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Totally Transformed: Updating An Old Bathroom Vanity

July 19, 2019

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Transform an old, dated bathroom vanity with a makeover and turn it into a modern piece with a little paint and a few inexpensive accents.

It's easier than you think to customize it and create your dream bathroom in the process.

Brown Distressed Bathroom Vanity DIY Makeover

Way back in April, we started renovating our bathroom.

While the room is basically finished and the kids are back to destroying using it, it's not ready for a final reveal.

Update: It's ready- here's the reveal

I'm still collecting accessories and putting on the finishing touches. However, what I am ready to show you is my totally transformed bathroom vanity.

You'd never, ever guess that it was the same one that came with the house if I didn't tell you.

I'm pretty shocked myself.

When we started this project, we weren't really thinking about replacing the vanity.

Truthfully, we weren't really thinking about replacing anything, but that's another story.

The bathroom vanity came with the house. Over the years, it's served us well. However.

It was a boring, dated, stock piece and it was decades old, definite cons, but that also meant it was solid wood...and today, most pieces are not.

Plus, it fit our plumbing set up, had tons of storage and it was free. All pros.

Charming Country Style Bathroom

I still wasn't convinced.

It took a lot of consideration, dreaming and shopping in stores and online, where I couldn't find anything that was much better, before I decided to stick with what we had and perform a magical makeover.

To be honest, I wasn't 100% convinced that it was going to end well.

I'll let you be the judge.

We started with this.

A whitewashed wooden vanity, that we had gel stained in a darker color years ago. It had an aged appearance, on purpose, but I was done with the dark wood.

How To Makeover A Dark Wood Vanity

I either wanted a lighter look or a different wood, which would involve stripping, sanding and staining- no thank you. Since, painting was much, much easier, that's the route we chose.

The doors and drawers were removed and the priming and painting began.

We started using the same color as the walls, but it was too stark, so we switched to Silver Satin from Benjamin Moore.

It was perfect, still very white, but warmer and believe it or not, even with "silver" in its name, it was not gray.

Store Bought Stock Bathroom Vanity Makeover Update

Now painting is all well and good, but I knew that if was going for a completely different look, that wasn't going to do it.

The devil - or the magic, as someone recently told me - is in the details. And that's where my attention turned next.

We'd had these old crib finials floating around the house since the kids were small.

The crib is long gone, but for some reason we held on to these.

I stumbled across them mid-renovation and knew they'd be the perfect little faux legs for my vanity.

How To Upcycle Crib Finials

I painted them and then my husband amended the piece so they'd screw into the bottom of the vanity.

They don't provide any support, but they totally changed the lines of that character-less frame.

Adding Feet To A Basic Vanity

Next, my attention was focused on the hardware.

At first I wasn't sure what I wanted, but the way this story worked out, I know I made the right choice.

I had spent a lot of time on Pinterest and Etsy looking for something that would make me swoon and I found it in vintage style drop ring pulls.

I felt it in my gut that these would be best. Unfortunately I could only locate them from a seller in China and it would take weeks for delivery. Grrr.

Well, before I put them in my cart, I called my friend Susan from Homeroad, she is a master of DIY and knows the local antique market well.

She sent me to a shop where I inquired about the ring pulls, but they didn't have them. We looked in bins and drawers and jars of treasures for a good long time.

However, they told me, if you find something on a piece of furniture that you like, we may be able to take it off and sell it to you.

Hmm. It was a generous offer, but it was also a long shot, especially since I needed six of them, but lo and behold, the minute I turned around there was an antique dresser with six of them right behind me.

They were perfect!

The shop owner was happy to remove them and I literally skipped out of that store with my bag of treasure.

Of course, they were brass and I was looking for white, but that wasn't anything a little spray paint couldn't fix.

How To Spray Paint Bathroom Hardware

We, and when I say we, I mean my husband, used two different hues in light coats to get the right color and look for my intentionally aged piece.

See? Meant to be, right?

Vintage Ring Drop Pull Bathroom Hardware

Once the hardware was in, I turned my attention to the drawers and cabinet.

They were just too bland. To remedy that, I ordered some contact paper online in an old fashioned rose print and got to work.

Decorating Furniture Drawers

It was an inexpensive and simple task that took me less than a half an hour to complete, yet the results were very dramatic.

This makeover was coming together nicely.

Decorating The Inside Of A Bathroom Vanity

And then we hit a wall. Well, I did anyway. The impasse?

It was the countertop. All along I had thought we'd either go for a dark wood vanity with a white counter or a white vanity with a dark counter.

Now that it was decision time, I was frozen.

What I really wanted was wood. Impractical? You bet. Gorgeous? Mmhmm.

A warm wood grain top would be the icing on this decorative cake, but they were pricey and nobody here wanted to build me one.

Until he did.

My knight in shining DIY armor constructed this amazing wooden countertop from supplies we grabbed at Home Depot and basically whipped it up in a weekend.

Easy Wooden Countertop DIY For The Bathroom

With that last design wrinkle ironed out, my vanity makeover was complete.

This old, boring, square, 1980's bathroom cabinet had been totally and completely transformed, thrown back in time, into a charming cottage style treasure that fits my 1920's bungalow perfectly.

A far cry from where we started. (Take a peek at the entire makeover!!)

Farmhouse Bathroom Vanity Makeover DIY

It took me a while to let the kids use it, but they've moved in now and it's holding up well.

They love the fact that the sink has been centered over the cabinet, which gives them room to work in there...make up, hair dryers, etc.

It just makes more sense.

How To Create A Romantic Country Farmhouse Bathroom Vanity

Of course, I absolutely adore the look.

I've always been a form over function girl.

But it's nice when I'm able to get both.

And when it comes my way for less than $100?

I'd say it was a success.

How about you?

How To Update Your Old Vanity On A Budget
Kim Signature

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  1. Oh, Kim, it is beautiful. Such fun treasures. I love the old hardware and the paint and stain colors are great together. Looking forward to seeing the whole thing completed.

    1. Thank you, Lorri! That old hardware is truly my favorite touch. The fact that it really is vintage makes the whole piece feel a little more legit!! 😉 I hope you have a lovely weekend!! And a cool one, too.

  2. This is stunning and I mean stunning. I love what you did to the inside of the drawers and doors. I would have never thought this was your old vanity. Adding the feet it now looks like a piece of furniture.

    Job well done my friend. 👏👏


    1. Thank you so much, Cindy. I was going for a very romantic, cottage style, grandma's house (well, my grandma's house anyway) kind of vibe. I know it may seem dated to some, but I just adore anything vintage. The fact that you wouldn't know it was the old vanity is a huge compliment and I really appreciate it. ☺️

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you, Penny! I'm just glad it's done. Ha!

  4. Beautiful, my talented friend! You and your husband are quite the team and it's now a work of art!

    1. Thank you, Brenda.❤️ You always humble me with your super kind comments. Enjoy the weekend, my friend.

  5. Kim, that looks AMAZING and totally perfect for your sweet cottage home!!!! I'd be afraid to let my kids use that wood top....yikes, hope it stands the test of time! I love the way this looks, kudos to you my friend!!

    1. Debbie, truth be told, the faucet worked for a solid two weeks before I let them even look at it. I've eased up a bit as it seems to be holding up well, but trust me, I'm all over them about keeping it tidy. Oh...and five coats of polyurethane helps, too!! 😜

  6. Looks wonderful Kim . . .
    It has a vintage, stylish, cottage look.
    The April to July/August makeover is a winner.
    I wish I had your clarity and energy!

    1. Thank you so much, Lynne! And I don’t really have clarity, this was a make it up as you go project. I marvel at those with a definitive vision from the get go. Maybe someday!! Stay cool. I hear it’s hot all over!!

  7. I love it. We have to redo our bathroom and short on money. We are going to our local restore and try to find a vanity for our bathroom. Love how yours came out.

    1. Thanks so much, Betty! I hope you have great luck at the restore and share your redo!

  8. I love it! So adorable. I really love the rose paper accents.

    1. Thanks so much, Jenny!! I felt the need to keep a little bit of red around since I painted over the rest of it!! 😉 Hope you have a super weekend!

  9. Absolutely gorgeous, Kim. I'm so glad you kept the old cabinet - solid wood is the way to go!

    1. Thank you so much, Ann! I am happy we kept it too, I really couldn’t see spending crazy money on a particle board piece. Enjoy the weekend!

  10. Wow! I'm impressed! Love all the little charming details like the feet, the updated color, and especially love the contact paper on the inside of the cabinet doors! And the counter! Like you say, it looks very cottage-y, and I'm sure fits your place to a T. You're so right that the modern cabinets really don't measure up to what you have in quality.

    1. Thanks so much, Florence! I just had to add a little color to the inside, since I took so much color out of the room. And yes, the modern cabinets are very expensive, I couldn't believe how expensive, and they were constructed poorly. This was a better option for us. Thanks for stopping by!

  11. Oh my gosh! I love it, what a transformation, and the feet just add to it! Great job😊

    1. Thank you so much, Rhonda! I do love those little feet. I'm so happy my husband could make them work!!

  12. Wow! What a difference. Using the finials was brilliant. I love how the whole thing turned out.

    1. Thanks Mari! I knew those wooden finials would come in handy one day. Enjoy the weekend!

  13. OH WOW.....that looks great. Loving the feet on there also. Nicely done.

    1. Thank you, Pam...I love those little feet, too.

  14. Love it Kim. The crib finals are awesome on this piece. Love the wood top with the painted cabinet. Looking good. Can't wait to see the full reveal.

    1. Thanks so much, Kris! Everyone seems to love those finials. I’m so glad I kept them.

  15. Wow, Kim you and your husband did a great job with the makeover. I love all of the little details and the paint color is great. The floor looks so nice too. It's nice to have a handy husband!

    1. Without him, Julie, I would just be a DIY dreamer. He gets the credit for most of the actual doing. 😉 And thank you!

  16. Well done Kim! I am excited to see the full reveal.
    Love, Carla

    1. Thank you so much, Carla! I have to say, I’m really happy with the way it turned out.

  17. Your vanity makeover is absolutely fabulous...I love it! The finials on the bottom are the crowning touch. I love bun feet on most anything and that's what I am reminded of:) Great always!

    1. Thank you, Cheri! I can’t believe how many people are taken with those little final feet. I’m glad I kept them!!
      Thanks for the visit and I hope you’re enjoying the week, my friend! :)

  18. Beautiful transformation Kim. The best part is under $100. Kudos to you both for creating a lovely vanity.

    1. Thank you so much, Linda! My depression era parents would be very proud, I think.

  19. This is GORGEOUS!!!! Where to start? The cute little "feet," the AMAZING custom built counter top, the adorable pulls????? I'm so glad you kept the solid wood base and added to it. It truly is amazing! The counter top your hubby built you is just perfect! Glad you held out for it! And you're nice to let you kids use this beautiful bathroom. I'd probably send my outside with a bucket and hose. lol Jk

    1. Audra, I read your comment out loud to my family and we all laughed, because I have threatened the kids on a regular basis about using a bucket or the pool water!! So far they’ve been very, very well behaved, but trust me, I know it’s coming. And thank you, my friend!! ☺️

  20. C'mon...this is amazing!!! The color, the pulls, the wood top, how you lined the Can you guys come to my house and help me transform some things here? ;-)

    1. Melanie, your sweet comment just made my day!! ❤️

  21. I think you both did a great job! And how great that you were able to buy just the pulls off another piece of furniture! LOVE the look girl! Love and hugs!

    1. Benita, I was seriously jumping up and down in the store when I found them. I called my husband from the car like I won the lottery. Total DIY junkie, huh? Hugs to you!!

  22. Kim, what a great outcome. I love when projects come together like that. It looks so pretty and perfect with your flooring. I love the lining on the inside..Happy Monday..xxoJudy

    1. Thanks so much, Judy! I love that liner, too. Can you believe that I couldn't find any contact paper I liked locally, it's such a shame no one carries it anymore. As much as I like to shop in my neighborhood, it Amazon to the rescue. Hope it's been a great week so far! xo

  23. FANTASTIC JOB!!! I really love it, Kim. I am all about repurposing when I can. This is a great makeover-making something 'dated' become even MORE dated so that it looks like a vintage piece. Love it. xo Diana

    1. I love that comment, Diana!! Exactly…old and currently dated to old and in style dated! 😉 We were joking that if we just left it alone, it would be right in fashion again in a few short years! What goes around… xoxo

  24. You never cease to amaze me!! Whau! Looks fantastic! I will keep this in mind if I ever need to do a job like this.

    1. Angela, you are just too sweet! Thank you so much...and really it was a pretty easy DIY, if you ever do need to do it.

  25. It most definitely was a huge success Kim!! Love the white with wood on top!

    1. Thanks so much, Mary! We really do love it.

  26. Beautiful job Kim, and well worth the effort. Perfect for your charming home ❤️

    1. Thank you, Doreen! It’s about that time when everything seems to be falling apart around here. Even though I wasn’t tired of it, it was nice to redo the room.

  27. One of the best makeovers I've ever seen. What a transformation! How funny that you were able to use crib finials you had saved all those years. Hoarding does have its positives! Nice work! Hugs, Nancy

    1. Thank you so much, Nancy!! ❤️ We’re really happy with the results…and yes, ha! This project is doing nothing for my hoarding habits. I’m actually surprised I still had them. It’s always the stuff I toss that I find I should’ve kept and unbelievably I knew exactly where to find them. This was a happy surprise. Hugs!!

  28. I did this all back to front :D I read how your hubby made the top first and them had to come see how the rest of it had been transformed. I would never in a million years have said it was the same vanity. You both did an amazing job. WOW!!! All the details take it to a whole new level

    1. Thanks so much, Michelle! I was looking for a very big change, I guess, I got it!!

  29. This turned out beautifully! Love the color with the stain, and how you added the feet. Looks like an old piece of furniture now.

    1. Thanks so much, Linda! I am so happy with the way it turned out.

  30. It is so amazing what some TLC can do. It turned out beautiful.

    1. Thank you so much and yes, I was skeptical at first, but I'm a firm believer in the magic of paint now!!

  31. How is it this is the first time I am seeing this lol! It is gorgeous Kim. And using items from your children’s baby special! The hardware was definitely meant to be it coordinates very well! You did an amazing job it’s gorgeous! ❤️❤️

    1. Thanks so much, Christina! We're not big with the furniture remodeling, but I have to say, I love this one, too. It checks all the boxes for me!

  32. Your vanity make over gives me hope for my daughter's. Updating the bathroom is a must but with onlya few dollars to make it happen. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Oh, she can do it!! It is a labor of love for sure, but it's much less expensive than new and you get EXACTLY what you want. Best of luck to her!!
