. 

Like double. And at $6 and $7 each, times 19? Um, you do the math. Definitely not a bargain.

At first, I moped. And then I walked away. For weeks, actually.

The kitchen was a mismatched, mish mash mess. 

Then last week, I decided to dig back into the internet and look again.

I guess it was my lucky day because there on eBay was a listing for the exact knobs, brand new in their packages, for a buck each and $3 shipping for all of them!

New Braided Knobs In The Kitchen

Whoa...what?? Amazing. I plopped them in my cart and checked out so fast, I barely breathed as I punched in my password.

They showed up almost as fast.

My husband took off all the old ones, as I cut open the bags and in no time flat, the sparkle was everywhere.

Removing Old Hardware

I have to say, I love it.

It may be an imperceptible change to anyone else, but sitting at my desk, gazing into the kitchen that bling is all I see.

Braided Chrome Kitchen Knob

And like I said, that's all that matters.

Ok, that and everything matches again.

New Polished Chrome Hardware In The Kitchen

Oh...and speaking of've got a fun sneak peek for you. And it's blue!!

Pottery Barn Cambria Mugs

Can you believe it? This dedicated and devoted red girl purchased something in the blue family?? 

Turquoise is a more accurate description, but not even close to red. These gorgeous mugs caught my eye when I was online ordering replacements for the white Pottery Barn ones I broke. 

They were so vibrant, I had to try them and I adore the way they look against the red in my kitchen. 

So fresh and very cottagecore.

And very smiling inducing.

You can bet there'll be more to come. 

What's new in your kitchen?
Kim Signature

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  1. It was your lucky day to find just what you wanted! And I love the mugs too.

    1. Thanks Brenda! It certainly was my lucky day…and those mugs are just so pretty against the reds and pinks. I always thought it would be too Elvis/ Retro for my taste versus that Cottage Style feel I adore, but it’s all about choosing the right shades. Now I’m hooked!

  2. It looks like everything in the universe was aligned for you! Lucky you! I love the turquoise mugs.

    1. It was a lucky day to shop for knobs, Briana, that's for sure! And thank you friend!

  3. The knobs and pulls look great. So glad you found more online. Very cute mugs as well and the roses. Happy weekend.

    1. Thanks Linda! I'm enjoying the new view...and that price. The mugs cost more than the knobs!! Ha!! Happy weekend!!

  4. I love when that happens! Perfect match and lovely sparkle! I think Aqua and red are great together!

  5. I love the bling, and blue always pairs well with red! I love your new kitchen sparkle!

    1. Thanks!! The blue really is an unexpected and fun addition.

  6. Well that worked out great for you. Don't you love when that happens? Sometimes I say, if I keep looking it will appear.

    Guess what it did. Love it and the mugs are petty and yes a surprise. Who doesn't love that?

    1. Thanks Cindy! I’m glad I keep looking. And I’ll have to remember your saying! I have a few more things I hope to find. Fingers crossed!! Happy Weekend!

  7. Hooray for the sparkle and getting a deal too! I've just been searching the internet for poly glider chairs for our porch. Much more expensive than knobs, but I found a good price and then searched for a code and saved another $100! However, I'll have to wait a while to get them.
    I love the mugs too - you did good!

    1. Thanks and wow! You go girl! $100 savings is huge. I love when that happens. I also love a good glider, nothing better on a porch!

  8. They are beautiful!!! I love shiny, but mine are brass :-)
    I think turquoise/teal, and red is a great combination!! Looking forward to seeing your mugs!!
    Blessings, J

    1. Thanks J! I've always loved green accents with red, but sometimes it feels a little too much like Christmas. The teal is definitely fresher for spring and summer and just as much fun!

  9. Love your new knobs! They look great and I am loving the sparkle too! I think us gals all need a little sparkle in our lives every now and then!

    1. Thanks Cara! It's much cheaper to dress the kitchen in sparkle than me. 😉

  10. Hi Kim,
    How pretty are these?!!!! Then to find them on Ebay for that price. Wooo Hooo! They look great with the white. Hugs. Kris

    1. Thanks so much Kris! I was shocked when I found them...and for a buck? Meant to be. Hugs!

  11. The bling in your kitchen looks wonderful. Love the color of the mugs. I think turquoise and red look great together.

    1. Thanks Penny! I figured you like that blue pop!

  12. I like the new knobs and pulls for your kitchen cabinets Kim. It's awesome that you found what you needed on Ebay! I broke some vintage dishes and I was so happy when I found them on Ebay. It's amazing how little touches can make a big difference in how a room can look fresh and updated. The new mugs are great too.

    1. Isn't online shopping great, Julie? It's like an endless yard sale where you can punch up exactly what you need and poof! And thanks for the kind words. I do enjoy the new view.

  13. I love the new knobs & pulls. I drooled over cup pulls when we remodeled a few years ago fear of spiders. It's seriously real & all I could think of was coming into the kitchen early in the morning to open a drawer & grabbing a spider hiding under the pull! I'm seriously weird about spiders. I shake out my shoes before I put them on & keep those sticky spider traps hidden everywhere in my house.

    Nothing new in my kitchen right now but I have finally...finally! cleaned up & decorated my screened porch for spring. Just in time for summer almost. I ordered new cushions which came yesterday, & set up the sweet little bird fountain my husband gave to me for Christmas. Heaven.

    1. Oh Jenny…you have just given me a new fear!! I hate spiders. I can take anything, snakes, mice, whatever, but spiders?? No. I too shake out my shoes, I have a deep fear! I never thought about the pulls though. Until now. Thank you. Ha! Two nights ago we were in bed and I was just about to put my book on the nightstand and turn out the light when I felt something run down my arm. Yup. It crawled off of me and onto the bedding. I screamed and scrambled away while my husband disposed of the interloper…but let’s just say, I slept on his side of the bed that night!!

      On a lighter note, your bird fountain and cushions sound lovely. I’m on a cushion hunt right now and it’s not going very well. The sizes are not standard. Grr…I hope I don’t have to make covers.

      Enjoy the weekend!!

    2. Sorry for adding a new sound just like me. I cannot bear them.

    3. Hahaha! I found one in the curtains above the sink this morning and I thought of you while I checked my shoes. Shudder...🕷

    4. I had one on my living room ceiling this morning.

      My husband quotes Proverbs 30:28 when I complain about spiders in my house....even the king's palace has them!

    5. My mom used to say, why so afraid…how much could they eat? It was not comforting.

    6. Oh that makes me laugh! My mom never thought of that.

  14. Kim: I love anything shiny too and your knobs and pulls are perfect. I swear we have ESP when it comes to colors, as you will someday see whenever we get our screened porch put to rights. Love those mugs..xxoJudy

    1. Oh…can’t wait to see what you’re going to show us, Judy! And yes, we definitely are always on the same decor wavelength…which I think is fabulous, since I absolutely adore your style!! xo

  15. Hi Kim,
    I love the knobs. And I am a fan of blue, so those mugs make me smile.

    P.S. I just read Jenny's comment. YIKES !!! Spiders.

    1. Thanks Carla...and yes, spiders are yikes!! Never thought of that before and now that's all I can think about...hahaha!!

  16. Perseverance wins the day. Love your new knobs, and I totally agree that everyone should decorate how they want. no one else lives in your house. xo Laura

    1. Thanks Laura! It was a lucky find for sure. Glad I took a break and came back for them. Kismet!

  17. I love cup pulls! So glad you found the exact hardware you wanted!

    1. Thanks so much! It was a happy ending treasure hunt kind of day!

  18. I am a fan of shiny chrome and really like both the knobs and the pulls that you chose for your kitchen. Great job on finding the knobs at a great price on Ebay!

  19. isn't it amazing how just small changes can make s big difference in a room and really make us smile. Glad you found those knobs!

    1. Thanks Linda! The magic really is in the details!

  20. I love it when that happens! Sometimes, it pays to 'sleep on it' and see what turns up. I love the new knobs and the sparkle!

    1. Yes! I love that phrase...sleeping on it definitely paid off. I need to try to do that more. Thanks for the visit!! I hope to see you in the comments again!

  21. Kim!!!

    This is the best!! It's amazing what something so little and simple can do for a space! I loved when we switched our cabinet pulls. instant beauty!!! PS Glad you found blue and green are my go to colors. Well after white ;)


    1. Thanks so much, Aliya! It was a nice swap. I love the new hardware. And yes! Never thought I'd be adding blue, but there it is! SO pretty. I'm hooked!

  22. What a great deal! The knobs and pulls look wonderful!

    1. Thanks so much! And yes...It was a great deal. I'm still smiling!!

  23. They are so beautiful, and how lucky to find them cheaper!

    1. Thanks so much, Corine! It was a shock and very, very pleasant surprise to find them that way. Meant to be for sure!!

  24. New hardware for the win! They look great and even better when you get exactly what you want for a deal!

    1. Thanks Jennifer! I think it was a very lucky case of one man's junk...certainly my treasure!!

  25. My favorite, changing the pulls. You did so good! I paid so much money for mine, which I found a treasure like you!

    1. Thanks so much! And yes, the bargain part was a huge bonus!

  26. It is definitely the little things that make a home. I love the story of how you found your beautiful and shiny new hardware. Meant to be!
