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Kelly And Kat One Day

May 23, 2019

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Kelly and Kat are sisters, singers and songwriters.

They have written and released 4 songs as of 2021 and have been signed to a publishing deal with Peer Music UK and Joat Music Group.

Their 4th single New Girl was released in November.

Kelly and Kat Singers

I've always been a busy person, sitting still doesn't sit well with me.

I enjoy being active and having things to do.

When I left my teaching job, after my eldest was born, I kept busy by taking care of my family, my home and volunteering for just about every position I could find.

Of course, kids grow and once my youngest started middle school, things changed. I suddenly found myself with a lot more free time.

So I began to write.

Twice a week, every week for the last six years.

Then, about a year ago, things changed again.

My daughters, who have always been singers and songwriters, met Adrian Young, the amazingly talented drummer from the band No Doubt, and they decided to write songs and record them together.

And this week, Kelly & Kat released their first single, called One Day.

*2021 Update: The girls have released two more songs. The Nobody Knows music video can be viewed on their  YouTube channel.

And their 3rd release, We Were can be found wherever music is sold or on their website

Their latest release, New Girl (great video), is probably my favorite.

What a whirlwind.

You may have picked up clues of the collaboration from my mentions our many trips to NYC last summer or my hints of our trip to Woodstock, NY where the girls spent a week in a world class recording studio.

Kelly and Kat Music

Perhaps you noticed that I was posting less frequently.

That it took me weeks to answer comments and emails or get around to visiting.

Sometimes it was just hard to find the time to get in front of the computer.

But I'm not complaining, it's been an amazing ride and a super fun process to watch.

When my girls were little, I signed them up for a musical theater workshop and they were hooked immediately.

They acted, danced and sang their way through countless shows, like Annie, Seussical, Into The Woods and Grease, from preschool to high school.

Then in 2014, on a whim they entered Disney and Kohl's Sing Your Frozen Heart Out competition with their harmonized version of the blockbuster song, "Let It Go" and they won.


The news was announced in a commercial that featured them singing the song, during the American Music Awards on ABC.

Kelly and Kat Singers

It was an incredible night, surrounded by friends and family, and the beginning of some great opportunities.

They started writing music, rehearsing daily and singing together everywhere they could, so when the chance to make an album of their own came up, they were ready.

Kelly and Kat Sing At Fall Festival

In the meantime, all that free time I had suddenly evaporated.

Once again, they need me. A lot.

Over the last twelve months, I've become an excellent city driver, wardrobe consultant, production assistant, travel agent, roadie, and much to my chagrin, on call chef.

As you may have guessed, my all time favorite job is simply mom and cheerleader, which is why I'm sharing this news today with you.

I've kept it a secret for a long time.

I almost mentioned it, when they flew to LA with Disney for a week without me. I wrote about my empty house, but I never said why I was alone.

However, this time, I can't contain my excitement.

I also think their song is really, really good. It's a mix of pop and rock with the girls' signature harmonies laced throughout and it's been beautifully arranged by their producers, Adrian Young and Quinn Luke, both of whom also play on the tracks.

Like I said, amazing...surreal actually...and there are four more songs on their way this summer.

If you'd like to hear One Day, it's available wherever music is sold or streamed. You can also head over to their website or check out their Instagram page to find out when their next songs will be released.

As for me, well, I'm hoping to be a little less busy again.

Back to my unfinished bathroom renovation, my DIYs and my overflowing inbox.

Although, I have to admit, those rock and roll road trips were just a little more fun.

Are you busy?

Kim Signature

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  1. Such exciting news Kim! I wish your daughters all the success in the world!

  2. I think they are very talented. Such great voices and harmonies! Congratulations to you all!

    1. Thank you so much, Deanna!! I really appreciate the sweet words! 😊

  3. This is so amazing Kim. I am so excited for your beautiful girls. They are beautiful and oh so talented. I am sure we will be hearing a lot more about them. I love love the song and will down load it to my music on my apple car play and amazon music.
    Have a wonderful week and beautiful holiday weekend.

    1. Thanks so much, Kris!! It's been amazing to hear them on iTunes and Amazon. The best was this weekend when we were walking around the neighborhood, we heard someone playing their song in their backyard! That was awesome and the girls were over the moon! Hugs to you my friend...

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks Penny! It's been so much fun to watch the process.

  5. Hi Kim I'm a new follower and this must an amazing moment for your girls and you. How hard it must have been to keep it inside. Good luck to your girls and I wish them much success.

    Looking forward to following along to keep up to date.

    Looking forward to your DIY'S too.

    Have a super weekend.


    1. Thank you so much, Cindy! It was hard to keep my lips zipped. I like to it was a very exciting process and we took some really fun trips. I'm so glad you're following along. I'm excited to get back to some DIYs. Right now we're in the middle of a bathroom renovation. I can't wait to share! 😊

  6. Exciting news. How wonderful for them. Congratulations! Following in Grandma's footsteps?

    1. Thanks so much, Lorri!! And yes, that would be wonderful. I think she'd be thrilled...wish she was here to see it all. Hoping she's witnessing it from afar.

  7. Your daughters are indeed amazing!! Beautiful and talented! Congratulations to them and the whole family!

    1. Thank you so much, Angela! We are truly over the moon...

  8. oh Kim! so happy for you! your girls are beautiful and creative and gorgeous while still looking wholesome. that's a mark to their Fabulous Mama! this makes my heart smile... AND feel good about the younger generation! LOL. xoxo

    1. Thank you so much, Tammy. What a perfectly wonderful compliment, that makes my heart smile. ❤️

  9. Wow, you have been busy!! And as you know, a girl always needs her mom, no matter what age we are. I played the recording and it's beautiful, and so are your girls of course. I'd say you should be proud, but I can tell you already are. Love the art work on the cover.
    kakingsbury at verizon dot net

    1. Thank you Kathleen! It's been a bit of whirlwind, but so much fun. I am super proud of the girls and watching them has been such a pleasure. And I'm so glad you like the artwork, my eldest designed it!!

  10. Oh! Congratulations on your daughter's success. You never really had any doubt, did you?! You are such a good supportive mom and a wonderful person, to boot! I will check this/them out as soon as I can. xo Diana

    1. Thank you, Diana! I guess that's a mother's job, to carry the faith and believe...thanks for the super kind words, as always. xoxo

  11. Kim! So very exciting! Your girls are beautiful, just like their sweet momma, and how incredible that you were able to be a part of this very exciting adventure for them! It must have been so hard to keep this all quiet for so long! Life is always full of change, isn't it, and we just have to "rock and roll" with the changes as they come, lol! Blessings to you sweet friend!!!!

    1. Thank you, Marilyn! I keep laughing that I'm too old for this "rock and roll" lifestyle. 😂 However, the trips and travels, the late nights and the gigs and the new friends met along the way have all broadened our world in wonderful and unexpected ways at a time when I had just lost my mom and wasn't sure what direction I was supposed to take. Funny how things work out, isn't it...although knowing you, you'd say it wasn't funny at all, it was all in the plan. I think I'd have to agree...Blessings to you, too, friend. Thanks for the lovely words!

  12. Kim, how were you able to keep this secret?!! I would have to shout it from the rooftops. You must be so proud of your beautiful daughters. They are so pretty and I was able to hear like one second of their song and their voices are wonderful. How exciting for them (and you & hubby) to be able to do this together. I remember my cousin and I singing duets (we thought we were so special!) and it was all for fun, but I remember the feeling of accomplishing something with a person you care about. I am so happy for the girls and wish them many good things..Happy Weekend, my friend..xxoJudy

    1. Judy, it was not easy to keep quiet. I wanted to shout it out to the world for a long time. Thank you for all the lovely words, we have been overwhelmed with kindness and it really means a lot. As a little girl, I too used to sing with my cousins. We would put on shows and dance around. We even made my poor little brother part of the act...oftentimes against his will!! Fun times. Of course when I sing now, it isn't nearly as cute!! xoxo

  13. Congrats to your family! These things are always family affairs!
    I just downloaded the song and will be adding it to my favorite playlist. Very beautiful girls keep the hits coming

    1. Oh Cyndy, thank you, the girls will be so excited to hear that you enjoy the music! And thank you for the kind comment, big smiles over here!! 😊

  14. How exciting for you! They sound great! Having just watched the finale of both The Voice and American Idol after watching the whole season, I can see how exciting and fun the whole adventure must be. Keep us posted on their success :-)

    1. Thanks so much, AnnMarie! It has been quite an adventure for sure. Thanks for the sweet words and I will share news!

  15. How wonderfully exciting! Congratulations to your daughters! The song is amazing, I love it! This is a great kind of busy to be! Love and hugs and here's hoping there are many more busy days helping them get their career going full-time!

    1. Benita, you are super sweet!! Thank you so much. We've had a lot of fun so far...

  16. Wow, your girls are so talented. So excited for you. I saw that they went to Wood Stock Recording studio. I am from New Paltz area and I know Woodstock very well. My brother is a well known studio muscian, he played with Van morrison for years and continues to produce lots of music. He did lots of recording sat the Wood Stock Recording Studio. His name is John Platania you can Wikepedia him he is quite well known. Small World.

    1. Maria, it IS a small world. That's amazing. Your brother is quite talented, we googled him and checked out his Wikipedia page. The girls are very familiar with Van Morrison, I play his music in the house all the time. It's so cool to learn that your brother played on some of the albums. We loved Woodstock, the girls recorded at Dreamland studio. I think it actually may have been in Hurley. Woodstock was a trip to visit though, a lot to take in. While I'm a HUGE music fan, my favorite stop was HomeGoods. You can take the girl out of her home, but you can't take that love of home decor out of the girl! 😉 Thanks so much the kind words and for sharing...really neat stuff!!

  17. Congrats Kim on your lovely daughter's success. I know you are a proud mama. I do like to keep busy as well. Have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend.

    1. Thank you, Linda. Busy is good. It keeps me out of trouble!

  18. Oh how very exciting!!!! And your daughters are gorgeous. Like you, I need to always be busy...BUT since retiring (twice...2005 and 2016) and now my grands getting older I do find myself slowing down AND I DON'T LIKE IT VERY MUCH!!!! If I don't have a project going or something to do I about go cra-cra!!! One reason why I took up blogging again. Congrats to your daughters and I do wish them all the luck in the world!

    1. Cheri, you are just too kind, thank you so much! You sound like my mom, she retired twice as well. Sitting did not sit well with her, either. I need to be busy, or I go stir crazy, too. Right now we're in the middle of a bathroom remodel. It's keeping me busy, too!!

  19. Congratulations to your girls Kim! They deserve all the best they are both so talented. And it is ok if you have less time, anything for the girls!

    1. Thank you so much, Mary!! And yes, it's all about the kids right now and that's the way it should be!

  20. Hello Dear Friend,
    Congratulations. I am so excited for your family and the girls. I love the song.
    High Fives from Wisconsin!!
    Keep us posted.
    Lots of Love,

    1. Thanks so much, Carla!! It’s been a long time coming. It feels good to be able to finally share it. Love to you my friend!

  21. I am so proud of your beautiful daughters, Kim, and I've never even met them!! Your older daughter looks JUST like you, holy smokes! What an amazing opportunity for them....and for you!! Wishing them much success in their musical career!!!!

    1. Debbie, thank you so much!! It really is an amazing opportunity and they are so grateful for it and soaking it all in. It would've been cool if we could've visited you when we were in Woodstock. Maybe next time...we can hit HomeGoods together. 😉

  22. Wow, just listened. They are great! Hope you are enjoying their success after all the hard work they put in, and momma too!

    Tracy Summer

    1. Thank so much, Tracy! I am smiling from ear to ear whenever I hear that song being played. It's wonderful!

  23. Congrats Kim to your daughters and they sound so good. Even though you have been so busy with your daughters you must be so proud of them. I wish them success with their singing.

    1. Thank you, Julie! I am very proud of them, as you can imagine. I’m also a teeny tiny bit proud of me…driving in the city is no picnic and I can’t believe how often I do it now. Of course, I still can’t parallel park!! Ha!!

  24. I just assumed you were busy in general; never associated anything with your girls! I follow them on IG and was delighted to hear about their success. They are both so beautiful, too. :-) I am off to go listen to their single...congratulations!

    1. Thank you so much, Melanie! I have to say, I do enjoy being busy, but this has been a little nutty. I have to say it happened at a good time though, right after my mom passed away. It was a great distraction for sure.

  25. I am listening! Just beautiful. Love their music and their voices.

    1. Big smiles and hearts over here, Melanie!! Thank you!! 😊❤️

  26. Wowee, wow, wow! How exciting! Congratulations to the beautiful Kelly and Kat on their fantastic song. I'm a new subscriber to their channel and will enjoy keeping up with their progress. How blessed they are to have a mama like you! Hugs, Nancy

    1. Thank you so much, Nancy!! It's been a very neat experience all the way around. Of course the pretty music is the icing on the cake...that and all the lovely comments and kind words! Hugs!!

  27. OMW Kim their voices are incredible. Goosebump stuff all the way. REally, really stunning. Congratulations to them and may this be the first of many, many more

    1. Thanks so much, Michelle! It gives me the same feelings! I'm glad to know it's not just because they're my kids. ☺️

  28. Wow...that is totally amazing. I know you are proud.
