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Dollar Store Daisy Wreath DIY

May 16, 2018

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Whip up this cheap and easy Dollar Store Daisy Wreath in no time and for about six bucks. Plus it can do double duty as a candle ring.

Check out the super simple DIY.

Yellow Floral Candle Ring on table

So spring has finally shown up, unfortunately the sun has not. It's been raining here for several days and the forecast doesn't look any different for the next week or so. Bummer.

That's ok, I decided to make my own sunshine...and for about six bucks.

Take that, Mother Nature.

A few years ago, I made a dollar store snowflake wreath. While I thought it was cute, I didn't think it was anything to write home about, but as it turns out, that wreath is consistently one of my most popular posts.

People really like the simplicity of it. They also really like the detailed instructions.

So when the idea to make this cheerful wreath popped into my head, I figured I'd post about it.

And add it to my collection of spring and summer wreath DIYs.

It may not super original and pretty self explanatory, but I began Exquisitely Unremarkable to encourage beginners to DIY and non-crafters to craft, so here it is.

I hope it brightens your day!

How To Make A Dollar Store Daisy Wreath

I used five bushels of yellow Gerbera daisies from the dollar store. The didn't have them in the store, but I was able to use their ship free to store feature.

I would like to say that it was a great experience, but it was not.

Yellow Dollar Store Daisies

First of all, I received an email saying my flowers had arrived and after a twenty minute drive to the store, I was told, nope.

Not there...truck doesn't come until Thursday and this happens all the time.

I spent forty five minutes on hold to get a customer service rep who apologized, said she would expedite my case, try to track down my flowers and call me back within twenty four hours.

Yeah, it's been months and I still haven't heard from them.

I did however receive another email saying my flowers were REALLY at the store about a week later.  But they really weren't. They were at ANOTHER STORE, a few miles down the road.

In the end, I got my flowers, but it was an aggravating process and I should've spent the few bucks to have them sent to my home.

Lesson learned...and you've been warned. 

The Supplies:

As I said, I grabbed 5 bunches of daisies.

While I was at the store for pick up, I grabbed a foam ring. I had a glue gun and glue sticks at home.

The process of making the wreath? So easy.

I think it took me about ten minutes start to finish.

Step 1: I plucked the flowers from the stems.

No tricks or tools required, a quick pull and they seperated. 

Green Foam Wreath

Step 2: I poked the plastic part of the stem into the foam.

Again, nothing fancy needed, I just pushed the flowers into the wreath form.

Yellow flower stem with arrow pointing to where you should apply glue before adding it to wreath

Step 3: Glue the flowers in place.

When I had all my flowers poked in and in position, I went back with a glue gun, pulled the flowers out of their holes, one at a time, added a bit of glue to the stem and put them back in the hole.

Now, I know the wreath looks anemic at this point, but wait, it gets better.

Yellow Daisy Wreath in process

Step 4: Add more flowers.

I repeated the exact same process that I used on the front (or top) of the wreath form, on the side...all the way around.

Poke, set spacing, remove, glue and pop back in.

Yellow daisy wreath flowers added to foam

Once the front and sides had flowers, it was much fuller and looked beautiful.

Step 5: Add greenery.

To add a little more interest, I took a few of the green leaves from the stems and glued them to the back on the wreath, directly to the flowers.

Dollar Store Flower Wreath in process getting fuller

The rain prohibited me from going outside to add it to my front door, so I played around with it inside.

Besides being stunning on my red kitchen wall...

Yellow Daisy Wreath

...I also realized that it would make a fabulous floral candle ring if laid flat. With small flowers you could even make your own taper candle rings.

How pretty would this look with a glass hurricane placed in the center?

Yellow Floral Candle Ring on table

So of course, I tried it and I fell in love.

Floral Daisy Candle Ring DIY

Hmmm. I may have to make another one, now.

One for the wall, one for the table.

Sunshine in every room.

Regardless of the forecast. 😉


Easy Wreaths and Door Decor
12 Months of Front Door Decor

Floral Candle Rings

DIY Floral Candle Rings
Kim Signature

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  1. Oh my gosh this is adorable. Gotta love the dollar store. You are so creative and this is really cute and full of sunshine.
    Have a great rest of the week.

    1. Thanks Kris! It was such an easy one to make. Getting the flowers was the most difficult part of the process! Sheesh! Enjoy your week, too!

  2. It certainly is a ray of sunshine Kim. Love it!

    1. Thanks so much, Jann! You can see if from every room in the house, so bright!

  3. Pretty! Love the bright yellow against the red. I have a wreath in the making that I will post about after the front door is painted, that has to wait for the window glazing to step at a time!

    1. Red and yellow are one of my favorite color combos, AnnMarie and I can't wait to see with you have up your sleeve with that door! It sounds so pretty...

  4. You know know how I feel about wreaths, but I actually really love this one! Am I going to make it? No LOL But it's really cute and makes me smile, just like you, my sweet friend :)

    love to you,

    1. It's super simple, Rue, and your comment made me smile! 🙂Thank you!

  5. Hi Kim, oh I just love this pretty flower wreath you made. It's just perfect for spring and summer!
    By the way wishing that it felt like spring here! Maybe June?? LOL.
    Take care and enjoy the rest of the week and weekend.

    1. Thanks!! And I hope it shows up eventually, Julie. I am starting to worry that spring and summer are going to be dreary months, too. I hope not!!

  6. Replies
    1. Thanks Cecilia! I needed a little mood booster!

  7. It is raining here too, on and on. What an interesting year it’s been, weather wise. That’s a very cute wreath! Very cheerful!

    1. Thanks so much. I have to say those silly flowers really have brightened things up and it has been an interesting year...I agree.

  8. Very pretty and fun. Great job.

    1. Thanks so much, Lorri. It was fun to craft something so bright and cheerful.

  9. Something about YELLOW that always cheers me up!
    Looking “purdy” Kim!

    1. I totally agree, Lynne...and it worked! Now I have sunshine, despite the rain.

  10. That is adorable. And versatile.

    1. Thanks so much! I like dual purpose items!

  11. So pretty and cheerful too! That's a bummer about your ship to store experience. And can you send that rain my way? We're having record breaking heat and we're entering a drought. Insert big eye roll here. That's Houston for ya. :)

    1. I would love to send the rain to you, Lisa!! It's been going on for too long now and it's dragging down my mood. I will say that it seems to be keeping the pollen down though, so that's the silver lining. Always a silver lining, right? ☺️

  12. So pretty!!!!! I still want to make your geranium wreath for my house....some day!!

    1. Thanks Debbie! And you should...all my wreaths are so easy, otherwise I would never make them either!!

  13. Despite all the drama in actually getting the flowers, the wreath turned out great!

    1. Thanks Debbie! Honestly getting those silly flowers was the most difficult part of this project, by far!! Lesson learned!

  14. Nice and bright .. perfect after this long WINTER!!

    1. Thanks Carla!! And I know…this winter just would not quit. Spring is really not here in full yet, either. I wish it would hurry up!!

  15. isn't SIMPLE just beautiful! xo

  16. Love the wreath.

    Thank you for visiting my Blog. We hope to see you again soon.

    God bless.

    1. Thanks so much, Victor! It was kind of you to come by...

  17. Replies
    1. Thanks so much, Penny! It's a definite mood lifter. 😊

  18. Kim, wow, money isn't everything, is it? This wreath looks about a million bucks! Seriously!! I think it should stay on your kitchen wall, it is just stunning against the red. I didn't even know that you could order from the $$ store on line. Good to know. Sometimes the simplest little thing equals really big beautiful!!..Have a wonderful weekend..xxoJudy

    1. Thanks Judy! It really is super full and bright. Unbelievable for a few bucks. Enjoy the weekend!!

  19. So pretty and sunny. Perfect for summer!

    1. Thanks Kristi. I’m forcing spring and summer for six bucks! 😉

  20. you did a great job!! :) Looks wonderful! :) I love my local dollar store for essentials etc that are half the price of the grocery store down the street. I have gotten used to pricing out what to buy there first ( Toilet paper!! 5.00 for Charmin or 8.59? No contest :)

    1. Our store has come a long way, Deb. It was so good for crafts, but not much more. Now they're always adding new stuff.

  21. Your wreath just makes me smile:) I had a very similar experience back in March with WalMart!!! Won't go into all the torrid details but twice they canceled my order and told me that I HAD CANCELED it!!! And I had not. Told I would receive it, then told not, then told get the picture. I finally told them to forget it and I ordered from Amazon. I will NOT order from WM again!!!

    1. Thanks Cheri! And I totally understand your frustration. What a mess. The gas to and from the store, the time on the lines, the aggravation of the conversations. I won't deal with it again, either. Amazon all the way.

  22. Such a darling idea Kim, making your own sunshine, I love it! We have had days of sunshine here, but today it was a rainy day, but I'm actually thankful for the rain because it was already getting kind of dry here. But... I adore the wreath you created... so fun, easy, and Amazing! You always share the best ideas, and I love how you write :) Hopefully you get those warm sunshiny days soon :)

    1. Thanks for all the sweet words, Marilyn!! It’s been raining here for days with no end in sight, meanwhile you’re the second person to say that their area needs rain. You think that Mother Nature would be better at spreading it around!! 😉

  23. Very cute and simple wreath to make! I like this idea, especially as the candle ring! Hmm... shopping I may go... thank you!

    1. Thanks so much! I love this one, too. Double duty at the Dollar Tree!
