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Fan Blade Junk Angel DIY

November 28, 2020

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A few years ago, I found a ceiling fan in the garbage and ever since, I've been obsessed with turning the old blades into new pieces of seasonal home decor.

It's a funny pastime for a girl who made her husband remove every single fan in the house the day we moved in.

Let's just say I've never been a fan of the fan.

Moss and Bead Garland Halo For Angel Craft

However, over the years, I've made all sorts of fun and creative things out of those blades.

Door tags to welcome fall.

A floral embellished sign for spring.

Ghosts for Halloween.

Tom Turkey for Thanksgiving and even a hand painted tree for Christmas.

And every time I think I've exhausted my supply of fan parts, one falls out of my craft closet and I'm off and running with another idea.

Today, I'm excited to share my latest - and I may dare to say greatest - upcycle of them all. And just in time for our latest Do It Over Designers hop. 

It's a wooden fan blade junk angel and while she'd look great in the house all year round, at Christmas she's especially fabulous.

Come see for yourself.

So it all started back in August, when I saw a video from Country Sampler Magazine. It was a tutorial on how to make a junk angel from an old shutter.

I was smitten immediately. 

Of course, I didn't have any old shutters hanging around so I had to put my thinking cap on...and then got distracted by curtains and forgot all about it.


Until one day when I was digging through my craft closet for sewing supplies and a fan blade literally fell out and onto my foot.

Old Wooden Fan Blade

It was then that the wheels started turning. 

The shape of the fan blade was reminiscent of a dress with its slightly belled shape and ruffled bottom. 

Bingo. Now the hunt was on for the other parts...hmmm.

While nothing else fell on me, I was able to dig out two old wooden frames (that used to hang on my bathroom wall- no seriously) for wings.

Supplies for the head were easy to find, too.

Unfinished Wooden Round

I had one medium sized wooden craft round, a remnant from my cake plate DIY, and enough moss and berry garland, more leftovers, this time from my sock angels, to complete my project. 

I swear that little cabinet is like the clown car of craft closets. I honestly don't know how it all fits. 

Once I had all my supplies gathered, it was time to put the old girl together. 

How To Make A Wooden Fan Blade Junk Angel 

While I do include supplies and detailed instructions when I share my crafts, I'm mostly hoping to inspire you.

That sentiment is very appropriate with this particular craft since it's a junk upcycle.

Junk Art Angel Craft Supplies

Feel free to embellish your own angel with anything you have hanging around.

Mine is simple, but yours could be holding an old book or have straw, ribbon or yarn hair.

You could opt to add arms with twigs or old wooden scraps.

The possibilities are truly endless and the more creative you get, the more personal your project will be.

Which is always best in my opinion. 

As I said, I started with an old fan blade, but that alone is no angel. She needed a head and that's where Mr. Wonderful and his drill came in.

Marking wood round with a pencil to attach to fan blade to make junk angel craft

First, I used a pencil to mark where I wanted the head to be mounted.

Then he used a drill to make pilot holes for the screws he used to attach the two pieces.

If he had screws with heads larger than the holes that were already drilled into the fan blade, we would've used them.

Drilling Holes Into Fan Blade Angel Craft

Alas, we did not and we didn't want to go buy anything.

Also, we used screws rather than nails because screws will grip better...and yes, we could've used glue, but again, we felt that screws were strongest.

Wood Round Screwed Onto A Fan Blade For Angel

When the pieces were put joined, I started painting.

I used white for the body and a flesh tone for the face. I didn't prime, since I wanted a rough, distressed appearance.

Painting A Fan Blade

The wings had already been painted white years before. The bathroom. Remember? 

So I just glued them on to the back of the fan blade where I thought they'd look best. They are not symmetrical, which adds to that pieced together feel.

Decorative Wooden Frames

Next up, my girl needed a pretty face.

To make her eyes and mouth, I traced half of roll of scotch tape with pencil.

Using A Tape Roll To Make An Angel Face

Then I traced over the eye lines with a black fine tip marker and a red pencil to make the mouth pop.

Moss and Bead Garland Halo For Angel Craft

The last step in this process was to hot glue some moss to the top of her head, add a small red berry halo and a very dainty white organza bow to her dress.

To add some sweetness to my junkie, upcycled wooden angel.

Upcycled Fan Blade Angel

Done in less than an hour, with the free supplies I had on hand.

And like I said, she's fabulous.

Or maybe she's fan-tastic.

I'll let you decide. 😉

Hey before you go, it's time to hop around and check out what my 'Do It Over Designer' friends are sharing today!

Check out all the fun stuff!!

Do It Over Designers Graphic

Trash To Treasure Junk Fan Blade Angel.jpg
Kim Signature

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  1. You've officially converted me to being a fan of fan... upcycles! So adorable Kim!

    1. Thanks Sara!! And I think that's what I am...a fan of fan upcycles!! Perfect.

  2. What a very clever idea!! She is adorable and this is a great recycling idea!

    1. Thanks Patti! I love working with those fan blades and they're so easy to find at the curb.

  3. Oh! She is darling!!!! I am with you- I do not like ceiling fans. Everyone thought I was nuts when I had them taken down. Everyone said I would be grateful to have them come summer. Wrongo! Bye-bye fans!
    That is a great use for those blades. Now you have a few more you can make! lol. xoDiana

    1. Thanks Diana…I like her, too. And yup, those fans are no good. All they do is blow the dust around in my house or the pollen on the patio. That doesn’t work for me. I’m also less than thrilled with their appearance…but I do love those fan blades! 😉

  4. Yes, she is 'Fan'-tastic! I love how you made her face - clever girl!

    1. Thanks Ann! Great hop as always and I'm glad I had something fun to contribute this time.

  5. Aww, I love your angel! I have a fan blade ghost I made like 100 years ago!! I may need to find a fan blade to make an angel now!


    1. Tried and true craft supplies for sure...with so many possibilities. And great minds obviously think alike.

  6. So cute and creative. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Thanks for the comment, Rebecca. I'm so glad you enjoyed this one!

  7. I get people who ask me all of the time ... what can I do with a fan blade. I'm sending them your way. So cute! Thanks for sharing and wonderful crafting with you.

    1. Thanks so much!! That's very funny, but I totally get it. I see fans at the thrift store and at the curb all the time. There's certainly no shortage of ideas out there.

  8. Oh Kim she is soooooooooo sweet. And here's you not being a fan of a fan :D I bet she'll bring you lots of joy for many years. She's a beauty

    1. Thanks Michelle...and I know! I guess I'm just a fan of fan parts!! Silly me.

  9. Your fan angel is too adorable and sweet, Kim! I loved your story on how it all came about! You certainly know how to put your thinking cap on and make the cutest creations!

  10. She is beautiful. I will never look at old ceiling fan blades the same again!

    1. Thanks Donna...and careful, it can become an obsession and quick!

  11. Such a sweet angel. Love her wings and sweet face. I love chandeliers, however because of my hot flashes, fans do help.

    1. Oh the hot flashes! I hear you, Linda. I have the ac on from April to October!

  12. It never fails to amaze me what you see in the simplest of things!

    1. Brenda, you always say the nicest things. Thank you, my friend.

  13. Wow! How creative and cute is this? She looks so sweet:) Great upcycle! xo Kathleen

    1. Thank you, Kathleen! I had fun with this one. Have a super weekend! 😊

  14. You are so creative Kim! I love that angel you made out of a fan. It's nice that you and your husband work together with your DIY projects. :)

    1. Thanks Julie! He’s a true DIY guy so it works out well. 😊

  15. Okay girlfriend, this is adorable! I see fan blade and you see angel. Love her wings.


    1. Thanks Cindy! After a while, this upcycling stuff starts to take over your brain. Haha!

  16. Your angel is just the cutest, such a clever reuse of the fan. They should sell the blades in craft stores they have so many uses. lol

    1. Thanks so much, Anita! And you know what? Some enterprising eBayer or Etsy shop just might!

  17. She is adorable Kim. What a great way to reuse an old fan blade. Hope your Thanksgiving was great and happy Weekend. xoxo Kris

  18. Yes, she is fantastic! So cute!

  19. Kim, I'm a fan of your fan angel !! She is so stinkin' cute !!! How do you come up with such fantastic ideas. Going to browse some more of your creations.

    1. Why thank you, Naush! What a lovely thing to say...thanks so much for the visit and for hopping!

  20. Yes, your fan angel is FAN-tastic:) I've seen Santas and snowmen made from fan blades too. But your angel is very special...and everyone needs an angel or two, especially at Christmas:)

    1. Thanks Cheri! Hmmm...I've done snowmen, but not Santas. I might have to try that...

  21. What a fan-tastic upcycle! She turned out great and I love her unique wings. Pinned.

    1. Thank you so much, Allyson! I think this one is fan-tastic, too!!

  22. Kim, she is such a little cutie. You just amaze me how your mind works. I am so behind in getting around to everyone and I know I have missed some good stuff. Are you liking the new paint by number company? I found a new one that has some cute stuff and just finished another one which I will be displaying in all its glory soon. Ordered another and just got it but won't start until after I get my Christmas chaos done with..Stay well my friend..xxoJudy..Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I think I might have caught up now!!

    1. Hi Judy! As you can see, I'm behind, too. It been weeks and I'm just answering some comments now. Tsk, tsk on me. I am enjoying the new paint company, I do seem to favor the original company though. I like their brushes best. I have a new painting from Winnie's Picks, but I haven't started it yet either...soon, I hope! xxoo

  23. Hi,
    I pinned this idea Kim, I love it. You are so clever.
