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A Look In The Rearview Mirror

December 31, 2020

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Champagne and Strawberries

Every year, as the calendar comes to close, I, like so many others, find myself looking in the rearview mirror.

This year is no exception.

Except that it was, quite obviously, very different than other years.

For us, it meant a lot of alone time spent in our home. And I mean, a lot.

Until March, 2020 was business as usual.

I steam cleaned my sofa and my sticky iron, played with new kitchen toys, updated my master bathroom curtain and among other things, wondered if my style was still in style after a wallpaper shopping trip.

Is Country Style Still In Style?

Is Country Style Out?
I even got a brand new chair for my kitchen desk area.

This Chair Is Just Right

Cottage Style Kitchen Desk Area

I contemplated a new couch in the family room and some minor tweaks around the house, but nothing too big.

Then New York locked down.

It was unprecedented and unnerving. So or course, I wrote about it, recounting how I've used crafts to get through tough times before.

Crafting Through The Chaos

How To Find Calm Among Chaos With DIY and Crafts

For the rest of the year, I took my own advice and jumped into crafting and DIY with full force.

Unbelievably, even without going to a store - ok, I went to one or two for fabric - I was able to completely redecorate three rooms in my house, as the walls started to close in.

Nothing drastic, just a few tweaks.

Stenciled Bathroom Wall

Kitchen Makeover

Living Room Makeover 

The kitchen makeover was done mainly with fabric.

Cottage Style Kitchen Makeover With Red Curtains and White round table

New curtains
New Fabric On The Cabinets
And a New Sink Skirt

Apple on red plate and red fabric with ball fringe

But there was also a darling fireplace and a new DIY bench in the nook.

And while, yes, my crafty journeys took a bit longer this year, involved online shopping and a little more trial and error than I'm used to, it was still quite manageable. 

The living room makeover was completed on a budget, too. This one was easier though, since I had the fabric cast offs from the kitchen.

Cottage Style Living Room Makeover With Red Curtains

As the holidays set in and the crafting bug really bit me, I just opened my craft closet and dug out some of the pieces I'd be meaning to get to over the years.

No shopping necessary.

Who knew I had so many beauties hiding in there?

Small Wooden Sled Makeover

Merry Christmas Wooden Sled Makeover With Santa

I even found some buried treasure in my wall. Quite a full year, indeed.

Peeking Into A Hole In The Wall

Overall, when I glance back at the year through my DIY goggles, it doesn't look all that different from the others.

Of course, the chaos was still there. Impacting us all.

My hope for the new year is that our collective chaos disappears.

My heart aches for those who have experienced loss, for those who have been lonely, unwell, without pay or filled with anxiety. 

At the same time, my heart is grateful for the respite this blog has provided me, the diversion of writing and crafting, the comments and emails I receive, the friendships I have made and the community that resides here. 

These connections have made my year less lonely for sure.

And I honestly cannot thank you enough.

Whether I'm looking forward or back.

Wishing you all nothing but the best in 2021...

Kim Signature

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  1. Happy New Year, Kim Prayers for a better year for us all!


  2. Oh Sweet Friend. Wishing you and your beautiful family a Happy 2021. We have shared so much this past year and I have valued your wonderful friendship shared. You have been a beacon of light many times throughout this past year. For that I am grateful. Let's hope and pray for more love, less unrest and seriously lets win the war with Covid!!!! Have a nice evening. xoxo Kris

    1. I say ditto to everything you said my friend!! Here’s to a blessed and healthy new year for us all…Big, big hugs!! xxoo

  3. It's been a crazy year for sure, in so many ways! We have been blessed above measure here where I live, as it has been life as normal really for us. Yet, I know for so many others that has not been the case. I do know I have stayed home more just because home is my happy place, and I love the creative things and projects that I can do here at home. I've always been inspired by your projects, your creativity, and most of all your inspirational writing. I pray that the New Year ushers in better things for everyone! Much love to you dear friend!

    1. Thank you so much, Marilyn. You must know that I send the same wishes back to you. Your words are always a comfort and a bright spot. Your pictures aren't so bad either. 😉 I still have the beautiful letter you sent me when my mom passed away and now I'm so happy to have more of your words in the shape of your book. I wish you a wonderful year ahead, full of hope and blessings my friend. xxoo

  4. Kim, I wish the same for you and yours. PLEASE, 2021, be good to all of us! P.S. I'm still crushing on those checked curtains...and all of your decor:)

    1. Big hugs and big hearts to you my friend.

  5. Happy New Year dearest Kim! you have such a happy and giving spirit.
    and you are a bright light in this time of darkness. thank you for being You!
    here's to a healthy and wonderful 2021 for us all!

    1. Tammy, I could easily say the exact same thing about you...your words are always a bright light and you have such a happy, giving spirit that you're always willing to share and shine on others. All the best in 2021 my friend!! xo

  6. Happy New Year, Kim. It's been quite the year and we all hope that better days lie ahead, but we know that sorrow and joy go hand in hand at times.

    1. Oh boy, I am hoping for a much better year, too, Lorrie! Fingers crossed and best wishes for a happy, healthy 2021!!

  7. Kim, it has been quite a year, hasn't it? I have loved moving through your diy's throughout the year. Your energy has kept me going and I am so thankful for your friendship and your constant good words and sweet thoughts for me. I hope you know that I send them all right back to you tenfold. This has got to be a better year, I need to get out of my pajamas! Happy and Healthy New Year to you and your sweet family..Stay well..xxoJudy

    1. Judy, what a lovely comment. You must know that I feel the exact same way, our conversations have been a very bright spot in a dark year. Your home is a dream. I often leave your posts and start googling looking for some of your pieces so I can have them in my own home. Right now I'm one the hunt for that lovely sign your kids gave you. It's dreamy. And I hear you with the pajamas, I need to get out of my or into much more stylish ones, that's for sure!! Be well and xxoo

  8. Nice year's end post, and you accomplished a lot of pretty projects! Here's to health, happiness, and FREEDOM in 2021!

    1. Thank you, Ricki, and best wishes for all those things...for all of us!!

  9. Replies
    1. You too, Penny!! Only the best in 2021 to you and yours.

  10. Happy New Year, Kim! It certainly has been a year, but I'm looking 'forward' to a better one. It will take time, but I have hope for more 'normal'.

    1. I am right there hoping along with you, Ann!

  11. You are so talented in doing crafts and in decorating your home. I enjoyed looking at all of your DIY projects that you have accomplished. I can't wait until we are all safe from this virus and can get back to a more normal life with no worries about anything! Wishing you a happy new year Kim.

    1. Thanks Julie!! And I am wishing and hoping for the same exact thing. It would be lovely to hop in the car and come visit you...and maybe get a few crocheting lessons from the pro!! xxoo Happy 2021!

  12. Kim,
    Well said, my friend!! I know how hard this year has been for you especially because of where you live which was in the epicenter of everything when it all started. But you did all you could to keep busy and make it through...I was like you and found myself being so busy doing everything I wanted to do but didn't get to while I was still working...Despite everything, I did enjoy my first year of retirement and hope to continue doing so for quite some time...I want to go through my Craft Room and decide what to keep and what to pass on , knowing that there are some projects that I will never do...i also have a HUGE project that I truly need to do get to and finish...Going through, organizing and putting 43 years of pictures in acid free cases that I bought close to 2 years ago....Those are the major things that i truly need to do this year.Happy New Year to you and your family!!! Stay safe, healthy and happy and keep these posts coming!!!

    1. It was a heck of a year for a retirement, Debbie, but I'm glad you were able to find the positivity in it and some enjoyment! And I hope you get to those photos. I have tons of them on old computers that I need to download, print and organize. If we lived closer, we could have picture parties! Hugs!!

  13. Cheers to 2021, may it be a much better year and the one where covid is nipped in the bud. I've enjoyed all the creative and inspiring projects you've shared with us in 2020 as well as your wonderful writing skills. Stay safe and healthy and looking forward to seeing what you have in store for us in this brand new year! Hugs from Canada

    1. Cheers to you, too, Marie! Thank you for the lovely comment and hopeful wishes for 2021!!

  14. Hello my dear friend,
    Your comments, encouragement during Sam's deployments, your way of making me laugh on days that I am not feeling like laughing.. those are just a few of the reasons I love you Kim. You have a fun way of writing. I love your tutorials! And those stories of your Prince Charming.. they make me chuckle.
    Best to you and your girls and your Prince in 2021!
    Lots of Love,

    1. Thank you, my sweet, sweet friend. You know, I enjoy your posts, as well. I've become quite invested in following your lovely family. And your comments always, always brighten my days. Sending you love and all the best in 2021!! ♥️
