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The Secret To Southern Charm Book Review

April 03, 2018

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Have you read The Secret To Southern Charm, by Kristy Woodson Harvey?

It's good one. Here's why...

The Secret To Southern Charm

I've always thought that summer is the best time of the year.

So much to love...sandy walks at sunrise, afternoons floating in the pool and hot, starlit nights on the covered porch are my favorite.

Of course, right now my backyard is still covered in snow, but a girl can dream, can't she?

Fake it till you make it is what I always say.

Actually, to help myself really get into the spirit of things, I took it up a notch this weekend and we went to the beach.

We shopped, took in the salt air and I even did a little summer reading.

The Secret To Southern Charm Book Review
Kristy generously sent me a copy of her book.

Yup. My good friend Kristy Woodson Harvey just released her new book, The Secret To Southern Charm and it's fabulous.

If you've followed me for a while, then you know I am a huge fan.

Loved her from the start.

Did you read her last book, Slightly South Of Simple?

Well, this is the sequel. I couldn't wait to get my hands on it and it doesn't disappoint. The characters, the storyline, the delicious southern setting...

I'll be honest with you, I'm not great with book reviews. I'm always afraid I'll give away too much, so I'll let the book do the talking itself.

{From the back cover}

After finding out her military husband is missing in action, middle sister
Sloane’s world crumbles as her worst nightmare comes true. She can barely
climb out of bed, much less summon the strength to be the parent her children deserve.

Her mother, Ansley, provides a much-needed respite as she puts her
personal life on hold to help Sloane and her grandchildren wade through
their new grief-stricken lives.

But between caring for her own aging
mother, her daughters, and her grandchildren, Ansley’s private worry is
that secrets from her past will come to light.

But when Sloane’s sisters, Caroline and Emerson, remind Sloane that no
matter what, she promised her husband she would carry on for their young
sons, Sloane finds the support and courage she needs to chase her biggest
dreams—and face her deepest fears.

Taking a cue from her middle daughter,
Ansley takes her own leap of faith and realizes that, after all this time,
she might finally be able to have it all.

Makes you want to start reading right away, doesn't it?

Well, you actually can!

The Secret To Southern Charm is being released all over today.

You can get your hot little hands on a copy right now.

The Secret To Souther  Charm Book Review and Giveaway

How cool is that?

A good read for summer.

To get you in the mood for summer.

That's my kind of book.

Will you be grabbing a copy?

Have you read Kristy's other books?

Slightly South Of Simple
Lies And Other Acts Of Love

Kim Signature

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  1. Well you have me interested . . .
    I am going to read her Slightly South of Simple
    just in case I am a winner of The Secret of Southern Charm . . .
    Thanks Kim . . . for the possibility . . .

    1. Lynne, I like the way you think!! 😊

  2. Because my heart is in the south with my oldest and my heart is with you as well, sign me up!! xo Margs

    1. Summer is coming! She'll be home soon. Until then you are entered and maybe you will be "southbound" if only in words. xo

  3. Lynne,
    Thank you for all your input.
    Your posts are beautiful and give me hope!

    1. You are too, sweet, thank you so much and you are entered!

  4. See Kim, you like the South! Come visit! We can be 2 Yankees taking in the sights.
    The book does sound interesting. Sign me up for the drawing!

  5. Sounds interesting and now I’m curious. Plus anything that sounds like summer or even warmth will be welcomed on this gray, rainy day!

    1. I am right there with you, Barbara!! Even rain is better in the summer!

  6. agreement that summers are the best! We're still waiting for spring to arrive here in Iowa. Even though the calendar says "April", Mother Nature is sending us snow today. Ugh. This is a new author to me, so I need to jump on that wagon and get her books read! I'd love to read this one on a warm summer night....or a cold spring one! Thanks for the review, Kim!

    1. We had snow yesterday, Kathy. Ugh. I am so over it. Kristy is a wonderful author. I am not generally a fiction reader and I have been swept away by all of her books. Especially this series...Thanks for entering!

  7. This book sounds like a relaxing beach read even though we had 3 inches of snow yesterday. Please put my name in the drawing.

    1. I'm right there with you, Maureen. I'm looking at piles as we speak! You are entered...

  8. I love to read and would love to have another author to support! Thanks for the chance to win. Sounds like a great series, being from a family with four girls I think I can relate.

    1. I am from a family of girls and I have girls, Laura, so you are right, it was super relatable. Sometimes a little too much so! Ha!! You are entered!

  9. Ok Kim you have me intrigued. I think I will have to get Slightly South of Simple to get acquainted with the characters before reading this next one. I am like you a summer girl and I just started to think about starting to get some good reads for summer. Dreaming of being on my lounge chair in the backyard (which right now is a mud pit) and reading away and soaking up sunshine. We midwest girls can dream too. Thanks for the chance Kim. You are so sweet and generous with your giveaways. Have a great week.

    1. Oh Kris, between the mud and the snow, I really am tired of this lingering winter. Time to pack up and move on!! And I love giving things away. It's a great feeling to make someone smile. Isn't it fun to win? You are entered!

  10. There is no snow here by the "rivah" in Virginia, but Spring has yet to take up permanent residence. I love all things southern, and your giveaway certainly fits the bill! Thank you for the opportunity.

    1. I am so happy to be able to give this away, Sandy! You are entered and I hope spring decides to unpack and stay a while in both our neck of the woods!!

  11. That sounds like a fun read & I do like to read when I have time. Sign me up for the giveaway Kim!

    1. You're all signed up, Florence! Good luck!

  12. Kim, we're midst our 2nd snow storm in the last four days. S'posed to stop tomorrow, but then visit again on Sunday and Monday. A book about the South would be a refreshing break.

    1. Oh we're expecting more snow this weekend, too, Cheryl. I am dreaming of the beach more than ever. Stay warm and you're entered!

  13. Hi Kim,
    Thank you for the opportunity.
    And we are in the midst of our 2nd snow storm!! And another on the way! Up to 18 inches in the past two storms. They plan to re open our Cross Country ski trails!

    1. Oh no! I hope you at least get to enjoy the trails!!

  14. Kim, I read her first book (I think it was) and thoroughly enjoyed it. Kind of forgot so thanks for the reminder..Happy Tuesday..xxoJudy

    1. I am not a big fiction reader, Judy, but Kristy has a way of totally charming me with her words!

  15. Sounds interesting. Something that would be a perfect beach read. Now I need to find me a good beach. ;)

    1. Yes! Everyone needs a little beach time.

  16. Yes! I love books... always looking for a new author to read. Thanks for sharing.

  17. Thank you so much, my sweet friend! Your support means the world! xoKristy

    1. It’s truly my pleasure. You’re a very talented writer. Best of luck with the new release! 😊

  18. Sounds like an interesting book! I too would have to read Slightly South of Simple before reading this one. : )

    1. They're both really enjoyable reads, Doris!

  19. Ooh, I love a good fiction book and I don't do nearly enough reading these days. I'd love to win this book and look forward to reading her other books as well!

  20. Well goodness gracious enter me too please:) However, this book is going to the mountains with me!
    Happy Thursday Kim,

    1. You're in, Jemma. And beach or mountain, a vacation read is awesome!

  21. This book looks like the perfect summer beach read Kim! I love these types of books to read while relaxing in the yard, away on vacation or at the beach. Thanks for the chance to win your lovely giveaway.
    Stay warm and enjoy the weekend.
    Julie xo

    1. I'm hoping that this summer read will summon some really warm summer weather!!

  22. Ok, you lost me at ‘sunrise walks’. lol

    I think I would pick that book up for the cover alone. Love me a pretty cover :).


  23. I loved Kristy's first book and would love to read and win her 2nd one too.

  24. Bless you for this chance from the Bluegrass state where we started week with tornado warnings and ending it with a winter storm.. possible four inches. I escape often to the beach through books. This book looks great as well as the first one too and my family calls me queen of candles.. and this one is lovely. Thank you again.

    1. Oh no, this weather has been wicked all over, hasn't it. I hope you are safe and you are entered!

  25. Love all of her books - can’t wait to read this one!

  26. Thank you for your lovely description of Kristy`s book.

  27. On my tbr list, I can’t wait to read it! Thank you for the chance :)

  28. I actually haven't read her first one yet, but I have heard tons of kudos on this one that peacked my interest. So I would love the chance to win this. I love reading and giving reviews on books and tackle a summer reading list every summer. This will be my 3rd or 4th so far...and I love doing this thanks...

    1. I would love to enter you. If you see the response to this comment, please leave me your name and contact info!

    2. Kathleen Rex Infelice

  29. Thank you for the chance. Love South Carolina charm.

  30. Well, I'm not too late for this one! Sounds like a wonderful book to read, and I remember you mentioning the other book that she had written. Our snow here has mostly melted, and everything is a dull brown right now while we wait for green grass and blooms! The season of "springter" not terribly delightful, but necessary! We are getting rain today and tomorrow. I look forward to the days of warmth and sunshine too :) Hugs to you today!

  31. I haven't read her first book but would love to. I was drawn to this cover simply because my name is Kristy, too.

    1. That's as good a reason as any! Good Luck!
