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DIY Glitter Christmas Candle

December 02, 2019

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Whip up a glitter candle holder for the holidays, as a gift or for decoration.

They make great wedding favors, shower centerpieces and home decor accents.

Check out the easy and inexpensive craft DIY.

Glass Cylinder Vase

It's hard for me to say this without sounding like a cliche, but I cannot believe it's December already.

Where did this year go?

I feel like I just put that tree away and yet this weekend, I found myself unpacking it again, in preparation for the upcoming holidays.

To be honest, at first, I had a hard time whipping up that Christmas spirit.

Maybe it's because I really liked the way my living room and kitchen looked, having been recently updated. Maybe it's because the holidays are a particularly difficult season since I lost my mom.

Or maybe it's because I feel like we were just here.

Either way, I knew I had to get my game on.

Especially since the snow falling outside my window. Nothing like a little well timed December ambiance, hmmm?

Decoupage Spoon Handmade Gift on a package

When I signed up to share a handmade gift idea today, I had to put my thinking cap on. Let's be real, gift giving is hard enough.

It's even more challenging to come up with a homemade item that looks like it almost wasn't.

I was aiming for something that had a personal touch, but looked like you could've purchased it in a small neighborhood shop (like my decoupaged spoon ornaments) and, most importantly, was super easy to make, because I don't do complicated crafts.

Oh boy.

My first idea involved knitting or crocheting.

Of course, that meant that I'd have to learn how to do either of one of those things well. And over the course of the weekend. So no.

Then, as I was sitting in my dimly lit kitchen, it hit me. Candles.

Everyone loves candlelight, festively dressed tapers and red and white centerpieces. Suddenly it was clear, I would make a candle holder.

Christmas In The Kitchen With Candles On the Countertop

And I would use glitter. Because, well, Christmas.


Before I get started with the actual instructions, I want to point out that this craft should never, ever be used with an actual flame.

The glitter and glue will burn. I made this craft specifically to use with my favorite flameless battery operated candles <---like these!

It also helps if  you have candles like I have, that go on and off with a timer. Pulling them in and out of the glass will dislodge some of the glitter eventually.

So there are my disclaimers. No fire, no heavy handling.

If you're good with that, this one is a holiday home run.

How To Make A DIY Glitter Candle Holder

I started with an old glass container that I found at the thrift store for .99. Turns out it wasn't any real bargain, because when I went to the Dollar Tree the next day, they had shelves full of them, for yup, a dollar.

But lucky me, I got the one penny discount for buying used.

Thrift Store Glass Vase For .99

That's ok though, that glass vase was the inspiration for this DIY and now you know where to get one (or more) of your own.

If you're curious about the rest of the supplies you can peek at my list.

Glass Cylinder Vase

Once I removed the price tag, I washed it up and dried it well.

Washing Old Glassware with soap and water

Then I grabbed a foam brush and my clear/ white glitter glue and coated the entire inside surface.

I used the white/ clear glitter because I wanted it to fill in any spots that may show through the actual glitter once I added it.

Applying Glitter Glue On Glass with a foam brush

Tip: Had I decided to make a blue or red or pink or green or gold candle, I would've used the matching color glitter glue as a base. 

I made sure that every bit of the glass was covered well.

I also made sure to use long motions from bottom to top on my last strokes.

Next up was adding the actual chunky glitter.

Now, I could've used any kind of glitter...chunky or fine.. the look will change a bit depending on what you choose.

Glittering Snowflakes in a clear package

I actually chose to use some old iridescent snow glitter I had in my craft closet. It gave my glass holder a very festive look...very sparkly.

I recommend that this step be performed over newspaper or a sink, because it can get messy.

Glittered Snowflakes applied to inside of Candle Holder

While the glitter glue was still wet, I dumped a bunch of snow into the glass and turned it until every inch of it was covered completely and evenly.

Glitter Inside Glass Vase

If you're just looking for a little sparkle, then your journey ends here.

In fact, I made a few like that, too.

However, if you want to kick it up a notch you can add words, like I added to mine.

Sparkly snowy glitter glued to inside of glass vase

I don't have a fancy cutting machine, so I rely on store bought wall stickers or decals for projects like this.

The dollar store has tons of them.

Be Joyful Always Wall Decal next to glass cylinder on table

Over the years, I've used them to make festive wooden signs and makeover old cutting boards.

I don't have to worry about hand lettering, messy stenciling or glass etching, just peel, stick and go.

I knew that they'd work equally as well on my glass candle holder. And I found the perfect word for the holiday.

As I said, I literally peeled it away from its backing and stuck it on to the glass.

Glitter Candle DIY that says Joyful on table with candles

With the battery operated candle inside, glowing through the glitter, the night seemed almost magical.  

And I was instantly joyful.

It was exactly what I needed to get in the spirit...and a lovely addition to my Christmas kitchen decor.

Christmas Candle that says joyful on table with greenery around it

So lovely, in fact, that I've decided to keep it.

Oh sure, I can make more to give away in a jiffy.

But this one is my gift to myself this holiday season.

And I think that's alright.

Are you a handmade gift giver?

DIY Christmas Glitter Candle words on photo of Joyful glitter candle on table with Christmas greenery


Are you ready for more ideas?

Here are some great ones for your mantel, porch, table, plus handmade gift ideas and gift wrap ideas from my friends. Be sure to visit everyone to see all the details.


Top Row : Worthing Court  // Hearth & Vine

Porches & Decks

Tablescape Ideas 

Handmade Gift Ideas

Gift Wrap Ideas

Kim Signature

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  1. Kim, these are adorable. I love making handmade gifts for the holidays and throughout the year. One thing I particularly like about this is the fact that the glitter is on the inside for less mess and I bet it lasts a long time.

    1. Thanks Patti! And yes! Huge bonus with the glitter on the inside. It doesn't come off on your hand if you want to move them around and it doesn't leave a trail on your table or mantle. Less mess for sure!

  2. Kim, I love this so much. I have never been to a Dollar store, I know shameful. The decal may make me check it out.


    1. I used to teach, Cindy, kindergarten and first grade, so the dollar stores were my go to for cheap supplies. I just recently began going there for home decor and craft supplies. Sometimes I really have to stretch to see a great project, but those decals are a no brainer! And thanks!!

  3. Kim that is a real beauty, I honestly had no idea it would turn out so pretty when I first saw the glass. So many great ideas here on your blog hop.

    1. Thanks Mary! Once I decided to use the sticker, I knew I had a winner. They make easy work of almost any project.

  4. Ok genius sweet friend. Love that this has the glitter inside to keep things nice and cozy and neat. I feel with all the glitter on things I am eating that for these weeks leading up to Christmas lol! This is really pretty and so much fun and what a beautiful gift for not a lot of money. I love this idea and have a trip to the dollar store this afternoon so I am going to look for those stickers. Very pretty.

    1. Thank you so much, Kris. I am really happy with this one. I love handmade gifts, especially when they’re this foolproof. Hope you find your sticker!

  5. This is a great project, Kim! It turned out great!

    1. Thanks Deanna...super simple and so inexpensive. They'd look great for a wedding or shower, too. Just sayin' 😉!

  6. Adorable! You sure know how to take something plain and almost ugly and turn it into something fantastic. You just have that knack!

    1. Thank you, Brenda. I have to say that I do enjoy a challenge. I almost enjoy that part of the project more than the actual DIY.

  7. Your candle holder is an excellent gift idea and it's great that it's an economical project as well. Goodwill really gets me with their pricing. I had to laugh when you discovered that your $.99 Goodwill vase is $1 at the Dollar Store.

    1. Thanks Paula and I know, isn't Goodwill funny? Sometimes I go there and see things I could buy brand new at Marshall's or HomeGoods for less. No thanks!

  8. Hi Kim, you made such a pretty sparkly candle holder! I like that it was so easy to make for not a lot of money and the perfect way to start off December. Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving and Happy December.
    Hugs, Julie xo

    1. Thanks Julie! Easy, inexpensive and elegant...I love when projects meet all my requirements! Happy Holidays my friend! xo

  9. This is really beautiful, Kim! I'm all over easy and thrifty crafts and this ticks all of my boxes.

    1. Thanks Cecilia! This one ticks my boxes too, especially with all that messy glitter on the inside!!

  10. A little sparkle and candlelight are always a great idea at Christmas. Love your pretty candle holder and how easy it was to do.

  11. That turned out so pretty! I love the sparkly glow, and the decal adds so much. Perfect gift to have on hand for hostesses! Great idea!

    1. Thank you, Lora! I enjoyed making this one and love the way it looks when the candle goes on each night.

  12. Hi Kim! What a fun and festive craft! And perfect for holiday gifting! Thanks for the inspiration my friend.



    1. Thanks Lynn!! I've actually made a bunch and plan to hand them out this holiday when we go partying! Thanks for the sweet comment and the visit!

  13. Hi,
    You surprised me with this one. I was curious how the outcome would look. Well, it is beautiful. Yes, I do enjoy giving homemade gifts.

    1. I think I surprised myself with this one, Carla! I'm not usually a glitter kind of girl, but at Christmastime I think a little sparkle adds to the magic! Thanks for the visit! xo

  14. Your candle turned out wonderfully! BTW, you and I may the only people left who don't have the fancy cutting machines :)

    1. Thanks Pam!! And I know!! The whole world seems to be cutting and creating. I don't have the room for it and I just don't think I'd use it enough to justify the price. Maybe if I sold crafts, I'd feel differently. Either way, I think we do pretty well without! 😊

  15. You seriously kill me with these ideas of yours.....I need to live inside your brain for a week to just see how it works! Gorgeous!!

    1. You're so nice, Debbie! Your comments always make me feel like I'm doing something right. Thank you. ❤️

  16. Kim, this turned out just magical! I love the chunky glitter! I hope your holidays are merry in spite of some hardships you've gone through...I lost my mom 14 years ago and still find the holidays hard! ❤❤

    1. Thank you so much, Cindy and I'm sorry to hear about your mom. It is hard. There's no one like your mom, that's for sure. Hugs to you...🖤

  17. Well Kim, I can't remember when I've enjoyed reading a story/tutorial more than yours today. And I absolutely must order some sparkly snowflakes. You've inspired me to make ALL the glittery candle holders, too! What a treat to visit your blog just made my day. Thanks so much for sharing.... Happy Holidays...

    1. Thank you so much, Susie! What a wonderful comment to's raining here today, but your words just chased all that gray away. Thank you and Happy Holidays!!

  18. This is awesome, Kim, but I'm not surprised. Yo are on e of the very crafty-ist people I know on Blogger! Well done!

    Happy Holidays! 🎄


    1. Thank you so much, Jane!! You just made my day!! 🥰

  19. That's every bit as pretty if not more than most of the ones I see at the store. I think I have some of that snow stuff in a craft bin, Lordy all the ideas, I can't sleep before Christmas!

    1. So many ideas this time of year, it's overwhelming, I's hard to be part of such a creative community and not want to make it all! And thanks! This one's so easy, you could whip it up in no time.

  20. This is such a pretty idea. I love the decal and the glitter looks like sparkly snow. I would have kept this as a gift for myself too!

    1. Thanks Angie...and thanks for organizing the hop. So much fun and inspiration...Happy Holidays!

  21. Oh oh, I think I have to add this to my to-do list! This gift is just the sweetest!

    1. Thank you, Laurie...super simple (and cheap!), too!!

  22. It turned out great, and looks very pretty.

    Happy December Wishes.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thank so much, Jan and Happy December to you, too!!

  23. Oh how pretty! This is the perfect handmade gift for the holiday's. Love the decal and the glitter. Great idea putting the glitter on the inside, less mess when handled.

    1. Thanks Linda! I am not usually a glitter person, but I figured how messy could it get on the far, so good!

  24. What an amazing project! However, you definitely have more patience than me! I would just have to go out and buy one:) Your talent is to be envied:)

    1. Cheri, you are so sweet! I like the challenge and enjoy creating. This one was cheap and easy. Those are my favorites. 😉

  25. Kim, you amaze me and I'm sure I've said that before. If not, I should have! That is so beautiful and I can just imagine how pretty it is with a glowing candle inside. Thanks for your visit, I'm so late getting back to you. I'm so pleased that I brought a few memories back to you and that you enjoyed your visit. I always enjoy yours..Happy Thursday my sweet friend..xxoJudy

    1. Thanks Judy! I don't feel so amazing, especially in this crowd. There's so much talent out there in blogland, but I do enjoy myself. I like the challenge of creating something new and the view when it's complete. And yes, those memories, nice around the holidays. Thank you! xoxo

  26. Kim,
    What a fantastic project!! It came out great!! Thanks so much for stopping by!!

  27. This is such a cute idea, Kim! Love dollar store crafts. I'm with you - I don't know where December went either.

    1. Too fast for sure. I'm just glad I was able to get some crafting in!

  28. Oh, Kim, this is beautiful! That's saying a lot, coming from a glitterphobe, lol. Seriously, if I saw this in a store I might be tempted to purchase it, reasoning that the glitter wouldn't go all over the place since it was inside. I really like this. You could actually make a convert of me! Merry December1

    1. Oh Rita, I hear you with the glitter! I don't think I have anything else with it in the house. I taught kindergarten and first grade for years and I have a house full of girls...glitter has been my constant nemesis!! The glitter on the inside was the key. So far, so good. Thanks for the visit and Merry December to you, too!

  29. What a beautiful idea! I love the writing on the side. Handmade gifts are so special. I did get excited when you mentioned knitting because I knit. I was like....yay! I fellow knitter in the blogging group.

    1. Thanks Christy, super simple to do...and I love knitting, I'm just not very proficient. Working on it though...

  30. I think this is the cutest idea!! I am off to the Dollar Store!

    1. Oh, I'm so glad you like it, Patti!! It was so easy, and even better, so cheap!! 😉

  31. Very cute idea and so reasonable. Thanks for sharing your sweet creation at Love Your Creativity.

  32. That really is quite lovely! I also like that the sparkles are on the inside and not on the outside as I would think that's just a bit less messy. Pinned.

    1. Thanks so much...and yes, glitter is not really my thing. The inside helped!
