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How To Grow Grass Indoors

April 05, 2019

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Grow grass indoors in tiny pots for a cottage style or farmhouse kitchen decor accessory.

It's super easy to get started and it doesn't take a green thumb to keep it alive.

Grass In Pots

Years ago, I was at Ikea and found the cutest little galvanized tubs.

They came three in a pack for something silly, like seventy nine cents.

I fell in love, bought a package, planted grass in each one and popped them on my windowsill making the whole kitchen feel fresh.

Now we all know I'm not the best gardener, but even I couldn't kill grass.

Plus it came up quickly and even better, when it got too long, I gave them all haircuts.

How fun is that?

Well, after a few years, I lost track of those sweet mini buckets.

Every now and then I would drag my husband through Ikea, hoping to find them again, but Ikea merchandise comes and goes and, unfortunately for me, those buckets went. (Ps- in 2023, they're back!)

I've hunted high and low for similar metal buckets over the years, with no luck...but...about a week ago, I  found a few tubs that were very close.

I couldn't believe it.

Mini Galvanized Bucket in hand

They were tiny enough to fit well in the space and oblong, which was actually a better shape for my newly trimmed windowsill. The only drawback was the price. They were about $3 each.

Now, I know that doesn't sound like a lot, but compared to my Ikea price, it was a lot. However, with coupons in hand, I bit the bullet and got out for about six bucks.

I brought them home and began planting immediately.

How To Plant Grass In Pots

To start, I gathered my supplies.

The small tins pots - like these or these 2x2 galvanized pots...a better bargain than mine. 

Indoor potting soil, a plastic spoon, a few pebbles and grass seed were all I needed.

A note about the grass seed, it comes in many varieties. My yard is full sun, and so is my windowsill, so that's what I opted for.

If you have a shady spot, you might want to grab a seed bred for that exposure.

Supplies For Planting Grass Indoors

I tossed a few pebbles on the bottom of each galvanized mini tub for drainage since there were no holes in them, like I did when I made my sweet thrift store planters and my recycled tea tin planters.

I could've easily popped a few in, but I didn't really want water dripping all over the place every time I watered them. So I went with the pebbles. Again.

Small tin pots with pebbles in the bottom on each near a bag of grass seed

Next, I added the same potting mix I used when I transplanted my mini grocery store roses, a full layer of seeds for thick growth, and then I covered them up with more soil.

I watered them ~ and crossed my fingers that my pots wouldn't leak ~ and set them in a sunny spot.

Grass Seed Sprouts in small tin pots

Thankfully, the pots didn't spring leaks and in a few short days, I had the glimmer of grass!

I love quick and easy results.

Grass growing in three small metal tins

The grass grew pretty steadily and in no time, I had three little tubs full of long, lush, green grass, ready to decorate my kitchen.

Of course, I don't like mess, so everyone got a haircut before I placed them in the window.

Farmhouse Kitchen Windowsill with grass growing in metal tins

They look so perfect perched behind my farmhouse faucet and skirted sink...and even though it's still winter coat weather outside, they make it feel like a warm and sunny spring day inside.

Best of all, with a sprinkle water a few times a week and the appropriate amount of sun for my seed choice, this grass will keep on growing despite my mud colored thumb. It's that hearty.

Yes, yes, those teeny tubs cost me a little more than I wanted to spend, but I think the results have made that mini pot splurge totally worth it.

And you can be sure that this time, I won't lose track of them.

How To Grow Grass Inside For Kitchen Decor
How do you feel about grass growing inside?

Happy Gardening, Friends!

how to grow grass indoors, growing grass indoors, how to grow grass in a pot,
Author: Kim @ Exquisitely Unremarkable
Estimated cost: $10

How To Grow Grass Indoors

Grow grass indoors to decorate your home. It's easy to grow it in pots with these quick and easy tips.


  • Grass seed
  • Small containers 
  • Potting Soil
  • Rocks for drainage
  • Water


  • Spoon or shovel
  • Scissors


  1. Spread a few pebbles on the bottom of the pot or tiny galvanized tub for drainage
  2. Add potting soil with a spoon
  3. Sprinkle a few seeds on top of the soil
  4. Cover the seeds with more potting soil
  5. Add a bit of water
  6. Place the pots in a sunny spot and water them gently when the soil begins to get dry


If your pots have holes for drainage you don't need the pebbles
You can lightly mist the grass rather than watering with a cup or can
Use scissors to trim the grass when it gets unruly and too long
Created using Craft Card Maker
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  1. Love this idea! Thanks!

    1. Thanks so much, Jeanine! I was excited to have them back on my windowsill again!

  2. Just darling. They would look cute with some colored eggs nested in them at Easter.

    1. I totally agree, Lorri! I think I have a few decoupaged ones in my craft closet that will fit!

  3. How adorable, Kim!! I never thought of growing grass indoors, but it looks so cute on your windowsill!

    1. Thanks Debbie! And even I can’t kill grass! 😉

  4. Great idea Kim! I'm sure those do look fresh & pretty on your windowsill & when I think about throwing away some little galvanized mini tubs b/c I couldn't figure out what to do with them! Head slap! Oh well...can't save everything, right?

    1. It's always the things we toss that we decide we need...happens to me all the time!

  5. Now, go toss some Easter eggs in there! and maybe a tiny porcelain rabbit or two! How delightful.

    1. Thanks Barb! Great idea...and very festive!!

  6. These are cute. I have to agree that you need some little Easter eggs or bunnies hanging out in the grass.
    Have a great weekend.

    1. I need to get decorating right away…eggs and bunnies in the grass, coming right up!!

  7. These are darling, Kim. This is one of those projects I keep meaning to do--thanks for the reminder!

    1. It's so easy, Cecilia and it looks so sweet in the kitchen. I hope you'll share it when you do it. 😊

  8. They are so cute! I bet even I could keep grass alive. :)

  9. Those are the most adorable little buckets! I'd buy them, too, even without knowing what in the world I'd use them for.
    I have to admit, when I first read your post title I immediately thought you were growing sod in preparation for spring yard care! lol

    1. Sod is good, Audra…my kids and their friends were joking around with me that people were going to think I was talking about something totally different! 😉 Teenagers...

  10. What a fantastic idea for Spring. :-) I am pinning.

    1. Oh I love being pinned, Carla!! I bet your grass would be greener... 😉

  11. I never thought of growing grass inside like this! Love this idea. Your window seal looks so pretty and fresh with the pretty green grass.

    1. Thanks Linda! I love the color and the idea of a tiny garden on my windowsill. It makes me smile.

  12. I think those are just too cute and a great idea! Something I've never understood though is why grass will grow on concrete and not in my yard where there is dirt?! Frustrating! Maybe growing some inside will ease my frustration! I love it! Love and hugs!

    1. Ha!! I hear you Benita...and this is one way to have the grass growing only where you want it!! xo

  13. Hi Kim, oh wow I love the way those buckets with the grass looks so stinking cute! I will have to visit a dollar store around here for something similar and plant grass. It looks great in the kitchen and plus so easy to plant!
    Hope you have a nice week.

    1. Thanks Julie! I think the little pots really make the whole look. And it's a plant even I can manage to grow. xo

  14. How cute. You could actually glue some felt on the bottom to keep them from rusting or leaking on the windowsill. I agree, some tiny eggs and a chick or bunny for Easter. Dollar Tree had some miniatures and a three pack with a tiny rabbit.

    1. What a great idea!! I actually have a ton of felt and that's very smart. It will keep my windowsill looking fresh, too. Thanks!!

  15. Awww Kim, what a lovely way to bring Spring inside. I was wondering, does it smell like you mowed the lawn when you give them their haircut?

    1. Thanks Michelle! They do smell the tiniest bit. Just enough to make me smile, but not enough to make me sneeze. Perfect!!

  16. Kim, I just love this idea. Your kitchen window looks so pretty and Eastery..Happy Monday..xxoJudy

    1. Thanks Judy! It's a very fresh look, for sure.

  17. I think I'll share this with my granddaughter. She is having her room redone for her 13th birthday and recently told me should would like to have some plants in her room. This looks like something she could handle:) We used to grow grass seeds in egg shells at Easter time in my 2nd grade classroom...the kids always laughed when we talked about giving them haircuts!!! Thanks for dropping by my blog and leaving a comment. I always love to "chat."

    1. This is the greatest "plant", Cheri. It's foolproof to grow and I love those haircut days. My kids are always asking if it's ok to trim it. Never-ending fun...

  18. Fantastic idea! Very beautiful tulips. Hugs Kim.

  19. I just love it ❤️ I planted grass seed in the last 3 days and already got grass growing up in my plant's just amazing how fast it grows... Here's a tip of what dirt I used it's outside in the garden just dig up dirt and put in the pot i used this outside dirt and it grew in less than 2 to 3 days

    1. Amber! Thank you!! I just followed your suggestion and used the dirt from the yard and yes, it grew right away!! Thanks for the tip, especially since I can't get to the store for potting soil now. Awesome!

  20. Such a beautiful idea. Anything that’s green and growing brings joy. Thanks from Australia :)
