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Before And After: Cottage Style Home Renovation

January 17, 2018

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Take a peek at the before and afters of our 1920's beach cottage renovation.

The house had a lot of charm, we just put our own touch on its classic style.
Before and After A 1920's Cottage Renovation
When it comes to home decor, remodels and DIY, before and afters are always a huge hit.

Everybody wants see that ugly duckling blossom into a beautiful swan.

Unfortunately, when we renovated our 1920's cottage by the sea, I wasn't blogging.

I was teaching preschool with two toddlers in tow, taking care of a new kitten and a one eyed cat, dealing with the contractors who framed the new kitchen, inspectors and delivery people on a daily basis.

And washing the dinner dishes in the bathroom sink.

Taking pictures was not high on the list.

Alas, I've shared many, many after shots, but precious few befores.

Well, all that changes today.

You see over the weekend, we were looking at old photos and I found a ton of house pictures.

Granted, some of them were taken by the woman who bought the house from the original owners back in the 80's ~ we are the third owners of this gem ~ and she did do some minor renovations in between, but you'll get the idea.

We did a lot of work, more than 90% of it was DIY, and today I am going to show you some of it.

Let's start with something colorful shall we?

This is the way the backyard looked before the pool and garden went in.

It was actually full of heavy brush when we bought the place, but my hard working hubby had cleaned most of it away by the time this picture was taken.

The remnants of the old stone barbecue are still there though, way in the corner.

Backyard Pictures From Before The Renovation

The after is my cottage garden in full bloom.

It's amazing that the more features we added to the yard, the larger it began to feel. Funny how that works, isn't it?

Cottage Style Garden surrounding a built in pool

Moving inside the house we can start in the living room.

It's actually the room we fell in love with when we saw the house. Granted it needed a little work, but the whole place oozed charm and we had to have it.

Originally the room was built with knotty pine walls, but at some point they were painted grey.

1920s Summer Cottage Living Room with gray painted paneled walls

The ceiling beams were there from the start, so were the bookcases and that dutch door. See? Charm.

Cottage Living Room With Dutch Door Before Update

Here's the fireplace wall. That dreamy fireplace, we just couldn't resist.

Before Pictures of Cottage Style Living Room stone fireplace

When we moved in, the current owner had painted the grey walls white and covered the wood floors in the entire house with green wall to wall carpet.

Stone Fireplace At Christmas Before Pictures

To make it our own, we painted the walls a creamy, butter yellow, removed the carpet and added the red.

Lots and lots of red.

Cottage Style Living Room With Red Accents

Vintage Photo Collection Display in red wallpaper backed bookshelves

Rustic Cottage Style Living Room With Stone Fireplace

The only very large DIYs in this room involved the doors.

I lost my sweet dutch door that went out to the screened porch, because it was rotted and we added a curved door to the archway, for a little privacy. 

We literally redid every room in the house.

Plus, we enlarged the kitchen, in addition to doubling a driveway, replacing a cesspool, the heating system, the electrical, we added insulation, air conditioning, fencing.

I can't name it all, because I believe I've blocked most of it out, but I'm exhausted just thinking about it.

Like I said, it was a lot.

You can check out the kitchen and the rest of the before tour, if you like right here.

My Cottage Style Fixer Upper Before and After photos
Even though it's not really a surprise.

I mean, you've already seen the afters.

But who can resist a quick peek at those befores?

Here's some more before and afters: 

Decorating Then and Now, My journey to less over a photo of a before and after kitchen
Kim Signature

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  1. Wow, you have really made changes. I like that you have kept but improved the character of the house, I am kind of an old soul and I like when the period details in older houses can be saved. It is fun seeing where your house came from.

    1. We loved all the original features of the house, Lorri. I'm an old house girl, too and the idea of ripping out anything original gave me a stomachache. We kept almost everything, as long as it was functional. I think we actually added more things than we took away.

  2. Kim that fireplace is so dreamy. I think that is the most beautiful focal point in your sweet cottage. You have done a lot to make this place so warm and cozy and beautiful. Love the pool and garden you added to the back yard.
    Have a great week.

    1. Thanks Kris. It's the feature we fell in love with first and we just love sitting in front of it...almost as much as swimming in that pool. 😉

  3. The house is so charming. I can't imagine all of the work you did. Wow!

    1. Thank you, Debra. The builder (back in the 1920's!!) had great style. We wanted to honor that and just update the decor. I hope that's what we've achieved.

  4. Such a huge and beautiful difference you made for the cottage. Of course you added in a lot of love too! Cottages are the best!

    1. Thanks Stacey. We do love this place and it makes me smile to know that is shows. 🙂

  5. This was neat Kim! So fun to see how you have loved on your home. You have kept all of the charm and history and sprinkled it all with spectacular updates!

    1. Thanks Jemma...I love your description of our renovations. It's exactly how I hoped people would see it!

  6. I’m a fan of cottages and I love what you’ve done with yours! Its great to see the befores and I will be back to,see more!

    1. I'm a big fan of cottages, too, Deanna and I peek inside one whenever I get a chance!

  7. Kim, believe me when I say I know where you are coming from. I know the amount of work that goes into making a house a home, and you have certainly done that job beautifully. I'm sorry you had to lose the cottage door but it made a beautiful comeback and that fireplace is a dream come true for those of us that love older houses. You had really good bones to work with and, hooray, that you were able to see that! So many can't and really botch things up! The love you feel for that sweet cottage shows and I can't wait to see the rest of the befores..Happy Wednesday..xxoJudy

    1. Thanks so much, Judy. We really did love the bones of this house and we didn't want to change too much. I am sorry the door had to go. It was so expensive to replace with another dutch because it was a custom size, but I keep dreaming that one day (when everyone's out of college) I may get another one. Fingers crossed!

  8. I love before and afters! I'm so glad you were able to see the charm of this home through it's gray paneling and green carpeting. We've changed a lot in our home since we bought it almost 28 years ago, too. I don't think I'll ever forget the wall-to-wall dark brown cheap scalloped carpeting. ;-)

    1. That wall to wall carpeting is a killer isn't it? I mean in our case, it was protecting beautiful wood floors, but ripping it out was no fun!!

  9. Are the befores your décor or the previous owners? Either way, it was kinda cozy! I do love a good makeover post. I have two places in my house I want to tackle in 2018. Maybe they will pop up on a blog post in the future!

    1. Hi AnnMarie, the before are from the previous owners. The old photo of the fireplace was my Christmas decorations but the old paint and carpet. And I agree I think the house was always cozy.

  10. Replies
    1. Thanks Andy! I know you did your own beautiful transformation!

  11. Before & afters are my favorite. It doesn't even have to be renovations either. I love to see before & afters for organizing or remaking something old.

    1. I’m with you, Jenny…before and afters (even hair and make up makeovers) are always fun! Hope you are feeling well.

  12. Your before & afters are amazing! These old homes (I have one, too) are oozing with charm. Even though they may require a ton of work, it all seems worth it in the end.

    1. I totally agree, Gina…tons of work but so worth it! And your home is oozing with charm, too, definitely!!

  13. WOW!! Amazing. I do love your home, Kim. You have an eye for making something very special. Beautiful Home Sweet Home.

    1. Thanks Carla! We had to live in the house for a bit before it basically told me what it should look like. You know? And with all the renovations we needed to do, I had plenty of time to listen before the time for action came around. 😊

  14. Love your before and afters... what a transformation!

    1. Thanks Debi. It was a ton of work, but a true labor of love…and we love the results. I guess that makes it all worth it, although I don’t think I’d ever want to do it again!

  15. Your fireplace is so pretty, and your cottage always reminds me of the cottage in Bringing Up Baby that really old movie with Catherine Hepburn and Carey Grant. I think that is my favorite "house" in a movie. xoxo Su

    1. Oh Su, I LOVE that movie and that house. You just made my whole day. ❤️

  16. You have done lot of work to bring your house so colorful and attractive. Looks beautiful:)

  17. I enjoyed seeing some of the Befores . . .
    Oh my the work you had ahead of you . . .
    Each day you are enjoying your beautiful Afters . . .

    1. Oh Lynne, the work! We were younger then, not sure if we'd be up to tackling it today! Well…at least not DIY!!

  18. It's amazing. This is really an incredible transformation of the cottage. It is looking beautiful.

  19. every adjective has been used ... (i'm late to the party!)
    but every one is true!
    you deserve that cool drink out by the pool! oh wait. well as soon as it's your favorite season! XOXOXO♥

    1. You can never go wrong with WOW, Tammy!! Can't have too many of those. xo

  20. I love it when people can see past the "What were they thinking?" and have a vision for the possibilities. You've done an amazing job of making your cottage more charming instead of going with trends that would destroy the original charm.

    Stay warm!
    Hugs, Carol

    1. Thanks Carol! Yes, I have to say I agree. I am always amazed when people turn away from homes because of paint or carpet. What? So easily replaced! We are trying to stay warm, Mother Nature is still making it hard!!

  21. Oh my! What a darling cottage! You have done lots....made me go back to when we bought this house....though ours doesn't have the charm yours does....we have done lots over the years.
    Glad you found your to see!

    1. Thanks so much, Nancy! It was fun to look back. I had forgotten I even had these photos and sometimes I forget how much work we actually did…and I never want to do again! Thanks for the visit and the comment. I’m glad you enjoyed the post!

  22. I LOVE THIS!!!! I adore seeing your sweet cottage then and now - it's just such a great little house, I would be able to move right in and settle right into it the way you have it now!! Love, love, love your sweet home, Kim!! xo

    1. Thanks so much, Debbie! It's always fun to peek back. I forget how far we've come. And I feel the same way about your charming home. We definitely have the same style...and lately we have the same weather. Brrrr.

  23. It is amazing to see all the changes. Beautifully done, Kim! Your home is so pretty!

    1. Thanks Maria Elena! We did do a lot of work. Sometimes I forget how much....

  24. The backyard looks amazing now with the pool and flowers. I love the way you painted the walls the light yellow and it's amazing the way it just brightens everything. You are lucky to have done a lot when you moved into your home.
    I am going through a bathroom gut and redo and I can't wait for it to be finished. I'm tired of moping and dusting! LOL.
    Have a nice weekend Kim.
    xo Julie

    1. Thanks Julie. I love looking at those flowers and imagining that it’s summer again. And I hear you with that bathroom reno. I still shudder when I think back. Hope it’s over quickly!! :)

  25. This is an awesome post, Kim! I know how much you love your home, and you have made each and every room your own style. It's so cool to see the before pics---it goes to show that you have always had good taste.

    Someday I may have the time to go through the old pics. You've inspired me. The again, I can barely keep up with the present!!!

    Jane x

    1. Thanks Jane! It was fun to find those pictures, but yes, like you, I’m having trouble managing the present. Ha! If they didn’t fall in my lap they’d still be in that box. Stay warm!

  26. Wonderful post Kim. I always love the before and after photos. You have really transformed your sweet cottage. How fun to look back. Happy Saturday to you.

    1. It was fun to peek back, thanks Linda! I kind of forget how much work we've done sometimes.

  27. I love before and afters! I can't believe how much work you all did. Just reading the list makes me tired. :) What a beautiful transformation. xoxo

    1. I’m tired looking back, too, Lisa!! I’m much happier with the tweaking I do now! xo

  28. A beautiful transformation, my friend. It's got to make you feel so good to go back and review the before pictures and see how much you've accomplished. Well done! Hugs.

    1. So much work, Nancy, but yes, it's good to look back. And fun too since there were a lot of good, sweet memories wrapped up in all that dust. Thank you so much! Hugs.

  29. How wonderfully exciting to find those old pictures so you can show the before and after! It really does give an accomplished feeling to know that you did SO much work, when you can look at before and after and see just how far you came! I am so impressed with all that you did in the backyard too! Wow, that's a lot of work, but oh how wonderful it is to enjoy it all with your children! No, I can't resist before and after pictures, they really paint such an amazing picture that words just can't. Hugs to you today Kim :)

    1. It's funny Marilyn, when I started blogging, I never thought about the before shots. I have mentioned that we did major renovations many times, but I could never show the difference. I'm glad that I found the pictures. It was fun for our family to look back and I'm glad that my readers are enjoying the peek, too! Hugs to you, too!

  30. I love the red in your living room. There is something about the color red that makes my heart happy. Hope you are doing well Kim.

    1. Thank you! It makes me happy, too, Vanessa!

  31. That sneak peek of your yard is gorgeous Kim! And the inside is so beautiful and full of personality. Love the family photos, especially the beautiful one of your mom.

    Hope you and your family are doing well. ❤️

    1. Thank you, Doreen. I am happy I found those pictures. It was fun to peek back. It was a nice distraction.
