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Easy Full Length Apron DIY

April 12, 2019

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Whip up a full length apron from a kitchen dish towel in no time flat.

Try this quick sew or no sew DIY with my easy instructions.

Dish Towel To Apron DIY

Several weeks ago, I was in HomeGoods and spotted the cutest embroidered bunny dish towel.

Its delicate ball fringe and ridiculously low price made it impossible to resist.

I knew immediately I was going to be able to do something special with it.

Embroidered Bunny Tea Towel With Ball Fringe

However, I never even thought about the second towel. I barely even noticed it until I got home.

It just came in the pack.

Well, once I was finished crafting with towel number one, my attention quickly turned to number two.

It was much less ornate than its mate.

No embroidery, no spring colors, it was a rather plain, flat cotton fabric with brown bunnies.

Easter Bunny Dish Towel With Ball Fringe

It still had that darling fringe though, so I knew it could also be fabulous given the chance.

As I was trying to figure out what to do with it, I held it up in front of myself and the lightbulb went on.


It was the perfect material, washable, the perfect size and I knew I could whip one up in a jiffy with some ribbon and supplies from my craft cabinet.

So I got to work.

First, I needed a pattern. I didn't have one handy, but what I did have was an old apron I loved. I placed it on top of the kitchen towel and they were the same exact size.

Now, I had a pattern. Check.

Old Checked apron over Bunny Towel As Pattern

Next, I folded both the towel and the apron in half, so it would be easier to cut and it would ensure symmetry.

Keep in mind, I had the backside of the towel facing out.

Using An Old Apron As A Pattern For A New One

I drew a line, in pencil, on the towel, tracing the shape of the "pattern" apron.

This was the only place I would need to cut. I love easy projects...

How To Make A Full Apron From A Towel using old apron as pattern

I grabbed my handy dandy Fiskars sewing scissors(the best!) and I started cutting on my pencil line.

My scissors are very old, but super sharp since I hide them and never let anyone cut anything but fabric with them.

In the future I could get them sharpened if necessary, but I picked these up back in the late 1990s and they're still pristine.

Cutting Away Towel To make Apron

Once the fabric had been cut, I folded it over about 1/2" and creased it with my finger.

I could've ironed it, to keep the crease in place, but the material was stiff and it stayed on its own.

A solid fold makes sewing much easier.

Folding over towel edge to make seam

And that was the next step. I needed to finish the edges so the fabric would not run or fray.

It also just looks better that way.

For me, sewing is the easiest way to achieve this.

However, if you're not a seamstress, you can use a fusible iron on webbing or a fabric glue.

Sewing Apron Seams

With the seams completed, I had the base of my apron.

Now I needed something to keep it around my waist and my neck. I opted for ribbon, since I already had tons of it on hand.

Again, using my old green apron as my pattern, I measured out ribbon and pinned it to the waist area of the towel and stitched it on.

This is another place you could use glue.

Adding A Waist Tie To An Apron With Pins

I was going to use a ribbon tie around the neck, as well, but I really liked the way my old apron fit securely.

It had rings, so it never untied and fell off, there wasn't any annoying or painful knot to deal with and it was adjustable based on what I was wearing ~ turtleneck or tee.

Add A Pair Of Rings To Apron Neck

I had never used rings before, but turns out, they were easy to install.

I just looped the ribbon through both of them and sewed it onto the apron/ towel.

Then I stitched the long ribbon piece on the other side and I was done.

Sew Ribbon on and Thread it through the rings Text

I have to say, I was (and actually still am) pretty impressed with the way my apron turned out.

It's very comfortable, it fits well and was unbelievably simple to make ~ one cut, two rings and a few quick stitches.

Full Size Bunny Apron From A Kitchen Towel DIY

And I've got another basic project that looks high end because of that darling trim.

Trim that was already on the kitchen towel when I bought it.

But nobody has to know that except you.

And me.

And I'm not telling.

From kitchen towel to Apron get the easy DIY text

Will you?

Kim Signature

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  1. Adorable. It would look cute hanging from a fun hook in your kitchen when not in use.

    1. I agree, Lorri! Utilitarian fashion and decor all in one. Awesome!

  2. Hi Kim, WOW, you made the cutest apron using the nice towel. You are so creative and I love that you used up both the towels. I love the tutorial on how to make one. You make it look so easy.
    Have a nice Friday and weekend.
    Julie xo

    1. Thanks Julie! I was actually surprised that the second towel was different. I really thought there were two of the same in the pack and this one was perfect for an apron!

  3. Oh my gosh Kim this is awesome. I am very impressed with your crafty do self. This apron is too adorable. I saw those towels at Home Goods too. They have some really sweet ones this year. Happy Friday and have a great weekend.

    1. Thanks Kris! I’m getting better with age! Well, at least when it comes to sewing. 😜

  4. That is so adorable. I love aprons and use them everyday.

    1. Thanks Betty! I have to say, I'm a big apron fan, too. There's something so charming about cooking with one on.

  5. OMG you seriously amaze me, lady!!! That's adorable, and only you would think of it!!

    1. Thanks so much, Debbie! Your comments always make me smile big!! ❤️

  6. Kim, your apron is quite cute. I love the bunnies. Crafty and so creative.

    1. Thanks so much, Linda. I love wearing it...

  7. Kim, I tell you what, you think of the best ideas. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Thank you, Carla! What a lovely thing to say...

  8. Kim, I love this! And pretty darn clever of you to create that beauty! It is so pretty and a great buy! A true two-fer and you know how much I love those! Have a great weekend! Love and hugs!

    1. Thanks Benita! It was a super lucky find. Gotta love HomeGoods!!

  9. That is so cute! You are so creative!

  10. So cute and perfect for Easter and spring. Love the idea of the ribbon ties and the rings. Looks super nice!

    1. Thanks Barb! I was hesitant to add the rings, I thought they'd be hard to do, but turns out it was a snap. I would highly recommend that method and tell anyone who wants to try it, to do so!! If I can do it, anyone can.

  11. What!?!?!?! That came from a towel! I can't believe how simple this project was to complete. The D-rings around the neck is a great idea. My daughter has a kid's sized apron and I'm forever tying knots in the neck loop to keep the front from slouching down. A D-ring would solve that in a jiffy. You'll have the cutest apron to wear when serving Easter dinner!

    1. Audra, it was so simple and while I was a little nervous about the rings, they were the easiest part of the whole project. And you're right, it fits so much better this way.

  12. Oh, I loved this post! First of all, I love bunnies...they make me think of someone very special that I lost. And I also love aprons. A few Christmases ago my DIL gave my granddaughter and me matching monogrammed aprons. I have always taught my g'daughter to cook and we love to cook together:) I also have a precious apron (very very homespun) that belonged to my husband's grandmother (and he thought she hung the sun, moon, stars, and all the planets!) Then my husband also gave me an apron with CHERI and cherries monogrammed on the front:) Cheri is my grandmother name:) Thanks for reminding me of two things I love...and for coming by my blog:)

    1. I'm glad I could make you think of some happy things! Aprons make me feel nostalgic, too...

  13. Whau indeed!! I have been thinking about making an apron but I think and think and it never gets done. You make one in a blink of an eye!! :) They should have those "whau" icons here like they have in facebook. I love it Kim!! Thanks for the inspiration.

    1. The towel was an easy shortcut, Angela, especially since it had that cute fringe!

  14. Ahhhhhhhh those pom poms and those bunnies, LOVE!!!! And how awesome that the dish towel was exactly the right size for your apron. It seems like it was meant to be

  15. That is so cute! I have never thought of using a kitchen towel to make an apron.

    1. Thanks!! It just came to me, Linda. I'm sure it's been done before by more talented people, but it didn't dawn on me until I pulled it up in front of me.

  16. Hi Kim...wasn't sure if my comment went through so I tried a test. Lately I've had to sign in under my website. Strange. Let me kn ow if you got my original comment.

    1. It went through Jane!! Thanks for trying, I always love hearing from you.

  17. That is so cute, Kim! I love aprons and wear them a lot. I even wear them when I'm crafting. Home Goods always has the cutest dish towels.

    Happy Spring!

    1. Aprons have become my new obsession, Carol!!

  18. Hi Ms. Amazing: Where do you come up with these ideas??!! I can't even surmise that a dish towel would be big enough for a full apron. You are a wonder my dear and it is beautiful..Happy Easter to you and yours..xxoJudy

    1. Judy, you're so sweet!! I really had no idea what I was going to do with it, but when I held it up to me, it just seemed right.

  19. I think this is great and simply perfect for this Spring season.

    All the best Jan

  20. I will never look at kitchen towels the same way. This is adorable and VERY creative. I don’t use aprons when I cook and if you saw my attire you’d know why. I do, however, wear them when at the pottery wheel, and I have ribbon and rings too. So watch for some serious comp coming your way 😉.

    1. Oh, your apron wearing sounds like way more fun than cooking. I hate cooking, but pottery, wow, I could really get into that!!

  21. Oh this DIY is very cute
    our mom likes bunnies too.
    Going to share this with my
    sister she sews quilts too.
    Linda C in Seattle

    1. Thanks so much, Linda!! I'm sure that someone who really sews could make an even more fabulous apron with even more pretty embellishments. 😊

  22. What a cute apron now so easy to

    1. Thanks Maria! It was super easy and I don't make clothes!

  23. I adore this! Thanks so much for sharing this tutorial;)

    1. Oh, I'm so happy you like it!! Thanks for sharing that with me!!

  24. Super easy pattern. Just curious - would the cutout (leftover or scraps) part have been big enough for a pocket?

    1. Great question. I just pulled it out of the drawer to peek and I'd say that the scraps from one side might made a small shallow pocket. However if you used the scraps from both sides you could probably fashion a very functional pocket out of them. Food for thought for next time, for sure!! Thanks so much!
