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Today I Made Bread

March 31, 2020

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What do you do when you're out of bread, don't have any yeast and aren't a great cook?

Well, if you're me, you try a basic recipe and cross your fingers!

Homemade Bread No Yeast

Today, I made bread. Yup. Me. The girl who hates to cook.

Did I do it because I wanted to try something new?


Did I do it because I was bored and needed an activity to pass the time?

Definitely not.

Did I do it because baking bread from scratch has always been something I wanted to try?

Well, maybe, I mean I have always wanted to try. But no. That's not why.

No. Today, I made bread, because we didn't have any.

We haven't left the house for groceries or anything else in about 3 weeks. We did have food delivered once, but we could only get one loaf of bread. Sold out.

And today there was none left.

Like Old Mother Hubbard, my bread cupboard was bare.

Unfortunately, delivery is in such high demand, the next loaf won't be here until after Easter.

Hmmm. No good.

I contemplated my options, but without a bread maker, self rising flour or yeast I thought I'd be out of the bread making business, but turns out, there are alternatives.

A quick internet search revealed several recipes that were all basically the same. Flour, baking powder, salt and milk...or water...or oil. I had all those things so I figured why not give it a try.

I peeked back and forth between the sites, but mainly relied on this easy recipe....and I have to say, I'm pretty impressed with myself.

After all, I'm no chef.

I started by mixing the ingredients in a bowl. When I was done I did have a little bit of flour left on the bottom. I just couldn't get it all wet enough, even by adding a dash more milk.

Novice tips are welcome...but I think I need to add the milk a bit at a time and work it all together slower.

Bread Baking Experiment

When I was happy with my ball of dough, I placed it on a floured cookie sheet and popped it into the oven.  

You can tell I'm no culinary artist, but this is real life life folks.

Baking Bread No Yeast

After about 1/3 if the way though its baking time, my lump of wet flour didn't look anymore appetizing, so I got out the butter, melted a little bit of it in the microwave thinking it would brown the crust up.

Melting Butter In The Microwave

I don't have any fancy baking tools, including a basting brush, so I just dumped the butter over the top and then put it back into the oven to finish baking.

Then I crossed my fingers and waited.

Melted Butter On Bread

While I was waiting for the kitchen timer to go off, I played with my new bunny.

I picked him up at Pier One months ago, when I bought my new desk chair.

Easter Bunny

He was on sale and less than $5, but still, I didn't jump. I thought, do I really need another bunny?

Turns out yes, yes, I did. He's brought me many, many smiles in the past few weeks.

Sometimes it really is the little things.

Anyway, back the bread.

When the timer went off I was pleasantly surprised to see that it had browned up and risen some.

Homemade Bread Without Yeast

 It still wasn't the best looking loaf I'd ever seen, but that was ok, as long as it was edible.

And believe it or not, it was more than edible. It was downright delicious.

And I made it. Shocking. I know.

Homemade Bread No Yeast

 In all seriousness, yes, next time, I'll go a little slower and work on my presentation, but overall, it was thick and hearty and great on its own or with a bit of butter.

We've been picking at it all day.

We still have another half of the loaf left after our chicken dinner tonight.

We'll eat the rest of it tomorrow. I think it'll pair well with the chicken soup that's on the menu. Trying to make the most of what we've got on hand.

In the meantime, I'm going to go paint something and shake all this cooking off.

The kitchen's a nice place to visit.

But I certainly don't want to live there.

What have you baked lately?

How To Bake Bread Without Yeast
Kim Signature

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  1. Everyone seems to be cooking more and baking. I am sure we are all putting on weight being cooped up and cooking. so glad your bread came out. Have you tried the Sonoma Williams Beer bread? Very easy to make. I recently made angel biscuits. The lemon pudding cake is a winner, my husband loves it. Great job Kim.

    1. Thank you, Linda!! We have limited resources in our pantry after 3 weeks, but somehow, someway I seem to have plenty of ingredients for sweet treats! And I haven’t tried the beer bread I need to look it up…and yes, your lemon pudding cake is on our Easter menu! Thanks for sharing that.

  2. Funny Kin, I think if you add the milk a but slower it may be better.

    I have baked and cooked a lot. I have never made bread so I say great job!

    Stay safe!


    1. Thanks Cindy! I'm so used to doing quick and easy crafts that I just jumped into this without a lot of thought. Maybe I should slow down. 😉

  3. Well done! It's amazing what we can do if we charge in and try. Flour and yeast are scarce as hens' teeth these days. The Urban Farmer made some olive bread that was meant to be baked in an 8" iron skillet. It did require yeast tho. Delicious! I had a slice toasted with havarti cheese to go with my salad for supper tonight. Pinterest may have more bread recipes that don't require yeast. The bunny is adorable...we all need some adorable these days. xoxo

    1. Thanks Donna. It felt good to try it and to be successful. I was a little nervous because I didn't want to waste 4 cups of flour, so I'm glad it worked out so well. And yes, adorable it necessary. I totally agree. 🥰

  4. Great job. Could you share recipe?

    1. Hi Judy, I linked to it in the post, but probably not well enough. Sorry about that. Here is the link: Hope that helps!

  5. Excellent that you made bread!!! Now you know you can! I make it all the time-- only down side is I eat it all because there's nothing like home-made! No weird ingredients like the packaged kind.

    1. Thank you, Josie! You’re so right, it was good and we do know what’s in it. And yes, hard to put down and with all that butter. Not great for my waistline though!

  6. I give you credit Kim or trying to do with what you have. Hey it does not have to be pretty just taste good right?!!
    Have a good evening and good day tomorrow. One day at a time! Hugs.

    1. Thanks Kris! I really wasn't sure how this was going to turn out. Like I said, cooking is not forte, but it was delicious. And super simple. I'm glad I gave it a try. It was way better than saltine sandwiches...which is where we were headed! Ha!! 😉 One day at a time...xo

  7. I made a similar bread from Her recipe had optional different flavor add-ins too. She also instructed to knead the dough with a light touch. I think if you use a bowl with a flatter bottom you would be able to incorporate those bits that were left behind. But hey, yours worked and it was delicious and that's all that counts, right?! Good job.
    Kathleen -- kakingsbury at verizon dot net

    1. Thank you, Kathleen! I'm going to pin that one for sure. I think you're right, a light touch is probably better and I appreciate the suggestion of a flat bottom bowl. I'm going to try that. And yes, it was messy looking, I wish it were prettier, but thankfully, as you said, taste rules! Take care!

  8. Well done Kim.
    I have tried 2 donut recipes. Atticus loves donuts. He gave both a thumbs up. :-)

    1. Thanks Carla! Donuts…yum! I really wish I had those recipes. Willing to share?

  9. Congratulations and thank you. I like that the recipe can be milk free - there are substitutes for milk in the recipe. I am having trouble getting eggs, potatoes & milk. (Among edibles)

    1. It's hard to believe this is where we are, isn't it Mary? What we can't find is paper goods...isn't that odd? Why people crave paper goods is beyond me. We found a local restaurant supplier that is now making home deliveries, so we are able to get milk and eggs and fresh veggies, for now...but who knows for how long. At least I can make bread. Who knew! Please take care and I hope you find your supplies. Stay well.

  10. Proud of you for trying something new. Good job. It looks like an interesting recipe. Hope you are staying safe. I hear you about not wanting to waste the flour. In our local store the flour aisle is bare, just like the bread aisle.

    1. Thank you, Lorri. Can you believe it? Me? Making bread? It was actually easier and more enjoyable than I thought. Of course, eating it was still the best part. I’m sorry to hear that things are just as bad in your neck of the woods. I thought it was mostly just here. I hope things get restocked soon…everywhere.

  11. Look at you...turning into a baker! lol I made bagels today.

    1. Bagels!?! They sound delicious, Ann. Oh, I want that recipe for sure! Care to share? Now that I’ve tried bread, I think I might be able to give bagels a shot. Maybe! 😉

  12. Oh I love it Kim! This bread looks amazing! I'm sorry that you haven't been able to find bread where you live. I know your family appreciates your efforts so very much! Praying that you all will stay safe and healthy :)

    1. Thank you, Marilyn. It helps to keep busy and learning something new is a great way to focus on something else. And then I get to eat! Sending you the same thoughts and prayers for good health my friend.

  13. Super job, Kim! I think it looks fantastic and yummy! It's been a long time since I've made bread--one of these days!


    1. Trust me Jane, I'm no baker, but I'm glad I did it, because now I know I can!

  14. Yeah! I have not tried making bread without yeast. Glad it turned out. I just made homemade bread and chicken soup the other night!

    1. Honestly, I would prefer to do it with yeast, but this worked out better than expected!

  15. I'm no baker, but I have been making good things to self-medicate with. This week it will be a lemon cream pie. Last week and apple pie. More pumpkin muffins the week before that. I noticed that bread baking is becoming a trend again, but our stores haven't been out of bread lately, so..haven't done that. But things from the oven - YES.

    1. Mmm...your things from the oven sound much better than mine, Gina!! Yum!!

  16. Kim,
    I am with you on only visiting the Kitchen , except maybe to decorate!! I have been cooking a lot because our son is staying with us during this time. I don't mind cooking for 3 but cooking for 2 who do not like the same things,it is a nightmare! I have been doing a bit more Easter crafting and as time goes on, I too will be getting out the paint!!
    Thanks so much for stopping by and for your kind words!!
    Stay safe, healthy and happy!

    1. Oh Debbie, I hear is my least favorite thing to do, but with everyone home, that's all I seem to be doing! And yup, I have a meat eater, a vegetarian and an occasional vegan around here, so lots of different things going on. Not fun! I'd rather be painting!!

  17. You go girl! It looks delicious. Mine would probably not come out as well as yours did haha I can never get bread right!

    1. You could totally do this Christina! Nothing tricky about it...and it was really tasty, even if it's not that pretty.

  18. I haven't baked anything in ages. But when my girls were living at home, I baked whole wheat bread all the time. Yes, the trick is to add a little bit of moisture at a time to achieve the right texture to work with. I used to make a mean lemon meringue pie too.

    1. Lemon meringue...mmm...I don't think I could make one, Brenda. I can barely spell it!! Ha!

  19. My favorite non-yeast bread is beer bread. It's easy and has always turned out great! The type of beer you use will change the taste slightly, though it has never tasted like beer :-) Pioneer Woman has a good recipe. I like adding in chopped fresh herbs (my herb garden is going crazy right now!) Her recipe works for sandwiches, but I love it with homemade soup to dip it in.

    1. Thanks so much for the tip! We usually have beer around the house, but with all this craziness we don't. I'll have to see if I can add that to one of our food deliveries so I can try it. It sounds delicious!!

  20. Food is my weakness...I have been going to the grocery store a bit but mainly I am doing grocery pick up. My husband son & daughter-in-law are all still working...I am watching the baby so I see them all every day when they drop off/pick up. I am still going over to their house at 5AM for their shift change. We are isolating from everyone except each other. They all work in the food industry & people still need food so their jobs are secure.

    Do a search for no-knead bread. It is the easiest bread recipe I have ever seen & I've never had one turn out bad. We hardly eat bread here so the little I put back in the freezer is lasting for us. I have noticed though that the more stressed I am the more I want it.

    1. We eat a ton of bread, Jenny and we probably shouldn't, but sandwiches are high on the list for the kids and husband. So when we didn't have, it was an issue. They are adapting, but it's nice to know I can make it if we need. I'll check out the no-knead recipe. I'm all for easy!

      And that's great that they can keep working. We are having groceries delivered from specialty shops (the grocery stores are not really offering it) and I am tipping big. These people, like your kids, are really heroes at this time, putting themselves out there for us...I am grateful. Stay safe...all of you.

  21. Homemade bread can be tricky. There are many reasons why your bread turned out too dry and flaky. If you make this again, next time try a wider/larger bowl. Add the liquid in small amounts at a time and knead it in. Sometimes that flakiness can be from too much kneading, other times not kneading enough! There are recipes out there that are easier (no knead bread in a Dutch oven), but dang it, they require yeast! Anyway...I'm proud of you for being resourceful and at least trying. And if the bread tasted good, that's all that matters.

    1. Thanks Melanie! It looked terrible for sure, but it actually did taste very good. Everyone loved it. Of course, being a perfectionist of sorts, I would’ve liked it to be prettier and more uniform. I made it again the next night and I used your tips with great success. That loaf looked much better…like an actual loaf of bread! The bowl made a big difference. Who knew? Thank you so much. ☺️

  22. Good for you, Kim! There is nothing like the taste of bread warm from the oven. I hope that people all over the world are baking and cooking things they never have before and discovering the joy of it. I made a big loaf of banana bread the other day and then got a text from my sister that she and another sister had made banana bread that week in memory of our mother who made it often. I hope to make a lemon meringue pie this week, been craving that lately. And there's some leftover buttermilk in the fridge that's begging to help me stir up some biscuits.

    We can do this, Kim!

    1. Dewena, your treats sound delicious. I have to say, as someone who normally hates cooking, I have found some solace in it. I guess because I have the time now. Everyone is home and everyone is hungry. Plus, reading recipes and following new steps keeps my mind focused on the task and not the news. Much better.

  23. Oh, that looks so good, Kim. Hot bread with lots of butter is always a bright spot. My daughter gave me a bread maker years ago and I never used it. Finally sold it at a garage sale. I was supposed to make a chocolate cake (from a box) today but didn't get to it yet. Maybe tomorrow. It is hard to know what to do when we have so much time on our hands..Stay well, sweet girl..xxoJudy

    1. Judy, you are so right about the time thing...I had plans on plans on plans, but it seems like the days evaporate without getting much of anything accomplished. Well, except for cooking, which is a necessity I suppose. Everyone is hungry here all the time and that puts mama in the kitchen...baking bread! Please take care Judy and I hope you find some time for cake this weekend! xo

  24. That’s great that you made the homemade bread with the ingredients you had in hand. We are all in the kitchen a lot cooking and baking now during this time. Homemade bread is the best. Enjoy the week.

    1. All we're doing is eating, Julie!! It's been hard to keep food around...all we want to do is eat! I hope you have a good weekend my friend.

  25. Wow, Teri, that cinnamon bread sounds wonderful. I can almost smell it from here!! Hugs!

  26. This reminds me of the times in the distant past when I tried to make biscuits. Ha. Hard hockey pucks. The only time bread for me has been a success is when I used yeast. Yours looks pretty good!

    1. Yeast is really helpful, Florence! I really wish I had some. I bet my family does too. Hahaha.

  27. My grown kids are age 47 and 40. Both with their own families. I haven’t made bread for 25 years. I asked my husband to look if I still had a bread maker in the basement. And yes I do. I am a diabetic can’t have white flour but wheat is ok. Great idea you did for making bread

    From Pamela

    1. Thanks so much, Pamela. Making great this way was certainly an adventure. I can imagine finding food that's appropriate now is not easy. I'm glad you were able to find the bread maker. I really wish I had one...and some yeast. Thanks so much for the comment and stay safe!

  28. I am not a bread baker but can whip up cornbread in a second. Good substitute if you have cornmeal and baking powder. Goes with a lot of things. you just can't make sandwiches out of it. and Rice and Chili makes a great meal. White rice cooked and ladle the chili at the dining table. Nutritious and filling.

    1. Cornbread is my favorite. I've never made it from scratch. I need to try it!! Thanks!
