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Before And After Kitchen Makeover

October 10, 2020

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Have you ever had a project you were so excited to get done.

But you just couldn't get started, no matter how hard you tried?

Gosh, it's frustrating.

Butternut Squash and roses In Kitchen For Fall

You dream and you plan.

You shop and you gather.

And then you stall. For a good long time.
Then all of a sudden you get that burst of energy or inspiration...and like magic, your project is done.

Well, if you can relate, then you know exactly what happened to me this week.

I finally had all the supplies on hand that I needed to make new curtains in both the kitchen and the living room and once I started sewing, I couldn't stop.

I think I was up until 2am on Tuesday night and I loved every minute of it. My husband thought I was crazy, but once those creative juices started flowing I was determined to finish.

And I'm so glad I did, because I couldn't be happier with the way the rooms turned out after all my decorating drama - part one and part two!

Today, I will be sharing part three of my curtain saga - the kitchen makeover,

I have to say, I think this is my best look yet.

We added this room way back in 2002 and while most of the elements have not changed, there have been many different curtain looks over the years.

From dramatic ring clip roosters and airy linen my latest ball fringe embellished versions.

But valances. Always valances.

Spring Kitchen nook with red and pink accents

They suit the room well. They let tons of light in and when the garden is in bloom and the pool is open, the view is fabulous.

And let's face it, they're cheap and easy to make. 

I loved the latest window dressings and honestly, if I hadn't needed to change the living room curtains, I don't think I would've taken them down.

Heavy drapes were never even an option before last month.

However once I got the idea of those red buffalo checks in my head, there was no turning back.

Update!! You can peek at the complete curtain DIY right here, right now

Pretty dramatic change, huh?

Fall Kitchen Nook with red checked curtains and roses on the table

It's truly amazing what a little fabric can do to a room. It's a complete makeover from one tiny swap.

Seriously, if you take a good look around my kitchen, not much else has changed. I did get a new rug this summer, but that's old news. 

Same chandelier, pillow and seat cushions. The same old sink skirt is hiding the garbage pail and my red roosters are back up over the window.

I even still have the same wooden wreath on the hood.

I know it's hard to believe I didn't do more in here, but that dreamy fabric changes the entire vibe of the room.

The new grown up look is full of drama and delicious color and it's all thanks to the those long, full panels. 

Red Buffalo Checked Curtain Panels in the kitchen near a round table

They make my new bench really pop, too. It fits perfectly. Like I always knew it would.

Since there's a little more sophistication living here now, I did add a few black accents to my fall plate rack.

I think they're perfect for fall. 

Pine Plate Rack Decorated For Fall

Of course, decor shouldn't be all that serious, so I put out the sweet knitted pumpkins my daughter whipped up for me this week.

Aren't they darling all nestled together?

Knitted Pumpkins On A Plate For Fall Decor

Don't tell her, but I think they'd make an awesome banner. 

Actually, that might be next week's project.

You know, since I'm done with this one now.

In the meantime, I'll just be sitting here.

Roses And Apples On Fall Kitchen Table

Enjoying my new view.

And wondering why it took me so long to make it happen.

Quick Kitchen Makeover text over red and white kitchen nook

Are you a decorating procrastinator? 

Kim Signature

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  1. I went back and read Part One & Part Two-having been dealing with lots of hubby health issues here I have been remiss in visiting. I can SOOO commiserate with the whole process of trying to find something perfect...and the color clashing drives me nuts.
    Laughed about the velvet unreturnables - have a couple of those 'stashes', too.
    I love how everything ended up though-it was worth the wait and effort and lack-of-sleep. Happy weekend- xo Diana

    1. Thanks Diana! It's silly what we fixate on, isn't it. All this time trapped at home has me climbing the walls and sick of my decor. New curtains seemed to be a quick fix. Ha! I guess third time's the charm! Hoping all is going well over there...thinking of you guys. xxoo

  2. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the new curtains! I love the bigger pop of color again your white chairs. Good job!

    1. Thank you so much, Kathe! Pop is just what I was going for!! Big smiles over here...

  3. This all looks so great. I love the new curtains. They are perfect and bring so much color. Always love your sweet table and cute chairs. Happy Weekend. xoxo

    1. Thank you, Kris! I really like them, too. I think you inspired me to try something new when I saw your long pretty blue panels. 😍

  4. You know how much I'm loving that red! LOL But I love it even more in plaid. They look really good, Kim, and they frame that nice view of your backyard too.

    1. Thanks so much, Marie! I really love them and yes, the do frame the yard nicely. Even better, they'll distract your eye from that yard when it all fades to gray this winter. At least I'm hoping!

  5. Hi Kim. I have been waiting for this post. I knew it would be fantastic and I was NOT disappointed. Don't get me wrong, you know I have always loved your kitchen, but this has taken it to another level. Such a beautiful addition. Everything that looked good before, just now looks even better. You did a wonderful job and I am so happy for you that you got it done. I would have a permanent seat on that pretty little bench and never leave..Did you line the curtains and can they close? No matter they couldn't look any better..Stay well..xxoJudy

    1. Thanks so much, Judy! Your comments just made my day. I have to say, they were totally worth the wait. Sometimes I just sit in the room and stare at that little nook. It's nice to have a pretty new view after all these months inside. And I know you saw my other post (thank you for the comment there) where I addressed these questions, but nope not lined and nope they don't close. I cheated!! Stay safe! xo

  6. I love your valances with the ball fringe, but I have to say, these buffalo check curtains are just perfect for fall and winter! They give a warmer, cozier look to the room. Hope you're having a good weekend!

    1. Thanks so much, Melanie! I'm smitten, too...

  7. Love the way the curtains look, Kim! When I added curtains to our sliding French door in our kitchen it made all the difference in the world!

    1. Thanks Deanna...and yes! I can't believe how they've changed the room!

  8. Beautiful look. The curtians and the rug look so lovely. Sweet vignette too. Valances are so cozy. Great job.

    1. Thank you so much, Linda! I'm not the greatest seamstress...I sew on the fly, but I'm glad I stuck it out.

  9. Oh my! I love, love, love them! I liked the room before, but this takes it over the top!

    1. Thanks so much, Mari! I never envisioned the room like this, but I love it with all that fabric around the windows.

  10. Oh wow, the drapes frame the view so beautifully and they do look very chic and grownup too.

    1. Thank you, Michelle! Look at me, all grown up!

  11. Great choice of fabric it really adds WoW to the room!! Very contemporary.

    1. Thank you, Mary! That fabric was just what I was looking for...elegant and modern with that classic cottage style.

  12. Oh I love checks and those red curtains are amazing. Such a fabulous choice. Your room is stunning.

    1. Thank you so much, Marty! They're a nice change in the room. Thanks for the visit! ♥️

  13. Kim, I'm loving these curtains and perfect with the rug. You never go in the wrong direction.


    1. What a lovely compliment, Cindy, you just made my day! Thank you sweet friend.

  14. Replies
    1. Thank you so much, Lorrie! I'll admit, I'm smitten...

  15. Kim you are so talented to be able to make your own curtains! I know it's like driving a car with the petal and everything but it takes a lot of patience to sew. Me and my sister took sewing lessons from my mom and my sister is like you and sews her own window treatments. You save so much money making your own! I wanted to buy some curtains at Blinds to Go and they wanted $1000 for just two small windows! P.S. I did not buy them. Happy sewing Kim. :)

    1. Julie, I totally get it. I was shocked when I started looking for curtains online. And they weren't even custom, just plain off the shelf panels for hundreds of dollars. I am sure that custom curtains are easily $1000. That's the only reason I sew, trust me, it's not a favorite pastime. Just a necessary one! Too bad we didn't live closer, I'd make you some!

  16. First.. those wee little pumpkins are too cute. I love them. What did she use as the stem?
    The curtains are amazing, I love the cozy of the room.

    1. Thanks Carla! Don't you love those little guys? She used a wired ribbon for the stems. I need to post a DIY for sure...

  17. LOVE the curtains! They are perfect for the space. Yes, I am definitely a decorating procrastinator! Cute lil punkins, too! :D

    1. Thanks so much, Ricki! I will tell my daughter you like her little friends, too!

  18. Kim,
    Love how your kitchen looks and I love that red buffalo check curtains but the red wall really pulled at my heart strings...Love it..I would like to see more of that and even pictures of your whole kitchen from different angles.......Thanks for stopping by!

    1. Thanks Debbie!! I love that red wall, too. I've had it for almost 20 years and I can't imagine the room without it. Thanks for the visit!!

  19. Thanks Teri, I have to say I really like the way it all turned out! Thanks for visiting. Hugs to you!

  20. I don’t like to limit myself, I even put off procrastinating. Totally feel your joy over getting the buffalo checks done and hung! Gorgeous. Love the grown up and cozy vibe.
    Sprinkle some of your Get It Done pixie dust on me, will you?!

    1. Oh Jeri, right there with you! Months inside - you'd think I'd have been more motivated to "do" more. Haha! Well, at least it's done now. Take care.

  21. I can so relate to wanting to finish something once I get started so I’m not surprised you were up until the wee hours of the morning. So well worth it though, these drapes look fabulous! They ate definitely keepers :).

    1. Thanks so much, Sara! I sat on that fabric for weeks, until I finally got motivated. Once I did ti was hard to stop, but so glad they're up now!

  22. I really love the red colour it adds so much to the room, I went and had a peek and part A and B and you have a very beautiful home. I know that feeling of no inspiration for days and them BOOM I am up all night doing something. It must be a women thing.

    1. Thanks Anita! It was a long journey that's for sure. And yes, perhaps it is a woman thing...or maybe a blogger thing? Either way, I'm glad it's done and I can just enjoy the view.

  23. Your curtains are perfect and I know all about the I gotta finish now mode. :)

    1. Thanks so much, Kim...and yes, I'm so glad they're done now!

  24. Your new curtains are beautiful and the perfect touch in your pretty kitchen.

    1. Thank you, Kristi! They make a huge difference in the room.

  25. This is a beautiful mini makeover! Love
    Your choice of fabric! This really freshens up the space!!

    1. Thank you so much!! I'm kind of a fabric junkie! This one has been a favorite for a long time...glad I finally got to use it on more than just a pillow.

  26. Having to wait on a project is hard to do. Especially when you can visualize the end results. Your home is so lovely and this room highlights your taste and style. The curtains are stunning with the pop of red. Thank you for sharing your creativity and style.

    1. Thank you, Meegan! I really am enjoying my new view. The curtains have proved the perfect fall addition to the room. I really appreciate the sweet comment!
