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Simple Squash Fritters

September 11, 2020

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Squash fritters are a great side dish or appetizer and the recipe is super simple.

It's a delicious and different way to serve up squash. And the whole family will love it.

Here's how.

Metal grater with shredded yellow squash on a dish

When I was in college I had a lot of majors. A lot.

I started off as an art major, because I was going to be a fashion designer.

However one semester later, I was an education major. And by sophomore year, after taking a public speaking class, I became a communications major.

Eventually, I ended up back in the classroom for my Master's Degree, to pursue education once more and become a primary school teacher.

While the disciplines may seem very different, the one thing they all spoke about over and over again was the balance between process and product.

Now, I fully understand the importance of process, as both an artist and a teacher, it's always paramount in my mind. 

However, at home? I'm all about the product. Especially when it comes to crafts and most definitely when it comes to cooking.

If there's a quick and easy way to get to where I'm going, I'm in. 

So when I tell you I'm all about easy recipes, you'd better believe it. I know I've said this before, but I think it bears repeating.

You know, for the new folks in the room.

Or for those of you who may have forgotten. Because I don't say it enough. 😉

Well, today, I have another super simple, quick and easy fabulous side dish recipe. It's actually a variation of my sweet potato pancake fritters

But since it's harvest season, I've decided to make them with squash. Delish. 

I made mine with yellow squash, but you can make it with any variety you like...or zucchini. You could even blend the two. 

Actually, whatever you decide, just make a lot, because these little guys disappear quickly...and even your pickiest eaters will be asking for seconds.

Here's the recipe. 

Simple Squash Fritters


2 or 3 yellow squashes (which I didn't know was a word)
3-4 tablespoons of flour
1 egg
A dash of salt and pepper to taste

Grater with shredded squash on a plate

Wash, peel and shred the squash.

I've always done the shredding manually, but now I use my Salad Shooter. My arms don't look as good anymore, but it's much faster and like I said, I'm all about that.

Shredded Summer Squash In A Bowl

Place all the ingredients in a large batter bowl and mix well. 

Squash Fritter Batter In A Bowl

Grab a large frying pan, add a tiny bit of oil to the bottom and heat. 

Using you hands, which are super clean from all the washing lately, make small pancakes and drop them into a frying pan, cooking them about 2 minutes on each side. 

Squash Pancake Fritters Frying In A Large Pan

When they're done, drop them on a paper towel lined plate and watch them like a hawk until dinner is served. 

Of course, I'm being sarcastic, but seriously, they're that good. Which is why I don't have a photo of the finished product.

I really should call them appetizers, since they rarely make it the dinner table. 

Hopefully, you'll have better luck. 

But I doubt it.
Kim Signature

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  1. Replies
    1. You'll have to let me know, if you like them Penny!

  2. These squash fritters sound so good Kim. I like squash and I'll to give them a try. Have a great day and weekend.!

    1. Great, Julie! They really are delicious...and very simple to make.

  3. Oh yummy! I'm always looking for new ideas for veggies. This will be a hit in my family!

    1. Oh, I’m so glad, Deanna!! I’m always looking for new ideas, too, so when I find hit, I try to share!

  4. Those sound really good! I haven't made them in ages. I kind of forgot about them. ;-) Thanks for the reminder - will have to make these soon.

    1. I found the recipe for potato pancakes in my mom’s old cookbook a few years ago. Until then, I don’t think I’d had them in over a decade!! Now they’ve become a staple and I make them out of anything I can shred!!

  5. My mom used to make these but she added an egg to keep them together. They were delicious!!

    1. Yes, you definitely need that egg, Mary!! Otherwise they'll just fall apart...which still tastes good, but it's messy.

  6. They sound yummy! Your college career sounds much like mine... I swapped majors a time or two also before getting my master's in education.

    1. Thanks Joanne! And I guess that means we're indecisive...but very well educated! Haha!

  7. I make these as well and almost exactly the same. I use bread crumbs instead of flour and I bake them. And they disappear here as well. I've done a bit of a disappearing act myself, couldn't seem to get on top of the busy period at work and everything else that needed doing. We're going back into lockdown at the end of the week, so I should have more time for blogging :-)

    1. Mmm....breadcrumbs and baked? I'm going to try them that way. I don't love frying anything, baking is easier and healthier. Thank you...

  8. Kim, these sound great but the hubby only likes Butternut squash. I did Pin your sweet potato fritters. I can't get enough if sweet potatoes.

    Thanks for sharing.

    As I was typing I had an idea, maybe I will try this snd Romano grated cheese in

    1. What a great suggestion, Cindy! I may try that as well, thanks!

  9. They sound yummilicious Kim. Anything made with something from the squashy pumpkin family is always a hit in our house ;-)

    1. Squishy pumpkin family!! I always love your words, Michelle!!

  10. Kim.
    These look good!!
    Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by and for letting me know that you did by leaving a comment!! Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

    1. Thanks Deb...and always a pleasure to visit!

  11. Hi Kim, these look easy and yummy. It's that time of year. I am happy to feature these today at Love Your Creativity. Happy Sunday!
