When I started blogging I really had no idea what I was doing. It's a sentiment I used to hear echoed over and over again in blog posts, regardless of niche.
Apparently, the desire to write, craft, cook and share caused a lot of people to dive right in.
My motivation was to create an escape, a lovely little place where I could think out loud, share my love of decorating, crafting and maybe a funny story or two.
So with a bit of encouragement from my nephew, I hopped online and started posting about whatever was on my mind or going on in my life at the moment...but somehow it always revolved around home dΓ©cor.
I linked up, I followed, I pinned and +1'd, for anyone that remembers the now defunct Google Plus platform.
As my own posts started getting pinned and featured, my blog began to take shape, I was developing my style and finding my audience. Or rather they were finding me.
There were no deadlines, no newsletters, no ads and no sponsored posts. Just words with readers who were becoming friends.
It never dawned on me at the time that my little place on the internet might become a small business or that anyone other than the five girls in my book club might actually read what I was putting on "paper". It was nothing more than a hobby that fed my soul.
However, over the past six years and 500+ posts, so much has changed. Today, those haphazard starts are rare. More and more people are well-read, well-researched and blogging professionally out of the gate. They are polished, planned and profitable right from the start.
And then there's me.
Me, who is no longer an amateur, but still operates exactly the same as I did all those years ago when everything was fresh and new. And full of excitement.
When I have a fun craft that I think someone may enjoy peeking at or making on their own. I share it.
When something silly happens, like when I lost my underwear at Kmart, or when my tooth fell out in front of the hot tree guy, I share it.
Or when the storm in my head, like the grief I felt after my mom passed, becomes too big for that space and needs to be let out, I share it.
No, I don't live in a 100 year old farmhouse, so there aren't any of those amazing, drool worthy before and afters. I don't follow trends and I'm not an interior designer, so what you saw here yesterday is probably pretty close to what you saw here in 2013.
And no, I don't have a cute dog or small kids to feature on Instagram. I'm camera shy myself, so I won't be showing off my fabulous fashion there either. Or in daily videos. I'm just not that brave. And that's just not my focus.
What I do have are my words and the occasional inexpensive craft or small decor update that will hopefully inspire others to try the same. If they so desire.
I also have stories and thoughts that I hope will make others laugh or think or feel comforted by with the knowledge that they're not alone.
While I'm truly astounded by the creativity and craftsmanship that exists online and as I stand in complete and total awe of each one of those multitalented individuals, I don't own those skills. Nor do I want to.
I'm just not built that way. I'm a writer above all else.
But lately, I wonder, if that's enough. I still get a high when I hit that publish button. I still enjoy the crafting process, the photography and the composing...choosing the right word, contemplating the cadence when I read the finished product...that's my passion.
I'm just not sure it matters to anyone else anymore, since so much has changed in six years.
People don't read, they scan. There are tons of memes and tweets calling stories out online, especially when it comes to recipes or crafts. No one wants the context, they just want the information. It's a tough place to be when stories are your main focus and the crafts are just the vehicle you use to tell them.
So why am I sharing this all today? Hmmm. Well, I guess it's one of those "storm in my head" kind of moments.
This week, I was contemplating the concept of jealousy and comparison with friends, family and other entrepreneurs. No matter who I spoke to, the topic kept coming up, whether we were discussing the idea of it in business or in life.
It's something I've thought about often lately, while perusing Instagram or popping in and out of blogging groups, as people discuss stats and revenue and followers.
There's a lot of comparison, a lot of "what you should be doing", a lot of "look at how successful and wonderful I am" talk.
It's easy to see how feelings of inadequacy could creep into our heads.
I try to warn my kids about it. Stay in your lane, I tell them, like a horse with blinders on. Don't worry about the race, or where anyone else is going, just focus on your own goals.
But it's not that easy, especially for teens. Social media is their lifeline, even if it's often more of a curse than a blessing. Many experts attribute the unprecedented rise in suicide among young people directly to it.
It's scary and sad and it affects adults, as well. It's almost impossible not to compare yourself to others when it's all there, available 24/7, in black and white...and vibrant color.
As a youngster without a dad, it was a hard life and I compared myself to others, but my mom always kept us anchored with her common sense.
Whenever we would ask her if she were sad or jealous of the couples around her, she would say, Never, ever envy anyone else. Everyone has problems and shortcomings in their lives. You may not be able to see them, but they're there and you probably wouldn't want to trade.
Wise and sobering words from a woman who was coping with the recent death of her husband, while raising two small children. They're words that I've never forgotten and over the years have proven true too many times to count.
Of course, I'm human, so every now and then that little green monster pokes its head out from under the bed in my brain and makes itself known. He recently made an appearance, while I was fixing my site.
I changed the menu on the mobile version of Exquisitely Unremarkable and during the coding, I surveyed the crowd about its ease of use. Most people stuck to the task at hand, but some, many of whom were professional bloggers, had plenty to say.
Too simple. Dated. Boring. Ouch. I was told in no uncertain terms that my site was not good. I needed a complete overhaul ASAP, that the reason I wasn't more successful was due to my poor layout and design.
Really? Because I thought it was all about the content. I don't really care how pretty a website is if there's nothing of value on it.
Now, normally, I'm pretty hardheaded and stubborn about what I like. I'm not easily swayed, but the comments did get me thinking and for a brief moment, I doubted myself, I felt less than...the comparison bug bit me hard and I didn't like it. I went to other sites, stalked designs, shop tabs, book releases and brand deals.
I actually considered making changes to my format to be more like the others, in the hopes of gaining a massive following. The design I adored the day before was clearly holding me back. They were right, it suddenly felt too simple, dated and boring.
I couldn't find anything redeeming about what I had created. I was lost in a sea of green.
And then my mother's words showed up and pushed that monster back where it belonged.
What was wrong with me? How did I - even if it were ever so briefly - let myself get pulled off course?
I love my site. It is simple and maybe that is boring and dated, but I prefer to think of it as clean and classic with a focus on the words. All that other stuff is just a distraction in my mind. Besides, I hate crowds.
I'm a small gathering kind of girl. When I sit down in front of my computer and start to type, I'm just chatting with a friend or two. In my kitchen with a cup of hot water.
My site might not be as slick as most. There many not always be fireworks or breathtaking reveals as my style is way more Erma Bombeck (look her up) than Bravo TV.
But that's ok. That's who I am and I have no desire to be anyone else. Or do things any other way.
Sometimes it just takes a reminder to remember your own advice.
Last night, I was on Facebook and I saw the cutest cartoon about the holidays with the caption, Stay In Your Lane. Having written that down as the title for this piece several days before I took it as a clear sign that I need to share.
That when we look anywhere, but inside ourselves for direction, our thoughts, our goals and our paths get muddled. Inevitably, we end up crashing someone else's journey that may not help us to get where we're meant to go.
So after a week of chasing the crowd, the blinders are back on.
And I'm back in own lane.
Because that's the only one that will take me home.
How do you stay on track?

Loved this post!! I have posted about this topic and whether I should even continue blogging at least once or twice a year...But for me, it is like journaling my life. I go back to posts I wrote and pictures I posted to remember things and events. and hopefully, some day when I am gone...My family can look at those posts and remember what I was like. In the 10 years that I have been blogging, it has definitely become more professional in how to make money, how to get more endorsements and followers. I am not interested in that. My style is not "in Style" but it is what I love and continue to blog about. Blogging was a form of Stress Relief before I retired..Now it is is source of joy when I get to share things with old friends...I found my lane some time ago and I am definitely staying in it with blinders on!! Thanks for sharing your thoughts!! Loved this post!!
Thank you so much for sharing your own experiences with us today, Debbie, and for those super kind words. From the comments, it seems as if many of us have had the same feelings. I adore your blogs because they're so personal. I think folks still crave that kind of content and connect with it. Like you, I've met so many dear friends over the years and nothing beats that! Hugs back to you!! And thanks again for the visit and the comment.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing this post. I'm one that's always in doubt. I work hard at my blog especially now that I'm feeling better.
My followers haven't jumped much which is hard for me. I know I don't spend the time as some with blogging. I have a home, pups and husband that are always my number one.
Old school is me. I love cleaning our home, decorating, cooking and baking. I don't make projects just to make projects. I want to do things that are for a reason and share in Hope's to inspire. I try to be on Instagram but don't enjoy being attached to my phone.
I plan on hanging in there because I still enjoy sharing.
One thing I have is the adorable pups. I don't share them as much as I used too. They don't want to wait for me to take their pictures anymore.
By the way, I voted for the girls.
Have a great weekend
Hi Cindy, thank you so much for your comment, which by the way, I could've written myself. I'm old school in so many ways. While I don't love cooking, I actually do enjoy cleaning my home and decorating, of course! I don't like social media in any form, and while I do pop in occasionally to post or check out what others are up to, I would prefer to chat in person, take a walk or sit quietly and listen to the waves. But like you I hang in there, because on the whole, I love what I'm doing. I hope you'll continue to hang in there, too!! And ps...thank you for the vote!! It means a lot to all of us!! ❤️
DeleteLove your post! Keep it just like it is!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much, Cheryl! I appreciate the kind words!! ☺️
DeleteHi Kim,
ReplyDeleteWell said! I love that old saying "Be yourself, everyone else is taken" it always makes me laugh out loud.
I would like to add that you do not need the latest hardware and software to view your site unlike many others because they are full of advertising. Keep up the good work.
Kind regards
Thank you so much, Heather! I like that old saying, too. It's amazing how many of "the same" of everything I see out there, but I guess that's the way of the world. Seems like being different isn't as easy as it should be...and I'm glad you find my site easy to navigate. I really appreciate the feedback!!
DeleteYour lane is just perfect the way it is.
ReplyDelete❤️ Thank you!
DeleteI'm going to be very honest and forthright in my thoughts to you today, so that you will understand from one of your long time "friends" out here in blog land, how I perceive your site and appreciate you so much! I was once a blogger myself, probably ten years ago when a lot of people were just getting started. Somewhere I got the encouragement that I could do this, so I paid to have a site developed for me and just started sharing my home, family, crafts, collections, thrift finds, or anything else I thought might be interesting. I was 63 at the time. Well, I soon figured out that I needed a camera, photography skills, more training in maintaining a blog, and to sum it all up, I found myself horribly lacking. I quit! I have since become a blog stalker and quite enjoy it. However, I find myself feeling guilty that I wasn't up to par on my skills and could not keep up. That being said, your blog was one of the first that I started following because of the simplicity and the cottage style that you put forth. I look for those red roses in my emails religiously because I enjoy your home, your DIY projects, and your personality. Although you don't post as often as some others do, it is always a treat when I see the red roses. I feel as if I have a friend who is relatable, kind, classy, and down to earth. PLEASE don't think you are inferior in any way to those young girls that can buy up 15 pieces of junk furniture and have them refurnished in a day, to post as often as 3 times a week. It's just not who you are or who I am, and even though I am in awe of these girls, I can still be happy just looking for those red roses in my email.
ReplyDeleteThis is such a lovely response:)
DeleteI agree wholeheartedly with Cheri, who said that this is such a lovely response. Thank you so much, Judy Ann. I too had no idea what I was getting myself into when I started this venture. I had an old camera (because I'm a writer, who needs a camera, right??), zero knowledge of HTML or CSS coding or how a website worked. At all. I was terrified to link up, fearful that I would do it all wrong...and I DID!! I was putting links to the parties in my footer, when they were supposed to be in the posts, and kept getting deleted from the parties. I had no idea what I was doing wrong or what all the terminology meant until one kind soul took pity on me and explained it all. Six years later I could write a book about all this stuff...it's kept at least part of my brain growing - while middle age attacks the rest of it! Plus, I've met new friends from around the globe. However, it's hard to keep blinders on all the time. So thank you for your very kind words. I was bowled over by them. They really did make my day...❤️
DeleteI like your blog just the way it is. It is personal, homey & warm. There are plenty of blogs that I have unsubscribed from because they became too slick & polished. I was also annoyed by all of the pop-ups. I follow your blog and some others that make me feel like I'm in your home for a friendly visit. The professional blogs made me feel like I had been invited for a visit that turned out to be a sales pitch. Sort of like when you go to someone's house and once you get there they try to sell you health supplements or cleaning products. Stay with what makes you happy.
ReplyDeleteBriana, your last few sentiments just made me laugh out loud!! I totally get it...and can you believe that actually happened to me in real life this summer. I reached out to an old friend with whom I'd lost touch. We agreed to meet to catch up, but the invite (and follow up invite) finally came, it was to one of those parties!! She wasn't interested in me at all...just my wallet. How disappointing. I'm so glad that you feel welcome here in my "personal, homey and warm" space. Wow...music to my ears!! Thank you for the amazing compliment! ❤️
DeleteOK, Kim, you asked so here goes! Did you think you would get any different from me? I hope I can think of the right words as I usually need a day or two to get things right in my mind, but I will try now to just type what I feel. Firstly, I know what you mean about getting that nasty green in your head, but to you and to myself, I often say it is not necessary. I love your blog, I love your personality, I love your ideas and I love you, as I do myself and my blog and all the good points that I can get across. I don't make any money off of my blog and even though I have been asked and have contemplated the idea, I really don't want to. My payment is when someone says they enjoyed the story I have told and the picture I have painted in words and deeds. Sometimes when I say that, I feel like it might be taken as bragging but it is not given in that way. I am proud of what I can accomplish and try to work hard on the things that I need to do better. My focus is, and always has been, on my family and my home. I am proud of both so that is what I write about. There are times when I see something and think Oh, I wish I could have or do that, but then I put my own spin on that idea and it becomes mine and makes me happy. I am a grandma and I live in a grandma house and I do neat things that grandmas do. That is what makes me happy. I love putting words on paper and I love photography also. If someone can do a better job than me then I am happy for them and if I feel the least bit jealous, as I am only human,I just try to work harder and better. It's a good thing as Martha Stewart says and I enjoy reading most blogs for the ideas that I get from them (I never said I wasn't a copy cat). Some people have moved on from when I first started following them and that's OK, but for this all to work for me I need to say thank you to all that take the time to come over to my blog. I say a big thank you to you, Kim, you are always so gracious and, to me, that is the way that I always thought blogging should be. But, one last word, I do have a cute little dog and I'm not afraid to show her off!!Happy Weekend..xxoJudy
ReplyDeleteAnd who can resist an adorable puppy face? I'm sure if I had them, I would be showing my furry friends off, too. π In all seriousness, yes, yes, yes, to everything you said, Judy. And thank you. I guess I model my site off an old fashioned magazine column where you'd get a little bit of everything to read about and you'd actually get a response if you wrote a letter to the editor. Everything was much more personal then. Those days are long gone and I suppose I miss them a bit and this is my way of recapturing that feeling. And ps...graciousness is a two way street and so I thank you for always extending a kind hand to me, as well. Visiting your site is always a joy...❤️
DeleteAmen, Kim! When I started blogging, I did it for me. I was amazed when people actually started commenting on my posts, much less featuring them, and to this day, I'm still amazed. It's just me - what you see is what you get and I appreciate every single kind comment that is written! My posts and photos are far from perfect, but I still get sweet comments from people. As for those who said your blog was dated/boring, I've got news for them. Their blogs could disappear tomorrow and there will be a thousand new ones to take its place. So, here's to Staying in Your Lane and Keepin' It Real! Don't change for anybody.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much, Ann....and oh boy are you right!! Over the past several years, I have seen more people come and go than stay. The ones that do stick around are very much like you and I. They are in it for the enjoyment, there's a passion that keeps us sharing and creating. A friend texted me yesterday asking for a specific post, because she and her husband were up against the exact same problem. I was thrilled that she thought of me and that I was able to help her out. Like you said, I'm amazed and humbled by interactions like that and never take even one of them for granted!
DeleteComparison is the thief of joy. That's a quote from Theodore Roosevelt, not me. I have it taped to my sewing room wall, for when I think my quilting projects aren't coming out as nice as the pattern suggests. I like your website just the way it is. And, I did not have to look up Erma Bombeck :o)
ReplyDeleteKathleen, kakingsbury at verizon dot net
Great quote, Kathleen, I think about it often. It's very true and I believe it should be plastered on every wall in every school for kids to see it every day. Maybe it would sink in. I also think I may take your approach and pin it to the backsplash behind my desk so I see it every day myself. And I love that you didn't have to look up Erma Bombeck!! π
DeleteI love your blog and the lane you stay in! Please don’t change a thing.
ReplyDeleteMargy in KY
Margy, thank you so much. You just put a huge smile on my face! ☺️
DeleteI can understand your feelings Kim, but your blog is charming for its simplicity, honesty, and "real-ness." Not sure that's a word, but you know what I mean. It's true I scan lots of blogs, but I read yours. That's the honest truth. So many blogs don't seem real to me. How can they create all the perfection. The homes are magazine worthy, which isn't real. OK, I know they aren't really, but I get tired of seeming perfection all the time. I like you...you're real.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much, Florence. I'll take your "real-ness" compliment, word or not! π I do strive for that. I couldn't live/ blog/ write about things that actually weren't going on around here. Or show a perfectly pretty house without the occasional messy house shot every now and then. That's my reality, why should I hide it...especially when I know that's most people's reality and something we can all relate to and commiserate about...and isn't that the whole reason we share?
DeleteOh yes, and I forgot to mention all the pop up ads that are SO annoying! I love that you don't have all that mess.
ReplyDeleteThank you, thank you!! I often wonder if the ads are too much. I really try to keep them in place and avoid pop ups at all costs. Glad to know you think it's working!
DeleteHello, please don't change your style. I am not a blogger, I just love to read blogs and I tend to stay with blogs who are true to themselves, simple to follow, who do not show the same photos over and over as you read the post. You have a wonderful blog as it is so put those blinders back on and keep moving forward as is. Love it.
ReplyDeleteI will keep those blinders on, Carol, thank you so very much!! What a lovely, lovey comment to leave...I genuinely appreciate your lovely words! π
DeleteOh Kim this is so well written and I think speaks for a lot of us. I too started my blog to see if there were others out there that shared my decor crazy. I wasn’t sure but then I started to find followers that got me and my decor ideas. Never did I ever think my blog would bring such great friendships from all over. The important thing I learned is the friendships that grew really did not share my style but connected with me because we all loved to share Snd cheered each other on. We got to know each Other on a personal level. I have kept my blog going because of the friendships and connections made. I have been told several times that I should do ads and make money. I Blog for fun and as a hobby. I stay connected to the friendships. I don’t want ads interfering with my post or pushing sales on my friends that visit. Call me dumb for not wanting to make money with blogging but it is my communication with friends and I don’t want to be pushing ads on them as we share friendship. I don’t blame anyone that wants to make money it just is not why I got into blogging I want my blog to be a fun place to share And not a place to push sales. For me the big bloggers have lost the fun part of blogging. I feel Facebook Instagram and blogs are now places of competition and judgement not about content. Your story today proves my point. Some people out there are making so many feel inferior or bad about themselves and there blogs that is sad. Kim I always love your blog and your writing style. I feel we have shared a friendship that grew from our love of each other’s creativity and life stories we have shared. Your blog reflects you and no one should ever make you feel inferior. You are so genuine and kind and really know how to tell a good story not to mention your crafty self!!! Hope you keep on doing what you love.
Kris, your words are always just perfect! Thank you so much for your comment and for your friendship. And I agree, many of the larger blogging sites are very bland today. The personality is gone, it's all about sales and most of the newer blogs are built that way from the start. I know I sound like an old person, or like my mom (which isn't a bad thing ❤️), but I think the old days of blogging were better. They were more honest, they were full of true originality and creativity for creativity's sake. I love that that is still your focus and I hope that even though there are a few ads here and there on my site, people can see that it's still truly mine, as well. Hugs to you my friend.
Deleteyou're in my lane and I love it
What a lovely thing to say! Thank you so much, Bernadine! ☺️
DeleteVery well written my friend! I'm not on Instagram, so don't have to deal with that. I like Pinterest, where there is less social interaction. Anyway I've never been the jealous type. I don't read the FB feed. I just go there to read posts from a few groups I'm in. I don't compare myself to anyone else because my blog is more about life. Much like yours. I don't even do crafts like you do. And I wouldn't do videos if someone held a gun to my head. For someone like me, and you, we just want to put the content out there. And I don't skim, I read. People let me know sometimes when someone has used a photo of mine. I've never watermarked mine because I really don't let it get my panties in a twist if someone else uses it. Just doesn't bother me. Different strokes for different folks.
Brenda, thank you, you are a very wise woman and I respect your opinion very much. I also respect your decision to avoid social media. I hate it and yet, there I am. I guess I’m more of a curious onlooker than regular participant, but honestly, I prefer the comfort of my blog. It’s like being at home where I can shut out all the nonsense.
DeleteI love your site. You had a very wise mother who has a very wise daughter. I only read a few blogs. I enjoy every post you do. Thank you for being you.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much, Cheryl!! I take your words as a huge compliment...and appreciate them all greatly. I'm honored to be on your reading list. ☺️
DeleteI like your blog just the way it is ~
ReplyDeleteThank you, Bobbie! ❤️
DeleteWhat a great post!
ReplyDeleteI started small and after nearly 8 years of blogging I'm still small. And that's just fine with me.
I learned in my 20's to not compare myself with others in regards to home, job, marriage, lifestyle. It has served me well. I am what I am.
I'm not on my computer much these days - health, life, gorgeous weather, etc. keep me busy, but I am so glad I read your post this morning.
Thank you, Carol! What a lovely thing to say...especially since I know that I'm competing with that beautiful California sunshine. π
DeleteOh honey, your blog is fantastic. I hope you won't change a thing. I got so caught up several years ago in trying to keep up ans stay relevant in the blogging game. I had a life-changing event that put so many things into perspective for me. I rarely ever do a sponsored post anymore. I just blog when I feel like it now. I realized that I would never be able to keep up with cute decorating, amazing photography, recipes, etc. I just couldn't do it all. It feels so much better staying in my own lane. Just wanted you to know this post really spoke to me. I love reading your blog. It's real.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much, Mandy!! I love your response. And yes, there are so many other priorities for me and reconciling between what's necessary for business and what I am comfortable doing is a constant thought. They are often two completely different things. I choose comfort and try to follow my gut and my heart while putting business in the backseat. I'm glad you think it's working. Thanks so much for weighing in and leaving a comment. It really does mean a lot. ☺️
DeleteI love your blog and your lane! It feels comfortable and cozy - just how I want my home to feel. I'm so glad I found you.
ReplyDeleteBut I know what you mean - I wonder the same about my blog, but I don't have time to make it professional, so there you have it.
Thanks Mari! I'm so glad I found you, too. I enjoy your lane and look forward to reading everything you share. It does take a lot of time to blog there's no doubt about it. I guess we just all have to choose what works best for us...like everything else in our lives, I suppose.
DeleteHi Kim, I can't believe that some bloggers would actually say all of those things to you. I feel like our blogs are our own and and personal style that we chose and like. I LOVE your blog and yes I agree it is the content and the words that matter. Please do not change your blog around because someone says it's boring and simple. I think that it's just perfect and it matches you and your comfy cottage home!!! I do hope that you will continue to share your crafts, DIYs, and the funny stories because I love your blog posts and look forward to reading them! Stay in your lane and I will stay in my lane! LOL.
ReplyDeleteTake care. Julie xo
Oh believe it, Julie! I have to say, I wasn't all that surprised. I mean first of all, I'm on Blogger, which is apparently a cardinal sin in the blogging world. However, I've been to WP and back and know first hand that the grass is not always greener on that side. I was happy for the constructive criticism which is how I feel the comments were shared, but all it did was reinforce my idea of what I want my site to be and hope already is...Thanks so much for your kind words and your friendship!! That is truly the greatest pleasure in this game...xoxo
DeleteLove this post! I’ve been blogging for six years and I’ve felt the same struggle but I always come back to why I started and what I REALLY want. I love your blog! I feel inspired and encouraged. I’ve also found some new people to follow here in the comments! It’s fun when you find your people!
ReplyDeleteIt IS fun when you find your people, Stacy! I'm going to have to go find you now. And I think this is something many of us in the blogging world struggle with...thank you for sharing your thoughts. It makes me feel better to know that I'm not alone!!
DeleteOh, my goodness! So much of this could be said about ME!!!! In fact, I wish I had written most of these words:) BEEN THERE, DONE THAT!!!! In fact, I left my blog for quite awhile, missing it the whole time. But I just felt mine was so inadequate compared to most others. I am SO NOT technology savvy so I don't even remember how I set up my blog! However, awhile back I decided I really wanted to write it again. Like you, I love to write! I may not be great at it, but it's something I very much enjoy. So I have decided (like you) that I'm just going to write about what I want to write about, and post some (hopefully) decent pictures to go with it. I am not talented like so many others; I don't live in a gorgeous home like so many others; I don't have multiple sets of dishes to always be creating new tablescapes; I am sooo unphotogenic that I won't be posting pictures of myself in cute new clothes that have been given to me by expensive dept. stores like so many others (of course, no one has offered)! Well, you get the picture. I am going to write about my grandkids or fun ideas I come across or maybe a new recipe I've tried...just whatever strikes my fancy at the moment. And I will hope that a few "friends" will stop by and hopefully enjoy what I've shared. You have written a very, very powerful post that I feel sure many out there could benefit from reading. Thank you for opening your heart and sharing this! cherischatter.blogspot.com (just in case you want to drop by sometimes:)
ReplyDeleteCheri, thank you for leaving such an honest comment. I think more people than you know are nodding along with you. There are many of us in the same blogging boat. I didn't expect to have to be a great photographer or a website designer when I started this venture. And I never ever expected that anyone would demand to see my face online. For years and years I didn't have a photo of myself on my site. Even now, my profile everywhere is my flowers...personal or not. And while I have dipped my toe into the waters of blogging business, my overriding mission is still to entertain, connect and inspire. And I adore dropping in to your site. Your prose always have me nodding along...❤️
DeleteOuchie, those blog comments were a bit harsh me thinks. And fudge them anyway. I come visit you once a week because I absolutely love reading about what you've been up to Kim. You have an amazing way with words that draws you in and it really does feel like I'm sitting at your coffee table listening to you chat about what's happening on your side of the world. I've never even bothered to look at your layout. You stay in you lane girl, coz as far as I'm concerned it's one of the prettiest, most heartfelt lanes out there
ReplyDeleteThey weren't really fun to hear, Michelle, but not completely unexpected in the scope of things. My blog is simple and there aren't any fancy functions or tabs here. I guess I just don't really care about that stuff, so it never bothered me. Then again, my family room has a floral couch which is completely outdated so what do I know! I thank you for your lovely comments, though, I really am all about the words, so yours just made me smile!!
DeleteThank you, Teri! ❤️ Your words are very kind and I'm so glad that we've met and have been able to share our love of all things warm and cozy across the miles. Hugs to you!
ReplyDeleteHi Kim,
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing your heart. As you know this is what I love about you. Over the years of blog friendship and having our kids grow up, it is something I have always knew I could count on. I can share my thoughts with you and you are honest.
Your are honest about crafts, home improvements and family. THANK YOU! Please continue to do just that.
Carla, this is one of the nicest things anyone has said to me about my writing. Thank you for all of your support and kind words, but mostly, for your friendship. One of these days we really need to get out there and visit. I think the boys would have a ball together, too! They seem to have similar interests, as well!
DeleteKim.... simple is pleasurable!
ReplyDeleteAnd I knew I liked you when you said, you drink hot water. Proof that simple is pleasurable!
π staying in my own lane, too!
Super simple over here, Christine! I'm raising my glass right now to staying in our own lanes!! π
DeleteI like your blog, probably because you are like Erma Bombeck...
ReplyDeleteThank you so much, Catherine. I take that comment at as a great compliment!
DeleteOh, Kim...I relate to every single little thing you said in this post! I already know that my blog is simple and perhaps "boring" to some people (I doubt the Big Bloggers would ever want to read my posts), but honestly, I don't care. I blog for the same reasons you do: I love to write, I like to take photographs, I like to share parts of my life or some home decor, and I love the friendships that I have made through blogging. I don't have ads on my blog either. Just not my thing. I'm not looking to make any money through my blog; I simply do it for the pleasure of writing and sharing with friends.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite blogs are the ones that are down-to-earth, homey and friendly. If someone wants to call that simple, then so be it. I've never been a competitive person and I don't care about numbers of followers, etc. I don't even look at any of the Big Blogs anymore (except for one - and that's only once in a blue moon to look at his decor). To me, they're all the same type of decor (and paid for through companies!) and without personality and warmth. I can't compare myself to any of them because I'm not even close to being in their league - nor do I want to be. I'm content with who I am, what I do, and what my own house looks like. And that's all that matters.
Thanks for the wonderful post! I'm sure you'll get lots of agreement on this one. :-)
Thanks Melanie. This one seemed to hit a chord with a lot of people. I guess it all boils down the old adage, beauty is in the eye of the {blog} beholder. I don’t look at themes and blog styles, I’m all about the words, the sentiments, the stories and the crafts. Of course, pretty pictures don’t hurt either. That’s what interests me, and that’s what I enjoy creating myself. Plus, I really enjoy following friends and their adventures. π
DeleteWell. This is where all of my people have been hiding.
ReplyDeleteI just found you and I was a little afraid you were inside my head. Thank you for so eloquently giving voice to these thoughts and feelings.
I was ranting earlier today with one of the loveliest people I’ve met on the interwebs (@vinyetetc) about how everything on IG is a slick sales pitch and the playing field is So Not Level.
It is so heartening and hope inducing to know that there is still real community out here.
Rock on with yo’ bad self, sister.
Jeri, you just made my day!! I have been wondering a lot of the same thing. I showed my husband my Instagram feed and he was like...whoa...this stuff is hardcore and we're just making little bathroom hooks. But that's my real life and that's all I can do. Glad it resonates with you!! SO happy to know that I'm not alone. ❤️
DeleteWonderful! Just found your Blog today and read this story. You sound like my kind of woman. I will be following your blog. Have a wonderful day.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much! What a lovely comment to leave, it's made me smile ear to ear. Glad to have you along and I hope to see you in the comments often! Enjoy the week!