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The Long And Winding Road To New Decor

October 29, 2019

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Red And White Kitchen Decor

I have a confession to make. For far too long now, I’ve been working on some curtains for both my master bathroom and my kitchen. This journey to new decor began way back in...ummm...April or May?

But here we are on the cusp of November and I'm just finishing them up now.

Oh boy.

It all started this spring when I was walking through the fabric store looking for material to possibly recover my couch. It suddenly looked a bit ratty to me once we started freshening up the hallway bathroom. What? You don't replace your couch when you redo your bathroom?

Well, I didn’t find anything I liked better than the flowers that were already on my sofa, but when I walked down one of the aisles, I spotted this gorgeous pattern.

Tribal Henna Burnt Orange

It was very, very different from what I’m usually drawn to...much more modern and not a true red. But it spoke to me, so I came back to it several times in the few minutes I was at the shop.

I thought it would look pretty in my kitchen, fresh and updated, but would it really fit in my cottage style space? I wasn’t quite sure, and I wasn’t looking to redo my kitchen, I loved my current valances, and I needed to focus, so I kept moving.

Fast forward to later that spring when I was back in the same place looking for fabric to make a shower curtain and naturally I had to pop down the aisle to look at the reds. That pattern definitely made my heart flutter, but I still wasn’t sure about the vibe. Or the color, so it was a no, however this time I took a picture.

Red Fabric For Kitchen Curtains

That's when I noticed the price. $39.99 a yard! Yikes! I’m a bargain shopper - because I'm an extremely fickle decorator - and with all the yardage I’d need, it would be an expensive endeavor if I changed my mind in two months. Well, that was the end of that.

But by now you know it wasn’t.

It was summer when I ran into my crush again. I was shopping for something to use for my bathroom shutter makeover. I tried not to get distracted on my way to the greens, but I made enough time to quickly slip by the reds and grab a sample. Clearly, I was in deep.

When I got home and pinned that red scrap up on the window, it was obvious that the colors just weren’t right. Turns out the pattern was called Tribal Henna Burnt Orange, so was orange with a fade to red. There's no orange or rust in my kitchen, so it had to be a pass.

But my heart wouldn't take no for an answer.

So finally, one day in September, I dragged my husband back to the shop for a peek.

Just get it, he said.

But it’s orange and expensive.

Eh, it's kind of red and we spend more than that on groceries for three days. You love it, buy it.

So I did. I was super excited and couldn’t wait to get started with my new decor. Until I got home. Uh-oh. It really was orange. So I left it in the package for a good long while, avoiding it.

Then one day when I was feeling brave and the house was empty, I decided to open it up and take a look at what I’d gotten myself into.

My immediate thought was that the rug didn’t go, the chair color didn’t go and the sink skirt didn’t go. Changing the curtains was going to mean a major overhaul and that wasn’t in the plan. I sat sulking for a moment staring at the space, when I had an epiphany.

Changing Fabric On Dining Chairs

I’d wanted a new rug for years and the Sunbrella fabric on the chairs was getting a bit worn, so in a decorating fit, I took it off. And I pulled the braided rug out from under the table.

My husband came home to a mess of tools and fabric. He wasn’t surprised, he's used this stuff. He even rolled up his sleeves to help.

When were done, everything looked lighter and brighter. With a clean palate I was able to see exactly what the room needed and how the sink skirt could coordinate with the new curtains if the rug was right. So I hit the internet, I bought a gorgeous new rug and started playing with the fabric.

Rug Shopping

It had that modern, clean feel I was drawn to, but it needed something to tie it together with the distinct cottage vibe in the rest of the house, so I tacked on a scrap of ball fringe I had on hand and eureka! That was it.

White Ball Fringe

Of course, I had to go to three stores to track down more of that discontinued trim, but eventually I found it. And now I'm in the process of stitching it on...and balancing my machine on an ironing board covered with a tablecloth, because with all the new pieces filtering into the kitchen, the island looked very worn. So it's in the garage getting a makeover and the ironing board is filling the empty space.

Red And White Kitchen Decor

I won’t bore you any longer with this crazy convoluted tale of kitchen curtains, but I wanted to share my long and winding road to my new decor, so when it's all done, you understand my seemingly overblown level of excitement.

Oh, and what about that master bathroom curtain I alluded to? Well, the day I grabbed the red sample, I also purchased a gorgeous green Waverly fabric and some clearance trim for that window.

I had a very specific vision for that room, so the curtain was mocked up immediately and has been hanging in the room since that summer day...unfinished and pinned to the old valance.

Green Waverly Fabric

Every time I shower I stare at the pins and cringe.

I keep wondering how I got so behind.

And hoping that this unbelievably drawn-out decorating journey was worth the wait.

I guess only {more} time will tell.

I'll keep you posted.


Do you have a never ending project?

Kim Signature

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  1. My life is a never ending project. I have material to cover 6 dinette chairs that have cushions and back fabric that is attached. That is going to be one big sucker of a project. sigh.
    I love that fabric and while it might not be a true red we KNOW that orange IS red and yellow, right? there you have it.
    Can't wait to see it all done. As to the bedroom--I kinda like the pinned in place look. lol xo Diana

    1. Diana, your first sentence made me laugh out loud. Ha! Exactly! And you know, when my husband read my post he said, wait the bathroom curtain isn’t finished? Oh, to be a guy…😉

  2. No, I have no never ending projects because if I start a project it becomes overwhelming and never ending. LOL I guess I relate too well. As I have aged, I just don’t have it in me to do these projects. I admire your drive and creativity, and I LOVE the orange/red fabric. Love it. Can’t wait to see it all finished.

    1. Oh Sally, I'm getting tired believe me. I used to stay up all hours of the night and craft and sew and decorate. Now, I'm on the couch by 8pm with my husband watching an old movie on TCM. Some things are just more important that decorating I guess! Thanks for the comment!!

  3. Love the fabric! Love your kitchen! You had me at "cottage decor". I love my friends and their love of "farmhouse" but I'm a cottage girl. Can't wait to see the finished project---all of them! All my projects are never ending and while part of me wants it finished, I realized that what really excites me is the process!

    1. Stacy, I agree...I moan and complain about it and call myself a product oriented girl, but I do love being busy and the creative process. I just wish this one was a little shorter!! And thank you so much for your sweet words about my kitchen. I am a cottage girl...I know it's not super popular, but I can't argue with my gut. Thanks so much for the visit!

  4. You know me Kim I get going on something and go for it. It is not never ending but my problem is when I switch up something or start to change something it start a whole thing and that little project now becomes three or four projects!!!! I love that material you found. It almost looks like a folk art pattern. Very pretty.

    1. Kris, you just described my second problem…one decor project has opened four more. That bathroom ignited a fire and now I’m moving from room to room, freshening. I have too many projects to count! And yes the pattern is very pretty. I couldn’t get it out of my head once I saw it. I hope I like it as much once the curtains go up! Hope the snow isn’t that bad…stay warm!

  5. This is so funny...I love seeing how the process works! It's going to be beautiful! And yes, I do have unending projects...including a shower curtain valance that is PINNED lol.

    1. Linda, we are kindred spirits!! I'm so happy to hear that I'm not the only one living with pinned decor! You just made me feel so much better. ☺️

  6. Oh I love this. You keeping me on the edge of my seat however isn't playing fair. I would love to have your sewing talent.

    I think I have mentioned this girl can't even sew a button. I love both fabrics and can't wait to see your island.

    My husband asks me are getting close on the project list? I always say yes and he laughs. He's a gem and we enjoy doing them together. I made a commitment to him that I won't tackle so many at once.

    Your posts always make me smile. So happy I found your blog.


    1. Cindy, you are just the sweetest, thank you so much! I learned to sew out of desperation. I wanted new curtains in my first house and custom made ones were just way too expensive. So a dear friend offered to help me and I learned. Over the years it's been a ton of trial and error, but all in all, it's worked out well. And I giggled at your conversation with your husband. Sounds a lot like what goes on around here! Enjoy the week! 😊

  7. I really like that pattern and fabric you bought and I know it will look great. I can’t wait to see it. Yes we always seem to have something that needs fixing up or updated. We will be having a bedroom painted soon. Enjoy the rest of the week and have a happy Halloween.

    1. Thanks Julie...and yes, I guess homeownership means constant maintenance and updates. If you're into decor that just compounds the workload. I hope you'll share your bedroom update. Exciting!

  8. Oh my word this sounds like me. Honestly I think I just really don't care so that's why things don't get finished. There are so many other less stressful things I'd rather play with my grandson!

    1. Haha, I’ve seen your grandson, Jenny, he’s pretty cute. Totally understandable!!

  9. I love that fabric! I can't wait to see the finished project. Obviously the fabric really spoke to you and you needed to find the right spot for it.
    I have some unfinished projects too. :) And I think you will finish yours before I finish mine!

    1. It definitely spoke to me, Mari. I totally have a problem with fabric. It's my weakness. And I certainly hope I finish these things soon. I'm tired of that machine in my kitchen! Good luck with your projects!

  10. I have such a list of things that I want to do since I have retired that I will be busy for the next 20 years I am sure...Looking forward to the Kitchen reveal as I am sure you are too!! Thanks so much for stopping by!!

    1. Thanks Debbie! I think it's wonderful to have a creative mind and I can't wait to see what you have in store for us this holiday season! Hugs!

  11. I think your new fabric is what they call freshening up the old decor into a more modern style. At least that's what I tell myself everytime I find something that I love but it doesn't quite fit. LOL I guess I like what I am drawn to and I just make it work. I just hope I live long enough to see all the fitting in done and I'm happy with it. It's a process, right? And that's the journey that we all love.

    1. Absolutely Judy Ann! I love the product and grimace my way through the process (especially when I’m wresting with my sewing machine) but that really is the part of the project that makes me smile. I have to admit, I adore being elbow deep in a good decor DIY.

  12. Oh I had to chuckle at this one Kim... how many times I've thought and re-thought something, only to find myself with more projects on the table than just one, after making a cringing decision! I can't wait to see your new look, I know it is going to be amazing, you have an amazing eye for color, beauty and design!

    1. Thank you so much, Marilyn! I had a feeling there would be more than a few in the crowd who could relate. I think our creative brains just can’t stop spinning once they start. I guess that’s not a bad thing…

  13. You got it girl! You have a handle on what you like. I wish I could sew!!!! I know I've said that a thousand times to you. I am looking forward to how your journey progresses.


    1. Thanks much, Jane!! And trust me, my sewing skills are not great. I always say, just don't look too close...😉

  14. Oh, yes, I can relate. I have curtains I'm modifying for the bedroom. Everything has been sitting in bags for at least 6 months! But, I must say your husband sounds like mine....he would have said the same thing - buy it! We are so lucky to have such wonderful husbands!!!!

    1. Ann, I totally agree! I wouldn’t be able to do even a quarter of the things I do around here without his support (and skills!). And I’m glad to hear that someone else has bags of unfinished curtain supplies hanging around. ☺️

  15. I love both fabrics and am looking forward to seeing all of the changes!

    1. Thanks Penny! I can’t wait to see how it all turns out myself.

  16. I love the fabric. It's modern and I think it could go with many styles if done right. And I know you'll do it right!

    1. Thanks for the faith, Brenda! There's been a lot of doubt along the way with this one...

  17. Kim I totally get you. I can mull over a future project for months and months before finally deciding. I need to let it live in my brain for a long time before execution. I have these three canvases which I want to paint, they have been waiting for 2 years now. Lol!!

    1. I'm so glad to hear I'm not alone, Mary. From the outside it always seems like people decide on a project on a Monday and have a brand new wing of their house by Friday and I'm the only one struggling with the silly things like fabric for six months!

  18. I am excited to see how this all turns out Kim.
    I love how your husband said go ahead and buy it.
    xx oo

    1. Thanks Carla!! I hope you liked the answer...

  19. I NEED YOU!!!! Please come to my house and help me decide what I want/need to do!!!! I want to redecorate some but it seems so overwhelming I just can't get motivated!!!:( Your husband sounds like mine....I will hem & haw about buying something because I think it's too expensive or I don't "really" need it and before I know it he's convinced me that yes we can afford it and if you like it you "really" need it:) Love that man of mine! I'm sure your decorating is going to look great when you get it all done!!!

    1. Thank goodness for those "go for it" guys of ours! Without mine, I think I'd be living in a cardboard box...I'm always looking for that bargain! 😉

  20. Very pretty fabric, it will be interesting to see it done. I think we all have unfinished projects. Just depends on how important they are. Happy Halloween Kim.

  21. I can’t wait to see both of these projects when their done. I still don’t have everything hung back up on the walls after we painted a few weeks ago!

    1. The decor projects are certainly multi-layered, aren't they?

  22. Hey Kim,
    The new fabric is a departure, but I like all the white space in it. If the background was the red (orange) it would be difficult, but as is it's going to be fine.

    Neverending projects? You don't need to waste your breath asking. Lol!

    1. Thanks Nancy! I'm excited it's all done now and you're right, its fine...but now I'm on to more of those never-ending you're not alone!

  23. No wonder you lost your heart to that fabric, I would have too! And your husband is a sweetie to tell you to go for it. And did you get the rug in the picture? It's beautiful too! I'm looking forward to your project getting finished and I know you will. After all, the holidays are coming and I know how you feel about Christmas so I'm betting we'll be seeing it by then at least. I like that Waverly fabric too! Greens and reds, they're my weakness too.

    1. Thanks Dewena...I bought it all. One green light and I was gone, spending my way to a new look!! And I love Waverly, they have the prettiest cottage style prints in red and green. Swoon...

  24. My entire house is a never-ending project! I'm always working on updating or replacing something. And it takes me forever to finish a room. Looking forward to seeing how your projects turn out!

    1. Thanks Melanie...I think when you own a home, there are always never-ending projects!!
